SoundOff (Jan. 12, 2012)

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Transcript of SoundOff (Jan. 12, 2012)

UPCOMING EVENTS TOday, 11:30 a.M.-1 P.M.:

Martin Luther King Jr. Observance - McGill Training Center

FrIday-MONday:Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center


WEdNESday, 10 a.M.:KACC Protected Health Information Town Hall - McGill Training Center

JaN. 19, 6-9 P.M.:Karaoke Night - The Lanes

JaN. 27, 5-9 P.M.:Mongolian Barbecue - Club Meade

OVEr ThE TOPMeade’s Combined

Federal Campaign exceeds expectations by $100,000

page 3

SCIENTIFICMeade High School

science fair motivates students’ imaginations

page 10

Soundoff!́vol. 64 no. 2 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community January 12, 2012

Weld Made

leonard Wilson sharpens his skills with an arc welder during a welding course at the Automotive Skills Center held Sunday afternoon. Students of the Basic Welding 101 Course acquired new skills through hands-on practice and classroom instruction. The Automotive Skills Center offers several “do-it-yourself” courses throughout the year including car maintenance and air conditioning and heating systems.For a schedule of classes, see Page by phil grout

Unique classes enhance skills at Auto Center� SOUNDOFF! January 12, 2012

Commander’s Column

Cont ent sNews............................. 3 NewstoUse......................... 7

TroubleTicket............... 4 Sports..................................14

Community................. 12 Movies.................................16

Editorial StaffGarrison Commander Col. Edward C. rothsteinGarrison Command Sgt. Maj. Charles E. SmithPublic affairs officerChad t. Jones Chad.T.Jones.civ@mail.milChief, Command informationPhilip H. Jones Philip.H.Jones.civ@mail.milassistant Editor & Senior Writer rona S. Hirsch Staff Writer lisa r. rhodesStaff Writer Brandon Bieltzdesign Coordinator timothy davis Supplemental photography provided by Patuxent Publishing Co.

advErtiSinGGeneral inquiries 410-332-6300

allison thompson 410-332-6850

Michele Griesbauer 410-332-6381

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Printed by offset method of reproduction as a civilian enterprise in the interest of the personnel at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, by the Patuxent Publishing Co., a subsidiary of The Baltimore Sun Media Group, 501 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21278, every Thursday except the last Thursday of the year in conjunction with the Fort Meade Public Affairs Office. Requests for publication must reach the Public Affairs Office no later than Friday before the desired publication date. Mailing address: Post Public Affairs Office, Soundoff! IMME-MEA-PA, Bldg. 4409, Fort Meade, MD 20755-5025. Telephone: 301-677-1361; DSN: 622-1361.

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Printed by Patuxent Publishing Co., a private firm, in no way connected with the Department of the Army. Opinions expressed by the publisher and writers herein are their own and are not to be considered an official expression by the Department of the Army. The appearance of advertisers in the publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Army of the products or services advertised. can also keep track of Fort Meade on twitter at

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Soundoff!́Guaranteed circulation:

11,285 After (more than) a few years away, I went back to school last month.

No, not to Lock Haven University in Pennsylvania, where I earned my degree in special education, but right here on Fort Meade, where we have some of the most outstanding schools you’ll find anywhere.

I had the honor of being led on my trip by Dr. Kevin Maxwell, superintendent of Anne Arundel County Public Schools.

For those of you who do not know, the schools of the “Meade cluster” — Meade High School, and the post’s middle and elementary schools that feed into it — are not Department of Defense schools, but rather come under Anne Arundel County and Dr. Maxwell.

Dr. Maxwell is strongly committed to supporting Fort Meade and its military and civilian families, and graciously agreed to go with me for the tour. I also brought Sarah Bonise, our schools liaison for Fort Meade, who works out of our Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation.

Sarah has established great relationships with our schools and is my “go-to” staff member on school issues. It was nice to see a member of Team Meade greeted by administrators and teachers as warmly as Sarah was.

I also brought Lt. Col. Ed Barrett, my Headquarters Battalion commander, who I have charged with building better partnerships between our tenant units on Fort Meade and the area schools — especially our Meade cluster schools.

I have to tell you that what I saw out there really impressed me. My first stop was Meade High School. Meade has the distinction of having two different spe-cial programs. It is one of three schools in the county to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program course of instruction, or IB.

As Dr. Maxwell explained, the IB course is set to an international curriculum, with academically challeng-ing international standards. The curriculum is not any different than would be taught in a top-flight school in a European system. It is a very popular program that draws from all over the county.

At Meade, we are very lucky to also have the middle years IB program at MacArthur Middle School and new this year, the primary years IB program at Manor View Elementary School.

Another highlight at Meade High is the Homeland Security Signature program, which features a course of study aimed at preparing students for careers in intel-ligence, security and emergency preparedness. A team of business and community members volunteer to support this program with strategic planning, resources and field trips.

MacArthur Middle and Meade Middle schools are developing pipeline programming to support this Homeland Security initiative.

While we were at Meade Middle School, Principal Bill Goodman and Beth Shakan, the Adequate Yearly Progress School Performance coach and the school’s health and wellness coordinator, were presented with the Anne Arundel County Wellness Schools of Distinction Award, one of only three presented in the county. This

award recognizes the school’s efforts in helping students be healthy and fit.

Manor View Elementary and I are old friends as I participated in the Read Across America program by reading a book to a third grade class in my paja-mas. Mrs. O’Shea gave a tour, which ended in the recently renovated media center completed by Heart of America and Target stores.

The new Pershing Hill Elementary is just as grand as it was at the opening ceremony on Aug. 23, 2011 — though not as shaky. Mrs. Green and I shared our earthquake memories of that day. We saw children engaged in creating power point stories and visited the Robotics Club.

The newly configured West Meade Early Education Center showed off the classrooms for our youngest children, complete with SMART Boards, rocking chairs and a new playground.

At Meade Heights Elementary School, just outside the gate, Lt. Col. Barrett and Sarah were able to watch young students working with Lego Robotics create soc-cer kickers and goalies and scoring with a touch of a key on their laptops.

Each school has much to brag about with com-puter labs, iPads, SMART Boards, Lego Robotics clubs, media centers, Signature Program and wellness initia-tives, and especially teams of dedicated leadership in our principals and administrators, along with engaged teachers and school staff.

In all, the schools we visited each has a component to support and mentor students who are struggling to meet educational goals.

In the near future, I will meet with all the principals of the Meade feeder system to further explore our part-nership both inside and outside our fence line.

So what can we do to help our students, to help our neighborhood schools? That was the question I asked at each visit.

