Soundoff, august 1, 2013

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Fort Meade Soundoff, Aug 1, 2013

Transcript of Soundoff, august 1, 2013

On bOardNew commander takes reins of NIOC Maryland

page 6

UPCOMInG EVEnTSTOday, 7 P.M.: “NCO - Backbone of the Army” Summer Concert - Constitution ParkFrIday, 7-9:30 P.M.: Ramadan Iftar - Argonne Hills Chapel CenterWEdnESday, 5-7 P.M.: NFL Punt, Pass & Kick - McGlachlin Parade FieldWEdnESday, 6-9 P.M.: National Night Out - McGlachlin Parade FieldaUG. 8, 9 a.M.: Garrison Change of Command - McGlachlin Parade Field

TEaM MEadEGarrison commander set to conclude 30 years of military service

page 12

Soundoffvol. 65 no. 30 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community August 1, 2013

Youngsters play in Constitution Park as families gather for the USO-Metro’s Movies on the Lawn on July 25. The free event included popcorn, snacks and a screening of “Field of Dreams.” The annual National Night Out will held at the nearby McGlachlin Parade Field on Tuesday from 6 to 9 p.m. with free food, games, and police and fire demonstrations.For more photos from Movies on the Lawn, see Page 16.

photo by nate pesce

field of dreams

´� SOUNDOFF! August 1, 2013

Commander’s Column

Cont ent sNews............................. 3 Sports..................................14

CrimeWatch................. 8 Movies.................................19

Community................. 17 Classified.............................20

Editorial StaffGarrison Commander Col. Edward C. rothsteinGarrison Command Sgt. Maj. thomas J. latterPublic affairs officerChad t. Jones Chad.T.Jones.civ@mail.milChief, Command informationPhilip H. Jones Philip.H.Jones.civ@mail.milassistant Editor & Senior Writer rona S. Hirsch Staff Writer lisa r. rhodesStaff Writer Brandon Bieltzdesign Coordinator timothy davis Supplemental photography provided by the Baltimore Sun Media Group

advErtiSinGGeneral inquiries 410-332-6300

allison thompson 410-332-6850

Michele Griesbauer 410-332-6381

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Printed by offset method of reproduction as a civilian enterprise in the interest of the personnel at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, by The Baltimore Sun Media Group, 501 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21278, every Thursday except the last Thursday of the year in conjunction with the Fort Meade Public Affairs Office. Requests for publication must reach the Public Affairs Office no later than Friday before the desired publication date. Mailing address: Post Public Affairs Office, Soundoff! IMME-MEA-PA, Bldg. 4409, Fort Meade, MD 20755-5025. Telephone: 301-677-5602; DSN: 622-5602.

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Soundoff!́Guaranteed circulation:


As the Army continues to evolve and transform, including reductions in the force and more selective retention and promo-tion, it will become mandatory for Soldiers to become certified professionals to succeed as a career Soldier.

Over their career, certified Army profes-sionals are expected to acquire education, training and experience, which provide professional development and the basis for certification in competence, character and commitment. These qualities are essential to accomplish the mission and successfully perform assigned duties with discipline and to standards.

For advancement, Army profession-als will need to demonstrate competence — their mastery of specific skills; and exude character by using their expertise on behalf of the American people and only in accordance with the law. Commitment is reflected by each Soldier’s willingness to put the requirement of the Army and the nation above their personal goals.

Lifelong learning and a “Soldier for life” attitude instilled in the Army professional culture is one of the goals. Institutional learning and guided self-development will provide the educational foundation of the certification process.

Self-development throughout a Soldier’s career will become a greater part of the cer-tification process; simply attending required courses and “checking the block” will not be enough. Soldiers are expected to take a more active role in their own professional development process.

Soldiers should continually develop their knowledge and expertise, not only in their specific occupational specialty but in how their efforts tie into the larger Army mis-sion to fight and win the nation’s wars on today’s modern battlefield. This develop-ment ties directly back to the NCO Creed’s demand for professional noncommissioned officers to be tactically and technically proficient.

Some things will remain the same. The NCO Corps, the backbone of the Army, will still retain responsibility for training Soldiers and teams.

As training continues to evolve and become more dynamic in the future, the

need for an NCO to pass on knowl-edge gained through expe-rience in a training envi-ronment will become even more essential to preparing future profes-sional Soldiers for whatever the next Army mission may be.

The Army’s 2013 Leader Development strategy defines leader development as the “deliberate continuous and progressive pro-cess that grows Soldiers and Army civilians into competent, committed, professional leaders of character.”

As Army professionals - Soldiers, NCOs, officers - leaders must strive to “be, know, and do”:

• Be a value-based leader; demonstrate the character expected of the American public and live the Army values.

• Know and master your specific skill set and demonstrate your competency in the way you execute your duties. And remem-ber, no matter how technically proficient you are, every professional Soldier needs to be a leader, so interpersonal and conceptual skills need to be developed as well.

• Do what is right; use good judgment and preparation to take charge in the absence of leaders.

Take initiative, make mistakes and learn from them. Allow subordinates to do the same as long as they don’t violate the com-mander’s intent, unnecessarily risk lives, fail to learn from their mistakes, or violate laws or ethical principles.

An individual Soldier’s ability to hon-esty self-assess their own competence and improve upon their own shortfalls will be paramount.

It is these experiences as a leader over the course of a career that will keep the Army profession and defense of our nation strong in the future.

Set the example. Be a certified army pro-fessional. Be a Soldier for life.

America’s Army Our Profession

Garrison command sGt. maj. thomas j. latter August 1, 2013 SOUNDOFF! �

NewsMapes Road gate at Route 175 closedFort Meade Public Affairs

One of five access control points on Fort Meade has closed due to staffing shortages.

