Sextant 15 Work in Progress rcd - Campion College · of the said ‘gentleman’s club’ (we...

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Transcript of Sextant 15 Work in Progress rcd - Campion College · of the said ‘gentleman’s club’ (we...


ISSUE 15! ! ! 1


In light of my last editorial, I’d like to make you all smile… Readers, tomorrow morning I plan to take a rocket ship to the Moon where I will eat cheese and finally meet that big man I see each evening. Once I’ve befriended Moon-man and his pet unicorn, Stargazer, I will make my way to a solid rainbow slide, which will bring me down to Norway or Alaska (haven’t decided yet). Once there I will fulfill my evening dream and become… the Aurora Borealis! Yes. That sounds ridiculous enough. Perfect! Now, although the nonsensicality of my imagination may have taken you aback, I’m about to reveal something more amazing…I’m not sure what happened to the Stargazing Club (no, not the unicorn), but if ever there were a time to come out of a black hole, this would be it. On the 6th and 7th of June, one of the rarest astronomical phenomena will occur. Venus will align with the sun for the last time until 2117! On December 6, 1882, after one of the occurrences of Venus’s transit, Pastor George Danna Boardman thus wrote:

If the transit of Venus, in exact answer to the predictions of astronomers, proves

that astronomy is true, and that you can not resist the God of nature, does not the birth of Jesus Christ, in exact answer to the predictions of prophets, prove, and

for an unspeakably stronger reason, that Christianity is true, and that you can not

resist the God of Scripture?...Every fulfillment of an astronomical prediction is a fresh witness to the veracity of God's

promises…Let [the transit's] celestial eloquence cheer and inspire you.

So, dear readers, in happy wonder,

I lift off to the moon!

Monica Ochudzawa

The Sextant

David Chilnicean, Class ’12

Controversy for controversy’s sake serves no other purpose than to cause division, but to highlight an impediment in one’s search for authentic Christian living should hopefully be seen (at least in retrospect) as an attempt to build unity. This year as the Liturgy/Apologetics sub-editor, I will be visiting issues that are of utmost importance for Christians living in this still very young century.


This article will deal with the issue of reception of Holy Communion and two reasons will be given in favour of reception on the tongue whilst kneeling. It is safe to say that the most common method of reception (in the hand whilst standing) is indeed the 800 pound gorilla that is demanding the elephant in the room to continue concealing the many skeletons in the closet of the emperor that has no clothes on. There is probably no other issue more in need of discussion, yet it is the last that anyone would want to discuss – much less publish using their real name.

It strengthens our faith.

In the wake of Vatican II, not because of, there has been a trivialisation of the Eucharist and its True Meaning. There are many reasons as to why many Catholics no longer understand what the True Presence is, such as poor catechesis at home and school, a loss of faith, abandonment of other key Church teachings by the laity and clerical hierarchy and numerous liturgical abuses. Perhaps the widespread method of reception in the hand might be a symptom of the problems already listed. That is not to say that everyone who receives Communion in the hand cannot be a devout and holy person, just as there might be people who receive Communion on the tongue while kneeling out of an excessively prideful desire to be seen as holy. The article by Peter Kreeft entitled “What I Learned From a Muslim About Eucharistic Adoration” features a conversation between John – a Catholic and Isa – a Muslim. Isa asks John whether he really believes in the True Presence, to which John says he does. The rest of the conversation is as follows: cont. pg. 5

"That in the name of Jesus every knee should bend..." (Phil 2:10)


ISSUE 15! ! ! 2


Letters to the Editor:

To the Editor,

Each dreary night I wander the trembling paths of infinite blackness, forever tormented by the ferocious and secretive group known as the Toasties, as they consecrate the entity that is Powdered Toast Man. I beg you, end this terrifying sadness and heed the wills of every Campionite, else experience the ultimate destruction of each of you, one by unlucky one.

Yours truly,

The Original Bunnyman


Dear Singles,

“The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love” said Philip James Bailey. It’s a ride many understandably want to get on, but I should like to remind our anxious young singles that their time for love will come; it would be unwise to contrive a romance in the meantime for fear of being left behind.


