SIMPLE, SEXY Hormone Reset · to stress plays a huge part in how our hormones are communicating....

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Transcript of SIMPLE, SEXY Hormone Reset · to stress plays a huge part in how our hormones are communicating....




After working with women's health in my acupuncture & functional medicine

practice for the last 15 years, I have seen it all! The struggle with weight loss,

night sweats, sleeplessness and just pure exhaustion. When I went through my

own menopause transition, I'm not going to lie, it was hell. I needed a quick fix

and tried bio-identical hormones but that only gave me other symptoms that were

worse - like weight gain! I needed to give myself a nutrition & lifestyle makeover.

When you are a women over 35 you have a complicated web of hormones that can

block your weight loss efforts- even when you follow a diet and exercise program to

the letter. We know that not every diet works for everyone - but why? We are so

fortunate to live in an age where we can know more about why we respond the way

we do and, more importantly, what we can do to optimize our health. Our thyroid,

adrenal glands, liver detoxification and our sex hormones must work together and

communicate with each other.

By helping our hormones work efficiently, we can lose weight, have restorative sleep

and feel sexy again! This is not just a weight loss program but a guide for you to use

beyond 30 days to get in touch with yourself - mind and body.

Advanced functional lab testing can pin point problems that influence our neuro-hormone

balance and detoxification pathways can be helpful but not always necessary

for everyone. What we choose to eat, how we choose to exercise and how we respond

to stress plays a huge part in how our hormones are communicating.

During this 30-day reset, you will assist your hormones to work for you, not

against you. You will learn how to help your cortisol, insulin, thyroid and sex

hormones work in harmony to not only look fabulous, but feel sexy again!

Welcome to your Simple, Sexy Hormone Reset! 

The 3 parts of the program

Your 30 day program will focus on 3 parts.

1. Clean Eating, a 4 week meal plan designed to be anti inflammatory,

slimming and hormone balancing. 21-days eliminating dairy, soy, gluten &

eggs and the last week re-introducing some foods to find out if we do well with

them or have a sensitivity. Some women may not want to re-introduce certain

foods if they know they do better without them.

2. Daily Mind Body Connection, a daily practice of journal and mindful

practices designed to center and restore your clairty.

3. Self Assessments, to identify which body system you to need to focus on

for the best results.

Health Coaching support will be available inside the Facebook group to post

your questions.

Going deeper, you are welcome to take it one step further by doing testing &

lab work. To do this, you can contact me through the private Facebook group

or email me- and we can find the source of imbalance.

Enjoy this time that you have dedicated to yourself and your health!

Quick Start Tips

1. Print self-assessments to help evaluate your individual patterns or imbalances before you get started with the program (as well as when program is completed)

2. Take measurements and weight yourself - take a photo (before & after) 3. Clear out pantry and fridge: wheat, dairy, processed, sugar 4. Purified or filtered water 5. Print grocery list as well as well as ingredients for Detox Soup and morning shakes:

Morning Detox Shakes (whey/dairy and egg-white free) * PurePaleo vanilla or chocolate protien powder * PurePaleo fiber or rice bran fiber powder *or Vegan protien powder (Rainbow light, Aloha, Vega and greens) * Organic, frozen berries (rasberries, blueberry, strawberries) * Unsweetened Almond and coconut milk (no soy milk) * Chia seeds * Flax seeds * Avocado * Almond butter

6. Prepare batch of Detox Soup on Sunday nights for the week 7. Get a journal or notebook 8. Sign in to Private FaceBook group for interactive support and laughs -

The 7 Hormones Of Metabolism

Cortisol  * Thyroid  *  Estrogen *  Progesterone *  Testosterone *  Insulin *   Leptin

Testosterone and PCOS:

The Cortisol Conundrum: is it high or low? Stress causes our entire endocrine

system to disconnect. This is the communication between our adrenal glands and

brain. So anytime cellular stress is high, it also forces the hormone percurser,

pregnenolone, to be shunted to cortisol production. Basically, you end up making

cortisol instead of progesterone which causes imbalances with adrenals, thyroid

and estrogen:progesterone balance.

Insulin resistance and Leptin resistance: Insulin is the gate keeper and is

often called the fat storage hormone. When there is too much glucose (sugar) in

the blood, insulin will store it away in the fat cells. When the receptors get

overwhelmed and cannot take anymore glucose into the cell, your body is not

able to use glucose for energy and you feel tired and crave more sugar.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a pattern of infertility and abnormal blood sugar

metabolism results in high testosterone causing 'cysts' on ovaries (unformed

eggs) and insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is present in most women (but not

all) with PCOS and this can contribute to an increased risk of developing type 2

diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This contributes to acne, and to symptoms

such as irregular periods with difficulty ovulating. High testosterone can also

cause loss of hair on the head with excessive hair growth on the body. The good

news is that many women can reverse these symptoms by a low sugar/low grain

diet and become pregnant without medical assistance.

Sore breasts, heavy menstrual bleeding, hormonal headaches, insomnia or

weight gain are signs of an estrogen-progesterone imbalance.

These symptoms of hormone imbalance are often called premenstrual

syndrome or perimenopause. This collection of symptoms is your body

telling you something- whether you are 15 or 50!

Did you know that the most common treatment for PMS is birth control pills

or other synthetic hormones? Many women take birth control pills for 10-15

years and then in perimenopause, start hormone therapy for another 10

years. Just because you are entering menopause, doesn’t always mean

you need to supplement with estrogen. Often, supporting the adrenals, the

thyroid and decreasing stress can go a long way in balancing your


A woman may start the roller-coaster of perimenopausal for as many as 10

years before she arrives at true menopause (usually around 50). It is

actually normal for a woman as young as 35-40 to begin feeling changes in

her moods and in her body.

These symptoms you are feeling are the body’s way of telling you that it is

not getting the support it needs. Because each woman has individual

biochemical needs, each will experience her own variety of hormonally

driven symptoms, which may come and go such as nutritional deficiencies,

adrenal fatigue, thyroid conditions and neurotransmitters.

Estrogen and Progesterone balance

60% of women with a hypothyroid condition are undiagnosed. Many women

suffer the symptoms of a low functioning thyroid for years before it is formally

diagnosed by their doctor. It is important that women over 35 years old get

their thyroid function tested routinely, especially after childbirth. Common

symptoms of hypothyroid are feeling cold, constipation, hair loss, dry skin,

fatigue and weight gain.

Women who take hormone replacement therapy, either synthetic or bio-

identical, need to be monitored closely if there is a thyroid condition

suspected. The additional dosing of estrogen creams or pills can overwhelm

receptor sites of the cells and limit how much thyroid hormone can enter. Even

though there is plenty in the blood, these women will still have hypothyroid

symptoms because they cannot use the thyroid hormone that they are taking.

Progesterone and thyroid hormone are intricately connected as they rise and

fall together during ovulation, this is why some women feel warmer during this

time. Low progesterone levels will usually cause low T4 production with a

normal TSH. Symptoms include: heavy periods, inability to lose weight, and

headaches and depression premenstrually. Women with hypothyroid are at

higher risk for infertility and miscarriage due to lower progesterone

levels. But often, you can boost the progesterone level and the hypothyroid

symptoms will improve without thyroid medication changes.

Thyroid: the silent master of metabolism

All of your inner systems are connected, and the way that they communicate is with

hormones. If you are not supporting your hormones through optimal nutrition,

detoxification, good lifestyle habits and mind-body practices, you will start to have

chronic symptoms leading to chronic conditions that will only get worse over time.

It’s normal to go through a hormonal transition period after 35 years old, but it is also

up to each one of us to take good care of ourselves for health and vitality as we get


Keeping a Balance

Self Awareness & Evaluation

What bad habits will I need to let go of?


What will I do when I am feeling stressed out?


What is my biggest temptation?


Who can I ask for help?  


What will be hardest for me?


How will I plan if I miss my meal prep day or forget to go shopping?


Any other concern I have about the program:


I promise to do my best and to follow this program as closely as possible. 

I also promise to be in communication about any upsets or concerns.

Sign: __________________________________________________________

I invite you to bring compassion and kindness to yourself during this process.

 Remember progress over perfection. 

You can do this!

Body Composition Tracker

 Weight: __________     Clothing Size: __________     Waist Measurement: __________     Hip Measurement: __________

Measurement is the first step that leads to control.

What you can measure, you can improve!

Before Photo

After Photo

 Weight: __________     Clothing Size: __________     Waist Measurement: __________     Hip Measurement: __________





 Weight: __________     Clothing Size: __________     Waist Measurement: __________     Hip Measurement: __________



 Weight: __________     Clothing Size: __________     Waist Measurement: __________     Hip Measurement: __________




   Sunday          Monday           Tuesday       Wednesday     Thursday         Friday        Saturday

   Sunday          Monday           Tuesday       Wednesday     Thursday         Friday        Saturday

   Sunday          Monday           Tuesday       Wednesday     Thursday         Friday        Saturday







   Sunday          Monday           Tuesday       Wednesday     Thursday         Friday        Saturday

 Please use this calendar as you wish.  Tape to the fridge or desk area.

We recommend placing an X  or           as you complete each day. 

30 days

As a paying customer, you have every right to manipulate a restaurant menu in your favor. It is a guide,

not an ultimatum. Always be kind to your server and tell them ahead of time that you need to make some

changes for dietary purposes. It is an easy accomplishment to dine out and stay successful while on this

program. As long as you eat according to our 'Balanced Plate' guidelines with adequate portions, while

avoiding the top pro-inflammatory foods, you will sail through dinner parties, family gatherings and

luncheons. Enjoy healthy creations in the presence of friends and family — remember that friends do not

let friends eat toxic.

     - Survey the menu to find appropriate side-dish swaps.

     - Turn away the bread immediately (this one is a MUST — out of sight, out of mind). Never chance inviting

       the enemy to the table.

     - Always start with a salad with olive oil and vinegar or request lemon slices to squeeze over your greens.