The gate, located at Mapes Road and Route 175, closed to all incoming and out-going traffic as of Monday, and will remain closed for the foreseeable future.

According to Fort Meade officials, the decision to close the gate was not due to sequestration or DoD employee furloughs. Rather, the closure results from an inabil-ity to maintain security staffing levels high enough to provide coverage for all of the installation’s access control points.

“It is a decision I made to ensure safety and security for our community and the installation,” Garrison Commander Col. Edward C. Rothstein said. “We do expect delays at our other gates. But based on our current number of security guards, this is the best decision to ensure our safety.”

Hours of operation for the other gates on the installation remain unchanged:

• The main gate at Reece Road and Route 175 will continue to be open 24/7.

• The gate at Mapes Road and Route 32 is open weekdays from 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., and weekends and holidays from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

• The Rockenbach Road and Route 175 gate is open weekdays from 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. and weekends from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. The gate is closed on holidays.

• The gate at Llewellyn Avenue and Route 175 is open to inbound traffic only, weekdays from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m., and reopens for outbound traffic only, weekdays from 3 to 6 p.m. The gate is closed weekends and holidays.

Operations at the Demps Visitor Control Center will not be affected by this change.

photo by philip h. jones

Manning verdict is inNearly 100 members of the media representing print, broadcast and social media outlets from around the world attended the verdict announcement in the United States vs. Pfc. Bradley Manning court-martial. The court-martial, which began with the Article 32 hearing in December 2011, is now in the final sentencing phase.Manning faced three charges and 22 specifications, all relating to the downloading and distribution of scores of classified documents. While he was found not guilty of the most serious of the charges — aiding the enemy — the remaining charges could result in maximum sentences amounting to more than 100 years in confine-ment.

Health Net Federal ServicesFrom the temporary journey of vaca-

tion to the long-term adjustment of a permanent change of station, summer is a time for being on the move.

If a PCS within the United States is in your near future, you may have questions about how this change affects your TRI-CARE coverage.

Health Net Federal Services, LLC, the managed care support contractor for the TRICARE North Region, offers the fol-lowing tips to beneficiaries preparing to move to help ensure their transition is a smooth one:

1. Contact the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System.

Call DEERS at 1-800-538-9552 or log in to to confirm your family’s demographic information is up to date.

2. Keep your old primary care manag-er’s contact information.

It’s common for service members to go on vacation before reporting to their new duty station. In this case, TRICARE Prime beneficiaries’ old primary care manager is still responsible for coordinat-ing nonemergent medical care.

3. Get your medical and dental records before you move.

If your new doctor has a question about your health history, you’ll have these available to better coordinate your care. This also saves time.

“It can take two months or more to get your records if you’ve already moved,” TRICARE education specialist Terry Goodyear said. “You want to have these at-the-ready for when the time comes.”

4. Determine which TRICARE plan options are available.

Your TRICARE plan options may change, based on your new location. Visit to find out what plans are available in your new area.

5. Transfer your TRICARE Prime enrollment if changing regions.

If you are moving to a new TRICARE region (north, south, west), do not dis-enroll until you’ve arrived at your new location.

Once there, reach out to your new regional contractor to transfer enroll-ment. Your local TRICARE Service Cen-ter can assist you with your enrollment transfer.

“Remembering that enrollment chang-es between regions are not automatic will save you a lot of headaches,” TRICARE Service Center site administrator Sabrina Luttrell said.

Ensure TRICARE coverage transition during PCS

Connector road changesImprovements to the Ernie Pyle

Street connector road that connects to Reece Road will begin Monday. During the improvement period, the connector road will be closed. Improvements are expected to be completed on or about Aug. 21.� SOUNDOFF! August 1, 2013


Story and photo by Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

When Jimmy Toth’s grandmother pre-pared to downsize to a new home two years ago, the family came across the prayer book and service record of his great-grand-father, a German soldier named Ludwig Wild who was a prisoner of war at Fort Meade.

Tucked inside the pages of the service record was a four-leaf clover the soldier had found.

For a National History Day project last fall when Jimmy was an eighth-grader at Sykesville Middle School in Carroll County, he decided to reopen the books and look more into his great-grandfather’s time as a POW in Maryland.

“I just read a news article in a local newspaper about how German prisoners of war had harvested some crops in Cal-vert County,” the 14-year-old said. “I just wanted to research that for my project.”

Research for the project, which is now on display at the garrison headquarters building, spanned nearly six months and consisted of visiting various historical soci-eties and museums including the Fort

Meade Museum.While at the Fort Meade Museum,

Jimmy received some extra help from the staff to piece together his research.

“I gave them a brief history of the POWs, showed them where on post they were housed and showed them the bridges POWs built and the graves in the cemetery,” said Dave Manning, museum specialist. “I then emailed Jimmy a number of scans of photos and documents from our collection related to the POWs.”

For his project, Jimmy focused on the life of POWs in Maryland during World War II, which included working on farms, in canneries or industrial jobs in Baltimore. But Jimmy also focused on the experience of his great-grandfather, who was at Fort Meade and then at a POW camp in Som-erset County.

According to the service record that Jimmy received from his grandmother, Wild was a grenadier (infantryman) who was recommended for officer’s training. During the war, Wild operated in Panzer tanks and also was a bazooka specialist.

During his time as a POW in Maryland, Wild picked up new hobbies including

Middle-schooler displays exhibit on German POWs

Jimmy Toth, 14, shows his exhibit about World War II prisoners of war in Maryland to Garrison Commander Col. Edward C. Rothstein on July 25. Jimmy’s project focused on his great-grandfather who was a German POW at Fort Meade.

whittling. Jimmy’s exhibit displays two wooden boxes Wild carved while at the camp in Somerset.

