St pete rental_house_conversion

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of St pete rental_house_conversion

St. Petersburg

Tampa Bay Home


We found a neglected house on Tampa bay in St. Petersburg and renovated it into a home.

Our philosophy: Take a house, condo apartment or commercial space, make it appealing and comfortable for those looking for a hi quality, well maintained, upscale modern rental. Watch how we did this in St. Petersburg, Florida.

This is 453 22nd street when we bought it

We took this kitchen…

And turned it into this

Looking at the front door...

Now it looks like this

This was the view of Tampa bay…

Looks a little better, don’t you think?

Looking out the side of the house…

Really needed some work…Don’t you think?

The area around the pool needed work too…

But…not any more!

Recognize it now?

It used to look like this…

Quite the difference!

The landscaping was barren and unkempt...

Now it’s quite comfortable and lush

The dock and back of the house were in pretty bad shape…

Pretty nice place to live…? (Willy loves resting by the bay)

Remember, we started with this…

Not very attractive or vibrant…

Pretty shoddy…

Doesn’t look like the same front yard does it?

Amazing what you can do with landscaping

And remember the pool area…

Looks much better…

A great place to rent and live…

Herrmann & Brothers, taking distressed run down properties and renovating them into upscale, hi quality rental homes, condos and commercial spaces.

Call us today for a rental in Stowe, Vermont or St. Petersburg , Florida at : 727.744.3784