Social Media Managers - what they do & should do

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The presentation describes the profession of a Social Media Manager. It is a brief explanation of the main principles, methods and mechanisms this job has. The presentation also describes how to optimize the process of social media management and make it more effective.

Transcript of Social Media Managers - what they do & should do


Social Media ManagersWho they are. What they do. And what they should do.

By Link-Assistant.Com.





data collection

contributing to a team

effectiveness measurement.

Social Media Management is a

complex of various marketing activities,

such as:

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What is social media management?


Who are Social Media Managers?

A Social Media Manager IS NOT a spammer who clutters

one’s newsfeed with his company mentions, hunts for likes

and fans on Facebook, followers on Twitter, etc.

A Social Media Manager IS a person trusted with monitoring,

filtering, measuring, contributing to and guiding the social

media presence of a brand, service or company.


Typical activities

of an SM manager


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engaging users, presenting one’s company on the Web, telling about company services

and products, managing company’s reputation, generating sales, monitoring customers’ feedback, and a lot more.

1. Effective management of company’s social media communities.

That implies:

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If you want to learn

how to manage your company social media communities the most effective way,

follow this link.


Typically, companies have special support departments that take care of all customers’ queries.

But people may also ask for help or complain about issues in company’s communities on social media sites.

2. Support.

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Hence, a social media manager also must:

regularly check and answer inbox emails, direct messages, wall posts, etc.;

provide necessary information, help and assistance to all customers in need;

monitor customers’ feedback.


A social media manager should

analyze and measure the

effectiveness of all ongoing SMM


3. Analysis.

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These are the questions

SM managers should periodically ask themselves:

“Have my implemented SMM activities changed our customer engagement rates, ROI, social signals, revenue, etc.?”

“Are the activities I perform worth doing and repeating?” “Is the revenue my company gets in the results of my

SMM activities more than the spent budgets? etc.


Another important activity an SM manager should regularly perform is looking for new ways of getting traffic.

4. Searching new traffic opportunities.

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Popular sources of getting extra traffic may be:

Content curating websites (StumbleUpon, , Reddit etc);

SlideShare, Pinterest and similar websites where one can share information in visual forms;

Any other sources where content was published and got traffic;

Sites one’s competitors are getting traffic from, etc.


Calculating ROI and reporting social media stats is an important procedure in any SMM campaign.

The procedure helps to estimate effectiveness of implemented SMM activities, optimize further SMM campaigns and check how company’s budgets are used.

5 Reporting.

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Working with social media sources gives a unique opportunity to get in the know of all latest industry news.

Hence, a social media manager can also work as a part-time business analyst and contribute into optimization of all business processes in a company.

6. Teamwork.

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This is what a social media manager can do to streamline work of a whole company:

• collect and suggest good ideas from social media; • inform about the latest industry new, updates,

changes; • spy on competitors’ development strategies;• work with affiliates, partners, loyal customers on social

media websites: consult them, provide help, assistance and more.


Creating interesting, worth-to-link-with content and sharing it via social media can add to one’s company online marketing success and search engine optimization.

If skilled enough, an SM manager may try hand in content creating.

7. Creating content.

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A social media manager must be able to answer all possible questions that company’s customers might possibly have.

Hence, an SM manager should be an all-rounded personality and a authoritative specialist in his own sphere.

Ongoing self-education and improving one’s qualification are a must for every SM manager!

8. Self-education.

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This is what an SM manager should be capable of:

mastering one’s industry at least on an intermediate level; knowing the basics of Internet Marketing; knowing basics of psychology (extremely useful for dealing

with angry customers), some things from web design and web trends;

be a good user of PC, master such programs as Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, browsers, mail apps and so on.

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An SM manager must always be ahead of the game.

The abilities to act quickly and professionally can make or break a whole SMM campaign.

9. Being fast and mobile.

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A social media manager must constantly track company’s brand mentions across the Web.

In case of an issue or negative feedback an SM manager may escalate any conflict and fix a case.

BuzzBundle is a great tool for to tracking brand mentions and responding to them.

10. Creating unshakable brand reputation.

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As one can see, Social Media Management implies a

huge scope of activities. When implemented, they can

make a serious contribution to company’s revenues and

influence the whole Internet Marketing strategy as well.

So, the profession of a Social Media Manager may be

challenging and hard but rewarding in the end.

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If you want to learn more about social media management, follow the link.

Contact Link-Assistant.Com Team and ask for more advice and guidance on effective SMM.

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Image Credits

Images for this presentation are taken from:

Fotopedia (Tony W)

Flickr (Patrick Ng, Thomas Riecken)



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