Can we be part of the mentoring efforts to assist struggling students? Can we provide support for the many service projects each school undertakes each year such as mitten-, coat- and food drives? Can we support the student and staff efforts to redesign school web-sites? Can we provide tutoring help? Can we share Fort Meade as an extension of each school campus? Can we support the schools with guest speakers, field trips and resources to support STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) initiatives?

Each school principal enthusiastically welcomed my offer to partner. My charge to all of you is to actively participate in your own children’s education and extend a hand of service in support of our schools and volunteer. I know you will be welcomed in our schools.

Be cool, support your schools

COL. Edward C. rOthstEin

Garrison Commander January 12, 2012 SOUNDOFF! �

By Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

John Butterfield, the installation’s Animal Control Officer with the Fort Meade Police, said stray cats “are one of those problems you never seem to catch up with.”

Strays, also known as feral cats, can often be found around the golf course, and most recently have been concentrated in residential housing areas such as Heri-tage Park and Meuse Forest.

According to the Fort Meade Envi-ronmental Management Office, feral cats are no longer under human control, but live and

reproduce in the wild, usually in close associa-tion with humans.

Cats that have not been spayed or neutered can have two to three litters per year, with four to eight kittens per litter, which can cause an

overpopulation problem.Butterfield is responsible for enforc-

ing the installation’s animal control regulations as well as federal and state laws in this area. He also captures and removes all stray animals on post.

All stray animals are captured using humane traps, Butterfield said.

Stray cats and dogs are taken to the kennel at the Directorate of Emergen-cy Services, where they are scanned for microchips to identify a possible owner. The animals are kept at the kennel for up to two days to allow owners to retrieve them.

If there is no microchip or an owner can-not be located, the stray is taken to the Anne

Arundel County Animal Shelter in Millersville. The animal is placed in the shelter’s kennel for up to five days to allow the owner to pick it up, unless the stray is extremely aggressive, seriously injured or suffering. The animal is also tested for disease.

Feral cats can harbor and transmit a variety of fatal and nonfatal diseases to domestic cats and other pets. In addition to rabies, outdoor cats risk exposure to fatal diseases such as feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus, or FIV. While vaccines are available for some diseases, they are not 100 percent effec-tive. A vaccine for FIV is not available.

Butterfield said people should never try to pet or feed any animal they do not know. People who encounter a stray or see any unusual or unnatural activities involving ani-mals should contact the police desk at 301-677-6622.

People should also call the police desk if a domestic animal is missing or if a stray is

injured or sick, so it can be treated to prevent the spread of potential diseases.

The installation requires residents to micro-chip their pets, a procedure that provides a permanent tracking system for lost pets. Pets can be microchipped at the Fort Meade Vet-erinary Treatment Facility for a $20 fee. The microchip is injected with a sterile applicator under the skin between the animal’s shoulder blades. Each chip has an alphanumeric code unique to each animal.

If the pet is lost, a veterinarian or animal shelter can scan the pet to see the number, which is stored in a database with contact information that can be updated.

Butterfield said he strives to do what is best for the animal.

“We will do everything we can do to help out,” he said.

Editor’s note: Some information for this article was taken from the May 20, 2004 and Oct. 18, 2007 issues of Soundoff!

Animal Control Office works to reduce strays on post


By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

After three months of campaigning, Fort Meade’s Combined Federal Cam-paign coordinators can boast a success-ful year of fundraising for the world’s largest workplace-giving campaign.

With donations still trickling in, installation coordinator Sgt. 1st Class Bryant Maude said the final count will be around $525,000 — achieving 131 percent of its goal determined at the campaign’s launch in October.

Through the annual campaign, fed-eral employees and service members can donate to more than 4,000 international, national and local charities through one-time donations and payroll deductions.

While Fort Meade’s stated goal was $400,000 — $50,000 more than last year — Maude expected to exceed that amount from the start.

“I believed that Fort Meade should do more than that,” he said “On my tracker, I was always tracking half a million dol-lars ... I always believed we could.”

Amy Bahel, Fort Meade’s loaned executive from the Chesapeake Bay Area CFC, said she initially didn’t think $500,000 was attainable, but Maude’s “energy, enthusiasm and passion for the CFC” spurred the outpouring of dona-tions.

“Over the past four months, I patient-

ly watched the cards to play out right. Around the middle of December I knew that Sergeant First Class Maude was going to deliver on his goal,” Bahel said. “He was going to prove me wrong.”

With the campaign over but final donations still coming in, Maude said around 1,700 people donated to the 2011 CFC, with pledges ranging from $1 to thousands.

Maude credits the campaign’s success to the motivation of the units and their coordinators. With the exception of the new Defense Media Activity, Maude said, all 90 units who participated this year also contributed last year. But this year, several units drastically increased their donations, including Navy Infor-mation Operations Command Mary-land, which donated $40,000 after con-tributing $8,900 in 2010.

“Our goal from the onset was to engage as many individual units as we could and to train them in a way to expect to increase numbers,” Maude said.

During this year’s campaign, Maude heavily pushed the use of online pledges, which he said could have had an impact on the increase in contributions. An aver-age paper pledge is around $167, he said, while online pledges are typically more than $400.

In addition, units sponsored creative

events to raise funds and awareness of the campaign. DMA held a chili cook-off to raise more than $600 while the leaders of the Defense Security Service raced on tricycles to raise more then $400.

Installation CFC coordinators also sponsored a bowling tournament and a pumpkin carving contest.

“From a money perspective, it isn’t a lot of money but it builds excitement,” Maude said. “Every one will ultimately walk away and say, ‘Hey, that pledge slip is on my desk. I better get that done.’ ”

Bahel attributed Fort Meade’s success to Maude; Capt. David Blumenthal, Headquarters Command Battalion CFC representative; and Team Meade for their commitment and “for having the courage to run crazy events like tricycle races and pumpkin carving contests, and for making the campaign personal and fun.”

Fort Meade’s CFC contribution will be combined with several other govern-ment agencies in the CBACFC territory. For the past five years, the CBACFC has raised more than $6 million annually.

So far this year, the organization has raised a total of $6,591,755, or 98 per-cent of its goal. Bahel said the campaign has never been this close to its goal at this point in the campaign and predicts the CBACFC will surpass its $6.7 mil-

lion goal.“Good economy, bad economy, the

needs don’t stop. In fact, they’re greater than ever,” Maude said. “There’s a lot of charities that will be happy next year to receive that extra money.”

Meade CFC exceeds goal, raises more than $500,000

‘Good economy, bad economy, the needs don’t stop. In fact, they’re greater than ever.’