     - Avoid turning your salad into a dessert with sweet additives such as dried fruit, sugary nuts

       (request plain), taco strips, rice noodles or wantons; pass on creamy dressings; beware the sweet

        vinaigrettes (raspberry, Asian, etc).

     - Replace the carbs like french fries or a loaded baked potato with veggies.

     - Never order anything with these words: breaded, fried, crunchy, crispy, glazed or creamy. These are

       where the inflammatory foods hangout and can turn everything healthy into a fat-creating, mood

       disturbing, immediately bloating dish. It is okay to request plain. Ignorance is NOT bliss. It is okay to

       send an order back if you have to…explain to your server this will cause an upset stomach.

     - Be creative and willing to try something different. For example, enjoy your burger, but order it protein

       style with lettuce wraps instead of a bun.

     - If the meal is large, immediately ask for a to-go box. This strategy allows you to put half of a non-picked

        over meal away for the next day = better portion control and two meals for the price of one. Score!

     - IF YOU MUST have dessert — make sure it is absolutely worth it, meaning do not waste the cheat

       (feeling like crap, bloating, gas, headache, acne and everything else associated with a food sensitivity)

       on some diet cookie. You get three bites. Period. It is often best to just walk away…nothing tastes as

       good as healthy feels.

Dining Out Guidelines

The only person responsible for you, is you.

The Dirty Dozen vs. The Clean 15

The President’s Cancer Panel recommends eating produce without pesticides to reduce your risk of

getting cancer and other diseases. According to the Environmental Working Group, certain types of

organic produce can reduce the amount of toxins you consume on a daily basis by as much as 80


The group put together two lists, “The Dirty Dozen” and “The Clean 15,” to help consumers know when

they should buy organic and when it is unnecessary. These lists were compiled using data from the

United States Department of Agriculture on the amount of pesticide residue found in non-organic fruits

and vegetables after they had been washed.

The fruits and vegetables on “The Dirty Dozen” list, when conventionally grown, tested positive for at

least 47 different chemicals, with some testing positive for as many as 67. For produce on the “dirty”

list, you should definitely go organic — unless you relish the idea of consuming a chemical cocktail.

When to go organic and when to save a dollar...

The Dirty Dozen vs. The Clean 15

When to go organic and when to save a dollar...

The Dirty Dozen

     - Apples

     - Celery

     - Peaches

     - Strawberries

     - Spinach

     - Imported blueberries

     - Nectarines

     - Sweet bell peppers

     - Kale/Collard greens/Lettuces

     - Cherries

     - Potatoes

     - Imported grapes

The Clean 15

     - Onions

     - Avocados

     - Sweet corn

     - Pineapples

     - Mango

     - Sweet peas

     - Asparagus

     - Kiwi

     - Cabbage

     - Eggplant

     - Cantaloupe

     - Watermelon

     - Grapefruit

     - Sweet potatoes

     - Sweet onions

 Inflammation Checklist

How many factors apply to you? Check YES or NO. A "maybe" is a YES.

I have chronic aches and pains: back and neck,

headaches, muscle and joint pain, finger swelling

I am overweight and/or have difficulty losing

body fat

I have low energy and/or crash midday

I have sugar and carb cravings

I always feel hungry

I have poor sleep quality: less than 7 hours of

uninterrupted sleep nightly and/or rely on sleep-


My bowel movements are less than 2x/day

I experience mood swings and depression or


I have poor clarity of thought and low

productivity aka 'brain fog'

I lack motivation and feel lethargic

I feel old for my age

My skin is dull or inflamed: adult acne, rashes,

rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, greying, wrinkling

I have gas, bloating or other digestive issues

I suffer from heartburn

I have allergies or sinusitis

I am sensitive to smells

I regularly take anti-inflammatory or pain relieving

medications: ibuprofen, Aspirin, Tylenol, Midol,

Excedrine or other similar prescription drugs

I regularly consume refined sugar: table sugar,

desserts, soda, juice or other sweetened


I regularly eat grain products: bread, pasta, cereal,

pretzels, crackers, chips, products made from

grains or made from flours from grains

(most desserts and packaged foods)

I regularly eat partially hydrogenated oils

(trans fats) found in most margarines, packaged

foods and deep fried foods (french fries)

I regularly eat cheap oils like corn oil, safflower oil,

sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil, peanut

oil and foods with oils such as mayonnaise, tarter

sauce, margarine and nearly all salad dressings

I regularly eat meats and eggs from grain-fed

animals (regular supermarket brands)

I regularly drink or eat dairy products

(milk, cheese, creamers)

I regularly consume soy or soy-based products

I rarely eat fruits or vegetables

I regularly eat candy, ketchup or BBQ sauces

I regularly consume energy drinks or caffeine

I regularly drink alcohol

Total number of boxes checked = __________

Shake Recipes

The #1 game changer for fast, effective and sustainable weight loss is

replacing one meal a day with a high quality, nutrient dense protein smoothie.

Raspberry Coconut Cream Smoothie

     - 10 ounces unsweetened coconut milk

     - 1 scoop PurePaleo vanilla protein

     - 1 tablespoon PaleoFiber

     - ½ avocado

     - 1 tablespoon chia seeds

     - 1 cup frozen raspberries.

     - 2-4 ice cubes

Chocolate Almond Smoothie

     - 12 ounces unsweetened coconut milk

     - 1 scoop PurePaleo chocolate protein

     - 1 tablespoon PaleoFiber

     - 1 tablespoon almond butter

     - Shake of cinnamon

     - 2-4 ice cubes

Like your shakes thicker?

Add more ice

Reduce liquids

Eat with a spoon

Like your shakes thinner?

Eliminate ice

Add more liquid

Drink with a straw

- OR -

Lean Green Machine Smoothie

     - 8 ounces unsweetened almond milk

     - 1 scoop PurePaleo vanilla protein

     - 1 tablespoon PaleoFiber

     - ½ avocado

     - 2 cups spinach

     - 1 tablespoon almond butter

     - ⅛ teaspoon cinnamon spice

     - 5 ice cubes

Mint Berry Smoothie

     - 10 ounces unsweetened coconut milk

     - 1 scoop PurePaleo vanilla protein

     - 1 tablespoon PaleoFiber

     - 1 cup frozen mixed berries

     - 1 teaspoon mint flavored PaleoGreens or 5 fresh

mint leaves

     - 1 tablespoon chia seeds

TIP:  Add and blend your dry ingredients and your liquid together first.  Then

add ice and other frozen items for smoothest texture. 

Daily Detox Soup

Have 1 cup of your detox soup daily with your lunch for 21 days.

Detox Green Soup

Arugula and lemon are fabulous detoxifying foods full of vitamins and minerals. Paired together they

create a peppery, tart and refreshing taste.  Combined with broccoli and ginger, these ingredients

provide a healing and colorful anti-inflammatory soup. Puréed foods are very easy for the gut to absorb,

allowing for maximum nutrient uptake. 

Serves: 9

     - 2 teaspoons ghee

     - 1 medium yellow onion, chopped

     - 6 teaspoons minced garlic

     - 1 (16 ounce) bag organic frozen broccoli florets

     - 2 cups arugula

     - 4 cups low sodium organic vegetable broth

     - 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk

     - 3 tablespoons lemon juice (or more if needed for flavoring)

     - 1 tablespoon black pepper

     - 1 tablespoon ginger spice

     - 1 teaspoon sea salt (or more if needed)

Heat the ghee in a medium pot over medium high heat. Once melted add the onion and garlic

and cook until aromatic and soft (about 3 minutes). Add the broccoli and arugula to the pan and stir

frequently until the broccoli is bright green and the arugula has wilted (4 – 5 minutes). Pour in the broth

and bring the soup to a boil. Once boiling, reduce the heat to low and simmer until the broccoli is fully

cooked (5 – 8 minutes). Carefully transfer the soup to a blender (or use an immersion blender inside pan)

and blend on high speed for 1½ minutes. Pour in the coconut milk, lemon juice, salt, pepper and ginger

spice and blend for another 30 seconds. Taste for seasoning and adjust with additional salt or lemon

juice if needed. The soup should be thick but still light. If it is too thick, thin it with a little more coconut

milk or water.

Store soup in refrigerator for use over the next seven days.

Foundation Shopping List

“You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give

him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime.” - Chinese proverb.

Use this list as the items to always have around the house so you may make healthy, balanced meals.  My

approach  is to teach you a system that you can use well after this program is done.   All foods should be

as organic as possible. Use grass-fed beef, free-range chicken and wild-caught fish (skip the farm raised).

Also, be sure items like vinegars and broths are gluten free.


Dinner Lean Proteins- Meat:

     - 8 chicken thighs (with skin and bone)

     - 4 (6 ounce) boneless skinless chicken breast halves

     - 4 (4 ounce) salmon fillets or tilapia fillets

     - 4 (4 ounce) beef top sirloin steak

     - 1 pound ground turkey

     - 1 pound ground beef or bison

     - 1 pound shrimp (16-20 total)


Produce Non Starchy Vegetables:

     - Lemons (2)

     - Ginger (1-inch piece, 2-inch piece)

     - Asparagus (1 pound)

     - Broccoli

     - Sweet potatoes (4 small)

     - Green beans (1 pound)

     - Cauliflower

     - Minced garlic (1 jar)

     - Carrots (6 large)

     - Celery (4-6 stalks)

     - White onion (1 small)

     - Yellow onions (2)

     - mushrooms

     - Fresh rosemary (1 sprig)

     - Fresh parsley

Healthy Fats:

- 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1/4 small avocado, 5-10 nuts, 1 tablespoon nut butter, 5 olives

- Be sure to count fat from protein, so if having grass fed beef or fish count as a fat serving



Dry Goods:

     - Organic brown rice

     - Quinoa  

     - GF pasta


Box/ canned Goods:

     - Chicken/vegetable broth 

     - Tomato paste (1 can)



     - Sesame oil

     - Coconut oil

     - Olive Oil


    - Ground turmeric

    - Dry mustard

    - Dried rosemary leaves

    - Italian herb blend

     - Garlic powder

    - Himalayan sea salt




     - Tupperware

21 Clean Dinner Ideas

Lean Protein + Healthy Fat + Fiber = Balanced Beauty

You will receive a weekly meal plan.  In case you would like to make substitutions, I have added a list of

great meals to inspire you to make what you will enjoy & that match our guidelines. 

