Social Media for Professional Photographers

Post on 09-May-2015

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Presented to the Western Mass. Pictage Users Group (PUG), May 2011

Transcript of Social Media for Professional Photographers

Northampton Professional Photographers

Social Media:

media designed to be disseminated through social interaction.

The Online Connection

Web sites with social components (forums, comment sections, user-generated content including photos, articles, and video) caused the social concept to explode online, as it connected more people with other, like-minded people than ever before.

Portability helps.

Who Cares? Millennials (Generation Y) officially out-number Baby Boomers;

96% of them have joined a social network.

Percent of companies using LinkedIn as a primary tool to find employees: 80%

The fastest growing segment on Facebook is 55-65 year-old females.

25% of search results for the World’s Top 20 largest brands are links to user-generated content.

34% of bloggers post opinions about products & brands.

78% of consumers trust peer recommendations.

Source: socialnomics

Making History. Quickly.

Years to reach 50 million users:  Radio (38 years), TV (13 years), Internet (four years), iPod (three years). Facebook added 100 million users in less than nine months; iPhone apps hit one billion in nine months.

Eye-witnesses of the 2008 Mumbai attacks sent an estimated 80 tweets every five seconds. Twitter users on the ground helped compile a list of the dead and injured.

In January 2009, US Airways Flight 1549 experienced multiple bird strikes and had to be ditched in the Hudson River. Janis Krums, a passenger on one of the ferries that rushed to help, took a picture of the downed plane as passengers were still evacuating and posted it to Twitter before any other media arrived at the scene.

In May 2009, astronaut Michael J. Massimino used Twitter to send updates of the Hubble Telescope repair mission, marking the first time Twitter was used in space.

In June 2009, following allegations of fraud in the Iranian presidential election protesters used Twitter as a rallying tool and as a method of communication with the outside world after the government blocked several other modes of communication.

Uses for Photogs

Marketing and promotion (blogging, collateral)

Sourcing (clients, models, equipment, locations)

Sharing (with professionals, clients, public at large)


Flickr – Friend or Foe? Launched 2004

Hosts more than 5 billion images

One of the best uses of Creative Commons

Getty stock image service added in 2009

What a bunch of tools.

Social PR: Pitchengine.comE-news: Constant Contact, MSMSocial newspapers: Paper.liPhotoshare: Plixi (formerly TwitPic)Link shortening: tinyurl, bit.lyManagement: TweetDeck, HootSuiteQuicksharing/blogging: AnimotoBlogging: YouTube, Vimeo for montagesFoursquare: Location-based app



Cape Shoot, Kili Training vids

Memorial Day shoot, Kili Training vids

Questions? @writerjax

Photo by Mark Archer