Sgt. 1st Class Bryant Maude Fort Meade CFC coordinator

CourteSy photo� SOUNDOFF! January 12, 2012


Jan. 4, Larceny of private proper-ty: The victim stated that while at work, her BlackBerry cell phone was taken from her desk, which was unsecured and unattended.

Jan. 7, Driving while under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol, driver with prohibited open container in passenger area of motor vehicle: The Directorate of Emergency

Services was notified by a unit of a disabled vehicle, which the officer stopped to assist. The unit observed a flat tire and a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from the driver. The unit administered standardized field

sobriety tests, which the driver failed. The driver rendered a breath test, with results of .19 percent blood alcohol content.

Four scheduled projects will require the closure of several installation roads:

• The side-entrance drive to the commissary will be closed Jan. 19 for pipe crossing and asphalt work on Feb. 2.

• Both lanes of Rose Street will be closed Jan. 25 for pipe crossing and on Feb. 2 for asphalt work.

• Both center lanes of MacArthur Road will be closed Jan. 28 and 29 for pipeline construction. The lanes also

will be closed Feb. 3 for asphalt work. • The right-turn lane on MacArthur

Road onto westbound Mapes Road will be closed Feb. 4.

Drivers should plan ahead and use alternative routes. All roads are sched-uled to reopen by 3 p.m. on the day of the closures.

The schedule is subject to change due to weather or other circumstanc-es. Changes will be posted on Fort Meade’s Facebook page and official website.

Construction Zone

Ongoing construction and renovationson Fort Meade

CommunityCommunityCrime Watch

Compiled by the Fort Meade Directorate of Emergency Services

Trouble Ticket

Issue: Plan: Status:

Youth Services Sports Complex is in need of


Renovate the Youth Services Sports Complex

Actual use of fields will be this fall to allow grass to mature

Community members have concerns about golf

course service availability in light of Base Closure and


Maintain a minimum of 18 holes at current site;

restoring golf operations on a site south of the

installation is also proposed

Golf operations are unchanged through


Have you noticed an issue on post and wondered if anything is being done to fix it? Email concerns and

issues to Each week, Soundoff! will

address issues identified on post and describe what is being done to

solve them.

file photo

Play equipment near the Boundless Playground is currently undergoing repairs.

The Installation Safety Office has deemed and marked some play equipment at Burba Lake as unsafe

Repair the play equipment so that it is functional

Repairs are under way

The 2012 Fort Meade Welcome Guide is now online at It can be viewed online or downloaded from the website.It is also available for distribution at the Fort Meade Public Affairs Office at 4409 Llewellyn Ave. Organizations that need just a few post guides may stop by the Public Affairs Office. For more than 50 copies, a scheduled pickup is required.For more information or to schedule a pickup, call 301-677-1109.� SOUNDOFF! January 12, 2012


By Megan Hayden, RNKimbrough Ambulatory Care Center

Last year I focused on weight loss through exercise and healthy eating. This year I will focus on two other important healthy self components: self-care and managing stress in a healthy manner.

Self-care includes:• Keeping appointments and partnering

with your primary care provider• Taking medications as prescribed to

control health conditions• Being an informed and prepared health

care consumer. Reputable health informa-tion can be obtained by visiting and http://www.• Forming healthy friendships• Caring for your own needsManaging stress can be accomplished

in many ways. Here are a few to consider; most take a bit of practice before they become truly helpful:

• Exercise regularly to reduce and pre-vent the effects of stress. Aim for 30 min-utes, five days a week.

• Get enough sleep by aiming for seven- to eight hours a night. Fatigue can cause you to think irrationally.

• Make a list of necessary tasks to accomplish, prioritize them and cross them off as you finish. Reduce your obligations

when possible and practice saying “no” to added responsibilities that can cause stress.

• Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing. Inhale through your nose and focus on your abdomen rising (not just your chest). As you exhale through your mouth, focus on your abdomen falling.

It may help to count as you breathe in and out. Practice this exercise a few min-utes, several times a day. Other relaxation techniques you can practice include medita-tion, guided imagery, yoga and massage.

• Write down a daily list of joys and/or stressors in your life. When writing about stressors, make a list of ways to overcome

them or whether they are out of your control.

• Laugh daily by watching a comedy or sharing jokes.

• Start a hobby or make time for leisure activities that you enjoy.

• Ask for help from a friend or family member if you need it. You should also speak with your provider if you believe your stress is causing depression.

• Don’t invite negative or self-defeating thoughts in, and don’t allow them to stay.

You can aim for your best quality of life by being a responsible participant in your health and responding to your body’s needs. A healthy lifestyle is your key.

Kimbrough Corner: Practice self-care for a healthy life

lum to support Meade’s Homeland Security Signature Program.

Two new programs at the high school are the Radical Hospitality Initiative launched by Anne Arundel County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Kevin Maxwell and “Tal-kalatte.”

The Radical Hospitality Initiative is “our mission to make sure students, parents, faculty, staff and guests to Meade High School receive an overwhelming display of professionalism, helpfulness and warmth by every faculty and staff member in the building,” Clark said. “I do not believe in the idea that you have to give respect to get respect. I believe that you give respect freely and abundantly and that everyone deserves radical hospitality.”

“Talkalatte” is Clark’s version of “Coffee with the Principal,” a monthly event in which parents and community members meet with her to receive updates on the school’s progress and voice support or concerns while enjoying coffee and light refreshments.

The first “Talkalatte” will be held today at 3 and 6 p.m. in the school’s media center.

Clark said she is working to eliminate the achievement gap at Meade. The high school did not make its 2011 Adequate Yearly Prog-ress requirements under the federal Leave No Child Behind Act for students with limited proficiency in English and special education students.

The school also has a “great disparity,” she said, with black males being disciplined

disproportionately.Meade High is restructuring its school

improvement plan to assess the data and work as a team to devise strategies to address the problems. Clark said those strategies will include increasing the school’s cultural-pro-ficiency professional development, analyzing referral data on a weekly basis and restruc-turing an existing program to be an in-school suspension program.

“I am a facilitative leader,” Clark said. “I believe that in order to reach our school improvement goals and eliminate the achieve-ment gap, it’s going to take all hands on deck. So I encourage everyone in the Meade family to take part in its success.”

A native of Annapolis, Clark graduated from Annapolis High School. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English education at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, a master’s degree in counseling at Bowie State University and a certificate in administration from McDaniel College.

Clark said that early on, her mother told her that teaching was her calling.

“Even as a child, I made family and friends sit while I taught them,” Clark said. “I believe in empowering students to cultivate their best.”

In her spare time, the mother of two enjoys reading, singing and dancing.

