Social Media Marketing for the Metal Arts Industry

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Social Media Marketing presentation give to the Pacific Northwest Chapter of NOMMA

Transcript of Social Media Marketing for the Metal Arts Industry

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What social


marketing is

and how it can

help grow your


What you will learn

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Understand the Major Social Media Platforms

What you will learn

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What is Social Media Marketing?


What Is Social Media Marketing?

From Wikipedia:

• Social media marketing refers to the

process of gaining website traffic or

attention through social media sites.[1][2]

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What Is Social Media Marketing?

From Wikipedia:

Social media marketing programs

usually center on efforts to

create content that attracts

attention and encourages

readers to share it with their

social networks.

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Why Do Social Media Marketing?

• Elevate your business as an industry expert

• Generate traffic

• Create conversations

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Why Engage in Social Media?Social media enables you to:

• Share your expertise and knowledge

• Tap into the wisdom of your consumers

• Enables customers to help customers

• Engages prospects through customer evangelism

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Why You Should NOT Do Social Media

• Generate sales

• Generate a list of prospects

• Generate phone calls or contact inquiries

• Measure ROI– David Meerman Scott’s “rant” on ROI:

• You want to create a “viral” campaign– It probably won’t work

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Types of Social Media Sites Social “bookmarking” sites such as:

These sites have their own communities and governments” and basically run themselves.

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Identity-based sites are based on who you are and the type of business you’re in and are based on connecting with networks of friends, associates and contacts you know.

Types of Social Media Sites

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Your own personal Blog is an identity-based social media site if you open up comments.

Message boards, forums, and newsgroups (such as Yahoo! Groups and Google Groups – think about how long newsgroups have been around)

Types of Social Media Sites

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5. Micro-Blogging sites, such as:

Types of Social Media Sites

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5. Pinning Sites, such as:

6. Video Sites, such as:

Types of Social Media Sites

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Social Media Marketing

Some common ways of sharing:

1. Authoritative information

2. Entertainment

3. Humor

4. Controversy(Wikipedia)

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Social Media Marketing

Authoritative Information


Social Media Marketing Entertainment


Social Media Marketing Humor


Social Media Marketing Humor

People on Twitter will click through to the pages you place in your tweet if they find what you say interesting or intriguing.


Social Media Marketing Controversy


4. Deliver what you promise:Don’t try to fake people out – you’ll be buried very quickly

5. Don’t expect an ROI:It’s nearly impossible to tie social media back to sales or other dollar measurements

Rules About Social Media Marketing

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Be committed: Research and solicit a

relevant audience.

Design a plan: Schedule start dates, goals

—and benchmark the plan’s progress.

Tips for Social Media Marketing

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Plan a “friending” strategy:

• Publish a badge—or an icon—that allows customers to share your website on their LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter pages.

• Place links to your social media pages in your email signature.

Tips for Social Media Marketing

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Have a “crisis” communication plan: Be prepared for negative comments and know in advance how you will respond.

Monitor with:

Google Alerts and

Tips for Social Media Marketing

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Be proactive:

Monitor daily and produce daily updates if

possible that give followers a unique

insight of your business. Encourage

interactivity and discussion.

Tips for Social Media Marketing

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Social media pages should not be overtly

commercial. Consider consumers’ interests

and provide entertainment value to keep

them coming back.

Tips for Social Media Marketing

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Integrate all marketing efforts:

Publish all messages to every marketing

vehicle (social media, newsletters, Web

sites, public relations and advertising) and

be certain they are consistent.

Tips for Social Media Marketing

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Integrate all marketing efforts:

Create external links to post on social

media pages that direct the fan to your

published press, advertisements,

commercials, etc.

Source: Howard Schaffer Media Marketing

Tips for Social Media Marketing

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Share your News:

Tips for Social Media Marketing

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Share your News:

Greg Madden – Portland Public Restrooms

Tips for Social Media Marketing

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Tips for Social Media Marketing

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Make sure you show up in the review sites also. This helps build your online visibility.

Social Media



Social Media Optimization (SMO)

• Social Media Optimization is defined by

Wikipedia as the way to optimize Web

sites/pages so they’re more easily

connected to social media sites.

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Social Media Optimization (SMO)

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Social Media Optimization (SMO)


Social Media Optimization (SMO)

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Widgets and Badges

Social Media Optimization (SMO)

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Widgets and Badges

Social Media Optimization (SMO)

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Links to Widgets and Badges





Social Media Optimization (SMO)

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Working in


Maximizing a Business PageGo to: to create a page

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Maximizing a Business Page

Click the “Edit Button” to edit your page

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Maximizing a Business Page

Set up email notifications so you can be super responsive to fans of your page

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Maximizing a Business Page

Set up your mobile device to respond quickly

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Maximizing a Business Page

App available on iPhones and Androids, but not on Windows Phones

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Maximizing a Business Page

Set permissions for your page.

DO NOT publish page until ready.