“I think he did a very good job,” Man-ning said about the project. “He talks about his great-grandfather and Werner Henke [a German U-boat commander], who is bur-ied here, as examples of POWs, as well as talking about the camps themselves and a

U.S. soldier who guarded them.”Jimmy said his favorite part about the

project was “going into historical societies and learning more.”

Although his has completed his project, Jimmy said he will keep digging into his family’s history.

“I’m really excited to try and continue the research,” he said.

By Capt. Adam PettyLegal Assistance Division

In the Legal Assistance Office we have the opportunity to assist clients dealing with some really difficult family situations.

Although these situations often present their own set of difficulties, it is common that our clients need to be named guardian for their loved one in order to be empowered with the authority to help.

A guardian is appointed by the court to assume legal responsibility for another person or another person’s property — or both.

Guardianship is appropriate when a dis-abled person, known as the ward, is unable to make responsible decisions concerning his or her medical care or financial situation, usually because of a physical or mental illness.

Sometimes, guardianship may be neces-sary to obtain consent for a specific medical procedure, for continuing ongoing medical care, or for placing the ward in a safe living environment.

Guardianship for a minor may also be necessary in certain circumstances.

Maryland law establishes a priority of indi-viduals eligible to serve as guardians. The first priority is someone designated by the ward before the individual became disabled. Next in priority are blood relatives and individuals who have a particular interest in the ward.

An individual with higher priority may be passed over for guardianship in favor of an individual with lower priority if good cause is shown.

In Maryland, in order to be appointed a guardian, the person must file a petition with the Circuit Court in the county where the disabled person resides, is hospitalized or is located.

The petition should state all of the rea-sons for the appointment of a guardian and whether the request is for guardianship of the ward’s person, property, or both.

The prospective guardian’s petition should also provide the guardian’s name, address, telephone number, date of birth and relation-ship to the ward.

The petition also must include the ward’s name, address, gender, age, the name and

address of the person with whom the ward resides, and an alternate address for service of process if the ward resides with the person submitting the petition.

If a guardianship over property is sought, the petition should include a description of the ward’s assets.

After the petition is filed, the court will sign an order requiring the ward, his or her attorney, and any other interested person or agency to respond to the guardianship request within 20 days.

The ward and any interested person or agency must be notified of the guardianship proceedings and their rights at the proceed-ings.

The court will appoint an attorney to rep-resent the ward and may appoint an indepen-dent investigator to look over the facts of the case and report written findings to the court. The court also will schedule a hearing or jury trial, where a judge or jury decides whether guardianship is appropriate and who should be appointed as the guardian.

Once appointed guardian, the guardian

has a duty to act according to the court’s instructions, which are usually set during the guardianship proceeding.

If the court grants guardianship over the ward’s property, the guardian has a fiduciary duty to manage the ward’s assets properly. The guardian also is responsible for making health care decisions and assuring that the ward is living in a safe environment.

In addition, the guardian must be careful in managing the ward’s affairs; the guard-ian should keep a journal and maintain all receipts.

A guardian must understand that he or she may be held personally responsible if the court determines that the guardian did not act in the ward’s best interest.

Guardianship proceedings can sometimes be handled without an attorney, but the pro-cedure is often complicated.

For more information on whether or not you need to hire an attorney, schedule an appointment with a Fort Meade Legal Assis-tance attorney at 301-677-9504 or 301-677-9536.

Guardianship laws for the state of Maryland� SOUNDOFF! August 1, 2013


By Mass Communication Spc. 2nd Class David R. FinleyCommander, U.S. Fleet Cyber CommandU.S. Tenth Fleet Public Affairs

Navy Capt. Donald E. Elam assumed command of Navy Information Opera-tions Command Maryland from Capt. Timothy J. White during a change of command ceremony Friday at McGlach-lin Parade Field.

Vice Adm. Michael S. Rogers, com-mander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. 10th Fleet, presided over the ceremony.

“This ceremony is the ultimate expres-sion of the visible transmission of accountability and authority from one commanding officer to another,” Rogers said. “It marks the culmination of their entire adult lives in the voyage to both complete command as well as assume command.”

Rogers spoke highly of the job White has done over the last two years and presented the former commanding officer with the Legion of Merit Award for his distinguished performance of duty.

“The fact he was selected for flag officer speaks volumes,” Rogers said. “He is the first individual who has had command here at NIOC Maryland in the entire 55-year history to pick up flag officer.”

NIOC Maryland’s primary mission is to conduct information operations and to provide cryptologic and related capability to the fleet, joint and national commanders as well as administrative and personnel support to Department of the Navy members assigned to the Fort Meade area.

NIOC Maryland is a subordinate com-mand of U.S. Fleet Cyber Command and comprises Task Force 1060 of the U.S. 10th Fleet.

White, who has been selected for the rank of rear admiral (lower half), will be assigned as deputy chief, Tailored Access Operations, S32, at the National Security Agency.

During the ceremony, White thanked his Sailors for a rewarding tour and acknowledged the support his family has provided throughout the years.

“I felt a great honor to imagine I have been leading this phenomenal crew, but all along it was really you leading me,” White said. “From the fleet to the joint war-fighter, you all have had an impact further-a-field and in current circum-stances than our near horizon reveals.”

Elam’s most recent tours include NIOC Georgia as chief of data acquisition and

NIOC Maryland welcomes new commander

photo by phil Grout

Capt. Timothy J. White (right), outgoing commander of Navy Information Operations Command Maryland, hands his command pin to incoming Commander Capt. Donald E. Elam during a change of command ceremony Friday at McGlachlin Parade Field. White, who has been selected for the rank of rear admiral (lower half), will be assigned as deputy chief, Tailored Access Operations, S32, at the National Security Agency.

executive officer, and the National Recon-naissance Office as deputy director of special communications.