Remember, you will have both a  salad and soup with each dinner to increase your nutrient intake and

stabilize blood sugar.


1. Shrimp Pesto With  Zucchini Noodles

2. Meatless Macro Bowl

3. Grilled Steak With Sautéed Green Beans And Cauliflower

4. Baked Salmon With Steamed Asparagus

5. Shrimp Stir Fry With Brown Rice

6. Turkey Meatloaf With Steamed Broccoli

7. Lemon Baked Tilapia And Sautéed Spinach

8. Grilled Pork Chops And Sautéed Green Beans

9. Baked Chicken Thighs And Butternut Squash

10. Chicken Stir Fry With Brown Rice

11. Garlic Salmon And Sautéed Spinach And Riced Cauliflower

12. Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps

13. Turkey Meatballs With Gluten Free Pasta And Marinara Sauce

14. Spicy Beef Stuffed Bell Peppers And Quinoa

15. Grilled Chicken Breast And Baked Brussel Sprouts

16.  Oven Roasted Whole Chicken With Carrots, Potatoes And Onions

17. Bison Hamburgers With A Gluten Free Bun 

18. Green Curry With Shrimp & Brown Rice

19. Shrimp Fajitas And Black Beans

20. Grilled Steak With Steamed Green Veggies Mix.

21. Bacon Wrapped Scallops And Asparagus


Week #1

Before we get going, let us establish a few ground rules . . .

1. No coffee, no alcohol, no caffeinated tea (only herbal tea is acceptable).

2. All foods should be as organic as possible. Use grass-fed beef, free-range chicken and

     wild fish (none of that farm raised stuff). Also, be sure items like vinegars and broths are

     gluten free.

3. You will want to start your day with 16 ounces of water flavored with a shot of fresh

     lemon juice. Also, be sure to get PLENTY of water in throughout the day…drink ½ your

     body weight in ounces, minimum.

4. Breakfast will be detox-in-a-glass…literally. Blend up a detox smoothie of choice each

    morning and you’re good to go.

5. With lunch each day have your detox soup, salad and dressing of choice. With dinner

     each evening have your detox salad, dressing of choice and baked applesauce.

6. Meals should be every 4-6 hours with no snacking. Only have water between meals. If

     you are working out, are a male or have long hours in your day then you are allowed

     one additional meal/snack if needed. Following snacking guidelines.

7. All shopping lists and dinner recipes for Week #2 are included below. Depending

    on serving size or if you are feeding others, you may need to prepare a little extra at

    dinner to make sure you have leftovers for lunch the next day. Plan accordingly.

8. Choose your favorite shakes you want to try for the week and add their ingredients to

     your shopping list. Examples include frozen berries, canned pumpkin, mint leaves...

Diet Guidelines

Shrimp And Broccoli Stir Fry


2 garlic cloves

1 ½ pounds medium shrimp,

peeled and deveined

24 ounces of broccoli florets

1 teaspoon sesame seeds

1 green onion sliced thinly

1 table spoon gluten free soy

sauce (tamari)

1 cup brown rice


Pop rice in rice cooker. Brown rices takes about an

hour plan accordingly.

Heat olive oil and garlic in large skillet over medium

heat. Add shrimp, and cook them until pink, just a

few minutes. Add broccoli, stir frequently until bright

green and tender, about 3 minutes.

Add and stir in gluten free soy sauce ( tamari) to

taste about 1 table spoon

Serve immediately, garnish with sesame seeds and

green onions over cooked brown rice.


1 bag of peeled cut butternut squash

1 bag of GF pasta

2-3 ounces pine nuts

2 basil leaves

Garlic seasoning powder

1 lemon

1 table spoon olive oil


1. Bring water to boil in a pot over high heat and cook

squash until tender 10-15 minutes.

2. Bring water to boil in a pot over high heat and cook

pasta to manufacturer's instructions.

3. Combine pasta and squash and pine nuts together in

pot over the stove. Add olive oil. Dash some garlic

powder. Garnish with basil leaf.

Butternut Squash Pasta

Lemon Garlic Tilipa


1 pound tilapia fillets

1 lemon

1 garlic or garlic powder

1 bunch of asparagus

1 cup of brown rice


1. Cook brown rice. Plan ahead may take hour for rice to


2. Preheat oven to 400°. Glaze fish with olive oil, lemon &

sprinkle garlic to taste

3. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a pan over medium-high heat.

Saute asparagus until bright green, about 3-4 minutes.

Place to side while fish cooks.

4. Bake fish for 9 to 11 minutes or until fish is flaky and

tender. Add veggies and rice and enjoy.

Power Kale Bowl


1 cup brown rice

1 can bean/legume of choice

lentils my favorite

1 bunch of kale

2 ounces VGF creamy salad


1 avocado


1. Cook brown rice

2. When rice is finished, heat up beans in a

pan. Chop kale and steam kale.

3. Combine in a bowl for serving. Add the

avocado. Dress lightly with VGF salad

dressing. Quick & Easy. Enjoy


2lbs Yukon gold potatoes, halved

and quartered 4to 5 carrots, peeled,

halved and quartered 1red onion,

halved and quartered 1 garlic bulb,

cloves separated and skins removed

4 tablespoons olive oil, divided

3 1/2to 4 lbs skin-on, bone-in chicken

thighs Salt and pepper1teaspoon

dried thyme ½ teaspoon dried

oregano ½ teaspoon dried parsley



Heat oven to 450°F.

In a large bowl, toss potatoes, carrots, onion

and garlic with 3 tablespoons olive oil. Spread

in an even layer on a large rimmed baking


Use paper towel to blot chicken thighs to

remove excess moisture. Arrange chicken

thighs on top of vegetables, and brush

chicken skin with remaining 1 tablespoon

olive oil. Sprinkle thighs generously with salt

and pepper. Sprinkle thyme, oregano and

parsley flakes evenly over thighs and


Bake on center rack of oven 40 to 45 minutes

until an internal thermometer inserted in

center of largest piece of chicken reads

175°F, chicken skin is crispy and browned

and vegetables are tender.

One Pan Chicken Thighs & Veggies


1/2 cup reduced sodium soy sauce

1/4 cup brown sugar, packed

1/4 cup chopped green onions

4 cloves garlic, minced

2 tablespoons sesame oil

2 tablespoons freshly grated ginger

2 tablespoons freshly grated pear, optional

1 teaspoon Sriracha, optional

1 1/2 pounds hanger steak, cut into 1-inch


1 cup brown rice

1 head butter lettuce

1/2 teaspoons sesame seeds


In a medium bowl, whisk together soy sauce,

brown sugar, green onions, garlic, sesame oil,

ginger, pear and Sriracha, if using. Reserve 1/4

cup and set aside.

In a gallon size Ziploc bag or large bowl, combine

soy sauce mixture and steak; marinate for at least

1 hour to overnight, turning the bag occasionally.

Drain the steak from the marinade.

In a large saucepan of 2 cups water, cook rice

according to package instructions; set aside.

Preheat grill to medium high heat. Add steak to

grill and cook, flipping once and basting with

reserved 1/4 cup marinade until cooked through,

about 1-2 minutes on each side.

To serve, spoon rice into the center of a lettuce

leaf, taco-style

Ingredients 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

4 each divided boneless chicken

breasts (skin, optional)

4 each garlic cloves, minced

1 small red onion, diced

1/2 cup assorted italian olives, pitted

and very coarsely chopped

1 tbsp capers, drained and coarsely


4 each boneless anchovy filets,

coarsely chopped

1/2 tsp crushed red chili flakes

1 lb assorted fresh tomatoes, diced

salt and fresh cracked pepper, to


6 zucchini

Preparation Pre-heat oven to 450 F.

Pre-heat a large oven proof sauté or skillet over high heat.

Coat the chicken breasts with 2 tablespoons of oil and season

both sides of them with salt and pepper.

Place the chicken breast in the hot pan and sear them. When

one side is nice and golden brown (about 2 minutes), turn them

over and place the entire pan in the oven. Let the roast in the

oven for about 6 to 8 minutes.

When the breasts are firm to the touch, remove the pan and

place it on a hot burner on the stove. Quickly remove the

chicken breasts from the pan and place them on plates.

Add your remaining oil, garlic, onions, anchovies, olives, capers

and chili flakes to the pan. This will likely cook QUICKLY. You

want to lightly fry these ingredients in the oil, for about 1 minute.

Add the tomatoes to the pan, with a bit of salt and pepper. Still

over high heat, cook the sauce until the tomatoes are just

cooked and the sauce is thick, about 2 more minutes.

Bring a pot of water to boil. Add zucchini noodles; cook for one

minute. Add all together and enjoy.

Spicy Beef Lettuce Wraps

Chicken Puttenesca &

Zucchini Noodles

Pan Seared Scallops with GF pasta

Ingredients serving: 4

16oz. Package of gluten free pasta

24 scallops, rinsed and drained

¾ cup olive oil

Salt & pepper to taste

2 basil leaves

¼ cup Lemon juice

tsp minced garlic


1. Cook pasta to manufacturer's directions.

2. Coat scallops in olive oil, garlic and lemon juice

3. Heat a large pan with a scoop of ghee or olive oil. Add

scallops and create one single layer to sear on each side.

After 3-4 minutes flip over and add basil leaves. Cook for

additional 3-4 minutes or until a light brown sear shows on


4. Mix cooked pasta and scallops together adding additional

spices to taste & Viola.