“Any form of the arts is right up my alley,” she said.

Clark said she wanted to take over the leadership of the school because of her love for its students, faculty and staff.

“I am excited about being the leader that takes Meade to the next level. ... My admin-istrative team is committed and focused, and the teachers are on board and ready to go,” she said.

Story and photo by Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

Yolanda Clark, the new acting principal at Meade High School, greets visitors with a warm smile and firm handshake.

Clark, who replaced Daryl E. Kennedy, began her tenure Dec. 22 and is enthusiastic about her new position.

“I am excited about all the possibilities that exist here at Meade High School,” Clark said. “It is my intention to maintain our cur-rent success while we elevate ourselves to new levels of success.”

After serving four years as an assistant principal under Kennedy, Clark will serve as acting principal until the end of the school year. It is her hope that she will become the principal for the next school year and beyond.

Kennedy, who was Meade High’s principal for a little more than four years, left last month to serve as executive director of principal sup-port for the Baltimore City Public Schools.

“It has been a seamless transition,” Clark said of her first week of school after the holiday break. “The teachers and students haven’t skipped a beat. I have received a lot of good response about the positive energy in the building.”

Clark said her priorities are to maintain the school’s current academic programs, particu-larly the International Baccalaureate Program and the Middle Years Program, Project Lead The Way and AVID.

She said Meade High is also working to develop a kindergarten through eighth-grade program that focuses on preparing elementary and middle school students for career oppor-tunities in homeland security.

Both MacArthur Middle and Meade Mid-dle schools are currently working on curricu-

New acting principal takes reins of Meade High

Yolanda Clark, the new acting principal of Meade High School since Dec. 22, 2011, plans to maintain the school’s academic programs and has started “Talkalatte,” a monthly informal meeting with parents and community members over coffee. January 12, 2012 SOUNDOFF! �

By Donna MilesAmerican Forces Press Service

With election activity steadily picking up, defense officials are in the process of issu-ing regular election-year guidance to remind military and Defense Department civilians that they’re subject to rules regulating their involve-ment in political activities.

This issue — one the department regularly addresses during election periods — came to light earlier this week after an Army Reserve Soldier in uniform appeared endorsing a politi-cal candidate.

Several sets of rules help to protect the integrity of the political process, DoD officials said. DoD Directive 1344.10 applies to mem-bers of the armed forces, whether they serve on active duty, as members of the Reserve components not on active duty, as National Guard members in a nonfederal status, and military retirees.

In addition, the Hatch Act applies to federal civilian employees. And employees also are subject to widely published DoD guidance that discusses participation in political campaigns and elections.

These rules are designed to prevent the participation of military members and federal civilian employees in political activities that imply — or even appear to imply — official sponsorship, approval or endorsement, offi-cials said. The concern, they explained, is that actual or perceived partisanship could under-mine the legitimacy of the military profession and department.

That’s not to imply, however, that military members and civilian employees can’t partici-pate in politics. In fact, DoD has a long-stand-ing policy of encouraging members to carry out the obligations of citizenship, officials said. DoD encourages its military and civilian mem-bers to register to vote and vote as they choose, they said. Both groups can sign nominating petitions for candidates and express their per-sonal opinions about candidates and issues.

However, officials emphasized, they can do so only if they don’t act as, or aren’t perceived as, representatives of the armed forces in car-rying out these activities.

Beyond that, the list of do’s and dont’s differs depending on whether the employee is a member of the armed forces, a career civil service employee, a political appointee or a member of the career Senior Executive Service, officials said.

Military members, for example, may attend

political meetings or rallies only as spectators and not in uniform. They’re not per-mitted to make public political speeches, serve in any official capacity in par-tisan groups, or participate in partisan political campaigns or conventions.

They also are barred from engaging in any political activities while in uniform.

A combat engineer assigned to the 416th Theater Engineer Company potentially vio-lated these rules Jan. 3 when he stepped onto a stage at Ron Paul’s headquarters in Ankeny, Iowa, during the Iowa Caucus to offer a per-sonal endorsement. Although he was wearing his uniform, the Soldier was not in an active status at the time, Maj. Angela Wallace, an Army Reserve spokeswoman, confirmed.

Wallace emphasized that the Soldier “stands alone in his opinions regarding his political affiliation and beliefs, and his statements and beliefs in no way reflect that of the Army Reserve.”

His chain of command is aware of the issue and is considering appropriate disciplinary action to take, she said.

Most civilian DoD employees, whose politi-cal activities are governed by the Hatch Act, are permitted to be active in and speak before political gatherings and serve as officers of political parties or partisan groups, officials said. These activities, however, cannot involve fundraising.

Civilian employees also are permitted to manage campaigns, distribute literature, write political articles or serve as a spokesperson for a party or candidate.

There are, however, exceptions to this, including but not limited to Senior Executive Service.

While the do’s and dont’s concerning politi-cal activity may vary, the basic tenets hold true for all DoD employees.

The bottom line, officials said, is that they should steer clear of any activity that may be reasonably viewed as directly or indirectly associating DoD or the military with a partisan political activity, or that “is otherwise contrary to the spirit or intent” of the rules described.

Rules restrict political activity by DoD personnel


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Find Fort Meade on Facebook at January 12, 2012 SOUNDOFF! �


ABOVE LEFT: Instructor Steve Oreutt (right) shows Harley Clinton how to adjust the flame on the oxy-acetelene torch before making his first weld Sunday afternoon at the Automotive Skills Center’s Basic Weld-ing 101 Course. During the two-hour course, students learned the fundamentals of weld-ing including using the welding torch, metal inert gas welding and arc welding.

The hands of Mitchell Gordon guide the arc-welding torch during the Basic Welding 101 Course that was offered Sunday at the Automotive Skills Center.

photos by phil grout

Do-it-yourself classes Upcoming courses offered at the Automotive Skills Center:• “How to replace brake pads and shoes,” Jan. 22• “How to change transmission fluid and filter,” Feb. 5• “How to change oil and maintain your vehicle,” March 11• “How to change wheel bearings,” March 25• “Proper procedures for replacing timing belts,” April 22• “How to replace drive belts and antifreeze,” April 8• “How to replace brake pads and shoes,” May 6• “How to change constant velocity boots/axles,” June 3• “Understanding air conditioning and heating systems,” June 17

Classes are held from 1 to 3 p.m. at 6530 Taylor Ave. The cost for each course is $10.For more information, call 301-677-5542.




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By Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

For two years, Vanessa Cox has been using a hydroponic system in her home to grow vegetables.