“I am truly honored and humbled for this opportunity to lead this command,” Elam said. “Together we will achieve our mission through excellence, communica-tion and teamwork.”

Connect with Fort Meade� SOUNDOFF! August 1, 2013


photo by lisa r. rhodes

OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEERAmber Rustad, a military spouse and volunteer with the Baltimore Mili-tary Entrance Processing Station at Fort Meade and Army Community Service, holds a commander’s coin of appreciation and plaque of appre-ciation that she received from the U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command in North Chicago and the Baltimore MEPS, respectively, for outstanding volunteer service.Rustad received the coin in June from Lt. Col. Rod Boles, commander of the Baltimore MEPS, and Maj. Keith James, the executive officer of the station, on behalf of Capt. Eric W. Johnson, then-commander of the U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command. Boles and James also presented Rustad with the plaque in January.Rustad, wife of Lt. Col. Robert Rustad of the 704th Military Intelligence Brigade, was nominated for the coin by a parent for her dedication in facilitating the weekly “Welcome to the Military” briefing for military families at the Baltimore MEPS. She is the first volunteer to receive the coin from the U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command.

July 15, Larceny of private property: The victim stated that he left his mountain bike unsecured and unattended in an area adjacent to the Meade High School track while at practice, and it was stolen.

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You’ve servedyour country . . .and Howard Community College is at your service to help achieveyour educational goals SOUNDOFF! August 1, 2013


Story and photo by Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

A year ago, patients waiting to pick up a refill prescription at Kimbrough Ambu-latory Care Center’s pharmacy would have an average wait of 15 minutes.

Sometimes, depending on the time of day, that wait could last up to 30 or 40 minutes.

But since Kimbrough’s new satellite refill pharmacy opened on May 1, the wait time is now down to two to three minutes — 10 minutes at most.

“The feedback has been 99 percent positive,” said Sgt. 1st Class James Wil-son, noncommissioned-officer-in-charge of the Kimbrough pharmacy. “We get compliments on how short the wait is.”

Wilson said that the year before the satellite refill pharmacy opened, the main pharmacy served more than 185,000 patients — 39,800 of whom came only to pick up refills.

That was the problem.“Patients were not happy with having

called in their prescription and having to wait. We had to fix that to improve patient care,” Wilson said.

“The idea was, if we could move the refills out, we could not only decrease the number of patients in the waiting room, which was filled to capacity, but also open up another window in the pharmacy to speed up the process for outpatient pharmacy services.”

Lt. Col. Michael Yapp, former chief of the pharmacy, and Wilson began brainstorming ideas of how to establish a satellite pharmacy in or outside of Kimbrough, with a limited budget.

“We looked for a building on post, but that didn’t work out,” Wilson said.

But when the vendor at Kimbrough’s shoppette moved out of the building in March, the clinic’s command offered the space to the pharmacy.

Yapp, Wilson and Kimbrough’s logis-tics division developed a plan of how to provide the refill services.

“We just made it happen,” Wilson said.

The satellite pharmacy is now staffed by two pharmacy technicians. Patients take a number and are quickly serviced.

Patient feedback on customer evalua-tions from the Army’s Patient Satisfac-tion Survey include comments such as “great idea, no wait” and “so convenient, no long wait, thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Kimbrough is currently waiting for the opening of its new outpatient phar-macy. which will be located at the new Exchange.

Editor’s note: The satellite refill phar-macy is open Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center is not open on Saturdays until Sept. 30, due to the sequestration furloughs.

New satellite refill pharmacy speeds up service

Salman Tranam, a technician at the new satellite refill pharmacy at Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center, hands a refill prescription to a customer last week. Since the refill pharmacy opened May 1, the wait time for customers picking up refill prescriptions has decreased from an average of 15 minutes to two to three minutes.

By Col. Beverly MalinerKimbrough Ambulatory Care CenterPreventive Medicine

The recent spate of hot and humid days may have led to mold growing indoors where it doesn’t belong.

Mold thrives where it’s warm and wet or humid. Wherever there is mold, there is a source of water.

Does mold that grows indoors pose a health threat?

Most people are not sensitive to mold although they may be bothered by a mold’s odor or appearance. Some people, however, are sensitive. For these people, exposure can cause symptoms such as nasal stuffiness, eye irritation, wheezing or skin irritation.

People with serious mold allergies

may have more dangerous symp-toms such as an asthma flare-up and trouble breathing. In some occupa-tional settings, very high exposure to mold can trigger an immune reaction that includes fever and shortness of breath.

How can mold be reduced in the home?

If mold is present, look for a water source. The water may be condensa-tion from a poorly ventilated shower, a leaky pipe, condensation from a pipe or an outside source.

If mold is present indoors, an air conditioner may be set too low — as the temperature drops, the humidity rises. It may be helpful to raise the thermostat setting to the mid-70s to

Onset of mold in the home can be prevented

Follow Fort Meadeat

keep humidity between 40 and 60 percent, which is too low to support mold growth.

Also, because water will gather along outer walls, air circulation can improve by moving large items away from walls.

It is rarely useful to identify the type of mold that is present. It is more pro-ductive to control moisture, improve air circulation and then clean up the mold if problems persist.

People who are sensitive to mold should have someone else do the clean-ing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Environmen-tal Protection Agency both provide cleaning instructions for mold on their websites.

If there is a concern about mold in the workplace at Fort Meade, contact Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center’s Industrial Hygiene Division at 301-677-8763 to evaluate the matter. August 1, 2013 SOUNDOFF! 11


By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

Fourteen years into his Army career, Staff Sgt. Robert Apger was ready to take the oath that re-enlisted him for the remainder of his intended 20-year career.