*Enjoy with a big salad

Ingredients serving: 2

1 large cauliflower or bag pre “riced”

2 ounces of sesame oil

1 cup spinach

1/2 cup of peas

1/2 cup of mushrooms

½ cup of raw cashews

2. cloves garlic


1. Prep the veggies. Rinse and chop spinach, set to side.

Dice cauliflower if needed. Mince garlic. chop the


2 Heat pan over medium heat, add sesame oil and garlic.

Add diced cauliflower, cashews and cook for 7-8 minutes.

3. Add spinach, mushrooms & peas to pan and cook for

another 2-3 minutes.

Serve immediately. Enjoy with your big salad

Fried "Rice" Cauliflower

week 2

Ingredients: serving: 4

1 pound of ground lean turkey

1 1/2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

2 cups diced sweet onion, large

2 tablespoons minced garlic (about 4 large


2 medium jalapeños seeded and finely


1 cup finely chopped celery (about 2 large


1 large red bell pepper, seeded and diced

1 can diced tomatoes, with juices

1 cup low-sodium vegetable broth

6 tablespoons tomato paste

1 can kidney beans, drained

1 can pinto or navy beans, drained

2 tablespoons chili powder

2 teaspoons ground cumin

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt, to


1/4 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper


1 teaspoon hot sauce (optional)

Directions: In a large pot, sauté the onion and the garlic in

the oil over medium heat until soft and

translucent, about 5 minutes. Season with a

pinch of salt and stir.

Add ground turkey and brown in pan, 3-5


Add the jalapeños, celery, and bell pepper and

sauté for another 5 to 7 minutes or so, until


Now add the can of diced tomatoes (with the

juice), broth, and tomato paste. Stir to combine.

Increase heat to medium-high.

Add the drained and rinsed beans, along with the

chili powder, cumin, oregano, and salt. Simmer

the mixture, uncovered, until thickened, about 10

to 15 minutes.

Add the cayenne and hot sauce to taste, if using.

Taste and season with additional salt if desired.

Serve with chopped green onion, and cilantro

leaves, if desired.

Hearty Turkey Chili

INGREDIENTS: serving:4

4 (8-ounce) pork chops, bone-in, 3/4-inch

to 1-inch thick

16 ounces baby red potatoes, halved

16 ounces green beans, trimmed

2 tablespoons olive oil

3 cloves garlic, minced

Kosher salt and freshly ground black

pepper, to taste

2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley


* feel free to swap green beans for your

preferred green veggie like asparagus

DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly oil a

baking sheet

Place pork chops, potatoes and green beans in a

single layer onto the prepared baking sheet.

Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with garlic

pieces; season with salt and pepper, to taste.

Place into oven and roast until the pork is

completely cooked through, reaching an internal

temperature of 140 degrees F, about 20-22

minutes.* Then broil for 2-3 minutes, or until

caramelized and slightly charred.

Serve immediately, garnished with parsley, if


*Cooking time will vary depending on the size

and thickness of the pork chops and potatoes.

INGREDIENTS: serving: 4

1 pound (1-inch-thick) top sirloin

steak, patted dry

16 ounces broccoli florets*

or broccoli and cauliflower mix

2 tablespoons olive oil

3 cloves garlic, minced

1 teaspoon dried thyme

salt and freshly ground black pepper,

to taste

DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to broil. Lightly oil a baking sheet

Place broccoli in a single layer onto the prepared

baking sheet. Add olive oil, garlic and thyme; season

with salt and pepper, to taste. Gently toss to combine.

Season steaks with salt and pepper, to taste, and add

to the baking sheet in a single layer.

Place into oven and broil until the steak is browned

and charred at the edges, about 4-5 minutes per side

for medium-rare, or until desired doneness.

Serve immediately with garlic butter, if desired.

*16 ounces broccoli florets is equal to about 3 cups.

Sheet Pan Steak & broccoli

One Pan Pork Chops & Green Beans

Pan-roasted Halibut & Roasted Kale Tomatoes

Ingredients serving: 4

4, 4 oz fillets of halibut

2 garlic cloves

4 cups lightly packed torn kale (spin


1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive


1 to 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

3/4 teaspoon salt

3/4 teaspoon cracked black pepper

1 pound small cherry tomatoes, halved


1. Preheat oven to 400°. Toss kale and tomatoes

with olive oil & lemon as they will join the fillets in the


2. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a heavy ovenproof skillet

over medium-high heat. Sear halibut 2 to 3 minutes

or until golden brown. Remove from heat. Turn fillets

over, and place tomatoes around fish in pan.

Sprinkle with remaining 1/4 teaspoon each salt and


3. Bake 7 to 10 minutes or until fish is flaky and

tomatoes are tender. Top fish with lemon juice.


serving: 4

4 skin-on, bone-in chicken breasts (2

1/2–3 pounds)

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

plus more for brushing

1 cup fresh orange juice

1/2 cup fresh lemon juice

4 garlic cloves, minced

2 teaspoons minced fresh rosemary

2 teaspoons kosher salt plus more for


2 oranges, cut into quarters

2 lemons, cut into quarters

Fresh parsley leaves


Whisk 2 Tbsp. oil and next 4 ingredients in a large bowl;

stir in 2 tsp. salt. Add chicken breasts; turn chicken to

coat, cover, and chill overnight.

Build a medium-low fire in a charcoal grill, or heat a gas

grill to medium. Remove chicken breasts from marinade;

set marinade aside. Place chicken breasts on grill, skin

side up. Cover and grill, moving chicken to different spots

on the rack for even cooking but without turning, until

slightly charred and almost cooked through, about 20

minutes. Turn chicken. Brush orange and lemon quarters

with oil and arrange around chicken breasts on grill.

Continue grilling until chicken breasts are golden brown

and cooked through and orange and lemon quarters are

caramelized, 10-15 minutes longer.

Meanwhile, bring marinade to a boil in a small saucepan

and cook until reduced to glaze consistency (about 1/3

cup); season with salt. Transfer chicken to a platter and

surround with grilled oranges and lemons for squeezing

over. Spoon glaze over chicken and garnish with parsley.

Grilled Citrus Chicken Breast

Keep up the great work!!

Ingredients: serving: 4


4 whole carrots, peeled and quartered

(large pieces halved)

1 1/2 cups (~115 g) quartered baby yellow


2 Tbsp (30 ml) maple syrup, divided

2 Tbsp (30 ml) olive oil, divided

Healthy pinch each sea salt + black pepper

1 Tbsp (3 g) chopped fresh rosemary (or


2 cups (176 g) halved Brussels sprouts


1 cup (184 g) white quinoa, well rinsed +


1 3/4 cups (420 ml) water

Pinch sea salt


1/2 cup (120 g ) tahini

1 lemon, juiced (~3 Tbsp or 45 ml)

2-3 Tbsp (30-45 ml) maple syrup

** These ingredients are not included in the

shopping list. Please add or swap as

desired. :)

Directions: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F and line a baking

sheet with parchment paper.

Add the carrots and potatoes to the sheet and

drizzle with 1 Tbsp maple syrup, 1 Tbsp olive oil,

salt, pepper, and rosemary. Toss to combine.

Then bake for 12 minutes.

Next brown rinsed quinoa in pan to lightly sautée

before adding water.

Cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring frequently. Then

add water and a pinch of salt. Bring to a low boil

over medium-high heat. Then reduce heat to a

simmer and cover. Cook for 18-22 minutes or

until liquid is absorbed and quinoa is fluffy. Then

open lid and fluff the quinoa with a fork. Tilt the

lid, remove from the heat, and set aside.

When the veggies are at the 12-minute mark,

remove pan from the oven and add the Brussels

sprouts. Top with remaining 1 Tbsp oil, 1 Tbsp

maple syrup, and another pinch each salt and

pepper. Loosely toss to combine.

Return pan to oven and roast for 10-12 minutes

more or until Brussels sprouts are golden brown

and the carrots and potatoes are fork tender.

Make dressing by adding tahini, lemon juice, and

maple syrup to a small mixing bowl and whisking

to combine. Add 2 Tbsp (30 ml) warm water at a

time and whisk until thick but pourable. Taste

and adjust flavor as needed.

Roasted Veggie Quinoa Bowl

Extra Vegan Gluten Free Dinner Idea


4 (4 ounce) fillets salmon

3 table spoons dijon style mustard

Salt and pepper to taste

¼ cup olive oil or melted ghee

1 cup of your favorite green steamed



Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place salmon skin

side down on baking sheet.

Mix olive oil & mustard to create a sauce. Place a

thin layer of sauce on top of the fillets and add

salt and pepper to taste

Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes or

until flaky. Serve with your steam green veggies

of choice. .

Ingredients 900g ground turkey breast meat

1 medium red onion, finely


3 large celery stalks, finely


green bell pepper, 1/2 large

1 tbsp olive oil

2 cloves garlic,

minced 1 tsp thyme

salt & freshly ground black


60ml tomato/pasta sauce

(substitute: salsa)

2 tbsp chicken stock

1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

(check for wheat/gluten free

status- optional)


Preheat oven: 200°C, 400°F

Line a 2lb loaf tin with baking parchment.

Put the oil, onion, celery and bell pepper in a pan

and sauté for a few minutes until slightly

translucent looking, do not brown.

Add the garlic, thyme and seasoning, and continue

to cook for 3 minutes stirring occasionally, do not

brown. Turn off heat and set aside.

Put the ground turkey in a large bowl, add the

tomato sauce, chicken stock, and Worcestershire

sauce, mix well.

Add the cooked vegetables to the turkey and mix

well to distribute the veggies evenly into the


Spoon turkey into the loaf tin and level the top,

slightly compressing the mixture.

Bake in the oven for 90 minutes, or until the

meatloaf is cooked all the way through to the

centre, use a meat thermometer if necessary.

Remove from oven and leave to rest in loaf tin for

5 minutes before cutting.

Serve hot or cold.