An empathetic bystander

Dear Editor,

In response to Sir Sherlock’s letter in the last issue, I can assure him, as a member of the said ‘gentleman’s club’ (we don’t care for the term and its connotations), that his ‘inkling’ has deceived him. The brothers have not nor will not – as hot-blooded, loin-girded champions of virtue – countenance the conveyance of insincere love letters. I can assure him that were we to pen any romantic letter, it would invariably be addressed to a fair lady. I encourage him to investigate the possible makeshift ‘ladies guild’. My own reliable source has informed me that the culprits are female and number four. I advise him to begin his formal investigation by lip-printing the entire female student body, and having discovered a first ‘admirer’, he may come to discover the rest.




Dear Editor,

This is something that has been on my mind for a while, but only recently have I decided to bring it to other people’s attention. There exists in Rihanna’s “We Found Love” a theological inconsistency (although I’m sure this was not her intention). The lyrics “We found love in a hopeless place” are contradictory. As Christians, we believe that the only place utterly devoid of all hope is Hell, a place where love cannot by any means be found. I turn it over to my fellow Campionites! Have you ever wi tnessed a theological inconsistency in today’s pop music?


Theologically Overanalytical

Contents1. Kneeling- D.Chilnicean2. Letters to the Editor3. Same God- J. Cebalo4. Interview- Fr. Holohan5. Continued pages6. Poetry7. Escapism- B. McCabe Classics Column - A. Westenberg 8. Skirts- C. Reeves9. Doodles10. Distractions- J. Saal11. Music Reviews- J. Woolnough12. Movies - G. von Marburg & D. McMahon13. Overrated- G. von Marburg Campion Couples- Anon14. Cardinal’s Cup- R. Barlow15.Juggling- T. Westenberg16. East Timor Ad

The Sextant TeamEditor-in-Chief Monica OchudzawaAssistant Editor Anna HitchingsLayout and Design Miriam Thompson

Editorial and Design Board:Printing & Circulation Silvana ScarfeComic Artist Jenna BarlowArt & Culture Alexander WestenbergPolitics Mark MakowieckiSport Ryan BarlowFilm Georgina von Marburg & David McMahonClassics Column Marie YeoTheology Jacob Saal & David ChilniceanMusic Joshua WoolnoughHumour Thomas WestenbergPoetry Veronica Nejman

Disclaimer:The Sextant is written by adults for adults and contains adult themes.The views expressed within are the views of the individual authors and do not reflect the views of the Sextant Editorial Board, the CCSA, or Campion College.

All Submissions for Issue 16/2012 are Due Thursday

the 3rd August


ISSUE 15! ! ! 3

Do We Worship the Same God?Jason Cebalo, Class ‘11

After my debate last year with Mr. Abdullah Kunde, an esteemed member of the Sextant editorial team asked my opinion on whether Catholics and Muslims worship the same God. My answer was in the affirmative, although, when she asked me for my reasons I wasn’t satisfied with my answer, so I thought I’d take the chance to expand on it here.

To start with, we need to remember St. Thomas’s sage advice to seldom affirm, rarely deny and always distinguish; in other words, we need to be very careful about exactly what we are asking. There are some who say that Christians and Muslims worship the same God and in saying that they mean to suggest that the differences between the two religions are somehow minor or unimportant. Some would even go so far as to suggest that our differences don’t really exist or that we can both be right. I hope no Campionite would take this view; it must be obvious that, if one side says God is a Trinity of three persons in which the First Person begets the second while the other side declares “…He does not beget, neither is He begotten.” (Quran 112:3) then we are saying logically contradictory things and can’t both be right. Furthermore, if Jesus is, as the Gospel’s claim, the Way, the Truth and the Life and that no one can come to God except through him (John 14:6), then the Islamic view that Jesus could not be God and that God has no son is not a small difference but a truly crucial difference that radically effects our relationship with God and our hope of salvation.

