Spec - evitherm.org. evitherm spec chec…  · Web viewOn Home page – 3.01. Front pages of the...

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Transcript of Spec - evitherm.org. evitherm spec chec…  · Web viewOn Home page – 3.01. Front pages of the...


Reviewing the specification tasks - updated 20 June 2005

Evitherm Website SpecificationList of Actions for Athena

Issued 2 April 2005 by Paul NesvadbaDe grå ting er lavet, kommentarer med orange er mine

The specification issued on 15th March was discussed with Peter and Charlotte of Athena in a meeting attended by Daryoush and Paul at Athena’s premises, Düppelstrasse 41, Berlin, on Monday 21st March 2005. This document updates the specification of 15th March. The colour coding Green means agreed Actions by Athena. Actions by Evitherm team are in light blue. Grey means "Athena report as completed". Yellow means "Athena report as yet to be done". Red text indicates evitherm replies.

CONTENTS pageSPECIFICATION to which Athena are working during April 2005…………….………………. 1ANNEX 1 – Evitherm Forms for Consultancy Brokering Scheme……………………………… 15

Evitherm Consultancy Brokering Scheme ………………………………………… 17ANNEX 2 – CINDAS…………………………………………………………………………………. 20ANNEX 3 – NELFOOD ……………………………………………………………………………… 23

MANUAL FOR WEBSITEAthena to provide:

1. A Manual for the website in the form of Help Files. - Instead, Athena to provide training and consultancy

2. Diagrams for database structure to be delivered with all other deliverables. – No. To be done


Banners – choose 3.01 and sponsored advertising 5.01The banners should be allowable on any pages, e.g.

o On Home page – 3.01o Front pages of the Technical sections - 3.01o Newsletter page – 3.01 (see example 6.01)

In addition, we need banners in the Google type (5.01) area when selecting Suppliers and Services from LH panel. For example: Suppliers: List of suppliers on the LHS, Google type adverts (size 3.01 - see above) on the RHS.Action by Athena: Advertising to be implemented. A written contract for this extra work is needed (4500 Euro).


Action by Athena: To arrange for a page to appear after clicking <Advertise & sponsor> button (existing button). - Done

Actions by Evitherm: 1. To provide script for advertisers, giving them options for advertising, including formats and prices

and contact person and means of paying.2. To provide a price structure – see Pierre’s thoughts) - DT: It is not done so far. But that’s what we

should provide.




We need to transfer the information about the EU project team from the NPL site www.evitherm.org) to the public evitherm website (see under "Find out more" on including the clickable map: we need a short sentence on the Home page saying: This project was developed by the following organisations: … click on map. (Athena to produce map similar to NPL effort - i.e. giving links to project members)This takes the user to a new page, listing acronyms of the Institutes involved, which then link to text describing these institutes. The text is to be transferred from the NPL website, URL: http://www.evitherm.org/project_team.html

Actions by Athena: 1. To add a button ‘The Evitherm Project’ on the Left Hand Side menu on the Home page. (DT: now

called about us) - Done2. To add a clickable map of Europe as in www.evitherm.org/project_team.html. - Done



In CMS when entering Papers (in Documents) there is some lack of clarity about Dates (publication dates are important and should be displayed on the public site, but not the date of uploading the item into the CMS).Action on AthenaTo improve the display of input fields in CMS and the corresponding display on the public website. - Done

DISPLAY OF CONTACTSDetails (tel. no, email etc) to be displayed in search results for documents and events (currently only the name is displayed – for example D214 – University of Saskatchewan). – Not done. The pop-up functionality for contact persons in events and documents needs to be the same as for contact persons in Contacts, e.g. C34 v E300 (DT)

For US addresses the field province/state should be displayed. - Now there is a field called state AND a separate field called province. Display state before zip code. DT


This has no connection with the Public website. (We need to distinguish between project area (file directory) and project member and description on the website.) We need to set Access Rights for the different folders. Editors/Admin can set access privileges in CMS for different folders. There is also a web page called “Project Area” in CMS on the LH side (third last item), which is empty at the time of writing this.

Problems encountered: The project area folders are different in the cases of (i) logging in from the public site (e.g. Paul gets editorial and steering group) and (ii) using CMS (e.g. John gets editorial, members general, steering group). We need to make sure that we (evitherm) personnel get the same full content by both approaches.

We also need a demo from Athena to show how to use this area - e.g. how to open documents. Clicking on the Folders produces no action and setting access also does not produce any change.) Action by Athena: To demonstrate (please talk the Editorial team through the setting procedure over the ‘phone, please phone) and clarify in a written help file placed in the Project Area the access rights to the Folders in CMS and how evitherm Users can set the access rights themselves. - To be done (change Edit to Upload file)


Required changes in the CMS and website for “Measurement Services”

In order to be able to transfer information from some Excel ‘templates’ worksheets, namely from “Contact thermometry” worksheet “MS = Thermal property measurement services”, Athena please create a new field group named “Measurement Service” in “Contacts”, having the following fields:



1) Measurement methods (selection box, predefined) – Done2) T min / °C (numerical value because of arithmetical comparison) - Done3) T max / °C (numerical value because of arithmetical comparison) - Done4) Sample geometry (free text) - Done5) Atmosphere (free text) - Done6) Uncertainty (free text) - Done7) Accreditation (free text) - Done

Also, Athena please create a new selection box (flag) named “Calibration devices”. (We need selection boxes like “Languages” or “Regions”). The items flagged by this flag will be the different devices (=column names of excel sheet “MS-contact thermometry” and devices mentioned in “MS” sheet of non-contact thermometry in the field “Notes”. (DT: excellent solution for the search mask on the website! A pity that it is not used in CMS input mask and also not for other items e.g. papers. Anyhow, on the website the search mask offers only one field for T. But we need two fields for T(min) and T(max). - DT: excellent solution for the search mask on the website! A pity that it is not used in CMS input mask and also not for other items e.g. papers. Anyhow, on the website the search mask offers only one field for T. But we need two fields for T(min) and T(max).