GF Turkey Meatloaf

Baked Salmon Dijon

week 3

Ingredients: 1 cup brown rice

1 tablespoon refined coconut oil

Salsa, as needed

Sliced green onion, for garnish

Sliced grape tomatoes,

2 tablespoons refined coconut oil or

extra-virgin olive oil

1 cup diced sweet onion

4 medium garlic cloves, minced

3/4 to 1 cup chopped fresh tomatoes

1 teaspoon chili powder

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper


1/2 plus 1/8 teaspoon fine sea salt,

or to taste

2 1/2 tablespoons tomato paste

1 (14-ounce) can black beans,

drained and rinsed

1/2 cup unpacked cilantro, large

stems removed and finely chopped

Avocado-Lime Sauce (makes

heaping 1/2 cup):

1 large garlic clove

1 large avocado, pitted

1 tablespoon fresh lime juice, plus

more to taste

1 tablespoon water

1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt, or to taste

Directions: Cook brown rice, plan ahead as it can take an hour.

Black beans: In a large wok or skillet, add the oil and

melt it over medium heat. Stir in the onion and garlic,

along with a pinch of salt, and sauté for about 5 to 6

minutes, until softened.

Stir in the chopped tomatoes, chili powder, garlic

powder, dried oregano, cayenne (if using), and 1/2

teaspoon of salt. Continue sautéing for another 3 to 5

minutes (increasing/reducing heat if necessary), until the

tomato softens.

Now stir in the tomato paste and drained and rinsed

black beans.

Cook for a few more minutes until heated throughout.

Taste and add more salt if desired. Stir in the cilantro.

You can leave the mixture over low heat until ready to

serve or simply turn off the heat.

For the Avocado-Lime Sauce: Mince the garlic clove in a

mini food processor (or use a regular size processor, if

necessary). Now add the avocado flesh, lime juice,

water, and salt. Process until smooth. Taste and adjust

lime juice if desired.

Enjoy with a side salad

Black Bean Burrito Bowl

Chicken Curry Over Rice


2 tablespoons vegetable oil

3 tablespoons red Thai curry paste

1 yellow onion, sliced with the grain

2 chicken breasts, cut into cubes

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 1/2 cups broccoli florets

1 1/2 cups chopped carrots

1 teaspoon dried basil

3 cloves garlic, minced

Zest of 1/2 lime

1 1/4 cups coconut milk

1/4 cup chicken stock

One 14-ounce can diced tomatoes

Lime wedges, for squeezing

Preparation Cook 1 tablespoon of the oil, the curry paste and

onions in a large saute pan over medium heat,

stirring often and letting sizzle, 5 to 6 minutes.

Pat the chicken dry, sprinkle with salt and pepper

and add the remaining oil to the pan.

Cook the chicken in the onion-curry mixture until

golden on all sides.

Add the broccoli, carrots, basil, garlic and lime zest

and cook, stirring, until the vegetables are coated,

about 2 minutes.

Add the coconut milk, chicken stock and tomatoes

and bring to a simmer.

Let the chicken simmer until cooked through and the

sauce begins to thicken, about 20 minutes.

Squeeze with lime juice before serving.


1 ¼ pound medium shrimp,

peeled & deveined.

1 tablespoon olive oil

½ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon cumin

½ teaspoon chile powder

¼ garlic powder to taste

1 green 1 red bell pepper

1 yellow onion

1 can black beans

Optional add guacamole


Add shrimp, salt, cumin, chile powder, garlic, lime

juice to a large bowl and mix up. Let marinate for

10 minutes.

Chop up bell peppers and onions

Heat oil in a large skillet. Add the bell peppers,

onion; cook and stir occasionally 2 minutes or until

slightly softened.

Add the shrimp and marinade; cook and stir

constantly about 3 minutes or until the shrimp are


Heat up beans in another pan

Serve shrimp, beans and vegetables on a plate &


Shrimp Fajitas


1 pound tilapia fillets cut into strip

1 lime

1 table sppon of oil oil

1 cup of shredded cabbage

1 table spoon fresh salsa of choice

1 head butter lettuce

1 can black beans

Optional vegan GF, creamy salad dressing


Chop cabbage for slaw topping

Cut limes into wedges

Heat pan with tablespoon of olive oil. Add tilapia

strips, cook until opaque.

Heat black beans on another pan, place to the


Peel off lettuce in place of taco shell.

Place cook fish in lettuce wrap

Add shredded cabbage, salsa, VGF salad

dressing (optional)

Add beans and small dinner salad to your plate.


1 lb. ground beef;

1 onion, diced;

1 bell pepper, diced;

1 garlic clove, minced;

1 tsp. ground cumin;

1 tsp. chili powder;

1 tsp. dried oregano;

2 green onions, sliced;

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Sweet Potatoes Ingredients

2 sweet potatoes, peeled and diced;

2 tbsp. olive oil;

Juice of half a lime;

2 tsp. chili powder;

1/2 tsp. cumin;

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper;

Cilantro Sauce Ingredients (optional)

1/4 cup cilantro, chopped;

1/4 cup coconut milk;

Juice of 1 lime;

1 tsp. chili powder;


Preheat oven to 425 F.

Toss the potatoes on a baking sheet with the olive

oil, lime juice, chili powder, and cumin; season to

taste with salt and pepper.

Place in the oven and roast the sweet potatoes 15 to

20 minutes.

Melt cooking fat in a skillet over medium heat.

Cook the onion and garlic 1 to 2 minutes or until soft.

Add the ground beef and cook until no longer pink,

about 6 minutes.

Add the bell pepper and cook until soft (3 to 4


Add cumin, paprika, chili powder, and oregano;

season to taste with salt and pepper; toss everything

until well mixed.

Serve the ground beef mixed with the sweet

potatoes; top with green onions and drizzle with

cilantro sauce.

Fish Taco Wraps

Sweet Potato & Ground Beef Bowl

Way to go girlfriend!!!

week 4

ground rules...

1. No coffee, no alcohol, no caffeinated tea (only herbal tea is acceptable).

2. All foods should be as organic as possible. Use grass-fed beef, free-range chicken and

     wild fish (none of that farm raised stuff). Also, be sure items like vinegars and broths are

     gluten free.

3. You will want to start your day with 16 ounces of water flavored with a shot of fresh

     lemon juice. Also, be sure to get PLENTY of water in throughout the day…drink ½ your

     body weight in ounces, minimum.

4. Breakfast will be detox-in-a-glass…literally. Blend up a detox smoothie of choice each

    morning and you’re good to go.

5. With lunch each day have your detox soup, salad and dressing of choice. With dinner

     each evening have your detox salad, dressing of choice and baked applesauce.

6. Meals should be every 4-6 hours with no snacking. Only have water between meals. If

     you are working out, are a male or have long hours in your day then you are allowed

     one additional meal/snack if needed. Following snacking guidelines.

7. All shopping lists and dinner recipes for Week #2 are included below. Depending

    on serving size or if you are feeding others, you may need to prepare a little extra at

    dinner to make sure you have leftovers for lunch the next day. Plan accordingly.

8. Choose your favorite shakes you want to try for the week and add their ingredients to

     your shopping list. Examples include frozen berries, canned pumpkin, mint leaves...

Diet Guidelines

Serves: 4

Chicken Sloppy Joes

     - 1 tablespoon coconut oil

     - 1 medium onion, chopped

     - 1 medium green bell pepper, chopped

     - 1 ½ teaspoons minced garlic

     - 1 teaspoon chili powder

     - ½ teaspoon dried oregano

     - ½ teaspoon ground cumin

     - 1 pound organic free-range lean ground chicken

     - ½ cup Homemade Ketchup (see recipe)

     - ¼ teaspoon sea salt

     - ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

     - 4 romaine lettuce cups

Heat the oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the onion, bell pepper and garlic

and cook, stirring occasionally, until slightly softened, 4-5 minutes. Add the chili powder, cumin and

oregano and cook, stirring, for 30 seconds. Stir in the ground chicken, breaking into crumbles with a

wooden spoon and cook until it begins to brown, about 6-7 minutes. Stir in the ketchup and cook,

stirring, until very hot, about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and season with the salt and pepper

before serving in lettuce cups.

Butternut Squash Fries

     - 2 pounds butternut squash, peeled, seeded and cut into 2-inch x ¼-inch sticks

     - 4 teaspoons olive oil plus more for the pan

     - ½ teaspoon sea salt

     - ½ teaspoon black pepper (optional)

Preheat the oven to 450F.

Lightly oil a large baking sheet. Combine the squash, 4 teaspoons olive oil, sea salt and black pepper in a

large mixing bowl and mix well. Arrange the squash sticks in a single layer, without touching, on the

prepared baking sheet. Roast the squash, turning occasionally, until browned, 23-25 minutes and serve.

Chicken Sloppy Joes in Lettuce Cups with Butternut Squash Fries

Yields: 2 cups


     - 2 (6 ounce) cans organic tomato paste

     - 1 (8 ounce) can organic tomato sauce

     - ⅓ cup apple cider vinegar

     - ½ cup water

     - 2 teaspoons monk fruit extract

     - 1 teaspoons onion powder

     - ½ teaspoon garlic powder

     - ¼ teaspoon ground allspice

     - ½ teaspoon sea salt

     - ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1. Combine all the ingredients in a small saucepan over medium heat.

2. Bring to a simmer, then immediately reduce the heat to medium-low.

3. Cover the pan and simmer gently, stirring occasionally, until thickened, about 15 minutes.

4. Let the ketchup cool completely before refrigerating.

Store, covered, for up to 3 weeks.

Homemade Ketchup – Use with Sloppy Joes & Butternut Squash Fries

                    By JJ Virgin & Associates of

 Serves: 4

Wild Rice:

    -  ½ cup uncooked wild rice

    - 2 pinches of sea salt

    - 1 ½ cups water

Put the wild rice, salt and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for

50-55 minutes.

Ginger Shrimp Stir Fry:

     - 1 pound fresh or frozen shrimp, peeled and deveined

     - 2 large carrots, small diced

     - 1 red pepper, diced

     - 1 orange (zest the skin to make 1 teaspoon, slice in half and juice)

     - 2-inch fresh ginger, grated with a micro-plane or fine grater, or finely diced (approximately 2


     - 1 teaspoon minced garlic

     - 1 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped (or cilantro for additional flavor kick)

     - 2 tablespoons coconut oil

     - 4 tablespoons coconut aminos (I use Coconut Secret brand)

     - 1-2 dashes fish sauce for extra umami (I use Red Boat)

     - sea salt and pepper to taste

Prep all ingredients in advance so you are ready to roll, this is a speedy cook time!

