Steve Groff Holtwood, PA .

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Steve Groff Holtwood, PA .

Cover Cropsand

Conservation Tillage

Steve GroffHoltwood, PA

Cover CropsCrop rotationPermanent mulch cover

Enhancing the Environment

Permanent Cover Cropping System

Permanent Cover Cropping System

Increased profitsClean waterHealthy soilReduced pesticidesLess soil erosion

We in agriculture must carefully balance the "bottom line" and degradation of our finite soil, water and air resources.

Environmental Protection + Economic Profitability

Sustainable Production requires

Why No Till?

Why Cover Crops?

“Soil is meant to be

covered”-Steve Groff

What can Cover Crops do for you?•Manage your water table•Soil Armor-protection from rain, sun, and wind•Green Tillage- using plants to prepare the soil for seeding

Cover Crop Management Ideas

Plant Cover Crops for Erosion Control

Grand Canyon

Cover Crop Mixtures

Diversity Biomass Root growth

Guard against failure

of one species Complementary

Cover Crop CocktailsAbove ground diversity is a

mirror of below ground diversityMicroorganisms are like cattle-

they need a balanced diet

Cover Crop Cocktail

$20.00 per acre

Cover Crop Biology C/N ratio Insect changes Planting dates Challenges

Hairy Vetch 20-25lbs per acre

Rye 2 bushel per acre

60 lbs rye20 lbs hairy vetch

Soil Health

Soil is meant to have

something living in it at all times

Organic matter2.7% 19845.4% 2007

Cover Crop BiologyThere is a time to killBiological pumping: roots

bringing up nutrientsIf you built habitat, they will

come- earthworms

34 earthworms in a square yard


Planter Drill Rolling Stalk


Rolling Cover Crops

There is a time to Kill

No N Applied

Soil test

Manure Management

On Time

As soon after

harvest as

possible Priority Plan

Cerrado Region BrazilCerrado Region Brazil

Plan ahead!


Internet Field Days Connect with

other farmers

Winter Lentils

Field Days

Over 50% of Pumpkins

in Lancaster County are now



University NRCS Global


Break up

compaction Control winter


32” root


March 29

Tillage Radish/Spring Oats



Tillage Radish/Vetch/Rye`

Rye/tillage radish plots

Rye/tillage radish

Tillage Radish/Jerry Oats

Broadcast Seeded

Needs 60 lbs of N

Seeding Rate10 lbs per Acre

Tillage Radish cover crop 2.5 acre demonstration plot

Corn Yields (dealer had weigh wagon)

No cover crop   180 bu/acre Barley cover crop 193 bu/acre

Tillage Radish cover crop  221 bu/acre

41 bushel increase!

Dan MagnessWhite Hall, MD 21161

But how much will tillage radishes increase my yields??

University of Maryland research indicates an 8-12 bushel corn yield increase

can be expected after planting tillage radishes

the previous fall.

“They till the soil and don’t even hurt the earthworms. Actually, they helpthe earthworms by giving them something to eat!”-David Groff

“No piece of steel can benefit

the soil like roots from a good cover crop”

-Steve Groff

Deep Tillage Tools?

You decide…

Crop Residue Management

Old Method?

Older Method?

Monuments of the past!

Environment Economics

Agriculture's Delicate Balance

Environmental Protection +

Economic Profitability

Permanent Cover Cropping System

Steve GroffCedar Meadow Farm

Holtwood, PA



Enhancing the Environment