Actions by Athena: 1. To create Selection boxes, Flags and Fields. - Done2. To implement Case sensitivity --- Done (but why not also e.g. implement for papers?)3. To add the search function in such a way that these fields will only be shown when Calibration

(correction: Measurement) Services are selected in a Contact. - Done

PROJECTS - Changes needed to accommodate the template sheet “Projects”

The information from the ‘template’ sheets “Projects” is to be transferred into “Events”: Therefore a new flag “Project” is required for association with the descriptor “Type” (Type of Event). Athena please rename the descriptor to “Event type”. - Done

Note: In CMS it is not possible to edit this data flag as others, there is no “Type” data flag on the left hand side. The “Type” box should be converted to a selection box such as “Property” or “Language” with the multi-value selection possibility.Athena to add the possibility to edit Event Types. - Done


Required additional fields in CMS to accommodate further information in Excel sheets. See below for details:

Excel Sheet: Reference Materials -> Contacts - Daryoush to checkAction: Athena to add fields for ‘template’ columns “Identifier” and “Material (available reference)”. Excel Sheet: Standards (transfer) -> ContactsSame fields needed as for Reference Materials - Contacts. (No additional action needed if for reference materials the fields “Identifier” and “Material” are added to Contacts).Actions by Athena:

1. To add extra fields in contact but only when Reference Materials or Standards are chosen.2. To append the identifier to the title, it will be then searchable and visible!3. In CMS there is a pull-down menu to select document type. We cannot edit its entries as for other

flags. Athena please either make the flags editable or add flags “Legal, directive” or “Legal, law” and others in the ‘template’ Excel sheet “Legal”, column “Type”. The best way would be editable entries!

4. To delete entries “Standard (transfer)” because this information goes into “Contacts”.5. Insert an "Editorial remarks" box in the CMS editor to help communication between editor and item

creator.- To be placed in the note field as agreed with Peter




“My profile” is variously called “Edit user”, “User data” or has an associated button on the website called "edit my profile". Make it all consistently named "my profile".Actions: Athena to re-name the profile so it is consistently referred to as “My profile” (for example change "Edit my profile" button to read "My profile". - Done

We need a facility to attach documents.Action: Athena to provide facility to attach documents to profiles. - Done

REGISTRATION FORM - Note the typing errors

The form should have the same style as that provided under "Registration" at http://www.ectp.sav.sk/, though using the following main headings:

1. Personal details - Done2. Annual membership fee - Done3. Numeric databases - Not done4. Advertising - Not done5. Consultancy - Not done6. Grand total payment - Done7. Invoice - Not done

and at bottom of all this insert "Submit" and "Print". Then a password should be generated and emailed to the new registrant or user. - Not done. No printing capability and I did not get an email. I created a password while registering so what will I be sent??

DT: The ‘signup’ page is not OK. I think. The visitor is offered too many fields to fill in with no marking which are necessary. The two level registration is not realised (level 1: register to have access as visitor with just name and email and level 2: Provide more information to register as user)

The procedure for payment will be using credit cards to evitherm bank account. The problem is that a credit card transaction record (voucher) is not a proper receipt that some employers may require from employees. Hence some kind of receipt needs to be sent.

There should be a much clearer way of completing registration - show a display panel of all the entries made and have an edit button, just as is done in CMS.

We also need space to explain what "registering" or "visitor access" means.

Action by Athena: 1. To implement the functions 1 - 7 2. For all payments use a single integrated form that applies to advertisers, users, brokering and data

access. (See ECTP website for a good example http://www.ectp.sav.sk/.) - Not done3. As part of the payment scheme include an option for issuing receipts, if requested by the subscriber

(i.e. provide a tick-box on the payment form and then a mechanism for issuing the receipt - a good example of the latter can be found at  http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/home/ ) - Not done

Attached is an edited screenshot of the invoice for the e-transaction that is accepted as a usable invoice and it can be issued electronically (and automatically) by the vendor (in this case ebuyer). Since we are offering individual evitherm subscriptions (at least for year 1) we will certainly need to be able to issue invoices and indeed if this is emailed automatically then it's no extra effort from us - only from Athena, who have to set it up.




When logging on to the website, if the user has mistyped or forgotten his password he is asked to put in his email address and then hit "submit". Following this there should be a box that says the email has been sent and the user will receive an email containing his password. Currently the message " There was a problem sending your password to you." is displayed. Action: Athena to correct the procedure for handling the mistyped or forgotten password situations. - ???

In the registration area there are both white and yellow boxes for replies but ALL the boxes are mandatory so make all reply boxes yellow.Action: Athena to make all boxes yellow. - ???

All the left-hand (LH) panel entries need explanations. It was decided not to use hover help-boxes, but to improve the text on the static pages that appear immediately after clicking the LH panel button.Action Evitherm: Improve text.

Wherever the user is asked to type or select in a text-box there should be a hovering help-box over the box title.Agreed on Athena: To implement throughout the system hover boxes (help-boxes editable by Evitherm). - Done




We require Boolean search functionality in searches. Some kind of Boolean search has already been implemented by Henrick. This uses + and – signs between words. The problems encountered with this are:

1. Space inclusion sensitivity: word1 + word2 yields different results from word1+word2.2. The facility is non-intuitive and there is no explanation on how the Boolean search works3. It is probably not conforming to the Google system.4. When conducting a search the user's search path needs to be displayed. For example, when

searching Services with flag reference material selected, the resulting screen should display on top Services (reference material).

Actions on Athena:1. To implement the Boolean search and “String search” as it is done in Google.” - ???2. To provide guidance on the use of the search tools. – evitherm to use help boxes3. To implement a function that displays “You have searched for: XXXX”. - Done but delete “text=”4. To remove ‘Top search’ and implement function in Universal search so that Universal search

searches the static pages. – Done But! There is a "search Evitherm webpages" box under Search but it needs an explanation that only Athena seem able to do (groan)

5. To rename “Universal search” as simply “Search” throughout the website. - Done


“Reference materials” are in “Contacts”, not in “Documents”. “Reference materials” are so important that they merit their own button on the left side (buttons already exist for “Contacts”, “Suppliers”, “Services”, “Documents”, “Events” and “Training”, all of these being particular cases of what is searchable through the Universal Search by selecting the appropriate flags).

Actions on Athena:1. To add a dedicated button on the LH panel to search directly for “Reference Materials” so that the

user have not to decide where to go to find it. - Done2. To add a special search for Reference Material (Pre-defined as ‘Suppliers’ on the LH bar). - Done3. To add “Reference materials” as hard coded link with dedicated button. - Done4. To add additional flag for “Reference materials” – include this flag in re-titled category data type –

“Documents and Software”. – To be done5. To make the links from the Buttons programmable to be “for free” or “for pay”. – Ignore6. To introduce mechanism into the [Universal] search to facilitate the same selection (“for free” or “for

pay”). – same as above


Clicking the button "Site map" leads the visitor to the site Map that is created automatically. The problem is that the current site map is too difficult to read. An improved site map is needed – see for example www.nelfood.com and www.ptb.de.

