Spanish Courses - Canadian Language Institute

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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TAKE SPANISH COURSES AND LIVE THE REAL SPAIN YOU WILL NEVER FORGET. Canadian Language Institute is an accredited centre of the prestigious INSTITUTO CERVANTES. We are committed to excellence and student satisfaction. Canadian Language offers a wide range of programmes. College students, business people, executives, people in love with the culture and heritage of Spain, elderly people with free time; they all find a programme at Canadian Language

Transcript of Spanish Courses - Canadian Language Institute

Innovadores en la enseñanza








Accredited Centre of the Institute Cervantes

Centro Acreditado del Instituto Cervantes


Montequinto 04

Sevilla 10

Canadian Language Institute 12

Learn Spanish in CLI 13


Spanish, Culture & Tapas 14

Spanish & Rural Stay 16

Camino de Santiago/Way of St. James 18

Golf, Wineries & Tapas 20

Flamenco: guitar, singing & dance 22

Programmes feature 24




Montequinto (subway, line 1) is a residential

area three km from downtown Seville. It is

perfectly communicated with the downtown

of Seville by the line 1 of the subway, urban

buses and a bike path. It has a young popu-

lation of about 50,000. Montequinto provides

exceptional sports opportunities. Here you

can fi nd a golf course, indoor and outdoor

swimming pools, a bike path, parks and ten-

nis and paddle courts. You can also fi nd a

library where many social events are held, a

cinema and a museum. The museum of the

“Olivar” (olivar grove), located in the restored

“Hacienda de Quintos” is an example of the

architecture of the area; its tower dates back

to the 8th Century. Montequinto stands out

for being a very safe and peaceful area.




Bike line, horse racetrack, golf course...and more!

Sevilla views from Montequinto


Bike line, horse racetrack, golf course...and more!

Horse Racetrack Golf course

Bike Line


“Take part in the exciting leisure activities Montequinto has to offer”




“Take part in the exciting leisure activities Montequinto has to offer”


Mare Club

Seville is approximately 3,000 years

old. The passage of the various civiliza-

tions has left the city a distinct persona-

lity, and a large and well-preserved his-

torical centre. Although it has a strong

medieval, renaissance and baroque

heritage, the city was greatly infl uenced

by Arabic culture. Weather, gastronomy,

nightlife, thousands of bars, hospitality

and the warm character of its people,

museums, and architecture are the main

reasons why Seville is one of the most

visited cities in Andalusia.




Founded in 2000, Canadian is a privately owned and

operated school that operates a number of carefully

designed and managed language programmes. It

has two centres, one in Montequinto, a residential

area, and the other in Alcalá de Guadaira, both in Se-


Canadian’s early beginnings focused on English as

a Foreign Language using a teaching compendium

called FORYMED based on comprehensible input

methods: TPR (James Asher), TPRS (Blaine Ray),

The Natural Approach (Stephen Krashen). A few

years later other languages were incorporated in the

programme: Spanish, Italian, German, French and

Chinese. The compendium FORYMED is used to

teach all the languages. Students range in age, the

youngest being 4 years old, the oldest 57 years old.

Classes can either be on a one to one basis or in

groups. They may be in the morning, in the evening,

although company classes are mostly in the morning.

There are also continuing education courses for the

Junta de Andalucía, and foreign students who come

to learn Spanish. In 11 years, the number of students

has increased signifi cantly.



Canadian Language Institute is an accredited centre of the prestigious INSTITUTO CERVANTES.

Canadian. We are committed to excellence and student satisfaction.

CLI offers a wide range of programmes. College students, business people, executives, people in love with

the culture and heritage of Spain, elderly people with free time; they all fi nd a programme at Canadian.

·A number of studies have indicated that TPR, TPRS


methods for acquiring language

·Language acquisition is fun and effortless

·Trained, enthusiastic and experienced native tea-


In Spanish + Rural Stay, as in El Camino de Santia-

go programe, the classroom is nature itself. The fi sh

market or the craft industries may also replace the

classroom. In Spanish + Culture, the Alhambra from

Granada and the Alcázar of Seville, will be, among

others, the real settings that surround the student.

And there is still the option of taking Spanish classes

in a classroom or while playing golf.




·Totally immersion in the language

·Different options for specifi c needs

·Homestay and apartments

·Beaches, monuments, historic sites……

·Flamenco lessons, tapeo

·Seville is safe, beautiful, inexpensive and exciting



WHY Canadian?

Learn Spanish in Canadian

This programme is aimed at those who want to learn the language and

study in depth the ancient civilizations that shaped the Seville of today

and the rest of Andalusia. You will learn about the Roman remains such

as the town of Italic. You will study eclectic monuments like the Alcázar

in Seville and even one of the wonders of the world like the Alhambra in

Granada, and also the meeting between two seas such as the Medite-

rranean and the Atlantic in Tarifa. The biggest Gothic Cathedral in the

world in Seville will not be left behind. Included in this study will also be

the surprising orography in Ronda, the extraordinary light in Cádiz (Eu-

ropean Havana) and the spirit of ancient civilizations that impregnates

Sevilla and the rest of Andalusia.