When her son, Hunter, a junior at Meade High School, needed a project idea for the school’s annual science fair, the 16-year-old decided to use a hydro-ponic system to prove his hypothesis.

Hunter’s project, “Soil Optional,” was among the three first-place winners in this year’s science fair held Jan. 5 and 6 in the school’s media center.

Hunter, as well as McKenna Thomas-Franz and Melody Zuniga, are invited to represent Meade High at the Anne Arundel County Public Schools 2012

Meade High science projects advance to county competition

Regional Science and Engineering Fair on March 3.

The first-place students were among more than 300 other teens to participate in the science fair, which was judged by teachers from the high school’s science department, military personnel from the Air Force and Coast Guard, and personnel from the National Security Agency, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, the University of Maryland University College, Praxis Engineering, Booz Allen Hamilton and Johns Hop-kins Applied Physics Laboratory.

“I was surprised,” said Hunter of the win. “I did a science fair when I was in my freshman year and didn’t win. I wasn’t expecting to win.”

Twenty students — including five second-place finishers, seven third-place finishers and five honorable men-tions — were judged the best among the entries. They will receive a gift bag with prizes donated by many of the organi-zations that sent the 45 judges to the event. Prizes include gift cards, savings bonds, electronics and T-shirts.

“The purpose of the fair is to teach students how scientists work,” said Don-ald Ziegler, chair of the high school’s science department and event orga-nizer. “It exposes them to all the steps in the scientific method, experiment design and writing research reports.”

Entries must follow the rules and guidelines established by the Interna-tional Science and Engineering Fair. All projects included a purpose, hypothesis, observation, overview, conclusion and research references.

Students could develop their own ideas or tie the project to the sci-ence curriculum. Projects ranged from

Lisa Natale, a Department of Defense volunteer judge, makes notes as she judges a project about solar-powered salt removal during Meade High School’s annual science fair. More than 300 students participated in the two-day by brian krista

photo by lisa r. rhodes

Melody Zuniga, 16; McKenna Thomas-Franz, 14; and Hunter Cox, 16, are the three first-place winners in Meade High School’s annual science fair held Jan. 5 and 6. They are invited to represent Meade High in the Anne Arundel County Public Schools 2012 Regional Science and Engineering Fair on March 3. January 12, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 11


“Testing the Iron Content in Different Cereals” and “Gaming Addiction” to “Indoor vs. Outdoor Air Quality” and “Robotics in the Military.”

Hunter used a hydrophonic system to prove his hypothesis that plants grown in the system would generate faster than plants grown with Miracle-Gro, a commercial plant food. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions in water without soil.

In his experiment, Hunter planted beans both in the system and with Mir-acle-Gro and watched their progress for 16 days. He found that the beans in the hydroponic system did grow faster. Nutrients in a hydroponic system are mixed with the water and sent directly to the root system. The plant does not have to search in the soil for the nutri-ents that it requires.

Hunter said the system is efficient.“I did a lot of research and I wasn’t

really surprised by the results,” he said.

Melody, a junior, said her project “Gel Electrophoresis” was an ama-teur attempt to replicate the scientific principles used in forensics to deter-mine whether DNA from a crime scene matches the DNA of a suspect.

Gel electrophoresis is a method used in clinical chemistry to separate pro-teins and is used in forensics. Melody’s hypothesis was that different colors have an effect on proteins during gel electrophoresis. To prove that, the 16-year-old needed to determine which food colorings have the most proteins.

For her experiment, Melody used a plastic soap box, Chinese guard gel, baking soda, water and the electric charge from batteries to create an ama-teur gel electrophoresis apparatus to separate the proteins in dark and light food coloring. She discovered that dark food coloring, specifically red and blue, have more proteins than light food col-oring such as green and yellow.

“I thought they would be the same,” Melody said. “I was surprised.”

McKenna, a freshman, used her interest in social science to prove her hypothesis that age affects how people use privacy settings on Facebook.

For her project, “Facebook Privacy Preferences,” the 14-year-old created a questionnaire about privacy settings and distributed it to about 200 friends and associates who are Facebook users. The age range of the experiment pool was under age 15 to over 50.

“I know how important Facebook is,” McKenna said. “And with encour-

agement from my mother, I decided to collect data that could measure specific responses.”

McKenna found that her hypothesis was correct.

“People age 18 to 25 are most lenient about individual privacy,” she said, noting that her survey showed that young adults were most likely to post their address and telephone number on Facebook.

Those age 45 and older, however, are less likely to check their privacy settings when Facebook changes them, McKenna said. As a result, their per-sonal information is just as likely to be exposed as that of a younger user.

Facebook users who are more cau-tious about their privacy settings range in age from 26 to 35. McKenna said her experiment found that people in this age group use more discretion

because they use Facebook as a tool to find jobs and are subject to scrutiny by employers.

After the judging, Jeffrey Kubik, a project manager with Praxis Engineer-ing in Annapolis Junction, said he was impressed with the winning entries.

“It was a positive experience,” said Kubik, who judged the fair for the first time. “It gave me the opportunity to give back to the next generation.”

photo by brian krista

Michael Walsh of the U.S. Coast Guard represents one of many organizations that sent 45 volunteer judges to Meade High School’s annual two-day science fair. Judges also participated from the National Security Agency, Air Force, Coast Guard and numerous businesses. SOUNDOFF! January 12, 2012

Community news & notes

The deadline for Soundoff! community “News and Notes” is Friday at noon. All submissions are posted at the editor’s dis-cretion and may be edited for space and grammar. Look for additional community events on the Fort Meade website at and the Meade TV Blog at

For more information or to submit an announcement, email philip.h. or call 301-677-5602.

Kimbrough closureKimbrough Ambulatory Care Center

will be closed Friday through Monday for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend.

Protected Health Info briefing

The Army Implementation of Protected Health Information Town Hall will be held Wednesday at 10 a.m. at McGill Training Center, 8452 Zimborski Ave.

Commanders are required to promote and safeguard the health and well-being of their Soldiers. They must have sufficient information to make informed decisions about their Soldiers’ fitness and duty limitations.

Therefore, Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center will conduct a Protected Health Information briefing that will inform the garrison command about the limitations and type of information that can be released.

The briefing also will review the standards and limitations regarding behavior health, the Medical Management Center and the Integrated Disability Evaluation System process.

The briefing is mandatory for all Army commanders and their enlisted counterparts, per ALARACT message 405/2011/ ALARACT HQDA EXORD 270-11. It is also open to all other commanders and their senior enlisted counterparts on Fort Meade.

For more information, call Lt. Michelle Labrie at 301-677-8311 or email

Club Meade deliversClub Meade is now offering food

delivery.Customers must allow one hour for

service. Minimum order is $30.For more information, call 301-677-6969.