Action on Athena: To provide an improved site map, preferably as a ‘dendrogram’, NELFOOD example attached. - Site map does not match the titles properly, e.g. compare Finding data with Thermal databases. Isn't the site map meant to update automatically? And why isn't the ordering the same, e.g. Contact us and About us.

The following diagram shows the layout of the nelfood.com site map that has clickable links to move to various pages.

How is the site map updated, e.g. entering and deleting entries?



nel food.com Site Map last modified: 17 Apri l 2002 @ 10:06:21


The current Evitherm website has three or four different search approaches:

1) Top search – searches the static pages only2) Universal search with no flags set – searches SQL database for Contacts, Documents and Events3) Universal search with flags set – as for 2) but limiting the search according to the flags set4) Sub-sets of the above

It was decided to ‘rationalise’ this by removing the ‘Top search’.

Actions on Athena:1. To remove the "search" button at top right on home page and put <Website search> button under

the <Universal search> button on LH panel. - Done, though user needs explanation2. To implement all searches under one type of search: The Universal Search. - Done3. To rename ‘Universal search’ to ‘Search’ throughout the website. - Done4. To provide a wide search window with help hover-box saying that when the <Website search>

button is clicked the resulting search is only through the static pages of the website, not the dynamically generated pages from the SQL database. - Not done

5. To make ‘Enter’ work properly (i.e. hitting the return key should be sufficient to activate the search). - Done

6. In results of ‘Top search’, (now ‘Web search’) when a fragment of a document is found, to display the link to the document where this fragment came from. For example, searching on ’emissivity’ produces a fragment ‘Why is it important?’ On each of the fragmented pages we need a way of showing where this fragment (for example ‘Why is it important?’) came from. We need a link to the whole document. - Done

7. To arrange for the number of hits of the ‘Web search’ to be displayed. - Done8. For visitors, when they make searches, display only the first answer fully and also display the

number of possible answers to their search. - Not done. Only 1 result is mentioned for D, C or E9. To make the text on the search screens editable. - Done (I think, but get Athena to confirm that all

script at top of search screens is editable). All editable.


Action on AthenaTo insert <Index> button at bottom of the LH panel linked to a list of all the technical definitions (e.g. thermal conductivity, radiant heat flux), all hot-linked to their descriptions. (This content has so far been prepared as



glossaries by the separate technical work packages but needs to be brought together in the Index pages of the website.) renamed to Terminology - Done

CMS EDITING & PASSWORD PROTECTED AREAS22 June 05 - Note: all static pages are free to all

Definitions: Visitor – a casual visitor to the website who has not registered, we do not know his name.Registrants – filled in the free access registration form. Users – registrants who have paid.

Table 1 - Access rights and functionalities for the website Forum definitions: Forum -> Room -> Topic. A thread is a collection of postings for a given Topic.

Access / Functionalities

Visitors Registrants Users

Browsing through the website

Access to free static pages. We need the possibility to mark a page as “for pay

Access to free static pages.

Access to all static pages.

Forum (see also special Table for (Forums)

Read only. Access to

free rooms only*.

Read and Write. Access to all selected** Rooms.Cannot create new Rooms or Topics.

Read and write access to All rooms. Ability to start new Rooms and Topics and ask Experts for assistance.

Universal Search One free result (per category) only plus an indication of how many hits would be visible for a Registrant (when the hit number is impressive – check for > 100).

See all results of searches except items flagged as “for pay”.

See all results of searches.

Contacts As for Universal Search As for Universal Search As for Universal SearchSuppliers As for Universal Search As for Universal Search As for Universal SearchServices As for Universal Search As for Universal Search As for Universal SearchDocuments As for Universal Search As for Universal Search As for Universal SearchNews As for Universal Search As for Universal Search As for Universal SearchEvents As for Universal Search As for Universal Search As for Universal SearchTraining As for Universal Search As for Universal Search As for Universal SearchAdvertise & Sponsor Full access Full access Full accessFAQ Full access Full access Full accessA look inside Full access Full access Full accessGive your views Full access Full access Full accessNumerical databases No access No access Access to databases that

were paid for by the User * There will be some rooms visitors will not be allowed to read e.g. consulting. ** Access to rooms selected through CMS access control.

Actions on Athena1. To put in place mechanisms for restricting functionality of the website for visitors, registrants and

users, e.g. limiting number of search results. - Done the latter but have not checked other functionalities

2. In particular, to create a mechanism for marking static pages “for pay” and “for free”. – Not required. All pages now free



3. To implement a pop-up message “To access this part of the website you have to register …or … you have to become a paid subscriber …”. This message is to appear when a Visitor attempts to access pay-for pages. - Not required. All pages now free

4. Charlotte to talk us through using these facilities and then document it. - Not done

EVENTSThe boxes on the front page for upcoming Events and News are of fixed size. Evitherm can edit the content of news in CMS. Forthcoming events on the website front page appear automatically, but we also require to choose events personally, thus overriding the automatic display. Items are to be removed automatically once expiry date is reached.

Action on Athena: 1. To provide the facility to mark some Events manually so they appear randomly together with three

next events (5 items will be displayed in the box). - Currently 4 items appear in Events box. C to demonstrate

2. Charlotte to talk us through the functionality and document it in written form. - Done


"Advice line" - insert this heading towards the bottom of the LH panel. When clicked, a form should pop up, with explanatory text, and the query should be entered by the user and sent to the editor who then distributes the query to the appropriate expert(s) (e.g. members of the ELE), who then respond.

Actions on Athena:1. To consolidate the LHS buttons by creating “FAQ and Advice Line” button (merging the separate

“FAQ” and “Advice Line” buttons). - Done2. To place the “FAQ and Advice Line” to the top of the menu. - Not done but buttons need some

reshuffling, separating search buttons form others


Actions on Athena: 1. To put "Newsletter" button in LH panel, not across the top of the website. - Done2. To delete the button “News” on the LHS menu. - Done3. To introduce a new button “Newsletter” to LHS menu. On pressing this button a list of all Newsletters

ever created will be displayed. - Done


Insert a message on the home page inviting Registrants (Visitors have to register to gain “Write” privilege) to input their services (e.g. measurement services, suppliers) to the evitherm database. They should click and up comes a form (with help hover-boxes, as usual) for inputting their details.Resolved: Evitherm to do.


