Social & Digital Inclusion

Digital & Social Inclusion © Copyright Tinder Foundation Greg Watson Sales Manager & Staff Board Director @GregWat_son son #digitalskills [email protected]

Transcript of Social & Digital Inclusion

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Digital & Social Inclusion

© Copyright Tinder Foundation

Greg WatsonSales Manager & Staff Board Director



[email protected]

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1. About Tinder Foundation2. UK online centres 3. Who is socially & digitally excluded4. Why this is the case5. Impact on individuals6. Future challenges7. The help and support we offer


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We make good things happen with digital technology

— Established in 2011— Not-for-profit Social Enterprise— How we are structured

Tinder Foundation

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Our Brands:

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— 4 Specialist Networks — 3,800 centre partners— 5,000 hyper-local community organisations— 25,000 volunteers— 40,000 unique visits to Learn My Way a month— 1,100,000 helped since April 2010

Intro to UK online centres by numbers:

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Our goal is to create independent and confident internet users

Not about broadband infrastructure Not about one off usage

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• Stay in touch with family, friends or socialise with people who share your interests.

• Save money on household bills and shopping. • Simplify and speed up daily tasks such as banking, sorting out

your benefits registering to vote.• Be entertained – maybe catch up on some TV you missed or

play a game of Scrabble with others.• Explore your passions, from sport news and cake decorating to

fly-fishing and photography – there’s something for everyone. • Improve your job prospects. It’s a fact more jobs are

advertised online.

The internet is great – UK online centres inspire people to:

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Local[Community informal adult learning]


[Flexible, quick moving ‘Learn My Way’]


[5,000 hyper local Organisations]

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—Social Justice —Equality, improving lives—Employment, Saving, social isolation

—Economic Growth—Welfare reform moving online—Digital by default—Helping people be more employable—Building new better digital businesses

Why is digital inclusion important:

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18% of adults have little or no online skills (ONS)

Who’s digitally excluded




In social group C2DE

Aged over 65

3.91 Million disabled adults are not online

Have no qualification

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Social exclusion with previous year

Benefits Education


Income HousingAny Social exclusion

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Who is getting supported in UK online centres

Social Excluded 83% Receiving any benefits


Unemployed 47% Educated below level 2


Household income <£9,999

28% Disabled 29%

Aged 65+ 16% Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic Groups


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Why aren’t people online?




Barriers to why people are not online [Freshminds 2007 and 2009]

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Jobs:—People with good ICT skills earn between 3% - 10% more than without—72% of employers wouldn't even interview candidates with no IT Skills —7 million job adverts online—90% of all jobs need basic IT skills

Impact on the individual:

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Money—£560 saved by shopping/paying bills online

—82% internet users have saved money [Ofcom]—25% increase in earners with good IT skills—Getting online increases lifetime earnings by >£8,300—By 2016 British people will buy £221bn worth of online goods and services

Social—3.1 million people over 65 go a whole week without seeing family or friends

Impact on the individual:

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Government estimates suggest that an hour spent interacting with government costs the average citizen £14.70. Over 250million transactions are still completed through offline channels every year. “

£1.8 billion annual saving if an half hour was saved by digitalising every transaction

National Economic benefits:

Digital Efficiency Report Nov 2012

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—Universal credit—Welfare reform—Social Housing

Upcoming challenges

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It will replace most means-tested benefits including:—income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)—income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)—Income Support—Housing Benefit—Working Tax Credit—Child Tax Credit.

Universal Credit

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—DWP target of 80% claimants using digital by 2017—Housing payments directly to recipients—Payments made month

Universal Credit - The Facts

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—9 out of 10 claimants will need some kind of support—Budgeting monthly payments: 73% not ready —Budgeting: 77% not ready for UC—Banking: 52% not ready for UC—Getting Online: 66% not ready for UC

—38% not ready across all areas

Citizens Advice Clients – baseline pilot

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—£1,700,000 in grant funding since April 2013—Free access to learning content [Learn My Way]—Free training for our network—Commercial opportunities – Online Basics (C&G) —National marketing opportunities—Centre Search and Post Office referrals—Dedicated Network Coordinators —Free Managing Information

Tinder Foundation’s Help and Support:

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© Copyright Tinder Foundation

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Tracking learning, evidencing impact

© Copyright Tinder Foundation

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We work with the DWP:

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Learn about searching for jobs using Online Plus

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We work with the NHS

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Learn More Section:Simple steps you can take right now to make the most of your money and plan for the future

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Learn More Section:

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Learn More Section:Developed - Money Advice Service and Funded by - Comic Relief Audience - Help the over 55s.

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Thanks for listening

© Copyright Tinder Foundation

Greg WatsonSales Manager & Staff Board Director


[email protected]