Saturday hours at ID Card Section

The Identification Card Section is now open the first Saturday of every month from 8 a.m. to noon on a walk-in basis only at the Max J. Beilke Human Resource Center at 2234 Huber Road

For more information, call 301-677-9586.

Vet clinic renovationsThe Fort Meade Veterinary Treatment

Facility is undergoing renovations this month.

The clinic’s regular weekday hours of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. will be maintained, with the exception of unexpected closings due to construction.

For more information, call 301-677-1300.

Karaoke NightThe 11th Frame Lounge at the Lanes

is hosting a free Karaoke Night on the third Thursday of the month.

The next Karaoke Night will be Jan. 19 from 7 to 10 p.m. The general public is invited.

For more information, call 301-677-5541.

Fleet Center classesThe Fleet and Family Support Center at

830 Chisholm Ave. offers classes that are open to DoD identification cardholders. Classes are held at the Community Readiness Center, unless otherwise noted. Advanced registration is required.

• DTAP (Disability Transition Assistance Program): Jan. 23, 9 a.m. to noon

• Federal Employment: Jan. 24, 9 a.m. to noon: This free workshop is designed to teach the basics of the federal employment system.

• Hearts Apart support group: Jan. 25, 4 to 8 p.m.

• Home buying: Jan. 26, 1 to 3 p.m.• Medical Records Review: Have your

medical records reviewed by Joseph Thornton of AMVETS. An appointment is required.

To register or for more information, call 301-677-9017 or 9018.

Job search strategiesThe Fort Meade Employment

Readiness Program encourages those seeking employment, transitioning from

the military or looking to improve their job readiness skills to participate in the following programs:

• Military Spouse Forum/Hiring Fair, Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Washington Convention Center, 801 Mount Vernon Place NW, Washington, D.C.

• Veterans Career Fair and Expo, Wednesday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Washington Convention Center, 801 Mount Vernon Place NW, Washington, D.C.

• Military & Spouse Employment Support Group, Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Potomac Place Neighborhood Center

• Employment Orientation, Jan. 19, 9 a.m. to noon, Army Community Service, 830 Chisholm Ave.: Overview of tips and resources to enhance your job search

• Federal Employment class, Jan. 24, 9 a.m. to noon, Army Community Service, 830 Chisholm Ave.: Learn to demys-

tify the application process for federal employment

• Career Exploration, Jan. 31, 9 a.m. to noon, Army Community Service, 830 Chisholm Ave.

• BRAC 101 Employment Training Orientation, Feb. 8, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Soldier and Family Assistance Center, 85th Medical Battalion Avenue

The Employment Readiness Program helps the military community with job readiness by providing employment consultations/coaching, career classes and assessments, and job search/interview preparation assistance.

For more information, call Vikki Torrence, Employment Readiness Program manager, or Jamesinaez James at 301-677-5590 or email

ACS financial programsArmy Community Service is offering

the following programs in January at


file photo

KING DAY OBSERVANCEThe installation’s annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Observance will be held today from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at McGill Training Center, 8452 Zimborski Ave. The event, offered by the installation command and Equal Opportunity Office, is sponsored by the 902nd Military Intelligence Group. The free event will feature food samplings.The theme is “A Day On, Not A Day Off!” The keynote speaker is the Rev. Walter E. Fauntroy, a minister and civil rights activist. In 1971, he was elected to Congress as the first representative from the District of Columbia in 100 years and served for nearly two decades.Fauntroy also was the Washington, D.C., coordinator of the historic 1963 March on Washington and was a founding member of the Con-gressional Black Caucus. All Fort Meade service members and civilians are encouraged to attend with supervisory approval and without charge to annual leave. Admin-istrative leave is authorized. For more information, call Sgt. 1st Class Lukowski at 301-677-2162 or Sgt. 1st Class Bass at 301-677-6687. Anyone in need of a sign language interpreter should contact the EEO Office at 301-677-6298/3660.

EDUCATION January 12, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 13

Community news & notes

830 Chisholm Ave.:• Debt Liquidation, today, 9 to 10:30

a.m.,• Consumer Awareness, Tuesday, 9 to

10:30 a.m.• Credit Score Clinic, Wednesday and

Jan. 25, 30-minute blocks• Banking and Avoiding Fees, Jan. 19,

9 to 10:30 a.m.• Federal Employment, Jan. 24, 9 a.m.

to noon• Career Exploration, Jan. 31, 9 a.m.

to noonFor more information, call 301-677-


Newcomer’s seminarThe Military Spouse Newcomer’s

Seminar is held Wednesdays from 12:30 to 4 p.m. at the Community Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave.

Spouses from all military branches are invited. Information is presented on different installation agencies. Door prizes are also awarded.

For more information and reservations, call the Army Community Service Relocation Office at 301-677-5590.

Story TimeThe Medal of Honor Memorial Library

offers Story Time for preschoolers on Thursdays from 9:30 to 10 a.m. and 10:30 to 11 a.m.

• Today: “Snow Happy,” winter-themed stories

• Jan. 19: “Toys and More Toys,” toy-themed stories

• Jan. 26: “Ice is Nice,” penguin and polar bear stories

For more information, call 301-677-5522.

CYS2 activitiesChild, Youth and School Services

is offering the following programs for grades six to eight:

• “Pizza and Movie Night,” Friday, 6 to 9:30 p.m., Youth Center. Cost is $5.

• Shadowland Laser Adventures, Jan. 20, 6 to 9:30 p.m., Columbia. Cost is $20. Parent waiver required. Space is limited.

For more information, call 301-677-1437.

Romp ‘n StompRomp ‘n Stomp playgroup, for

parents and their children up to 5 years old, meets Tuesdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Youth Services gym, when Anne Arundel County Public Schools are in session.

For more information, call Rikki Ford, Parent Support coordinator, at 301-677-3617 or e-mail

Out & About• Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade,

Monday, begins at noon at Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Eutaw Street, and travels south and disbands at Baltimore Street. For more information, visit

• Baltimore Winter Restaurant Week: Restaurants throughout the city will offer three-course dinners Jan. 20 to 29 for $30.12 or $20.12. Select restaurants will offer two-course lunch menus for $15.12. For more information, visit

• Leisure Travel Services, 2300 Wilson St., is offering monthly bus trips to New York City on Saturday and Feb. 11, March 10, April 14, May 18, June 16, July 21, Aug. 18, Sept. 15, Oct. 13 and Nov. 10 and discounts to attractions. Bus cost is $55. For more information, call 301-677-7354 or visit

• Leisure Travel Services, 2300 Wilson St., is offering discounted tickets to Toby’s Dinner Theatres in Columbia and Baltimore. The Columbia theater is presenting “The King and I” through March 25. Toby’s in Baltimore is presenting “Smokey Joe’s Cafe” from Jan. 19 to March 18. For more information, call 301-677-7354.