There are two separate issues:

1. The home page is cryptic - very hard for newcomers to know how to approach the site and make searches.

2. The home page is somewhat ‘dull’. Action on Evitherm: To consider simplifying and enlivening the Home Page, for example by inserting thumbnail photographs that expand on clicking. To insert explanatory text above the ‘jelly beans’ colour cluster.



Action on Athena: To give evitherm the possibility to edit the search screens. - Done


Problem: The page that appears on Signing-On is blank.Action Evitherm: To provide a text to fill the page. - User page is still blank. Evitherm to decide what we want to say to people who have just signed in to the User area


This will be (for those who cannot access CMS) via the links “New Contact”, “New Event”, “New Document”.The items that are stored in Contacts are e.g. Equipment supplier, Measurement services, Reference materials or a publication company such as Elsevier when adding “Documents”.

Special problems with Contacts

The Data Protection and Copyright Laws restrict the storage of data on persons (there is no problems with data on organisations). Before someone enters personal details, he/she should have permission from that person to do so. In the Contacts box in CMS there needs to be a data protection act warning, e.g. "If you are entering someone else's contact details, have you got their permission?"

Action Athena: 1. To provide instructions in a pop-up window containing a tick box that has to be ticked by the person

entering data on another person. - Done2. To provide text beside the box: “Tick here if you have a permission from the person to enter his/her

details on Evitherm”. - done3. To arrange that the data cannot be entered unless the box is ticked. - done4. Change "Description" to "Description (include contact person and contact details)" - Not sure where

this is …

Action Evitherm:To provide introductory text to Contact form, describing how to complete it.

FORUMS - The text for the messages is far too small and the window too wide. Why does the forum area not look like the German site, with well-separated entries etc.? There needs to be an introduction - how do we type in the text and give instructions?

Nomenclature: one forum, within this 'rooms', within 'rooms' are 'topics'.

The (one) forum, available to all, should look similar to that on the German website (http://forum.dforum.de/).

The forum has limited functionality for visitors and registrants. For users, there will be full functionality, including "ask an expert" and "create a new topic" buttons

Table 2 - Access rights for the ForumFunctionality Visitor Registrant UserCreate a new topic no no yesAsk an expert no no yesRead replies yes yes yesEnter queries no yes yesAccess to all 'rooms' no yes yes

Once we have the environment set for a forum we need to be able to edit it and replicate it for possible new forums.



For visitors, provide a static snapshot of the pay-for areas of the forum - alternatively, provide "read only" access to just one page.

Action on Evitherm: Intro pages to forums should ALL have introductory text.Action on Athena: To create a description box to be filled in by a person creating a new “Room”.



Technical solution for connection to CINDAS has been identified and agreed – Please see Annex 2.Action on Athena: To provide a link between CINDAS and EVITHERM.


Please refer to Annex 3 for technical details.

Actions on Athena:1. To provide front-end panel at evitherm website that enables users to log onto the NELFOOD website

using their evitherm-allotted password.2. To provide accounting system for individually identified users, like the arrangement for CINDAS data

access.3. To provide a system for monitoring the usage of NELFOOD by each user.4. To establish a data tunnel between NELFOOD and EVITHERM.5. To contact Andy Johns at NEL to make connection to NELFOOD database.


THERSYST Database to be finalised by PTB.

Actions on Athena:1. To design front end along similar lines to as for access to CINDAS data. 2. To use reverse proxy software to connect THERSYST to EVITHERM.


Actions on Athena:1. To put a "Thermal databases" button on left-hand panel, linking to the "evitherm data centre" pages

on the website - that will contain a directory of materials and their respective databases, and links to the data for users. If the data are pay-for and the user has not yet paid then their registration form should appear so that they can pay.

2. To provide a pop-up box asking the user to register for access to numeric databases when the user attempts to access these without first having registered.


The administrator at least should be able to see all the members of all the newsgroups; also to delete or add them.It is essential that attachments can be made, e.g. newsletter Word doc

Athena to confirm that we do not need to define email groups (Newsgroups) now but that we can set up as required following website launch (refer to actions 11 and 12 in March spreadsheet)

Anyone signing up for an email group needs to have that info appear in his profile. - Done (check)



A list of email group members needs to be available to other members of the group. Members need to know their functionality - i.e. have an introduction (includes data protection issues, things they can do, will receive, can send etc.) written by Athena and editable by us

All available email groups should be displayed on the registration form and subsequently in the user profile. Users should be able to register and de-register from an email group at any time.

Action: Athena to implement the facility that when a visitor is registering, he is able to select “group” for e-mail shots. This is to be managed under “My profile”.


This is another use of the forum, particularly useful for posting requests, advice, news snippets etc, e.g. "Has anyone got a manual for my obsolete equipment X?" Partnerships (partner search) - is a form of notice board with links to owners of opportunities

Action on Athena:To create a button on LH panel saying <Notice boards> that opens up a page describing the various notice boards and links to them, e.g. partner search above, equipment search.Laves I forum - Don't see "Notice boards" button …


Access to this page will be through the introductory text provided under ‘Training’ selected from the LH panel - that page should provide the link.

Action on Evithermevitherm to set up a page "The evitherm training centre" where we will post training resources, e.g. Wunderlich's book/course and evitherm original material.


Daryoush’s Excel file – website changes – dated 7th March 2005

1. Generally one should go back after editing/approving data items where he/she was before and not to the full list. Solved so far for unapproved list but not solved for 3 sections "Documents", "Events" and "Contacts" (list of both approved and not approved items).Action agreed: Athena to implement. (DT: it didn’t work e.g. for editing approved item C66)

2. In US addresses the information field "state" needs to be displayed (different from EU addresses).Action agreed: Athena to implement. (DT: now we have two fields: State and Province. Confusing!)

3. Editing approved data move them automatically to unapproved with red dot. It is not always necessary. It should be possible to edit them just in approved section.Action agreed: Athena to implement. (DT: works! tested item C66)

4. Adjust box design to accommodate automatically longer titles (see D224).Action agreed: Athena to implement. (DT: not working)

5. The field "Date" is filled out but it does not appear for books. Don't display the uploading date.Action agreed: Athena to implement. (DT: it appears now)

6. In CMS it is helpful to know when items were uploaded. Date was previously displayed beside creator name.Action agreed: Athena to implement. (DT: fine!)

