Social & Digital Inclusion

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Social & Digital Inclusion

Digital & Social Inclusion

© Copyright Tinder Foundation

Greg WatsonSales Manager & Staff Board Director



1. About Tinder Foundation2. UK online centres 3. Who is socially & digitally excluded4. Why this is the case5. Impact on individuals6. Future challenges7. The help and support we offer


We make good things happen with digital technology

— Established in 2011— Not-for-profit Social Enterprise— How we are structured

Tinder Foundation

Our Brands:

— 4 Specialist Networks — 3,800 centre partners— 5,000 hyper-local community organisations— 25,000 volunteers— 40,000 unique visits to Learn My Way a month— 1,100,000 helped since April 2010

Intro to UK online centres by numbers:

Our goal is to create independent and confident internet users

Not about broadband infrastructure Not about one off usage

• Stay in touch with family, friends or socialise with people who share your interests.

• Save money on household bills and shopping. • Simplify and speed up daily tasks such as banking, sorting out

your benefits registering to vote.• Be entertained – maybe catch up on some TV you missed or

play a game of Scrabble with others.• Explore your passions, from sport news and cake decorating to

fly-fishing and photography – there’s something for everyone. • Improve your job prospects. It’s a fact more jobs are

advertised online.

The internet is great – UK online centres inspire people to:

Local[Community informal adult learning]


[Flexible, quick moving ‘Learn My Way’]


[5,000 hyper local Organisations]

—Social Justice —Equality, improving lives—Employment, Saving, social isolation

—Economic Growth—Welfare reform moving online—Digital by default—Helping people be more employable—Building new better digital businesses

Why is digital inclusion important:

18% of adults have little or no online skills (ONS)

Who’s digitally excluded




In social group C2DE

Aged over 65

3.91 Million disabled adults are not online

Have no qualification

Social exclusion with previous year

Benefits Education


Income HousingAny Social exclusion

Who is getting supported in UK online centres

Social Excluded 83% Receiving any benefits


Unemployed 47% Educated below level 2


Household income <£9,999

28% Disabled 29%

Aged 65+ 16% Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic Groups


Why aren’t people online?




Barriers to why people are not online [Freshminds 2007 and 2009]

Jobs:—People with good ICT skills earn between 3% - 10% more than without—72% of employers wouldn't even interview candidates with no IT Skills —7 million job adverts online—90% of all jobs need basic IT skills

Impact on the individual:

Money—£560 saved by shopping/paying bills online

—82% internet users have saved money [Ofcom]—25% increase in earners with good IT skills—Getting online increases lifetime earnings by >£8,300—By 2016 British people will buy £221bn worth of online goods and services

Social—3.1 million people over 65 go a whole week without seeing family or friends

Impact on the individual:

Government estimates suggest that an hour spent interacting with government costs the average citizen £14.70. Over 250million transactions are still completed through offline channels every year. “

£1.8 billion annual saving if an half hour was saved by digitalising every transaction

National Economic benefits:

Digital Efficiency Report Nov 2012

—Universal credit—Welfare reform—Social Housing

Upcoming challenges

It will replace most means-tested benefits including:—income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)—income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)—Income Support—Housing Benefit—Working Tax Credit—Child Tax Credit.

Universal Credit

—DWP target of 80% claimants using digital by 2017—Housing payments directly to recipients—Payments made month

Universal Credit - The Facts

—9 out of 10 claimants will need some kind of support—Budgeting monthly payments: 73% not ready —Budgeting: 77% not ready for UC—Banking: 52% not ready for UC—Getting Online: 66% not ready for UC

—38% not ready across all areas

Citizens Advice Clients – baseline pilot

—£1,700,000 in grant funding since April 2013—Free access to learning content [Learn My Way]—Free training for our network—Commercial opportunities – Online Basics (C&G) —National marketing opportunities—Centre Search and Post Office referrals—Dedicated Network Coordinators —Free Managing Information

Tinder Foundation’s Help and Support:

© Copyright Tinder Foundation

Tracking learning, evidencing impact

© Copyright Tinder Foundation

We work with the DWP:

Learn about searching for jobs using Online Plus

We work with the NHS

Learn More Section:Simple steps you can take right now to make the most of your money and plan for the future

Learn More Section:

Learn More Section:Developed - Money Advice Service and Funded by - Comic Relief Audience - Help the over 55s.

Thanks for listening

© Copyright Tinder Foundation

Greg WatsonSales Manager & Staff Board Director