On the other hand, some take a position that amounts to “Our God is a Trinity, their God isn’t. Therefore we worship different Gods; Q.E.D.” Not so fast.

Imagine this situation: two people have just had telephone conversations with the same man; neither of them have ever met him face to face. One of them believes the man they have both just spoken to is a 6ft2 white man with blue eyes and blonde hair. The other believes he is a 5ft tall African American. Obviously, at least one of them must be widely mistaken about the person they just talked to. This does not, however, alter the fact of them both having spoken to the same man. In the same way, I think Catholics can reasonably believe that our Islamic friends are worshipping the same God while yet being gravely mistaken about the nature of that God.

Trying to reason this out philosophically, I think it is hard to see how, if the Muslims intend to worship the true God, then they

are not doing so. Obviously, we need to be careful, there are many situations where it is possible to intend to do something but not do as one intends, but I’m certain that this is not the case with prayer. Prayer simply is the lifting of the heart and mind to God. If the Muslim intends to lift his heart and mind to the creator of all things, it is not clear to me how his intention does not mean he is doing so.

I think the theological case is even sounder. St. Paul, for example, speaks

about the unbelieving Jews of his day (many of them persecutors of the Church) as having “…a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge” (Romans 10:2). These Jews rejected the Trinity and Incarnation just as Muslims do, yet St. Paul, describing them as zealous for God, seems to mean the true God. If these Jews were, in fact, zealous for the true God, then it is hard to see what is so different about Islamic beliefs that would mean the same could not be said of them.

A full discussion of the history of Magisterial statements on this subject would be fascinating, but beyond the scope of this short article, so I must content myself with a brief comment on the Second Vatican Council, which declared: “In the first place amongst these there are the Mohammedans, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind” (Lumen Gentium 16). Those with a knowledge of Latin may want to object that; since Latin has no articles the appropriateness of the definite article in the translation is debatable, and thus the original text could be translated “adore one and merciful God” rather than “adore the one and merciful God.” In opposition to this, I would argue that the alternate translation simply does not fit the context of the passage. To interpret it to mean that the Council was only asserting that each religion worships one God, but that these are different Gods would require us to conclude that there are two separate Gods who will judge mankind, a proposition I would hardly care to defend.

For these reasons, I’m strongly of the view that our Muslim friends, like the unbelieving Jews of St. Paul’s day, worship the true God, but not according to knowledge. A conviction that in no way lessens my determination to do what I can to bring them to a full and saving knowledge of the Holy Trinity and of the fact that Jesus is God incarnate.

Calling All Artists!Expressions of interest are needed for the inaugural

Campion College Art Show!Happening soon! Date in May to be confirmed.

See Mark Makowiecki for more information


ISSUE 15! ! ! 4

Staff Interviews - Fr. Luke Holohan

If you could have dinner with any three doctors of the church from history who would you choose?

Two of them would be the two greatest Doctors of the Western Church, St Thomas Aquinas and St Augustine. As a discussion starter, I would ask St Augustine what his opinion was of Martin Luther, who claimed to be a genuinely Augustinian theologian. I would then ask St Thomas his opinion about all the varieties of Thomism that have emerged in the 700 years since his death. Finally I would invite them both to discuss whether grace is a habit. I would anticipate a robust debate as I doubt whether Augustine would be at home with this Thomistic teaching. This would then provide an opportunity for the third doctor at the table, St Therese of Lisieux, to bring her own perspective to the theological discussion by talking about her “little way” of love. I would be fascinated to see what St Augustine, the rhetorician, and St Thomas, the systematician, would make of this. Meanwhile, we would all be so engrossed in theological mysteries that we would forget the dinner in front of us which would go stone cold.

If you were an enclosed cenobite, which community would you be in?

The Benedictines and the Cistercians are the Orders with which I am most familiar and it would be a difficult choice. Whereas prayer, work and study are the foundations of both Orders’ rule, I believe that the Cistercians insist on a number of hours of manual labour per day for each monk. There is some appeal in that but I would be more likely to be a teacher if I were a Benedictine,

since the Benedictine Order administers quite a few schools that are attached to abbeys. In either case, it would a rewarding way to serve God but I am sure that it is not my particular calling.