Rinse the shrimp, pat dry and season with sea salt and pepper. Heat 1 tablespoon coconut oil on

medium-high. Add the shrimp in a single layer and cook partially until one side is seared, about 1 minute.

Flip and sear the other side of each shrimp (do not fully cook). Remove to a plate or bowl and set aside.

Turn the heat down to medium and let it cool off a bit. Add the remaining coconut oil. Add carrots and

peppers. Cook 5 – 10 minutes until almost tender. Add ginger and garlic, orange juice, zest, parsley,

coconut aminos and fish sauce. Toss the shrimp back into the pan and cook for another minute until

shrimp is cooked through. Do not overcook – shrimp are best tender! Season with any addition salt,

pepper and coconut aminos to taste. Serve over wild rice.

Ginger Shrimp Stir Fry with Wild Rice

                    By Maria Ackerman of

Serves: 4

Lemon Rosemary Chicken Strips:

     - 1 ½ pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs in ½-inch strips

     - 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, divided

     - 2 teaspoons minced rosemary

     - Sea salt

     - ½ teaspoon black pepper

     - 1 ½ lemons, divided

     - 2 leeks, thinly sliced

     - 1 teaspoon minced garlic

Toss the chicken with 1 tablespoon oil, rosemary, 1 teaspoon salt and pepper. Trim ends from 1 lemon,

quarter lengthwise and remove the seeds. Slice quarters crosswise into ⅛-inch slices. Bring a small pot

of water to a boil over high heat. Add the lemon slices, lower the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Drain

under cold running water. Rinse out the pot and refill it with 1 cup water and 1 tablespoon salt. Bring to

a boil. Drop in the blanched lemon slices and simmer for 3 minutes. Drain under cold running water, pat

dry. Heat a skillet over high heat for 5 minutes. Add 2 tablespoons oil. It should start to simmer

immediately; add the lemon slices and stir-fry quickly until golden. Stir in the leeks and reduce heat to

medium-high. Cook until leeks are soft and golden, about 3 minutes. Stir in garlic and cook 1 minute.

Push the leek mixture to one side of the skillet; stir in the chicken mixture and sear, without moving,

about 4 minutes. Mix in the leeks and continue cooking until the chicken is no longer pink, about 3-6

minutes more. Drizzle with juice from the remaining lemon half, to taste.

Bacon Brussels Sprouts:

     - 4 slices nitrate-free bacon, cooked and cut into pieces

     - 1 ½ pounds Brussels sprouts, halved, stems and ragged outer leaves removed (cut X's into them)

     - 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

     - ¾ teaspoon sea salt

     - ½ teaspoon black pepper

     - 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

     - 1 teaspoon maple syrup

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. In a large bowl, toss Brussels sprouts with 2 tablespoons olive oil, salt,

pepper and bacon pieces. Transfer to baking sheet and roast, stirring occasionally to ensure even

browning, until tender and caramelized, about 20 minutes. Place Brussels sprouts back in bowl. Add

remaining tablespoon olive oil, balsamic vinegar and maple syrup and toss to coat evenly. Serve!

Lemon Rosemary Chicken Thighs with Bacon Brussels Sprouts

Serves: 4

Spicy Roasted Wild Salmon:

     - 4 (4 ounce) wild-caught salmon fillets

     - Non-aerosol cooking spray

     - 1 tablespoon cumin

     - 1 tablespoon chili powder

     - 1 teaspoon paprika

     - Juice of 1 lemon

     - Black pepper (to taste)

Preheat oven to 425F.

Place salmon fillets, skin sides down, on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray. Combine spices;

sprinkle then pat gently into salmon fillets. Squeeze lemon juice over salmon and sprinkle with pepper.

Roast for 10 minutes per inch of thickness until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork.

Sautéed Spinach:

     - 1 tablespoon ghee

     - 1 large shallot, sliced

     - 6 ounces baby spinach leaves

Melt 1 tablespoon ghee in skillet. Add sliced shallots; sauté 30 seconds. Increase heat to high; add spinach

and toss 30 seconds. Put on plates and top with salmon.

Spicy Roasted Wild Salmon with Sautéed Spinach

Serves: 4

Brown Rice:

     - 1 cup brown rice

     - 1 ½ cups water


Put brown rice and water together in a pot with a lid. Set the heat to maximum, and bring the rice and

water to a boil, uncovered. Then put the lid on the pot, and reduce the heat to low/simmer. If your lid

has a steam valve, keep it closed. Let the rice simmer for 20 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the rice sit

in the covered pot for another 10 minutes. Enjoy with Mexican Beef dish.

Stir-Fry Mexican Beef:

     - 1 tablespoon water

     - 1 teaspoon ground cumin

     - ½ teaspoon dried oregano

     - 3 teaspoons minced garlic

     - Non-aerosol cooking spray

     - 1 medium green bell pepper, seeded, deribbed and cut into thin strips

     - 1 medium onion, cut into thin wedges

     - 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded, deribbed and thinly sliced (optional)

     - 1 pound beef flank steak, cut into strips

     - 4 tablespoons chopped cilantro

In a cup, combine water, cumin, oregano and garlic, reserving half. Coat a skillet with cooking spray over

medium heat; add half of the seasoned water, bell pepper, onion and jalapeno pepper; stir-fry for 2-3

minutes or until tender. Remove from skillet and set aside. To the same skillet add remaining seasoned

water and beef strips; stir-fry (half at a time) for 1-2 minutes, coating the skillet with additional cooking

spray as needed. Return vegetables and beef to the skillet; heat through; top with chopped cilantro.

Serve with brown rice.

Stir-Fry Mexican Beef with Brown Rice

Serves: 6-8

     - 2 pounds beef stew meat

     - 2 tablespoons arrowroot powder

     - ½ tablespoon + 1 teaspoon salt

     - 1 teaspoon + ½ teaspoon ground black pepper

     - 1 ½ tablespoons coconut oil or olive oil

     - 1 large onion, diced

     - 1 large carrot, diced

     - 1 stalk celery, minced

     - 2 teaspoon minced garlic

     - 2 tablespoons tomato paste

     - 2 bay leaves

     - 1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves

     - 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

     - 2 cups chicken broth

     - 4 medium sweet potatoes cut in 2-inch chunks

     - ¼ cup fresh parsley leaves, chopped

1. Pat beef dry with paper towels. In a large bowl, mix arrowroot, 1/2 tablespoon salt and 1 teaspoon

     black pepper. Add the beef and toss until coated.

2. Heat a Dutch oven or soup pot over medium-high heat. Add the cooking fat and allow to melt, then

     add the beef and brown on all sides. Give the meat plenty of breathing room so it forms a nice crust;

     you might have to cook it in two batches. As it browns, remove the meat to a bowl.

3. When the meat is browned, add the onion, carrot, celery, and garlic to the same pan. (If it’s dry, add

     another teaspoon or two of cooking fat). Sauté the vegetables until they’re soft and golden, about 10


4. Add the tomato paste, 1 teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon black pepper, bay leaves and thyme. Cook,

     stirring often, about 2 minutes.

5. Pour in the balsamic vinegar and broth; stir to combine, then add the beef and accumulated juices to

     the pot. Cover and simmer 1 hour.

6. Add the potatoes to the pot and simmer another hour, until the meat and potatoes are tender.

7. Simmer uncovered 5-10 minutes to thicken the gravy, then sprinkle with minced parsley before


Classic Beef Stew

                    By Maria Ackerman of

Serves: 4

     - 1 avocado, cut into ¼-inch dice

     - 1 plum tomato, seeded and cut into ¼-inch dice

     - ½ medium red bell pepper, cut into ¼-inch dice

     - 1 small jalapeño pepper, finely chopped

     - 3 tablespoons finely chopped red onion

     - 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

     - 1 tablespoons lime juice

     - 1¼ teaspoons sea salt

Combine the avocado, tomato, bell pepper, jalapeño, onion, basil, lime juice, and salt in a medium bowl.

Cover and set aside.

Tex-Mex Burgers:

     - 1 pound grass-fed lean ground beef

     - 2 slices nitrate-free bacon, cooked crisp and coarsely chopped

     - 1 teaspoon ground cumin

     - ½ teaspoon onion powder

     - ¼ teaspoon smoked paprika

     - ½ teaspoon sea salt

     - ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

     - 4 romaine lettuce leaves

Prepare a grill for direct high heat. Gently combine the beef, bacon, cumin, onion powder, paprika, salt,

and pepper in a medium bowl. Working the mixture as little as possible, form it into four ½-inch-thick

patties. Make a small indentation in the center of each patty with your thumb. (This helps them cook

evenly when they naturally puff up on the grill.) Place the burgers on the grill, close the lid, and cook for

4 minutes per side for medium, or to desired doneness. Remove from the grill; place each burger on a

lettuce leaf and top with the salsa.

Tex-Mex Burgers with Avocado Salsa

                    By JJ Virgin & Associates of


Women's Hormone Health

The easiest way to get high nutrient meals into your daily diet is through shakes, soups & salads. Let's take a look at some of our favorite

SuperFoods and why you should love them!

Healthy Fats & Fiber

You either love them or you hate them for their 'interesting' texture but soaking them overnight (or at least 2 hours) helps take away the edge for smoothie bowls or chia pudding!

Chia Seeds

high in Omega 3 fatty acids

increase insulin sensitivity - slows

absorption of sugars

high in anti-oxidants

4gms protien per 2 Tbsp

high in calcium (5x more than milk)

10gms fiber per 2 Tbsp

Ground Flax Seeds: for your hormone healthBuy flax seeds whole and grind them as you use them to keep them fresh & always

keep them refrigerated. These are virtually tasteless in a shake and has a nutty

flavor when sprinkled on salads or oatmeal.

