Sma Proposal

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Transcript of Sma Proposal

  • 8/2/2019 Sma Proposal



    Proposal to Design an

    Energy Scavenger usingPyroelectric MaterialsPresented by

    Chukwuma D Ugwu (102792360)


    The main objective of this project is to design a portable scavenging device that will convert thermal

    energy into electrical energy through the use of pyroelectric material.

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    Table of Contents

    Objectives -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

    Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

    Problem Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

    Design Concept -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

    Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12

    Appendix --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13

    References --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

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    The main objective of this project is to design a scavenger device that could convert thermal

    energy into electrical Energy using Pyroelectric materials with reasonable efficiency (about 5%).


    There is an increasing demand to explore methods for energy harvesting and scavenging. Due to

    recent advances in electronics coupled with the fact that the price of energy is skyrocketing, there

    is an increasing push to make devices more effective by either conserving or recapturing low

    forms of energy such as mechanical vibrations, light and thermal energy back into the system.

    (Sodano et al., 2004). Industry, world-wide, discharges over 1001012 joules (TJ) annually of

    low-grade waste heat (10C to250C) from electric power stations, pulp and paper mills,

    steel and other metal foundries, glass manufacturers and petrochemical plants( Ikura,2008). Inthe U.S. around 55% of the energy generated from all sources in 2009 was lost as waste-heat

    (Lawrence, 2010). A technology to recover or convert this low-grade waste heat to

    usable electricity could save industrial sectors tens of billions of dollars annually, through

    increased process efficiencies and reduced fuel costs, while substantially reducing greenhouse

    gas emissions. Therefore, this paper will be focussing on converting thermal energy emitted from


    Thermal energy in the environment is a potential source of energy for low-power electronics

    (Xie et al., 2010). The pyroelectric effect is popular for its use in detecting radiation first

    proposed by Ta as early as 1932. Most pyroelectric detectors are made of thin wafers ofpyroelectric crystals in which when exposed to time varying radiation will produce an electrical

    response (Liu et al.., 1978). There has been notable research in thermal energy scavenging.

    Researchers at the University of Minnesota have come up with a new alloy-Ni45Co5Mn40Sn10

    which undergoes a reversible phase transformation, in which one type of solid turns into another

    type of solid when the temperature changes, according to a news release from the University of

    Minnesota. Specifically, the alloy goes from being non-magnetic to highly magnetize. The

    temperature only needs to be raised a small amount for this to happen (Boyle, 2011).

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    Problem Description:

    The aim of this research is to view, analyse and design a small scale energy harvesting system

    using ferroelectric materials with special focus on pyroelectric materials. A material is said to

    exhibit pyroelectric effect when a change in the materials temperature with respect to time result

    in the production of electric charges (Bauer, 2006). If the temperature change is uniform over

    the crystal, then the pyroelectric effect is described by a pyroelectric coefficient vector p given


    Where Ps is the spontaneous polarization vector and T is the temperature (Nye p.78, 1957).

    In order to harvest this energy, it would undergo four stages namely:

    1. Conversion of raw input energy into effective energy that can be transferred to the activematerial

    2. Conversion of energy available in the material into electrical energy3. Extraction of electrical energy available on the material4. Storage of the extracted energy.

    Fig. 1 Energy harvesting flow cycle.

    There are several physical limitations in regards to how efficient heat can be converted into

    electricity. The useful work of all thermal engines is limited thermodynamically by Carnot

    efficiency, given by:

    carnot = 1 - TL/TH --------------- (1)

    Where TH is temperature of heat source and TL is temperature of heat sink









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    ---------------------- (2)

    Where WE is generated electricity, WP = energy lost in temp cycle, CV = heat capacity of

    pyroelectric device, Qint =heat loss in thermal cycle and Qleak= heat leakages between the hot

    and cold sources.

    The actual energy conversion efficiency for any thermal scavenging device will depend on the

    temperature difference between the hot and cold sources given by

    Vmax =

    ------------------------- (3)

    The resultant current will be given as

    I =

    ------------------------------------- (4)

    Where Afis the surface area of pyroelectric thin film capacitor, Ps(C/m2) is the pyroelectic thin

    film polarization and p is the pyroelectric coefficient in C/m2K

    The output power will simply be

    PN = Vmax I ------------------------------------------ (5)

    The resultant work done in converting thermal energy into electrical energy is given as

    W =

    Design Concept:

    There are three design concepts that will be explored. Before getting into those concepts, various

    design problems will be discoursed and tentative solution given pursued. One of the major draw

    backs for using Pyroelectic materials in a scavenging device is the amount of electricity it could

    generate upon heating. Pyroelectric materials like piezoelectric material do suffer from small

    power output. To increase the power output, pyroelectric materials are stacked in series as shown

    in fig 2a. Each of these stacks are placed in rows all connected in series (fig 2b). The resultant

    voltage will be a lot higher thereby increasing the resultant power output.