Alhambra (Granada)

Ronda (Málaga)


Spanish,culture & tapas

This programme allows the participant to reinforce

acquired structures and vocabulary in real life situa-

tions while experiencing Andalusian culture and tra-


Price: 840€

The price includes:


•Spanish classes


Giralda tower (Seville)



Spanish and Rural Stay is a programme that

shares the current interest of those who are keen

on recovering old traditions and craft tasks from

the countryside, the sea...

This programme is composed of two parts. The

fi rst part is a mandatory component of 40 hours of

Spanish classes which takes place at the premi-

ses of Canadian Language Institute with the aim

of acquiring the necessary communicative skills

to live in the chosen environment. In the second

component of the course, the student moves

to the chosen family environment, learning and

performing the tasks commended by the family

where the student lives. This programme offers a

combination of classroom and living with a native

family in a rural setting. The student will reinforce

acquired language in a lasting and effi cient way.


Spanish & rural stay

Price: 780€ per person. Minimum 3 students

The price includes:

•Two weeks of Spanish classes (20 hours per


•Host family or apartment for the duration of the

Spanish classes

•Be able to stay in rural for 600€ extra per month

all inclusive

“One month of natural liberty as pastor”


Canadian Language Institute (CLI), accredited centre of Instituto Cervantes, offers the program-

me “El Camino de Santiago”. El Camino de Santiago is a unique experience which takes you

to unforgettable places, uncomparable landscapes and cities and towns that burst with history

and spirituality. It is organized in different stages, the participants become pilgrims who live and

travel along the routes which take you to the city of Santiago de Compostela. This programme is

aimed at those who want to learn or improve their Spanish in an intensive way and in a different

environment. The journey is 111 km starting at Sarriá. People of all ages can sign up since the

programme alternates hiking days with resting days.

We want you to feel like a pilgrim while on the hikes. But, at the end of each hiking stage:

-The bus awaits to take you to the hotel

-The bus provides you with bottles of cold water and a picnic bag

-The bus is always ready to pick up the pilgrims at any time during the hikes

The pilgrims will be Spanish citizens as well as citizens from other countries who wish to partici-

pate together in the linking culture experience while hiking. The hotel rooms are shared rooms for

two people.18

Way of St JamesCamino de Santiago

Price: 1195 €

The price includes:

• Two weeks doing the Camino de Santiago from Sarria to Santiago de Com-


• Accommodation and meals in hotels from July 1 to July 15

•Double room for two people

•The tour bus to transport backpacks or persons if needed

•Minimum 10 people

•Meeting point Sarria-Lugo Hotel Fiz



The ideal climate of Andalusia allows the practice of sports such as golf,

all year round. With around 2,800 hours of sunlight per year, you can

enjoy the blue sky of Seville, throughout. With this in mind, Canadian

Language Institute prepares a 10 day programme for those who want to

enjoy the weather, sports, and the gastronomy and enology of this area

in the south of Spain. The programme includes guided visits to wineries

and “tapas” tasting. Accommodations in D. Paco hotel near the down-

town. We offer the option of taking Spanish classes in a classroom or

while playing golf. Language is acquired through movements.

Prices Individuals: from 1,900€ . Couples/Friends: from 2,900€ .

The schedule includes:

• Golf competition

• Wine seminar

• Tapas tasting every night

• “Manzanilla” winery visit in Sanlúcar de Barrameda

• Visit to Cádiz (European Havana) eat and tasting there fi s and wine

•Minimum 8 people


Golf, wineries& tapas


Flamenco is a well-known and internationally prai-

sed art. All its variants -dancing, singing, and guitar

contribute to its “jondura” (depth): feeling, joy, roots

transmission. Flamenco expresses inner feelings.

Learning about the origin, the past and present of

fl amenco is an advantage for the student of Spanish

since it will help not only to understand the character

and personality of its people, to enhance vocabulary

but also to understand the base of the language. The

student in this 7- day programme will put into practice

the Spanish acquired at the dancing, singing or guitar

lessons taught by masters of this art.

Price: 880€

The price includes:

•Spanish classes

•Dancing, singing or guitar lessons


•Flamenco Night with dinner

•Minimum 6 people


Flamenco:guitar,singing &dance

•To and from airport pick-up

•Personalized attention and assistance both academic and for every matter which may come up

•Delivery of documents to the student with all the details of the course, useful information about the city and

the school and a map of the city

•Free Wi-Fi at the schools

•Transfer to the diverse activities and visits

•Lodging in families or apartments, always near the school

•Trained TPR, TPRS, Natural Approach native teachers

•Possibility of conversational linguistic exchanges with students of other languages from the school

•Certifi cate of attendance certifi ed by Institute Cervantes

•All the levels are offered, from beginners to advanced

•Reduced number of students in each class

•Placement level test

•Reception of faxes and mail at the reception desk of the school

•Reading room, with books, newspapers and magazines

•Technology-equipped classrooms

•Air-conditioned schools

•Personalized reinforcement classes

•Specialized Spanish lessons on different topics: business, medicine, transport...

•Legal advise for visas and work permit in case needed

•Scheduling of guided trips

•Combined programmes


Programmes Feature

Other features

Innovadores en la enseñanza

Calle Escultor Martínez Montañés

Portal 6

41500 Alcalá de Guadaira

954 102 573

Calle París nº 25

41089 Montequinto

954 129 016