6 Tbsp chia seeds

2 cups almond unsweetened

vanilla milk

stevia to taste

pinch of salt

1/8 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1/2 cup blueberries (fold or

blend in)

Blueberry Chia Pudding

Topping: toasted coconut:

1/4 cup fresh blueberries

3 tsp raw pistachios crushed

Why we love them:

high in omega 3 fatty acids

5gms of fiber in 2 Tbsp - slows absorption of sugars

6gms of protien in 3 Tbsp

high in lignons to eliminate excess estrogen/cholesterol

Good for digestive health

Why we love them:

Smoothie Bowls for Breakfast

4 oz. unsweetened nut milk

1 scoop vanilla vegan protien powder

1/2 banana

1 C frozen raspberries

1 Cup baby spinach or baby kale

lemon juice

1 Tbsp almond butter

5 ice cubes (last) or more to thicken

Low sugar-high nutrient Smoothie bowls

Rasberry Smoothie Bowl

Green Smoothie Bowl (serves 2)

2 Cups spinach

1 frozen bananna

1/2 Cup frozen mango

1/2 avocado

2 Tbsp Chia seed

1/2 Cup Almond Milk

2 scoops vegan protien powder

Blend in mixer:

Place smoothie in bowl and top with: shredded

coconut, 1/4 C fresh blueberries, 1/4 C gluten-

free granola

Place smoothie in a bowl and top with:

fresh berries, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds,

cacao nibs, shredded coconut

We eat with our eyes - be creative with your toppings

 and make something beautiful

*Frozen fruit , soaked chia seeds & avocado is key to making your bowl thick & creamy 

Women's Hormone Health

Smoothie Bowls for Breakfast

Chocolate Smoothie Bowl

Blend together:

1 scoops vegan protien powder

1 Tbsp cacao powder

1/2 C Almond milk

stevia to taste (optional)

3 Cups crushed ice

1 frozen bananna

*while blending, add melted coconut oil

(1 Tbsp)

*place in bowl and top with 1/2 C rasberries &

1/4 C walnuts or gluten-free granola

Blueberry-Cacao Bowl

½ cup almond milk

1 scoop vegan protien powder

1 cup frozen blueberry

2 tbsp raw cacao powder

¼ medium avocado

1 large frozen banana

½ cup ice

place in bowl and add topping: 1/4 C fresh blueberries, pumpkin

seeds, hemp seeds, goji berries, chopped Brazil nuts

Blend together:

Women's Hormone Health

Women's Hormone Health

Bonus Shake Recipes

Chocolate Chip Mint Smoothie

1 C unsweetened almond


1 scoop vegan protien

powder (chocolate) or 1.5

Tbsp cacao powder with

vanilla shake mix

1/4 C raw cacao nibs

1 tsp vanilla

1/2 C frozen blueberries

1/2 frozen bananna

1 Cup spinach

5 mint leaves

crushed ice last to thicken

Happiness Sunflower Shake

1 C unsweetened nut milk

1 scoop vegan vanilla protien powder

2 Tbsp chia seeds, soaked overnight

2 Tbsp sunflower seeds (or sunflower


1 C Kale (frozen/chopped)

add ice last to thicken

1 cup canned full fat coconut milk -


1 scoop vegan vanilla protien powder

1 C frozen peaches (peeled & cut into


2 Tbsp ground flax seeds

lemon zest

add ice as needed to thicken

Tropical Peach Smoothie

1 scoop vegan vanilla protien


2 tbsp ground flaxseeds

1/2 avocado

1/2 cup frozen berries

1/2 banana

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond


Strawberry Bananna Smoothie

Sleep is by far more important for weight loss than diet or exercise for women

with hormone imbalance. Sleep, or lack of, will determine what foods your

crave, how much you eat and how you metabolize your food. Most

importantly, it controls your insulin sensitivity. Studies show that you need at

least 7.5 hrs of sleep each night to reset your insulin response - how can we

get that?

Good sleep hygiene: no screens within 1-2 hours of going to bed- take a

relaxing Epsom salt bath (magnesium is relaxing), read a good book, nurture

yourself, visit with your loved ones, or sip some herbal tea.

Journaling: Empty your brain of bothersome thoughts and resolve the days

highs and lows by putting pen to paper -so you can relax & fall asleep when

you close your eyes. During this 30-day reset, take time to reflect on the daily

intention to become more connected with yourself and how to decrease daily

stressors in your life.

Dark and light: black out curtains, lights from alarm clocks, electronics

should be covered or turned away - light will naturally awaken you. In a

perfect world, as the sun comes into your room you will slowly wake up (if you

have that luxury!) Getting natural sunlight in the morning for 30 minutes helps

to reset your natural circadian rhythm

Sleep better for Hormone balance

Breathing meditation: As you lay in your bed, practice a simple abdominal

breathing meditation: put your hands on your belly and as you breathe slowly in

(and your abdomen fills with air)- say to yourself ‘Im breathing in’ and hold

briefly - and then, breathe out ‘Im breathing out’ while completely emptying your

belly. You can also repeat a mantra that is meaningful for you like 'the universe

always takes care of me' or 'Im grateful for my life'. Focusing on the breath is a

way to clear your mind and at the same time calm your body to get ready for

sleep. *Breathing meditation can be done at anytime of the day if you find

yourself stressed and a nice practice to incorporate into your day.

Exercise for your hormonal pattern: In most cases, exercise is best in the

morning and before 2pm. Exercise raises cortisol if vigorous and lowers if more

gentle. Yoga, walking or stretching is good for evening and after dinner. It is

true that moving your body helps you sleep better but exercise too close to

bedtime can work against you.

Waking up at 3am? You probably need some blood sugar support. Eat a

handful of nuts, seed or almond butter on celery, 1/4 avocado or 1/2 protein

shake 30 minutes to an hour before you go to bed to keep your blood sugar &

cortisol levels stable throughout the night.

The biggest disruptor to women's health is stress. Stress can be both emotional

and physical. During your 30 day program, we want to invite you to expand your

relaxation practices and provide moments of connecting to your body.

Soul searching and self nurturing help decrease cortisol and help support burned-

put adrenals. Negative thoughts cause more stress in the body because our body

listens to every thought we think. Practice more self compassion and self-love.

You have put everyone else's needs before your own, this is the time to find out

what you need to feel happy & fulfilled.

We recommend you write in your journal every day during this process and


Mind-Body Connection

Protect your privacy

Start with an entrance meditation

Date every entry

Write about your goals

Keep (and re-read) what you write

Write quickly.

Tell yourself the truth. ...

Write naturally.

End every entry with affirmations

9 Tips for Journaling

13. Make a list of all that you are grateful for in your life right now?

14. Who can you mail a thank you card to?

15. What is something you can give away to someone less fortunate than you?

16. What is something you love about your looks?

17. What has been your most recent miracle?

18. What is something you can do for fun today?

19. What act of kindness can you perform for a stranger today?

20. What does your body need today to feel it's best?

21. What are my goals for my self this year?

22. What do I love about my self right now?

23. What am I really good at doing?

24. What do I admire in other people?

25. Where could i show myself some more compassion?

26. How can I make today a master peice?

27. What part of my life needs a little more TLC?

28. What type of friend am I and whose friendship do I cherish?

29. How could I be a more generous person to myself & others?

30. Could I have more faith and trust in the process of life?

This is a list a suggested journal prompts. Please use your time journaling in a way that feels best to you.

1. What is your intention for the program? Think of your goals and commitments. 2. What is the quality of your self talk? Are you honoring the goddess inside you? 3. What can you do today to embrace more pleasure into your life? 4. What can you let go of that is no longer serving you? 5. Who or what can you forgive and release any negative feelings? 6. How can you be more loving to yourself and others today? 7. Where can you ask for help in your life? 8. Where do you need to establish and honor your boundaries? 9. How can you slow down and bring more mindfulness to your meals? 10. What friend can you call and connect with today? 11. How can you treat yourself today (without food)? 12. What can you do for your body today that makes you feel strong?

Learn to Meditate

“The act of meditation is being spacious.” —Sogyal Rinpoche

In today’s often stressful world, it is important to make time for restorative activities.

Allow yourself to create the balance you need for healthy tissue repair and

regeneration of the mind and body. Meditation improves state of mind, physical well-

being, quality of life, and self-awareness. If you have a chronic disease, meditation

has especially powerful effects.

Remaining present and observant under challenging situations can improve your

stress response. Strengthening your meditative abilities can also reduce the negative

physical effects of stress.

If meditation has been around for thousands of years and we know it's good for

us, why don’t more people meditate?

Time management is the obstacle for many. Setting the time aside to meditate can be

challenging when people have many roles and responsibilities. Yet meditation actually

improves productivity and mood while promoting health. Even in small doses,


changes brainwaves and improves resilience. Meditation has been practiced by many

cultures all over the world to create and sustain a focused, present mental state.

Meditation can be defined as focused, contemplative time.

Usually practiced in a quiet location, meditation changes heart rate, breathing, and

cortisol responses. Meditation affects the entire body in a positive way. People

meditate while lying down, sitting, or walking, as long as they can achieve a calm and

positive state of mind.

It only takes a few minutes a day to improve your health!

Calm your mind, calm your life- You can do this!

Get started today:

-Set aside just three minutes a day. Many people find it easiest to schedule that

time around a common activity like waking up, just after breakfast, at the end of a

workday, or just before bed.

-You can set a quiet tone on your phone to keep track of time.

-Embrace wherever you are. You do not need a special place to meditate: on the

bus, at a park, on your bed, at work, or anywhere else. Just choose a location

where you feel comfortable and unlikely to be interrupted.

-Get comfortable. You can sit, lie down, stand, or a walking meditation—whatever is

most comfortable for you in the moment.

-Take deep abdominal breaths. Focus on the breath, you can even put your hands

on your belly. Some people count their breaths, while others prefer to repeat a word

to themselves (silently or aloud). Do whatever feels right in the moment.