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    Fig 2a:Pyroelectric materials stacked in series Fig 2b: pyroelectric material stacked in series

    Concept 1:

    To create an effective pyroelectric generator, there has to a constant flow of electrons. This isachieved by varying the temperature on the material itself. To do this, an actuator in the form of

    a cantilever beam is used to move the pyroelectric elements constantly from a hot plate to a cold

    plate (shown in fig 3). The cantilever beam will be made up of a thin layer of a suitable shape

    memory effect like NiTi or a dielectric material. These will enhance heat transfer through

    conduction. Heat transfer through convection and conduction will be used for the cold plate.

    Fig 3 showing the energy scavenger

    Pyroelectric Generator




    Metallic plates

    Hot and cold


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    Fig 4 showing the cantilever beam.

    Concept 2:

    Instead of using a cantilever beam as an actuator in moving the pyroelectric material between

    plates, a SMA spring is used. The pyroelectric plate starts directly on the hot plate. As it heats

    up, it also transfers that heat energy to the SMA actuator which triggers an upward movement

    (fig 5). At this second stage, a stream of coolants such as air and water will be used to enhance

    the heat transfer. As the pyroelectric plate gets cool, the SMA goes back to its original position.

    Since the voltage produced is dependent on the cycle per unit time, the goal will be to make this

    as efficient as possible.

    A SME










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    Fig 5 showing the energy scavenger concept II

    Final Design Concept:

    The final concept as shown in figure 6 utilizes demagnetization of magnets with increase in

    temperature for its actuation system. The pyroelectric material PVDF is first coated with a

    dielectric material. Note fig 7 below shows displacement due to temperature change



    Hot Body

    Pyroelectric plate

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    This dielectric material not only increases the heat conduction of the pyroelectric material but

    also acts as poles used to remove the electric charge produced. Another layer of Neodymium

    Iron Boron (N4914 used for the hot plate and N4321 used for the cold plate) magnets with

    properties as shown in table 1 are utilized for the actuators.

    Magnet Br(T) H(A/m) %Br(O

    C) %H(O

    C) Max Temp(O


    N4914 13.9 160.8495 -0.11 -0.61 130

    N4321 13.1 158.336 -0.10 -0.05 160Table1: Show magnetic and mechanical properties of two types of NbFeb magnets. Data gotten from integrated magnetics

    Neodymium Iron Boron magnets was preferred to other type of magnets because of its instability

    with change in temperature. The strength of the magnet and the rate of demagnetization were

    carefully chosen such that the magnet attached to the hot plate is stronger magnetically. As there

    is a change in temperature, it slowly loses its magnetism faster than the magnet on the opposite

    surface. Initially the force of N4914 is calculated as 0.16N (details of the calculated provided in

    appendix) with N4321 0.149N. However when there is a 40oC change in temperature due to the

    heating, N4914 magnetic force degrades to just 0.11N with N4312 at 0.14N. With greater force

    being applied upwards, the pyroelectric material moves from the hot plate to the cold plate as

    shown in figure 6. Rollers connected to a lead rail helps constrain the pyroelectric material to

    ensure smooth actuation. The lead rail not only helps guide the PVDF actuation for but also acts

    as the poles for each pyroelectric material and helps reduce the magnetic interaction between

    systems (Fazeng,, 1992). With cooling comes re-magnetization of the magnets which

    returns the system back to its starting point. Its important to note that Nd-Fe-B based magnets

    are not recommended for applications above 150o

    C. The time taken for one complete actuationdepends on the rate of heating in terms of time rather because the response time of PVDF is

    virtually instantaneous.

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    As shown in figure 8, each PVDF has a separate actuation system. With an area of 1.44cm2, the

    temperature profile is even all around each PVDF thereby increasing the efficiency in electric

    voltage production. The maximum electric field which arises due to a temperature shift is:

    V(to) =

    where V (t0) is the induced electric field in volts/meter, is the pyroelectric coefficient in

    Coulomb/C meter2, t is the thickness of the PVDF (in this case 110m), T is the temperature

    difference in C, K3is the dielectric constant, and 0 is the dielectric permittivity of free space.

    is typically ~ 400x10-6

    coulomb/C meter2.