7. "Title and "PaperTitle" are both displayed! Same for "Author" and "PaperAuthor".Action agreed: Athena to implement. (DT: OK. Both still displayed. But we have to fill only one in. We agreed that all fields with content should be displayed)



8. It is useful to have a separate field for feedback of editors to item creator. Just a yellow bottom is insufficient.Action agreed: Athena to implement. – Implemented at the end of March. (DT: nice! But it is only for documents displayed initially. For events and contacts displayed when we re-edit items! Not a big issue but to be fixed by Athena.)

9. Different appearance of website. See screen captures provided in word document.Action agreed: Athena to implement. (DT: in Firefox browser the upcoming events on the homepage not displayed!)

10. Date changes automatically to 21-06-1905 after saving although it was set to 1999 (D627). Use free text format. Action agreed: Athena to implement.

11. Searching for "Technique de l'Ingénieur" leads to an error on the website (see error message in No 15).Action agreed: Athena to investigate. DT: fixed

12. Trying to delete C35 in unapproved list causes error (see above).Action agreed: Athena to investigate. DT: Is gone!

13. Edit log does not exist any more.Action agreed: Athena to reinstate Edit log. (DT: solved)

14. Data marked as "for pay" are accessible/searchable on the website without login (D298).Action agreed: Athena to remedy. DT: solved

15. WEB: Contents of Paper fields (PaperTile, PaperAuthor, …) are not searchable. Action agreed: Athena to remedy. DT: fixed! Tested item D624.

16. CMS & WEB: Paper date must be entered in format dd-mm-yyyy. Has no sense. Same issue as above (no 10). Action agreed: Athena to implement flexible date format. DT solved

17. CMS: new documents are automatically created in the approved zone. Only after a second saving, they are stored in the unapproved zone. Action agreed: Athena to remedy. DT: not tested yet.

18. CMS: Entering a "long" Paper Title (D:448) I get the error: Error Type:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E57)[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated. Action agreed: Athena to increase the allowed length of Title. DT: fixed!

19. WEB: searching on the universal search for compressor, compressors, Compressor, Compressors give no result. There is E:156 for example. Action agreed: Athena to investigate/remedy. DT: now 4 items displayed. It seems fixed.

20. CMS: To add a contact person, fields like title and address are too short and I get an error while saving. Action agreed: Athena to investigate/remedy. DT: fixed!

21. It is not appropriate to enter more than one line in "street address" field under contacts (see C69 and associated D328). Correct/Add new fields in "Contacts". Action agreed: Athena to investigate/remedy. DT: OK.

22. For books the full postal address of publisher is displayed as first information. It is not that important. Remove it! The publisher is displayed anyhow in the 3rd line. Action agreed: Athena to remedy. DT: OK

23. In Contacts the phone number and email should be displayed for particular contact persons. So far no details are displayed. See item no 8 in the bug list below for a proposal how to solve it. Action agreed: Athena to investigate/remedy. DT: grrrr! It doesn’t work. See c34 (PTB). Clicking on Joachim’s name does not display all stored information. Athena to fix.

24. I can edit flags in CMS. What about corresponding flags in search screens on the website? They don't correspond exactly now! Action agreed: Athena to investigate/remedy.

25. On the web site: Display the item ID beside the listed search results. Action agreed: Athena to remedy. DT: OK



26. In displayed item on the web site the city name should appear after zip code and not on a new line. Action agreed: Athena to remedy. DT: OK

27. Web links entered in CMS in web field are not sensitive. See C371. Action agreed: Athena to investigate/remedy. DT: seems to be fixed!

28.Uploading data on the website (not CMS): The creator is always DUO regardless of who created the item. Serious BUG! Action agreed: Athena to investigate/remedy. – Fixed on 21st March 2005.

29. Display the expression "All" instead of the list of all flag items when a contact such LNE covers all categories. Action agreed: Athena to investigate/remedy. DT: OK

30. In forum one must expand each replay level. How to expand all tree structure for a single contribution? Action agreed: Athena to investigate/remedy. DT: changed

31. In Forum is the column for topic too narrow. After 3 replies a second line is needed for even a short topic name. Action agreed: Athena to investigate/remedy. DT: changed

32. In CMS: Some Events such as Training (arranged on request by a customer) never expire. Therefore for Events add additional box called "Available on request" beside start and end date. When this checkbox is enabled, the event never expires and start/end dates MUST NOT be shown on the website. Action agreed: Athena to investigate/remedy. DT: fixed

33. Make the search box on top full width (it is to narrow for long words).Eliminating the top search box now supersedes this. DT: changed

34. History back function does not work for top search box. Eliminating the top search box now supersedes this.

35. In CMS: "My profile" languages to select should be written in full, not symbols. Action agreed: Athena to investigate/remedy DT: Athena to fix the site! It is still a draft!! There exist two fields called default language and language. How to add new languages to the selection box? (It should be possible like adding newsgroups to e profile in CMS).

36. In CMS: "My profile" add selection box for external databases. Action agreed: Athena to implement. (DT still to be added by Athena)

37. Upcoming events on the front page: Additional to automatically selected 3 events it will be possible to have events selected by editor with an expiration date. Action agreed: Athena to implement. DT: I didn’t yet find out how to do that!

38. Random display of 2 items for unregistered users. Action agreed: Athena to implement. DT OK

39. Forum is visible only after log in; it should be brought to free site! Action agreed: Athena to implement. DT: Forum is still visible only after log in.

40. There should be a functionality to attach files to websites (for eLearning). Evitherm team have this option through CMS. DT: OK.

41. When deleting contacts bring associated data items back to "Waiting for Editing" section with a flag "Add contact data". Action agreed: Athena to implement. DT: Not implemented. Item remains approved after deleting associated contact!

42. Put help to data flag titles to know what they are. Action agreed: Athena to implement.

43. Athena to provide functionality to edit "Help" text for data fields in CMS by editor. Action agreed: Athena to implement. DT: How can we edit the content of these help boxes?



44. Forum contributions should go online only after approval. There should be a switch to change the operation. Action agreed: Athena to implement. DT: my new thread was immediately online AND creating one new thread is shown doubled!!!!