On the stern of the USS Constellation in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, the Soldier from the Headquarters and Headquarters Company raised his hand and read the oath of enlistment as he re-enlisted for an indefinite term.

Garrison Chaplain (Col.) Carl Rau con-ducted the brief ceremony Monday.

“It was unique,” Apger said. “It is very special.”

Rau said he has conducted several re-enlistment ceremonies, but never at a loca-tion like the USS Constellation.

The 19th-century, sloop-of-war warship was used during the Civil War as a deter-rent to Confederate cruisers, in World War I for training, and in World War II as a relief flagship for the U.S. Atlantic Fleet.

The ship, which docked at the Inner Harbor in 1963, is open as a museum.

“This is a very historic place to come and do a re-enlistment,” said Staff Sgt. Buffie Hall, who took part in the cer-emony.

Apger said conducting his re-enlistment ceremony aboard the ship was a combina-tion of ideas.

“It was three heads all together,” he said. “We wanted the Inner Harbor, and Chap-lain Rau mentioned the USS Constellation — even better.”

For the ceremony, Apger was joined by his wife, Ashley, who called the ceremony “bittersweet.”

“It was her first and last re-enlistment,” Apger said of his wife.

Apger’s “indefinite re-enlistment” will extend his Army career another six years.

“It feels great to be able to finish 20 years and retire,” he said.

Soldier re-enlists on stern of USS Constellation

photo by noah Scialom

Garrison Chaplain (Col.) Carl Rau (left) administers the oath of re-enlistment to Staff Sgt. Robert Apger on Monday morning at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. Apger, who was served in the Army for 14 years, re-enlisted on the stern of the USS Constellation.


“Only a life lived for others

is a life worthwhile.”— Albert Einstein

By Wendy PoulsonSocial Security Manager, Glen Burnie

When disaster strikes, Social Security is always there to serve those who require its services through disability and sur-vivors benefits.

Disabled workers account for about 19 percent of all Social Security benefits paid. One in four of today’s 20-year-old workers will become disabled before reaching age 67.

Dependent survivors of wage earners such as spouses, minor chil-dren, and in some cases parents or grand-children, may be eligible for survivor ben-

efits when the family’s provider dies.The sad fact is that about one in eight of

today’s 20-year-old workers will die before reaching age 67. But about 96 percent of people age 20 to 49 who work have survivors’ insur-ance protection, if they die and leave behind young children and surviving spouses.

Social Security’s emergency services reach more than the limited numbers of people who die or become disabled as a result of a tragedy. For exam-ple, if a person still receives a

paper check but mail delivery is interrupted due to severe weather, in many cases any Social Security office can issue an immedi-

ate replacement payment.To avoid this situation, however, switch

to electronic payments as required by law. Even if a mailbox — or home — is destroyed due to an emergency, or if a fam-ily is evacuated or displaced, Social Security payments will always arrive on time if they are received electronically.

Emergencies sometimes cause Social Security offices to close. People can check if their local office is open by going to This site will provide up-to-date information during severe weather.

The website also offers valuable Fed-eral Emergency Management Agency advice that can help people prepare for or cope with emergency situations.

Social Security can help when disaster strikes SOUNDOFF! August 1, 2013


derful friends on Fort Meade. It’s really a unique feeling being on Fort Meade.”

She attributes her husband’s success to his efforts at reaching out to the com-munity.

“He got out, tried to meet people, see what’s going on,” she said. “Leaders out-side the community said they felt welcome on Fort Meade, felt a part of our commu-nity as well.”

Since assuming command in July 2011, Rothstein’s focus has been all about com-munity.

Whether it’s overseeing continued expan-sion post-BRAC, strengthening ties with political, business and education leaders, or responding to concerns in town halls and on Facebook, Rothstein has immersed himself in the well-being of Fort Meade.

“I truly believe the success of an installa-tion is reliant on community — the people inside and outside the fence line — Team Meade,” he said.

Rothstein’s priorities have been in three

key areas: continuing the growth of the installation, ensuring effective services and promoting the Team Meade community.

“You can see it from the Exchange to the apartment complex for single Soldiers,” he said of the community growth. “It’s one big construction zone. Safety, security and the infrastructure have been the focus of that priority.”

Part of these efforts, he said, is tapping into the larger community for assistance.

“I don’t have the funds and resources to do that, so I’m relying on the community,” Rothstein said. “The community inside and outside are interdependent. That goes from local, state and federal government to businesses to the colleges and universities in the region. ... If Team Meade is a catalyst, then the area is becoming a vibrant region. Therefore, we’re not just an installation in the middle of the state. We’re now a vibrant Team Meade in the region.”

Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas J. Latter, who has served with Rothstein

By Rona S. HirschAssistant Editor

The dozens of framed photographs in Col. Edward C. Rothstein’s office provide a literal snapshot of his two-year tenure as garrison commander.

Reflecting on his accomplishments before he relinquishes command on Aug. 8 to Col. Brian P. Foley, Rothstein proudly points to the photos that are a visual diary of his service on Fort Meade:

Formal poses with political, business and education leaders; grinning along-side sports figures at military apprecia-tion events; and standing beside his father Harold Rothstein, a Korean War veteran who spoke at Fort Meade’s Veterans Day observance on Nov. 8.

On a corner wall overlooking his desk, however, are Rothstein’s most treasured photographs.

They include shots of Rothstein reading to pajama-clad youngsters at Manor View Elementary School; a boy performing a trick for the colonel at “Fort Meade’s Got Talent” show; young girls in orange tutus surrounding the colonel at the 2012 Volun-teer Appreciation Ceremony; and Rothstein throwing out the first pitch simultaneously with three veterans of World War II, Korea and Vietnam at Oriole Park at Camden Yards on June 14 for the Army birthday.

