Shifting Perspectives Unit 6 Part 2 Vocabulary and Theme.

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Transcript of Shifting Perspectives Unit 6 Part 2 Vocabulary and Theme.

Shifting Perspectives

Unit 6 Part 2 Vocabulary and Theme


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: to take something in through, to retain without reflection or transmission

Synonym: consumed, immersed, soaked up

Antonym: dry, parched, dehydrated


Carolina absorbed the warmth of the sun and by the end of the afternoon she was as red as a lobster.


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: having a twofold relation or character, paired

Synonym: dual, binary

Antonym: lone, single

Silvia eats ten double cheeseburgers for breakfast


Part of speech: noun

Definition: An amount or extent of variation

Synonym: assortment, range

Antonym: similarities, uniformed

Denis knows a range of kung fu moves.


Part of speech: verb

Definition: To throw or bend back (light, for example) from a surface.

Synonym: echo

Antonym: absorb

The moose saw Rainish’s face reflected in the water and ran away.


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: The outer or the topmost boundary of an object

Synonym: exterior,

Antonym:  core, inside, interior,

Watch out! Adriana licks the surface of pizza!


Part of speech: verb

Definition: To send from one person, thing, or place to another

Synonym: send, relay, spread

Antonym: get, receive, take

Marta transmitted data to aliens everyday at 3:12 p.m.


Part of speech: verb

Definition: hits

Synonym: bang, bash, wallop

Antonym: stroke, pet

Butterflies and fairies like to strike Alejandro when he is not looking.


Part of speech: verb

Definition: stand for

Synonym: symbolize, embody, stand for

Antonym: turn against, to show no support

Mai represents all the jellyfish of the world. This is because her aunt and uncle are jellyfish.


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: two lines that stay the same distance apart and never touch

Synonym: aligned, alongside

Antonym: touch, cross

Grace does not like to walk parallel to Rainish. She would rather walk right next to him.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: thin piece

Synonym: coating, area

Antonym: chunk, thick material

Laura tried to walk on top of the lake in the winter but, the sheet of ice was too thin so she fell in and was eaten by the Lochness monster.


Part of speech: verb

Definition: looks like

Synonym: show up, arise, emerge

Antonym: disappear, hide, vanish

It appears as though Mantas and Mimi from Drew Carey are twins!


Part of speech: verb

Definition: thinks that something is true; imagines

Synonym: believe, suppose, speculate

Antonym: doubt, not believe

Mrs. Frost assumes that everyone is well behaved and kind.


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: rich

Synonym: affluent, prosperous

Antonym: needy, poor, poverty-stricken

Grace says she is going to be wealthy one day because she is going to marry Rainish.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: something written down so you can look at it later

Synonym: account, document, transcript


Miss Mueller keeps a record of how many times each student picks his nose.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: people who see something happen

Synonym: looker-on, bystander, observer

Antonym: participant

Mrs. Frost was a witness to the burger picking


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: familiar sights

Synonym: sight, benchmark, monument

Antonym: insignificant sight or place

Abrar likes to think that his house is a landmark.


Part of speech:

Definition: one having the same name as another



President George Bush had to put a W in his name so he was not confused with his namesake.


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: old fashioned

Synonym: obsolete, ancient, vintage

Antonym: fashionable, modern, up-to-date

Mai is quaint she milks the cows everyday before coming to school and churns the butter.


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: cheap or tacky

Synonym: flashy, showy, gaudy

Antonym: drab, tasteful

Maritza likes to wear kitschy clothes such as pink earrings and orange pants.


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: people who like themselves very much

Synonym: egocentric, selfish, stuck-up

Antonym: humble, giving, selfless

Laura thinks that famous people are self-absorbed.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: paradise

Synonym: dreamland, bliss, utopia

Antonym: hell

Nirvana to Katherine is 5 hours of homework a night.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: a place where everyone can be observed

Synonym: Antonym:

Silvia says she goes to the mall to shop but all of her friends know she goes because it is a large panopticon and she can watch Rainish.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: a spice used in Cuban cooking



Denis likes to put ajiaco on her cereal and in her milk. But she loves to put it on her ice cream.

mi vida

Part of speech: Definition: my life

Synonym: Antonym:

Marta thinks that she should have a TV show about herself called mi vida.

ensconce yourself

Part of speech: verb phrase Definition: install yourself

Synonym: Antonym:

Bask in self-reflective glory

Part of speech: phrase

Definition: enjoy your own reflection

Synonym: look at ones self

Antonym: look away

Alejandro basked in self- reflective glory after he ate 20 hot dogs in 30 minutes.

Harbored the fantasy

Part of speech:

Definition: had the idea Synonym:


Grace harbored the fantasy of becoming a unicorn when she was older.


Part of speech: verb

Definition: keep

Synonym: hold, possess,

Antonym: let go

Mantas retains whales in his back yard.


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: shiny

Synonym: radiant, bright, sparkling

Antonym: dark dusky, gloomy

Abrar would rather wear pants that are glistening than blue jeans.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: a place where dead people are buried.

Synonym: catacomb, grotto, vault


Maritza wants to live in a mausoleum and be buried at a cemetery.


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: very sad

Synonym: adverse, mournful, dreadful

Antonym: advantageous, blessed

The students said that it was tragic when summer was over and Mrs. Frost was no longer their teacher. They cried everyday and every night for a year. They even had to have their moms walk them to school in the morning.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: funny

Synonym: amusing, humorous

Antonym: serious, sad

Miss Mueller and Mrs. Frost thought it was comical to watch the class as they turned on the fans during the movie Twister.


Part of speech: adjective

Definition: a lot of noise or angry protest against something

Synonym: commotion, chaos, ruckus

Antonym: calm, piece

Carolina causes an uproar when she dances on her head.


Part of speech: verb

Definition: plan

Synonym: determine, propose


Marta intends on training monkeys when she is older.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: living forever

Synonym: endless time, future

Antonym: impermanence, finiteness

Mantas believes that he is a God and thinks he is immortal. But, Adriana knows the truth.