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Maximizing a Business Page

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Social Media MarketingWays to market a business on FaceBook

• Create a Cause

• Develop a Group

• Post Videos, Photos and Links

• Design a quiz

• Post your Events

• Create a Business Page

• Run a Facebook AdCopyright © 2013 Search Engine Academy Northwest


Companies Pages

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Metal Fabrication Companies inOregon and Washington using LinkedIn


Companies Page

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Companies Page

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Companies Page

Follow your competition to keep track of what they are doing.

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Companies Pages


• Tell your company’s story

• Highlight your products and services

• Engage with followers

• Share career opportunities

• Drive word of mouth at scale

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Social Media Marketing

Considered for business networking

• Great place to find and post jobs

• Develop business

• Promote projects and opportunities

• Keep track of your competition

• Publicize Events

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Social Media MarketingWays to market your business

• Start a Group

• Join Groups

• Create a Company Page

• Post your Events

• Answer Questions

• Ask for recommendations

• Post updates

• Run an Ad

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About Twitter

What is it? 

Twitter is a service for friends, family, and

co–workers to communicate and stay

connected through the exchange of quick,

frequent messages.  

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About Twitter

What is it? 

People write short updates, often called

"tweets" of 140 characters or fewer.  

These messages are posted to your profile

or your blog, sent to your followers, and

are searchable on Twitter search. Copyright © 2013 Search Engine Academy Northwest


About Twitter

The LingoFollowFollowing someone simply means receiving their Twitter updates.

UnfollowIf you no longer wish to view someone’s tweets in your timeline, you can unfollow them.

@RepliesAn @reply is a public message sent from one person to another, distinguished from normal updates by the @username prefix. If a message begins with @username, we collect it as a reply. Reply publicly to any update on Twitter by using the @username format.

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About Twitter

The Lingo

DM – Direct MessageDirect messages are private messages sent from one Twitter person to another.  You can only send a direct message to a person who follows you.  

RT – RetweetRT is short for retweet, and indicates a re-posting of someone else's tweet.  This isn't an official Twitter command or feature, but people add RT somewhere in a tweet to indicate that part of their tweet includes something they're re-posting from another person's tweet, sometimes with a comment of their own.

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About Twitter

The Lingo

Hashtag - #Because Twitter provided no easy way to group tweets or add extra data, the Twitter community came up with their own way: hashtags.  A hashtag is similar to other web tags- it helps add tweets to a category.  Hashtags have the 'hash' or 'pound' symbol (#) preceding the tag, like so: #traffic, #followfriday, #hashtag.  Hashtags can occur anywhere in the tweet: some people just add a # before a word they're using.

ListsCurated groups of other Twitter users. Used to tie specific individuals into a group on your Twitter account. Displayed on the right side menu of your homepage.

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About Twitter

The Lingo

AvatarThe personal image uploaded to your Twitter profile in the Settings tab of your account.

Favorite To favorite a Tweet means to mark it as one of your favorites by clicking the yellow star next to the message.

Reply A Tweet posted in reply to another user's message, usually posted by clicking the "reply" button next to their Tweet in your timeline. Always begins with @username.

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About Twitter

The Lingo

For a Glossary of Terms go to:

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About Twitter

You get 140 characters for sharing your thoughts

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Search Results

Some metal fabricator jobs are placed on Twitter

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Twitter ToolsTweetMeme - Search and retweet the hottest stories on Twitter.

Twitvid - Easily share videos on Twitter.

Twitalyzer – Serious analytics for social relationships.

WeFollow - Twitter directory and search. Find Twitter followers.

Klout - “The standard for influence”

TweetDeck – Brings more flexibility and insight to power users.

HootSuite - Dashboard for teams using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn.

TrueTwit – Validation service. Stop wasting time with spammers.

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Take Away’s


Social Media Marketing• Considered a micro-blogging network

• Great place to research trends

• Wonderful for sharing ideas

• Excellent for getting the word out about what you do

• Great way to drive traffic to a website or blog

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Social Media Marketing

•Ways to market a business on Twitter

• Be sure to follow the 80/20 rule when tweeting.

• Craft an appropriate Twitter Policy, and encourage your employees to sign up for accounts on Twitter.

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Social Media Marketing

•Ways to market a business on Twitter

• As the owner of your business, register your @companyname and use it for all your tweets.

• Use Twitter Search to find and respond to tweets about your products or your brand.

• Ask for feedback on your products and then follow up with the responses you get.

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What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a tool for collecting and organizing things you love and want to promote.

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People find images of items they like and create boards such as this one.

You pin pictures to the board and people repin the images they like.

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How does Pinterest work?


What us YouTube?

YouTube is a video-sharing website, created in February 2005, on which users can upload, view and share videos.[4] YouTube displays a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movieclips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging, short original videos, and educational videos.

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How does YouTube work?

1. Record a Video2. Upload video to

YouTube3. People find the

videoa. Subscribeb. Likec. Comment

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Final Words


Social Media Takeaways

•Integrate your efforts to reduce time spent on Social Media

•Have a plan and follow it

•Make sure to add the LinkedIn, FaceBook and Twitter Widgets to your Website, blog and even your email signature.

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Social Media Takeaways

•Limit your self promotion

•Give generously to your community

•and Have Fun!

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Thank You!

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Contact Information

Colleen Wright

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