“Out of all the photos, these are my favorites,” he said.

That Rothstein values the time he spends with children and vets comes as no sur-prise.

An intelligence officer who is a veteran of both Afghanistan and Iraq, Rothstein initially pursued a career in special educa-tion.

And now, after 30 years of military ser-vice including three years in the Reserve, Rothstein will officially retire Feb. 28, 2014.

But he is not slowing down.“When I walked in [as commander], I

was given advice that this is a marathon, not a sprint,” said Rothstein, who was born in 1963 outside Wayne, N.J. “But I’ve personally taken this as a sprint and made

every day a day and a half, and will do that until the end.”

That energy and commitment have yielded a long list of achievements, despite extensive budget cuts, furloughs, an earth-quake, hurricane and derecho.

“I think we accomplished a lot,” Roth-stein said. “It’s not for me to say what went well, but I will reflect on such a great opportunity every day.”

It’s a position he continues to relish.“The job has been so wonderful,” said

Rothstein, who resides in Carroll County with his wife, Audrey, and their teenage children, Emily and Sam. “Audrey, the kids and I have been truly blessed to be part of this community.”

In a written statement to Soundoff! Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski praised Rothstein’s efforts as commander.

“The men and women of Fort Meade serve our nation every day in every way, working to keep us safe,” Mikulski said. “Colonel Rothstein has been a tremendous partner in supporting the men and women of Fort Meade. He has served the Fort Meade community with real devotion to duty, attention to detail and outreach that has helped fortify the support of this won-derful base. He has truly been the mayor of Fort Meade.”

A farewell ceremony is being held today from 3 to 6 p.m. at Heritage Park for gar-rison personnel.

“Leaving is very bittersweet,” Audrey Rothstein said. “We have so many won-

Colonel Rothstein retires after three decades of service

‘What I enjoy most is that the entire installation is my office. Where else can I talk to the community than being out in the community?’

Col. Edward C. Rothstein Garrison Commander August 1, 2013 SOUNDOFF! 13

since last September, attributed the inroads with the community to the colonel’s leader-ship style.

“Colonel Rothstein’s open and approach-able leadership and his gregarious person-ality are key factors in Team Meade’s success in partnering with the community,” Latter said. “His attention to underlying impacts on the people who live and work on Fort Meade is a reflection of his caring leadership.”

While strengthening ties with the outside community, Rothstein zeroed in on such challenging issues as alcohol and substance abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, and banning the synthetic drug Spice.

“So communicating these challenges and providing resources to minimize them across the community inside and outside the fence line is a must, and that’s what I’ve done,” he said. “When I speak about Fort Meade, there are challenges that stem across the communities and the fence line. So if a Soldier is suffering from alcoholism, it’s not just about the installation, it’s about the region. So we have to all be accountable for supporting a healthy society.”

Rothstein also oversaw the development

of the Fort Meade Community Covenant, which is mandated to identify the needs of the military community, fill those needs and mobilize resources.

To get a handle on the issues and to forge relationships within and outside the fence, Rothstein was at the forefront of events, from leading ceremonies and the annual Fort Meade Run Series to par-ticipating in school programs and Military Appreciation Day at major sporting events off post.

“What I enjoy most is that the entire installation is my office,” he said. “Where else can I talk to the community than being out in the community?”

As Fort Meade’s most visible representa-tive, Rothstein credits the town halls, open door policy and Fort Meade Facebook page for helping him to communicate with the community — “all of them together, to get a pulse of this installation,” he said.

Rothstein articulated community con-cerns to Maryland’s congressional del-egation that includes Mikulski and Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin.

“Senators Mikulski and Cardin, you can’t get any stronger as advocates of

the installation,” he said. “The Maryland delegation has embraced this installation. If I was any part of that, then I have suc-ceeded.”

As commander, all his efforts are geared toward doing the “right thing,” said Roth-stein, focusing on health, safety and infra-structure as well as participation — the listening and partnership.

Another aspect of doing what’s right, said Rothstein, is on wellness — “making good decisions — good diet, fitness. And on resiliency — when you don’t make good decisions, it’s what you do to pick yourself up.”

Rothstein said he has been “absolutely committed” to the development of the new Army Wellness Center, which will offer free, holistic health services to help Soldiers, retirees, their family members and Army civilians build and sustain a healthy lifestyle and prevent chronic diseases.

“My focus has been on the well-being of the community,” Rothstein said. “So if health and wellness are strong, then the community is strong.”

But hampered by budget constraints, Rothstein was forced to choose which

projects to green light.“I came during a downsizing and had to

reduce the workforce, and the budget was severely trimmed,” he said. “I had to priori-tize the work we had to do, so some of the opportunities had to be sidelined.”

But Rothstein is grateful to the larg-er community for offering resources to develop programs such as the resiliency campus.

“The outside community said, ‘We want to do it with you.’ That’s huge,” he said.

As he prepares to leave, Rothstein offers straight-forward advice to his successor.

“My advice is to embrace every moment and recognize this is a diverse environ-ment,” he said. “Take advantage of every opportunity, and recognize the diversity and impact of your duties and responsi-bilities.”

Just months shy of retirement, Rothstein pinpointed what he will miss most about the Army.

“The camaraderie and esprit, because values of the Army are instilled in me,” he said. “Whether I wear the uniform today and take it off tomorrow, I will still be a Soldier for life.”

Jayden Moore, 5, gives Garrison Commander Col. Edward C. Rothstein a high-five as his mother Katherine Moore, second vice president of the Enlisted Spouses Club, looks on with Fort Meade volunteers Roger and Kay Crawford at the 2012 Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony.