45. Thermal databases should be displayed in a new window with variable width. Action agreed: Athena to implement.

Bug List (Daryoush, 31 March 2005)1. The content of "Published in " is not displayed. Please display all fields if they contain data (except "keywords" and "editorial remarks"). DT: the field is still not displayed. See D444.

2. Calendar in events shows only 4 rows if the title is more than one line e.g. for November 2004. Not possible to set the date to 29th November 2004 for E271 using IE6 on Win98SE. It seems ok on a WinXp PC with IE6! DT: Where is the item E271 gone? It doesn’t exist any more!!! But I can now see the last row and enter 29 Nov 2004 for a new item on my new computer with win XP!!

3. In CMS: click on item displays it without the content "notes"! DT: OK

4. Searching on the website: After time out you see your name as logged in. One is not aware that he can't get "for pay" items any more. DT: still to check!!

5. Long texts in some boxes causing an error while saving e.g. paper title. See also no 18 in March specs! DT: seems fixed.

6. Why is it sometimes not possible to edit or delete data e.g. deleting C35 and editing C126. It is not the long-title-issue! I am not able to change the status for C126 any more to approve it again.

7. The website is not displayed properly using Mozilla Firefox browser. Upcoming events are not displayed on the front page. DT: still not displayed properly in firefox.

8. In connection with item no 23 from March: Realise a pop up box, which appears if user clicks on his name, to display all contact information for persons to whom events may referring (a contact such as PTB contains several contact persons). Such a pop up is now realised in CMS to add new contact persons to a contact. DT: The information is not displayed completely. No tel. no or email. See Contact PTB.

Action on Athena: Please fix these problems and give priority to those that affect editing of items in CMS.




Form for "Ask an expert" - place in the forum, available to users only.

Form for "Become an expert" - place in the forum, available to users only.




Consultancy brokering scheme illustration (created at 4 March meeting of the Steering Group in Berlin):

(Note: see the Consultancy Brokering Scheme below for details.)




SG members: Please note - Undecided items are highlighted in yellow.

Objectives(i) To enable registered* users to sign up as Experts(ii) To enable registered* users to submit requests for assistance as Customers

*Registered means being registered and having paid Evitherm annual subscription. Both Customers and Experts will be required to pay the 100 Euro membership fee. Consultants (Experts) listed in Contacts will not be sent requests from users seeking technical assistance unless they register through the Brokering mechanism.

Flow chart for Customers and Experts

Functionalities:F1 – Invoke ‘Request for technical assistance’F2 – Invoke ‘Registration as Evitherm Expert’F3 – Send an automatic e-mail alerting Account Manager(s) that a request for technical assistance has been

submitted.F4 - Send an automatic e-mail alerting Account Manager(s) that a request from a user to become an

Evitherm Expert has been submitted.F5 – Update the Database of Extended User Profiles. This is the same for all registrants of Evitherm.

Experts and Customers have appropriate flags set (other registrants have not). F6 – The Account Manager(s) have access to a dedicated page in the website as a managing tool, allowing

him (them) to see: (first half) the list of messages (searchable, sortable), with their DATE and TIME attached automatically when they are received and, (second half) the list of experts (searchable, sortable). He must be able to go to any e-mail address or other info attached to each name in the list from this web page.

F7 – Iteration between Account manager and CustomerF8 – Iteration between Account manager and Expert

Entry points for both Customers and Experts1. Home page2. Advice line (defined in the remaining Specification for Athena – essentially an e-mail to the Editor)3. Both Forums – the ‘free’ and ‘pay for’ forums.4. Technical static pages - in each static page of each technical subject (the WP themes in the project).


Entry points for Customers and Experts

Request technical assistance – Customer form

Register as Evitherm Expert – Expert Application Form

Account Manager(s)(Evitherm Officer(s) responsible for managing requests of Experts and Customers

F1 F3

F2 F4

Database of Extended User Profiles


Area for Email correspondence of Account Manager(s) with Customers and Experts







Description of entry points for CustomersHome page – Add a new Button ‘Request technical assistance’ leading to ‘Customer request for assistance

form’Advice line- Athena please create a link to explanatory text and a new Button ‘Request technical assistance’

‘Customer request for assistance form’Forum – link labelled ‘Request technical assistance’ leading to ‘Customer form’. In the Forum, above the link 

"Request technical assistance", place text "Please use the Forum only for general inquiries about thermal metrology. For technical questions likely to lead to paid consultancy preferably use the link to experts, unless you wish to put an open question". (This text is paraphrased from Franco’s e-mail of 8th March).

Technical static pages – at appropriate places (all WPs) we need buttons ‘Request technical assistance’

Explanatory text above or near the button ‘Request technical assistance’:This leads to a submission of a request for technical assistance from Evitherm Experts. The service of the Experts is likely to be on a ‘paid for’ contractual basis.

Expert application formThe Expert application form includes: Introductory text, Category of request, Description of request, Name, Email address, Company, Attached file(s), Submit button.

Introductory textThis form is for submitting yourself as an Expert. To use this form you have to be a paying registered user of Evitherm. After you submit this form it will be sent to Evitherm Account Manager who will scrutinise your request and approve it if appropriate. You will receive an automated acknowledgement immediately and within 1 -3 days confirmation or otherwise from the Account Manager that your request has been accepted and included in the database of Experts. You can unsubscribe to being an Expert by sending an e-mail to the Account Manager.

Category of Expertise (compulsory field)A pull-down list of 33 industrial sectors (as on Evitherm website – Industry flags). (This helps matching Experts’ field of expertise with Customer requests for assistance because the same fields are on the Customer request form).

Description of Request (compulsory field)Message to user: Please enter here a description of your expertise and why you wish to enlist as Evitherm Expert. Include suitable Keywords. Press helps for hints on how to describe your expertise.

Help button – when pressed, this button invokes hints for the user on how to describe his expertise. Hints for Expert: Describe the fields of thermal metrology in which you have expertise (measurements thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, heat capacity); industrial applications that you have been involved with; modelling of thermal processes; thermal equipment that you have been using. Please supply Keywords (Glossary can help to generate keywords).

