step by step installation of filezilla ftp server

Post on 15-Nov-2014

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filezilla ftp server

Transcript of step by step installation of filezilla ftp server

Download FileZilla Server

Installing FileZilla Server

1. Run FileZilla_Server-0_9_23.exe

2. In License Agreement click I Agree button.

3. Choose components you wish to install. Then click Next > button.

4. Choose install location. Next >.

5. Startup settings. Next >.

6. Install.

7. After installation complete, Close.

Configuring FileZilla Server

1. You must configure like the picture below.

2. Connect to server Check on Always connect to this server. OK.

3. If you see like below, it mean success to connect to server.

4. In menu bar, click Edit > Setting.

5. In General Settings, types port number on Listen on this ports. I types 2121.

6. In custom welcome message, types message you want.

7. IP bindings.

8. IP Filter.

9. In Passive mode settings, use the following IP, types (change with

your own server IP). In custom port range types 5000 – 5100 (for connecting via

windows explorer)


11. Security settings.

12. Miscellaneous.

13. Admin Interface settings.

14. Logging.

15. Gss Settings.

16. Speed Limits.

17. Filetransfer compression

18. SSL/TLS settings, check on Enable SSl/TLS support, Allow explicit SSL/TLS on

normal connections, and Force explicit SSL/TLS. On Listen for SSL/TLS-only

connections on the following ports: 990.

Now we need to create a certificate. Click on Generate new certificate button.

19. Fill your own information. Then Click Browse button to save key and certificate file.

20. Save your certificate with extention .crt

21. Click on Generate certificate button.

22. Click OK after successfully.

23. You will see like this below.

24. In Autoban setting like below. Then click OK button.

25. OK.

26. Click on OK button again.

Create User

1. In menu bar, click Edit > Users.

2. In General setting, Click Add button for add new users.

3. Types name of new user account.

4. Types password for new user account.

5. In Shared folders setting, click Add button.

6. Choose which folder do you want to share. Then click OK button.

7. OK.

Setting FTP server with FileZilla Server done. DON'T FORGET to open port 990 and 5000-

5100 in firewall.