Don Seward, a heavy equipment operator with Berg Demolition, helps Garrison Commander Col. Edward C. Rothstein maneuver an excavator as crews demolish the former Bachelor Officer Quarters off Cooper Avenue on April 24. SOUNDOFF! August 1, 2013


Story and photos by Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

Despite having less swimmers on its roster than the other teams in Division VI, the Fort Meade Dolphins took down all of its competition on the way to an undefeated season.

In one of its best seasons in recent years, the Dolphins completed the year 5-0 en route to win its division in the Amateur Athletic Union and sent a dozen swimmers to compete for state titles at the Central Maryland Swim League’s Strae-hle Invitational Championship Meet in Westminster last week.

Coaches attributed the success to swim-mers of all levels stepping up and compet-ing well.

“Those that are senior and with most experience, all performing at a high level; we had the mid-level group, they all rose up; and then we had the brand-new development kids, they all did great,” said coach Marc Czaja. “Everyone at their

own level performed at their peak.”Matthan Martir, a 10-year veteran of

the team, said it has been awhile since the team put together a season like this one.

“It has been a long time since we have had a season this successful,” the 18-year old said. “I’m very proud of us.”

While the team hasn’t achieved this level of success for several years, Czaja said, the program still had a history of building competitive athletes who excel in the pool.

At the Straehle Invitational Champi-onship Meet, competing against the top swimmers in the states, members of the Dolphins finished in the top five in eight events.

“We constantly develop very, very high-caliber swimmers,” Czaja said.

Martir said the difference this year was the chemistry on the team.

“The difference was just the camara-derie of the team and getting together and focusing on the main goal, which is winning,” he said.

In order to win meets, the team needed to overcome the obstacle of simply having less competitors than other teams. Several of the teams in the Dolphins’ division have more than 100 athletes, while the Fort Meade team had under 40.

The ability to win meets is a testament to the level of performance the team is competing on, Czaja said.

“We might be small, but we can pack a punch,” Martir said. “It’s not so much the quantity, but the quality.”

Although Martir will not be with the team next year as he will be attending Rider University in New Jersey on a swimming and academic scholarship, he believes the team can continue to build on its recent success.

“If they just keep focused the way we did this year and keep working hard the way we did this year, I don’t see why not,” he said. “It’s a great team.”

While the Dolphins’ summer season wrapped up Saturday with the Division VI Championships, coaches and swim-mers are gearing up for the upcoming longer season with the Meade Patriots Swim Club. Competing at USA Swim-ming meets, the season runs from August to May.

Czaja said he is excited to begin the long season with many of the Dolphin swimmers returning to the Patriots.

“It just makes me so proud when I go up and see the Meade cap out in front of everybody,” he said.

Editor’s note: For more information about the upcoming Meade Patriots Swim Club season, visit

Meade Dolphins close out successful season

Tennis Anyone?Sgt. Chatonna Powell (right), Fort Meade’s Bet-ter Opportunities for Single Soldiers represen-tative, poses with Sloane Stephens, the No. 15 Women’s Tennis Association and No. 2 Ameri-can female player on Sunday at the Citi Open.The weeklong event is Washington, D.C.’s annual professional tennis tournament.On Sunday, the Citi Open hosted its inaugural “Celebrating Our Heroes Day,” recognizing ser-vice members and their families as well as first responders – police officers, firefighters and other emergency personnel – for their service.Stephens participated in a variety of events with members of the military and young tennis players.Playing her first match since Wimbledon, the No. 2-seeded Stephens fell to Olga Puchkova on Monday in the first round, 7-5, 6-3.

Photo by PhiliP h. Jones

Relay swimmers of the Meade Dolphins swim team cheer on a teammate at the Division VI Championships on Saturday in Cockeysville. In one of their most successful seasons in recent history, the Dolphins won their division and sent 12 swimmers to Central Maryland Swim League’s Straehle Invitational Championship Meet.

Emily Lembach of the Meade Dolphins swim team dives into the pool during a relay at the Division VI Championships on Saturday in Cockeysville. The Dolphins recently finished the summer season with an undefeated 5-0 record. August 1, 2013 SOUNDOFF! 15


It’s August. It’s the last 10 days of Ramadan, and vaca-tion is right around the corner.

That must mean it’s time for the annual fantasy football preview: the first of three columns dedicated to the upcom-ing NFL season.

Last year, my paginator Tim Davis complained a lot about the length of the column, so I promised him I’d get right to the point. That means you won’t hear about Alex Rodriguez, “Johnny Football” or even Bradley Manning; though trust me, I have opinions on all three.

Instead, I’m going to give you tips to winning your fantasy football league courtesy of myself and our guru, Brian Riffey, aka B-Riff.

• QBDraft Day Rule (DDR): An early-round QB is only as

good as his receivers on the field. That’s why you shouldn’t draft Tom Brady or Joe Flacco as early as you may want to.

“Tom Terrific” is missing his top-six receivers from last year, while “Joey Unibrow” is missing Anquan Boldin and Dennis Pitta.

Top Pick: Aaron Rodgers (Packers) — He’s way too efficient not to be the most productive player on the board. First Round. Matt Ryan is right there.

Sleeper: Tony Romo (Cowboys) — You’ve heard his name. Late-season struggles make people forget that during his last three full seasons, Romo is averaging 4,500 yards and 27 TDs per season.

Not bad for someone you’ll be able to grab in rounds 5-7.

Bust: Colin Kaepernick (49ers) — Can anyone say sophomore slump? I can, especially since Michael Crabtree is going to miss significant time. He’ll go in the second or third round but will produce like a mid-round pick at best.

B-Riff special: Carson Palmer (Cardinals) — He is the patriarch of the overrated USC quarterback, but now he has a better system in Arizona, and more importantly, Larry Fitzgerald to throw to. Projection: 4,100 yards and 22 TDs. Rounds 11-12.