Name (compulsory field – pre-filled automatically using known data about the user)

E-mail address (compulsory filed - pre-filled automatically using known data about the user)

Employment/Company (compulsory field - pre-filled automatically using known data about the user)

Address – street and building number – compulsory fieldCountry – from a pull down list - compulsory fieldZip/Postal code - compulsory field

Attached file(s)Explanatory text for user: Here you can attach files (*.doc,*.jpg, *.pdf) for your CV (mandatory), list of publications, measurement capability, brochures, leaflets describing your expertise or recent company activities.

Terms and conditions for becoming an Evitherm ExpertBy placing my name on Evitherm database of Experts, I will receive requests from users requiring assistance, channelled to me by an Evitherm Account Manager when appropriate. I agree to respond within 3 days to requests for assistance with either a quotation or a request for more information about the problem to be solved (if the definition of the problem from the user requiring assistance needs clarification or



discussion). I agree to pay Evitherm 10% of the value of any contract that arises from a contract between me and the Customer introduced to me by Evitherm. I understand that Evitherm will not liable for any consequences of the contract between me and the Customer. I can unsubscribe to being an Expert by sending an e-mail to the Account Manager.

Submit button – labelled ‘Submit your request to be included in the Evitherm Experts database’. Text above the submit button: “I have read and agree with the terms and conditions (here a link to the Terms and Conditions)”.

Customer request formThe Customer Request Form includes the following elements: Introductory text, Category of request, Description of request, Name, Email address, Company, Submit button.

Introductory text

This form is to enable you to submit a request for technical assistance. To use this form you have to be a paying registered user of Evitherm. After you submit this form it will be sent to an Evitherm Account Manager who will scrutinise your request and approach appropriate Experts to assist with your request. You will receive within 24 hours an acknowledgement from the Account Manager and within 3 days responses from Experts.

Category of request (compulsory field)A pull down list of 33 industrial sectors (as on Evitherm website – Industry flags). (This helps matching Customer requests with Experts’ field of expertise because the same fields are on the Expert request form).

Description of Request (compulsory field)

Name (compulsory field – pre-filled automatically using known data about the user)Country - E-mail address (compulsory filed - pre-filled automatically using known data about the user)

Company (optional field - pre-filled automatically using known data about the user)

Attached file(s) – provision for attaching files (*.doc, *.jpg, *.pdf, …) .providing supplementary text or drawing describing the request.

Terms and conditions for CustomersText: You are not obliged to accept any of the offers that may be made by this mechanism. Whilst Evitherm will endeavour finding appropriate expert(s) to assist with your need for a technical solution, Evitherm does not guarantee that an Expert will be found. Any contract made will be between you as a Customer and the Expert(s) as provider(s) of service. Evitherm will not be liable for consequences of a contract between you and the Expert. On accepting an offer of technical assistance from an Expert, you agree to inform the Evitherm Account Manager about the total agreed cost of the offer and the name of the provider of the technical assistance. The Evitherm Legal Entity will not charge you for this service, but will receive a commission from the provider. A minimum charge is 50 €.

Submit button – labelled ‘ Submit Form to Account Manager’.

Database of Extended User Profile

Experts have their CV and other material submitted in support of their application stored in their user profiles accessible to authorised people from CMS and to registered users by clicking on the ‘Edit my profile’ button on the public website. Additional flags are required in the user profiles to create ‘Extended User Profile’. The users can inspect their profiles and these documents at any time and modify them. If the user modifies the documents, an alert is send to the Account Manager(s).

Each time users needing assistance (Customers) pose a question/request for assistance, their request is automatically responded to (they get an automatic reply, the Account Manager is alerted, the process route is described) and their request is entered in their ‘My profile’ record (currently titled ‘Edit user’) for their perusal at any time. This provides evitherm with the ability to track requests and to generate statistics for analysis of use of the consultancy scheme.



The Database of Extended User Profiles must be searchable by name, keywords, expertise, free text search and the results of searches sortable by name, date of entry.

Management of Experts and Customers

Recording of Customer and Experts: Through user profile, by setting appropriate fields.The fields relevant to Expert and Customer are:Registered Expert: Yes/NoDate registered as Expert: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ssDate unsubscribed as Expert: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ssDates when submitted requests for assistance: here date/time stamps of requests in the format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ssCounter of requests: 0, 1, 2, 3, ….Text describing the request for technical assistance by the user (Customer).

Database of ExpertsSearchable by industry sector (from pull down menu), text string.

Database of CustomersSearchable by industry sector, time of request (between two given dates/times).

Alert to Account ManagerEach time a request to become an Expert is submitted, an e-mail is automatically sent to the Account Manager(s).

Each time a request for assistance is submitted by a Customer, an e-mail is automatically sent to the Account Manager(s).

Account Managers: Vincent Mathot; Pierre Leparlouer, ….The e-mail addresses of Account Managers to be selectable through CMS.

Area for Email correspondence of Account Manager(s) with Customers and ExpertsThis is a page on the website that can be used as a managing tool, allowing Account manager(s) to see: (in the first half of the page) the list of messages (searchable, sortable), with their DATE and TIME attached automatically when they are received and, (in the second half of the page) the list of experts (searchable, sortable). The Account Manager(s) must be able to go to any e-mail address or other info attached to each name in the list from this page.

Some alternative solutions to the Consultancy issues

An alternative method of storing profiles of Customers and Experts (according to the discussion of Daryoush with Athena on Thursday 24th February)Under Contacts, provide a field "expert" and store consultancy service details in "MS" (ensure that there is a facility for attachments such as CV, illustrations, ppt docs, spreadsheets etc.)

Paul feels that we should not go via this route (contacts) because Experts and Customers are Users of Evitherm, not general Contacts that are for anybody from the wide-world.

Alternative method of lodging customers’ questions: Through the "My profile" environment.The profile then is simply a holding / recording area for Customers’ request. Each time a question is lodged he Account managers are alerted and respond by e-mail as described under @Alert to Account Manager’.




Evitherm access to CINDAS databasesDOCUMENT OF UNDERSTANDING

(2 pages)

This document describes the scheme to provide evitherm user access to two CINDAS databases (DBs), the Thermophysical Properties of Matter Database (TPMD) and Microelectronics Packaging Materials Database (MPMD).


1. the CINDAS table of contents (listing materials, properties) to be made available on the evitherm website so that users can see if the DBs have the data they want

2. individual evitherm users shall be identified uniquely and pay a fee to evitherm for access to CINDAS data via the evitherm website

3. the fee (see scheme below) buys time for access to data and for each user there will be a display on the screen of the time remaining (for options B and C below). The user can buy further time, as required.