-Be kind to yourself. There is no wrong way to meditate, so be accepting of

whatever happens.

-Scan your body. Pay attention to how you feel, scanning your body from your scalp

all the way to your toes.

-Identify the areas that are relaxed, those that are tense, and how you’re holding

your body.

-If you find your mind wandering, bring it back to your breathing and how your body

feels. There is no agenda, opening your mind to nothingness is where the magic

begins. Reference from the Institute of Functional Medicine

Women's Hormone Health

Sressed (phase 1) - high cortisol

-Exercise outdoors is more calming and reduces cortisol more effectively

-Don't overexercise, it can back-fire by raising cortisol higher and making it more difficult to

burn fat - and can also move you into phase 2 & 3 of adrenal fatigue.

-No high intensity exercise after 2pm - walking, yoga, Bar method, pilates are better for

afternoon and evening.

-Add 20-40 minutes of brisk cardio 2 days a week with additional walking daily (6-10,000


-A 15 minute walk after dinner (with your dog) is a great routine to start preparing for deep


-Avoid long, treadmill runs (>40 min) as this will also block fat burning

-Weight training: 2 strength training workouts each week to work entire body (pushups,

squats, core training) 30 minute sessions with a 5 minute cardio warm-up before and after

-Specific supplements can relax and lower cortisol levels for improved insulin response

(see supplement list)

Wired & Tired (phase 2) - high/low cortisol

-Cardio work-outs in the morning to ensure cortisol does not rise in the afternoon and

evening (HIIT exercising are effective, less time and not exhausting)

-Gentle yoga or walking in the afternoon/evening

-High intensity interval training ( HIIT) - twice a week do a morning interval training session

by doing 30-60 second bursts at your highest intensity, followed by 1-2 minute cycle of an

easy pace. A 5-minute warm up, 5 intervals, and a 5 minute cool-down - and you are


-Strength-training twice a week - all over body strengthening - squats, lunged, lifting,


-Stretching session 1 hr before bed help to decrease night time cortisol levels (3-


-Specific supplements can help to relax and calm at the end of the day (see supplement


Exercise for the Cortisol ChallengedAccording to your Self-Assessment Quiz

Hit the Wall (phase 3) - low cortisol

*Please schedule a free consultation if you find yourself in this phase so we can

figure out how to make this program work for you

-if you have low blood pressure (dizzy when going from sitting to standing) it is

important for you to ADD sea salt to your diet to raise your blood pressure and

probably a licorice supplement.

-You also have frequent low blood sugar - do not go more than 4 hours without

eating a small snack of protien, fat or unlimited vegetables.

-Be gentle with yourself as you heal yourself - only you know what is right for you

-Gentle morning walk 10-20 minutes to move your body but do not do more than

makes you feel good

If it feels right, add an evening walk 10-20 minutes

-Yoga (restorative) and definitely not Hot Yoga or Ashtunga/power yoga

Supplements to restore normal cortisol levels (see supplement list)

A BIG mistake women make when trying to lose a few pounds is to over-exercise

which is counter-productive if you have either high or low cortisol levels. If you

need a nap after spin class, it probably isn't right for you at this time until you heal

When doing a detox type diet, women do better if exercise is not too vigorous but

enough to move your body for short periods of time (high intensity interval training)

plus resistance training like weight training or TRX. Yoga (not hot), pilates and

Barre classes are all good choices during this program.


Foods Highest in Zinc & Selenium: These minerals are abundant in commonly eaten foods, so most Americans have no

trouble getting enough of them through diet. The goal is to get around 200mcg

Selenium a day and around 20-40mg Zinc.

Fish and Shellfish

If you like seafood, especially shellfish, it should be easy for you to get enough zinc and


- A 3-ounce serving of cooked crab meat has 5 milligrams of zinc and 41 micrograms of

selenium, giving you about half the zinc you need daily and three-fourths of your

recommended daily intake for selenium.

-Oysters are particularly high in zinc, with 27 to 50 milligrams per serving

-salmon and halibut are high in selenium, providing 40 micrograms per 3-ounce portion.

Meat and Poultry

Meat and poultry are high in zinc and selenium.

-A 3-ounce serving of cooked pork provides more than half the zinc you need daily and

two-thirds of your recommended daily intake for selenium.

-Beef is also rich in both minerals, with about half your daily requirement for zinc and 30

percent of the selenium you should get daily in each 3-ounce serving.

-Three ounces of cooked chicken contains one-fourth to one-sixth of the zinc and one-

fourth of the selenium you need daily.

Nuts and Beans

If you're a vegetarian, you can get these minerals from nuts and beans.

-A 1/2-cup serving of baked beans or chickpeas has about 10 percent of your

recommended daily intake for zinc

-1 ounce of cashews provides 10 to 20 percent of your zinc requirement.

-Brazil nuts are exceptionally high in selenium. Eat only 2 Brazil nuts -because overdose

can lead to fingernail loss, skin rashes, fatigue and irritability.

Thyroid Health

Zinc & Selenium are Important Minerals for Optimal Thyroid Function

Thyroid Health

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

If you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid disease, AKA Hashimoto's,

you will need to continue with your gluten-free diet and life-style long term to calm

down the auto-immune response. Because the immune system is overactive and on

high-alert, there is a validated theory of molecular mimicry. This means that the

molecular structure of gluten (wheat) and thyroid tissue look similar. So, whenever

your body is exposed to wheat or gluten, the immune system starts to attack the

thyroid tissue as it sees the gluten as a reason to rev up again. Studies have also

shown that the protien in dairy, casein, can also be mistaken for thyroid tissue.

It is probably best to avoid both wheat and dairy with Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Thinking about being gluten-free for life is a lot to wrap your head around but you will

see as we complete our 30-day reset, it's not impossible. You will be feeling so great

and have new habits that you will realize that it is sustainable for the long-term.

Liver Detoxification for Healthy Hormone Balance

Chinese Medicine’s view of the liver is that it allows energy to move freely throughout the

body- called Liver Qi (chee). Moving the Liver Qi, energetically, helps to keep hormones

balanced and your moods stable. ‘Stuck’ liver energy, called Liver Qi stagnation, is often

caused by stress and can turn to depression, PMS, or anger.

Moving our Liver Qi with exercise or acupuncture helps keep us feeling balanced and

keeps us off the hormone rollercoaster. Walking, yoga, Tai chi are gentle ways to move

your liver Qi - or if you don't have low cortisol, you probably feel better with more

vigorous exercise.

Healthy liver detoxification is essential for healthy hormone balance in women. Optimal

liver function allows proper break down of estrogen for elimination. This is important for

the prevention estrogen dominance and harmful estrogen metabolites associated with

hormone-related cancers.

While there are many supplements and products designed for detoxification or cleansing

the liver, it doesn’t have to cost you anything but a trip to the grocery store or farmer’s

market. Cruciferus vegetables including broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts are important

to include in our diet for helping us eliminate estrogens that have been broken down in

the liver. Ground flax seeds contain lignons that also act as a mop and clean up broken

down estrogens and guide them out of the body- just sprinkle them on your food or in a

smoothie daily.

Not only does 70 % of your immune system live in your gut but it can also be called

your second brain. The enteric nervous system which is made up of your entire

intestinal track and produces more serotonin than your brain gives rise to the saying

"I have a gut feeling"! The Gut-Brain axis is highly sensitive to your gut health.

The community of bugs, including bacteria, that live in our intestine are called the

gut microbiome. Because of the important role it plays beyond digestion,

metabolism and our immune system, we need to keep our gut health a priority.

Bacteria in the gut break down our food and produce necessary chemicals. Poor gut

health and low amounts of good gut bacteria are associated with depression,

obesity, inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune conditions that can stem from

stress, poor diet or infections caused recently or as far back as childhood.

The term 'leaky gut' is a popular topic and has been verified in scientific literature

referring to it as a 'permeable intestinal membrane'. When this barrier is disrupted

by inflammation, large food proteins are allowed to enter our system and we can

mount an immune attack. The importance of healing and keeping this barrier

healthy, can not be understated for optimal health and to resolve chronic conditions.

Optimal Health Begins in the Gut

Gut Essentials

Regular stools: Avoid constipation for regular detoxification of your body. Your

goal is 1-2 brown, snake-like stool (not loose, not hard) per day.

Diverse microbiome: Eating fermented foods like sourkrout, kimchi, kambucha

or taking a multiple strain probiotic boosts the good guys (bacteria) in your gut that

is essential for your immune system and brain signaling

Prebiotics: This is what the good guys eat to maintain a healthy population in

your gut - artichokes, garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, legumes, oatmeal, quinoa

Digestive enzymes: Look at your nails, do you see vertical lines? Do you have

reflux? you are probably deficient in Hydrochloric acid - this is what helps your

food digest and distribute nutrients like Vitamin B12 to your body. NEVER take

Prilosec, or Zantac to get rid of your acid - it's actually a sign that you need more!

Food Re-introduction

As we complete the 21-day portion of the cleanse, we can start to re-introduce

some or all of the foods we eliminated. We complete this process slowly over 1-2

weeks to help us be more aware of foods that we may have intolerances or

sensitivities. Food intolerances can be different for everyone. It can be a

headache, low energy, skin breakout, digestive upset or irritability - you will know

because you have been feeling great without it, and then you don't after it has been

reintroduced. Here is how it works:

1. Choose one of the eliminated foods to re- introduce: wheat, dairy, soy, eggs

2. Eat that one food each day for 4 days beforedeciding if you have any symptoms related to that food (it takes 4 days to fully eliminate a food from your body)

3. Continue to re-introduce each food every 4 days. If you have Hashimoto's, please stay away from Dairy & Wheat and continue to eliminate them from your diet going forward.

4. Note in your journal if you have any symptoms of intolerance - they do not have to be digestive symptoms but they can be related.

5. After re-introduction phase, make an effort to eat a variety of foods as eating the same lunch or dinner daily can start to cause problems of intolerance as well.