• Baltimore Boat Show, Jan. 19 to 22, Baltimore Convention Center, 901

West Pratt St., Baltimore. Hours are: Jan. 19 and 20 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Jan. 21 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; and Jan. 22 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Board boats for every lifestyle, activity and budget. Browse booths showcasing the latest in engines, marine electronics, accessories, fishing tackle and gear. Educational seminars and child-friendly activities will be available. Admission is $10 for adults. Youths ages 15 and younger attend free with a paid adult admission.

Group discounts are available. Contact Mary Steen at 617-472-1442 or For more information, visit

• Fort Meade E9 Association meets the second Friday of every month at 7 a.m. in the Pin Deck Cafe at the Lanes. The next meeting is Friday. The association is open to active, retired, Reserve and National Guard E9s of any uniformed service. All E9s in this area are invited to attend a breakfast and meet the membership. For more information, visit or call 410-551-7953.

• Society of Military Widows meets for brunch the third Sunday of the month at 11 a.m. at Club Meade. The next meeting is Sunday. For more information, call Betty Jones at 410-730-0127.

• EMPOWERING Parents of Teens Support Group meets the first and third Monday of every month from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at School Age Services. The next meeting is Monday. Refreshments and free child care provided. For more information, call Rikki Ford, Parent Support coordinator, at 301-677-3617 or e-mail

• Fort Meade BOSS (Better Opportunities for the Single Solder) meets the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 3 p.m. at the Freedom Center, Bldg. 6405. The next

meeting is Tuesday. Single Soldiers are invited. For more information, call 301-677-7785.

• Patient/Family Advisory Council meets the third Thursday of each month at 3 p.m. at Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center. The next meeting is Jan. 19 in Kimbrough’s main conference room on the third floor, room 3C03.

The council is committed to improving the delivery of our health care by collaborating with providers, patients and family members. For more information or to become a council member, call Patient and Family Centered Care, at 301-677-8261.

• Meade Area Garden Club will meet Jan. 20 at 10 a.m. at the Jessup Community Hall at the corner of Route 175 and Wigley Avenue. Reservations are no required. Refreshments will be served.

Carrie Engle of Valley View Farms will present the program, “House Plants for Healthy Living.” The meeting also will feature the presentation of a defibrillator to the Jessup Province Boys’ and Girls’ Youth Organization. The defibrillator was purchased with funds from the sale of cookbooks of members’ recipes. Cookbooks are available for purchase for $20 at the monthly meetings.

For more information, call Lois Stephenson at 410-740-8024 or Pat Loosararian, membership chairperson, at 410-519-6443.

• Retired Enlisted Association meets the third Thursday of the month from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Argonne Hills Chapel Center. The next meeting is Jan. 19. For more information, visit or call Mary Gray, the local president, at 410-916-5385 or Arthur R. Cooper, national president, at 443-336-1230.

• Single Parent Support Group meets the second and fourth Monday of the month from 6 to 8 p.m. at School Age Services, 1900 Reece Road. The next meeting is Jan. 23. For more information, call Rikki Ford, Parent Support coordinator, at 301-677-3617 or email

Commander’s Open DoorGarrison Commander Col. edward C. Rothstein has an open

door policy.All service members, retirees, government employees, family

members or community members age 18 or older are invited to address issues or concerns to the commander directly by visit-ing Rothstein’s office on Mondays from 4 to 6 p.m. at garrison headquarters in hodges hall, Bldg. 4551, llewellyn Avenue.

Visitors are seen on a first-come, first-served basis. No appointment is necessary.

for more information, call 301-677-4844.




Chaplain’s Word


Love is a fruit in season at all times

and within the reach of every hand.

— Mother Teresa SOUNDOFF! January 12, 2012


By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

James Caldwell planned for his 704th Military Intelligence Brigade team to open the 2012 Division I intramural basketball season by hitting the court running and working out the kinks as they developed.

However, early on in Monday’s season-opener against the 55th Signal Company (Combat Camera), 704th players expe-rienced more kinks than success as they were forced to overcome a 15-point defi-cit in a come-from-behind 41-39 victory. Richardo Sanchez led the 704th’s come-back charge with a 10-point second-half.

The 704th closed out last season with a long playoff run that ended with a third-place finish, but the team needed to rebuild prior to the season-opener at Murphy Field House. While many of the role players from last year are still on the roster, last year’s core — including the top scorer — is no longer with the team.

“We’re still looking like a solid team,” Caldwell said. “We’re deeper than we were last year. We’re looking for new players to step in and fill those roles we lost last year.”

Caldwell’s biggest concern was that the team lacked a slasher, somebody who could drive to the basket while still having success from the perimeter. But Caldwell was confident his team could fill the miss-ing holes and have a successful season if they played as a team.

“We have to play as a unit; we can’t play as individuals,” he said. “If we play as a team, I don’t think anybody on the court can stop us.”

Coach Calvin Reed and Combat Cam-era had the first attempt to try and stop the confident 704th. Last year, Combat Camera finished the season slightly above .500. But much like the 704th, the team was looking to fill holes created by depar-tures.

“We’re just going to kind of plug and play,” Reed said of the early season strat-egy.

While the team didn’t have set strate-gies, Reed had three expectations of his team: “Take care of the ball, no turnovers and hustle,” he said.

Combat Camera struggled early on in the first half, but began to follow Reed’s instructions to take the lead. The 704th came out to a quick lead by working the ball around the perimeter, but Combat Camera fought back to tie at 10.

Despite a short bench of only six players, Combat Camera pulled away by attacking in the paint to draw fouls and

704th opens season with come-from-behind victory

photos by noah scialom

Richardo Sanchez of the 704th Military Intelligence Brigade fights through 55th Signal Company (Combat Camera) defenders during the 2012 intramural season-opener Monday night at Murphy Field House. The 704th pulled off a late 41-39 victory over Combat Camera.

Combat Camera’s Joe Joynt dribbles the ball during a Division I intramural basketball game Monday night at Murphy Field House. Joynt’s 12 points weren’t enough to seal a victory for Combat Camera. The team fell to the 704th, 41-39.

hauling down rebounds while tightening its defense. The 704th offense registered 10 points during the first four minutes of the game, but the Combat Camera defense held them to only 4 points in the final 16 minutes of the first half.

