Software outsourcing for startups

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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By Konstantin Mitrofansky, CEO of and mentor at

Transcript of Software outsourcing for startups

Outsourcing 2.0

for ISVs and Startups

Offshoring and Outsourcing

“88 of Fortune 100 outsource or offshore” Duke University




Outsourcing Reality

• 32% succeed• 24% fail desperately• 44% challenged by late

delivery, over-budget and poor functionality

Lack of real picture

Team Isolation

Different picture of the world(the lack of a common language)

Cultural mismatch


Nearshore Agile Development = Outsourcing 2.0

Dedicated team at nearshore location

Nearshore Agile Development = Outsourcing 2.0

Blend your teams:Insourcing specialists at nearshore location

andInsourcing specialists at on-site location

Nearshore Agile Development = Outsourcing 2.0

Team is managed by client (with help)

Nearshore Agile Development = Outsourcing 2.0

Transparent cost model

Nearshore Agile Development = Outsourcing 2.0

Share, teach and learnfrom cross-team expertise and experience

Nearshore Agile Development = Outsourcing 2.0

Full flexibility in upscale & downscale

Nearshore Agile Development = Outsourcing 2.0

Minimize investment and risk

Few word of Ukraine

• Established outsourcing location ($1,5+bln revenue)• Geographical and time-zone proximity• Visa-free for EU citizens• Similar culture• Strong educational & scientific background• Biggest IT talent-pool in Eastern Europe

– 25K IT graduates a year– #4 of certified IT professionals in the world– #5 TopCoder rating

• Competitive prices & salaries
