
Post on 09-Sep-2014

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We the littleHE the VAST

Transcript of Sky

The Sky I see ….

Who said the sky is UP?It is DOWN in my eyes

Ready to fly with me ?

The sky was chill On a Sat Morn as there was a drizzle

Much quiet and calm left just the SKY and me

To cherish the COLOURFUL charm

Gazed away a bit

Isn’t it in perfect sync?

Eager to greet HIM right from my doors

To fill in the spaceas I move indoors

HE smelled the kettle coffee as I made

With the cuppa In my hands passed through the Dine Where is HE ?

The banana tree sown by my

beloved DAD joined the SIP and we left HIM behind

Peeped to see If HE still wants a colder SIP

HE seemed eager to come down and join hands

Back to ground


HE is all around

Sat down to wonder

Is the SKY UP or DOWN ?