    Table 2: Material properties of Pyroelectric Material

    Sample Dielectricconstant








    Curie Temp(oC) o(F/m)

    PVDF 10.46 1.44 9 0.090 165 8.85*E-12*table from Xie, 2010, dielectric constant from Westlake product bulletin

    The current generated by the PVDF is given as

    ip(t) = p`A

    Where ip(t) is the induced electric current in A/m, p` is the component of the pyroelectric

    coefficient orthogonal to the electrode surface area A; and T(t) denotes the temperature with

    respect to time.

    Figure 8 shows the graph of voltage generated in terms of time correlating with the temperature

    change in terms of time. The voltage generated by PVDF depends on the rate of heat transfer.

    The energy scavenger is treated with insulating gas such as argon to reduce the internal heat

    transfer between plates. Detailed calculations provided at the appendix. At a temperature

    difference at body temperature (assumed to be 40C), the average voltage produced per unit

    actuator is 19mV. Given that the total number of actuators is 50, the total amount of voltage

    produced by the scavenger is 0.95V. When the temperature difference is 100C, the voltage

    produced by the scavenger is about 2V/0.5sec.

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    A control system is developed with a temperature controller that controls the voltage output by

    the scavenger device as shown in figure 9. The operational amplifier does amplify the voltage

    produced by the device and also prevents the voltage going back into the system. A capacitor(10nF) is utilized to temporarily store and steady the fluctuating voltage being produced turning

    it into a DC voltage. A very large resistor (1M) is used to limit the amount of current that enter

    the operational amplifier.

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    At the end of the research, an energy scavenging design for the conversion of thermal energy

    into electrical energy using pyroelectric materials was made. We have developed a new

    innovative concept for the conversion of low temperature thermal waste heat into electrical

    energy using electromechanically based microstructures, which convert thermal energy gradientsinto temporally varying energy gradients across these millimeter sized structures. These

    millimeter sized energy harvester structures can be fabricated in 2D arrays and scaled up in size

    allowing these devices to generate sizable amounts of electrical power for many applications.

    The design, modeling and experimental work outlined in this report describes the initial studies

    we have performed to demonstrate the utility of this technique. Although these studies are in

    their initial stages, an actuation system that achieves a complete cycle in 0.5secs has for the firsttime, modeled and demonstrated a steady flow of voltage operating in a relatively low

    temperature gradient. These operating frequencies (and resultant rates of temperature change in

    the cantilever structures) are several orders of magnitude greater than have previously beenachieved in pyroelectric energy harvesting devices.

    With extensive temperature cycling studies on fabricated thin film pyroelectric capacitivestructures and the testing of various operational amplifiers, a portable charging device powered

    purely by the human body temperature could be designed in the near future.

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    >> % Neodymium Iron Boron N4914

    >> % F = AB^2/2u0

    >> Area = 1.44; Br = 13.9; H= (12800*4*pi)/1000 %Area =m^2, Br =T, H=T

    H =


    >> Area = 1.44*10^-4

    Area =


    >> F= (Area*Br^2)/(2*(Br/H)) %F in N

    F =


    >> % in force due to temperature rise

    >> Br_new =((13.9*0.11*40)/100)

    Br_new =


    >> Br_new2= 13.9 - Br_new

    Br_new2 =


    >> Hnew= (160.8495*0.611*40)/100

    Hnew =


    >> Hnew2=(160.8495-Hnew)

    Hnew2 =

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    >> Fnew= (Area*Br_new2^2)/(2*(Br_new2/Hnew2))

    Fnew =


    >> %Magnetic property for upper level magnet using Neodymium Iron Boron N4316

    >> Br = 13.1; H= (12600*4*pi)/1000

    H =


    >> Fn= (Area*13.1^2)/(2*(13.1/158.336))

    Fn =


    >> % change in force due to temperature rise

    >> BrN =13.1-((13.1*0.10*40)/100)

    BrN =


    >> Hnew= 158.336-(158.336*0.05*40)/100

    Hnew =


    >> Fn= (Area*BrN^2)/(2*BrN/(Hnew))

    Fn =


    >> for t=(1:10) % calculating voltage generated in respect to temperature change

    >> for t = (1:10:100)


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    V_t0 =


    V_t0 =


    V_t0 =


    V_t0 =


    V_t0 =


    V_t0 =


    V_t0 =


    V_t0 =


    V_t0 =


    V_t0 =


    >> plot (V_t0, t)

    >> t=(1:100);

    >> V_t0=(400*10^-6*t*110*10^-6)/(10.46*10008.85*10^-9);

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