4. evitherm shall set up a reverse proxy server. This provides a data-tunnel from the evitherm website to CINDAS. CINDAS only allows a single computer to access its data but by using the evitherm server as a gateway multiple users can use this gateway simultaneously

5. multiple evitherm users can be accommodated simultaneously but, if any user forgets to log out, he/she will be timed out (say, after 15 minutes inactivity) but this will not affect other simultaneous users

6. CINDAS to monitor total screen changes, data curves or whatever as an overall measure of access from evitherm, and compare this with the total measured by evitherm

7. this scheme, once all the key details are agreed, will constitute an agreement between evitherm and CINDAS, and operate for 6 months from an agreed start date, to be followed by a review


CINDAS propose the following fee scheme (prices in US dollars). This is the income they expect for themselves. Evitherm will have to add their surcharge, yet to be agreed by the Steering Group, and CINDAS have made some suggestions - see below. The evitherm user will have three possible options for access to the two CINDAS databases, viz.:

Option A - Unlimited individual evitherm user access to the two CINDAS databases for $1800 per year.

(This represents a 47% discount on their normal single user rate, e.g. a UK user is paying $ 3,400 p.a. Evitherm may wish to add a surcharge of $200 - Frank.)

Option B - A fee of $100 per month, giving 60 minutes of user access, then $ 2.50 per minute thereafter. A minimum subscription period of 3 months.

Option C - A fee of $ 50 per month, giving 30 minutes of user access, then $ 2.50 per minute thereafter. A minimum subscription period of 3 months.


1. Current CINDAS data users, who are not time-limited, typically log on and download data within about 12 minutes.

2. CINDAS propose that the first month of operation of access to the CINDAS DBs (i.e. from the agreed start date of the agreement) is completely free of charge by CINDAS.

3. CINDAS to be paid quarterly by evitherm.




CINDAS agree to provide free access for a week to the following evitherm project members for the purpose of understanding how to access CINDAS data and advising Athena on the interface between the evitherm and CINDAS websites:

Guenther Neuer, IKE, University of StuttgartDaryoush Talebi, PTB BerlinFernando Sparasci, IMGC ItalyJohn Redgrove, NPL UK

The above users must undertake not to use, store or pass on any downloaded data to others. Any data downloaded will be done solely to test functionality.


1. Please note! - The European business stream for CINDAS will from 1 April be operated by Elsevier. CINDAS has a clause in their Elsevier agreement specifying that any entity they are currently in discussions with, if signing an agreement within 3 months of the effective date of operation with Elsevier (1 April) will remain the exclusive client of CINDAS. Therefore, it is imperative that evitherm concludes a deal with CINDAS within 3 months of 1 April (i.e. by 1 July) if we are to access CINDAS data via evitherm according to the scheme described above.

2. CINDAS would like to be a member of the evitherm project team


1. Frank Mason at CINDAS to confirm that the details above are an accurate summary of what has been agreed

2. Following Action 1, evitherm to then reply to CINDAS

evidas group members

John RedgrovePeter Kroul (tel 0045 74 53 15 14 - office in Denmark)Frank Mason (tel 001 765 494 7039, West Lafayette 5 hours behind GMT)Chris DeckardStan SetlakPaul Nesvadba

Emails: john.redgrove@npl.co.uk; pk@athena.as; mason@cindasdata.com; stan@cindasdata.com; chris@cindasdata.com; nesvadba@rubislawconsulting.com

John Redgrove21 March 2005




Evitherm access to the Nelfood databaseDOCUMENT OF UNDERSTANDING

(2 pages)

This document describes the scheme to provide evitherm user access to the Nelfood database (DB).


1. the NELFOOD table of contents (listing materials, properties) to be made available on the evitherm website so that users can see if the DB has the data they want

2. individual evitherm users shall be identified uniquely (by software set up at evitherm) and pay a fee to evitherm for access to NELFOOD data via the evitherm website

3. evitherm shall set up a reverse proxy server. This provides a data-tunnel from the evitherm website to NELFOOD. By using the evitherm server as a gateway multiple users can use this gateway simultaneously

4. multiple evitherm users can be accommodated simultaneously but, if any user forgets to log out, he/she will be timed out (say, after 15 minutes inactivity) but this will not affect other simultaneous users

5. this scheme, once an agreement is signed, will operate for 6 months from an agreed start date, to be followed by a review


1. The evitherm user will have unlimited access to the NELFOOD database via the evitherm website for £ 50 per year; with £ 25 payable to evitherm and £ 25 payable to NELFOOD.

2. The evitherm user will use his "My profile" form on the evitherm website to pay for access to NELFOOD.

3. Evitherm will make quarterly payments to NELFOOD of 50% of the total revenue received over the period from evitherm user subscriptions to NELFOOD.


1. Andy to reply to the above proposal TODAY, 18 March, if possible

2. Dermot to contact Peter Kroul at Athena to discuss connection between evitherm and NELFOOD (there needs to be a "front panel" at the evitherm website for access to the NELFOOD website. Once the user is finished at NELFOOD there needs to be a facility for returning to the evitherm website.)

John Redgrove21 March 2005

See Dermot's reply to Peter below ...Peter,

As discussed earlier here are the submission details for connecting to the nelfood database.


note the username and password are NOT case sensitive. The form needs to be submitted to http://www.nelfood.com/login.aspusername is passed through "username" and password through "password"



 At the most basic level this would work,<form action='http://www.nelfood.com/login.asp' id='FORM1' method='post' name='FORM1'><input NAME='username' SIZE='15' value='EviTherm'><input TYPE='password' NAME='password' SIZE='15' value='9teapith'><input TYPE='submit' NAME='submit' VALUE='Login'></form>but would benefit from at least changing the types to hidden and a double form submit to hide the username and password. At the moment there are some changes that have to be made to nelfood.com to get this to work correctly:the login process currently redirects you to the referring page on successful login - not any use for Evithermthe user account is restricted to 1 connection at a time, also not any use for evitherm's needsI expect to get these changes made early next week. If there are any other issues etc please don't hesitate to contact me. Dermot18 March 2005 

Dermot A.J. McGinnisPPDS, Software Products CentreTUV NEL Ltd, East Kilbride, G75 0QU, Scotlandtel: +44 1355 272 220 fax: +44 1355 272 265 dmcginnis@tuvnel.com www.ppds.co.uk

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