Chad McManus’ 12 points from behind the three-point line helped Combat Cam-era carry a 29-14 lead into halftime. Caldwell’s 8 points were a team high as the 704th struggled shooting from the outside, but was unable to fight through the Combat Camera defense and drive to the net.

The Combat Camera lead was cut as the 704th opened the second half on a 7-0 run to come within 8 points. The 704th’s comeback began by creating a net pres-ence led by Sanchez, who put up 8 points from the paint in addition to drawing multiple fouls.

A stingy 704th defense held Combat Camera to just 5 points during the first 14 minutes of the second half to tighten the score to 34-31.

With three minutes left in the game, the 704th created a crucial turnover off a miscue by the Combat Camera offense. A backcourt pass was intercepted, and a Derwinn Walker layup gave the 704th its first lead of the night, 37-36. Combat Camera was unable to catch the 704th,

which pulled out a 41-39 victory.Sanchez’s 10 points and Carlos Rivera’s

9 led the 704th’s second-half comeback charge, while Combat Camera’s Reed and Atiba LaRoche led their team with 3 points in the second half.

McManus scored a game-high 14 points while Joe Joynt scored another 12 points for Combat Camera. Sanchez and Caldwell led the 704th with 12 points each.

The second-half comeback was due to a “gut check” at halftime, Caldwell said,

which caused the team to step up defen-sively and play smarter.

“We’re grateful for the win, but we’re not happy with how we played,” he said “We could have played a lot better.”

Walker said defense would need to be the team’s focal point for the remainder of the season after allowing 29 points in one half, but the hard-fought win gave players confidence.

“We’re liking where we can go, but we know we have to be a lot better to be where we want to be,” Caldwell said. January 12, 2012 SOUNDOFF! 15


Sports Shorts Swimming lessons

Registration for winter and spring swimming lessons at Gaffney Fitness Center’s indoor pool begins Monday and ends Jan. 30.

Lessons are offered in two programs: eight classes on Wednesday and Fridays for $60 or four classes on Saturdays for $30.

A variety are times are available. Private lessons are also available.

To register, call 301-677-1156. For more information, call 301-677-7344.

Texas Hold ‘emTexas Hold ‘em no buy-in games are played Mondays at 7 p.m. at the

Courses.Games are open to the public. For more information, call 301-677-5326.

NFL SundayThe Lanes’ lounge is a showing venue for NFL games this football

season, with the exception of local blackouts, on eight, 42-inch high-definition flat-screen televisions. Food service and full bar are available.

For more information, call 301-677-5541.

Spring Sports registrationRegistration for spring sports is under way at Parent Central Services,

1900 Reece Road.Youth sports are available for ages 3 to 18 years old. Spring sports

include soccer, T-ball, baseball, softball, track, swim and indoor football.

For more information, call 301-677-1149 or 1156.

Coaches neededCoaches are needed for the Child, Youth and School Service’s spring sports

season.All coaches are required to complete a background check and attend coach

certification training. Head and assistant coaches whose child is enrolled in spring sports will be given a coach’s discount.

For more information, call 301-677-1329 or email

For more Fort Meade sports, visit

Spring, summer, fall or winter...Get involved with Youth Sports on Fort Meade, call


It’s time to step into the 21st century, Jabber Nation.

For years, all you have ever seen were words on a page accompanied by a portrait of a smug, somewhat portly man, because we were bound by the lone, but lovely medium of newspapers.

Of course those words were pretty awesome, but we know sports are a visual medium. Sound doesn’t hurt either.

Take for example the story of 22-year-old Australian hiker Erin Langworthy, who decided it would be a good idea to spend her New Year’s Eve bungee jumping off the Victoria Falls Bridge — a bridge that stands 111 meters above Africa’s Zambezi River, a gorgeous body of water that happens to be infested with crocodiles.

Now the moment I heard this story being reported, I knew it was going to find its way into this week’s column. How could it not? A young girl doing something dumb and putting herself in the position to be devoured by crocs is too good to not write about.

But the journalist in me knew the one thing that would be better than reading about this would be to actually see it happen, which is something we can do now, thanks to technol-ogy and outlets like the Fort Meade Live blog, the installation’s website and Facebook page.

Just go to one of those sites and click on the link to see what I mean:

Langworthy went on to say it was a “mir-acle” she survived the fall. I say it is a miracle someone got this epic fall on camera and main-tained enough composure to keep the camera rolling as Langworthy rolled down river while those crocs were joking: “another chick on the barbee” or “a bird on a broken wire” or “mmm, lunch.”

Whatever those crocs were saying, the “mira-cle” put me in the mood to spend some govern-ment time trying to find some other clips. So do your best T.O. and get your popcorn ready as we watch some videos including this clip sent by my boy from Schofield Barracks in Hawaii — Kenny Washington — featuring high school football player Petey Williams:

Now, before I get too far into this, I do need to remind everyone, including myself, that this publication is for all audiences. So I avoided add-ing any of the Live Funny or Die “Gamechang-ers” videos, due to less than desirable language.

Though “The Rant Writer” may be the funniest two min-utes of video I’ve seen this decade. Almost as funny is this recent “Sat-urday Night Live” skit featuring who else — Tim Tebow:

Disclaimer: This video came before the play that is being described as the “Mile High Miracle” or, as I like to call it, “Tebow 316” because it gave Tim exactly 316 passing yards against Pittsburgh on Sunday.

Also, I would show you the video of the play that literally made my brother believe in the hereafter. But apparently, the NFL has removed all video evidence of this play from YouTube.

So, I’ve decided to share another great play in football history, brought to you courtesy of the greatest video game ever — Super Tecmo Bowl — and the greatest athlete in video game history — Vincent “Bo” Jackson:

Tell me those graphics don’t make you want to run down to your aunt’s basement with a frozen pizza, a few 2-liters of pop (no cups, of course), and four of your best friends for an all-night Tecmo tournament.

I think I still have blisters on my thumbs from that game, just like my stomach is still queasy from watching this video of all-time sports injuries, accompanied by a little bit of Ozzy Osborne for your listening pleasure: By the way, this video has given me a whole new respect for soccer, which means I actually have some now.

And because it is always my goal to leave you all feeling good, whether with words or video, here is a final clip that is sure to bring a smile to your face:

This week’s playoff games:Hopefully, New England will do what the

Steelers could not and beat Tebow. The Ravens will be too much at home for Houston.

In the NFC, the Niners will beat the Saints and then host New York next week, after the Giants put the boots to Green Bay.

If you have comments on this or anything else to do with sports, contact me at


Chad T. Jones, Public Affairs


Jibber Jabber - OpiniOn