• RBDDR: Get your horses early, but unlike last year, there

are plenty of backs in the stable.Top Pick: Adrian Peterson (Vikings) — All-Day Adrian

is a freak, so don’t be surprised if he goes over 2K again this year. First Round, first overall.

Sleeper: Reggie Bush (Lions) — This Bush will certainly give you, and the Detroit Lions, a push, especially in point-per-reception leagues. He will be selected no later than the third round. Le’Veon Bell will be a beast in Pittsburgh too.

Bust: LeSean McCoy (Eagles) — First Round talent with a Fourth-Round body. In the words of Al Davis, he will go down, and go down hard.

B-Riff special: Darren McFadden (Raiders) — The Raiders are a new team with a new identity and have shifted back to the zone-blocking scheme, one that McFadden has had great success with. The caveat is health, something

McFadden has not been able to do in the last two years. 1,100 yards, 8 TDs. He’ll go NLT the third round.

• WRDDR: Go big early or wait a

few rounds.Top Pick: Calvin John-

son (Lions) — His nickname is “Megatron.” Do you know how bad Megatron was? Well, Calvin is badder than that. First Round.

Sleeper: Danny Amendola (Patriots) — Brady is going to have to throw to someone. It might as well be Danny Boy. He’ll be drafted in the 10th round, but will probably give you Third- or Fourth-Round production.

Bust: Torrey Smith (Ravens) — People are going to want to get him early, but without Boldin, he will be the focus of coverage, and no dude who showed up on “Dancing with the Stars” is good enough to beat double coverage. Rounds 7-9.

B-Riff special: Robert Woods (Bills) — This rookie for Buffalo is a polished route-runner with great hands play-ing opposite of Stevie Johnson. Could have a rookie QB throwing to him, but Buffalo will be playing from behind a lot this year. Projection: 800 yards and 6 TDs. He will be a late-round pick, maybe even a free agent pickup.

• TEDDR: You need a tight end who can stay healthy, stay

out of jail and catch TDs.Top Pick: Jimmy Graham (Saints) — Drew Brees loves

Jimmy Graham. That means you should love him, too. Rounds 2-3.

Sleeper: Ed Dickson (Ravens) — No Dennis Pitta means that Dickson will be Flacco’s security blanket. That means at least 10 TDs for a guy you will be able to pick up after the 10th Round.

Bust: Brent Celek (Eagles) — Maybe I’d be nicer if he wasn’t an Eagle, but since he is, he is a bust. Where he will be selected: Rounds 8-10.

B-Riff special: TE has been the one position that has haunted B-Riff over the years, but with that, he’s going with Robert Housler out of Arizona. A name not many recog-nize, but someone who is 6’5, 250 has to be a stud, right?

No TDs last year, but when you have the hot dog vendor throwing you passes (no offense, Ryan Lindley), how many times would you score? Carson Palmer is in town and loves the check-downs. Projection: 600 yards and 6 TDs.

OK, I’ll get through the AFC and NFC previews before I leave, but I’m currently looking for a guest columnist for the Aug. 22 and 29 issues. If you think you’ve got what it takes, reach out to Phil Jones at

And of course, if you need some pointers, or want to talk about this or anything to do with sports, you can contact me at, or hit me up on twitter @ctjibber.

NFL 2013 - Fantasy 3.0

Chad T. Jones, Public Affairs


Jibber Jabber - OpiniOnSports Shorts EFMP Walking Group

The Exceptional Family Member Program Walking Group will meet Aug. 8 from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. at Arundel Mills Mall for its monthly walking event.

All are welcome — strollers, too.The group will meet at 8:15 a.m. in front of Best Buy

inside the mall.Registration is required.To register, call LaToya Travis at 301-677-4473 or email

EFMP BowlingThe Exceptional Family Member program is

sponsoring its monthly bowling event on Aug. 21 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the Lanes.

Exceptional family members will receive a free game and shoe rental. Other family members will receive discounted games and shoe rental.

To register, call LaToya Travis at 301-677-4473 or email

Football Fan Fair 5K and 1 Mile Walk

The installation’s annual Run Series continues Sept. 21 with a Football Fan Fair 5K and 1 Mile Walk at 8 a.m. at Constitution Park.

The pre-registration cost for individuals is $15. Cost on the day of the run is $25.

The pre-registration cost for groups of seven to 10 is $75.

The pre-registration cost is $45 for a family of three to six people.

All pre-registered runners will receive a T-shirt.To pre-register, go to

EventInfo.cfm?EventID=46037For more information, call 301-677-3867.

AFCEA Sports DayThe Central Maryland chapter of Armed Forces

Communications and Electronics Association will host Sports Day on Sept. 13 at Burba Lake Pavilion 2.

The event will feature team and individual sports including softball, volleyball and relays.

For more information or to sign up for events, go to or

Dollar DaysSummer hours for Dollar Days at the Lanes is

every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.Bowlers receive a game of bowling, shoe rental, a

hot dog, hamburger, small fries, pizza slice or small soda for $1 each.

For more information, call 301-677-5541. SOUNDOFF! August 1, 2013

Cover Story

LEFT: Anne Rutherford of the USO-Metro bags popcorn as children wait for their free snacks during Movies on the Lawn at Constitution Park on Monday. More than 150 people attended the free event that featured a showing of the baseball classic “Field of Dreams.”

RIGHT: Jayda Ybarra, 8, and Rudy Yabarra, 16, of Severn enjoy the USO-Metro’s screening of “Field of Dreams” over free popcorn.

SHOWTIMEFamilies watch “Field of Dreams” on an inflatable screen during Movies on the Lawn at Constitution Park. The USO-Metro event fol-lowed the weekly concert, which featured the U.S. Navy Next Wave Jazz Ensemble.

photos by nate pesce