What would you say are three places in which you have encountered God's transcendence most concretely/powerfully?

First and foremost, St Peter’s Basilica, in Rome, which is so grand and full of history that in the week I was in Rome I went there at every opportunity. Visiting the tombs of the Popes of the twentieth century was especially moving. Nowhere else would a Catholic experience as vivid a sense of belonging to the Universal Church. With the vast crowds of many nationalities seething through the square and basilica, it is evocative of James Joyce’s description o f C a t h o l i c i s m , “ H e r e c o m e s everybody.” A church in Rome that is more conducive to quiet meditation is St Paul’s Outside-the-Walls, burial place of the Apostle to the Gentiles. Perhaps it was unusual, but I happened to be the only person in the church at the time I visited. At that moment, I had an acute sense of the loneliness of the missionary life which St Paul embraced so fearlessly. The third place is the Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres in France which has been described as the “Acropolis of France”, so powerful is its aesthetic and spiritual effect on those who enter it. Its stained glass windows and gothic architecture are utterly

uplifting and redolent of another era when Catholicism was a more vibrant element in the lives of most people in France, “the eldest daughter of the Church.”

Who is your favourite religious artist?

Blessed John of Fiesole , more commonly known as Fra Angelico, the great Dominican artist of the Italian Early Renaissance. There is something about the paintings of a priest-artist such as he which reflects the genius of the great tradition of Eastern iconography, whereby works of art are as much the outcome of prayer and contemplation as they are of artistic skill. I am no expert on the subtleties and aesthetics of art but Fra Angelico’s paintings assist us to encounter the divine mysteries in a way that the spoken and written word cannot. A print of the Annunciation adorns my desk at St Patrick’s presbytery.

If you were given the opportunity to celebrate Mass in any cathedral or basilica in the world, which would you choose?

The Catholic Cathedral in Beijing in which I would presumably celebrate Mass in a language other than the vernacular. If I had the opportunity to celebrate Mass there, this would mean that the Catholic Church would no longer be forced underground, as at present and that the bogus “national” Church would be disbanded. Hence, this is the Cathedral I would choose.


ISSUE 15! ! ! 5

Given the opportunity to recommend all Campion students one book to r e a d , w h a t b o o k w o u l d y o u recommend?

As an undergraduate, I enrolled in a course called “The Beginnings of Western Tradition” which was devoted entirely to one Socratic dialogue, Plato’s Gorgias. The learning I took from that course about the temptations of worldly success and the rewards of the genuinely moral life has helped me immensely in the years since then. It also contains a powerful critique of the superficial reasoning that is frequently displayed in contemporary public and political discourse. Another book that had a profound effect on me was Georges Bernanos’ Diary of a Country Priest which vividly evokes the compassion and deep spiritual humility of a young priest in a rural French parish as he engages in the perennial struggle between good and evil.

What's your fondest memory of being on this campus (including when you were studying here as a seminarian)?

Having the opportunity to both lecture in theology and be a minister of Word and Sacrament has been a real privilege and

the rapport and camaraderie between students and staff and among the members of the faculty make working at Campion College immensely satisfying. My memories of living as a Marist postulant here are also very pleasant o n e s . T h e p l a c e h a s c h a n g e d considerably since then but occasionally I fondly recall the Japanese rock garden that I used to look after (outside the present JTW room), the roses that I used to prune around the lawn circle, and the games of football and cricket that we used to play on the full sized oval on which the houses to the south-east of Campion are now situated. I celebrated my 21st birthday with my parents and fellow-postulants in the common room which is now the library. Just about the only things that remain the same, apart from the chapel, are the chooks, albeit a different generation of them, which I had to feed.

What's your least fond memory of being on this campus (including when you were s tudy ing here as a seminarian)?

P r o b a b l y w h e n o n e o f t h e a f o r e m e n t i o n e d c h o o k s s t r o d e imperiously into one of my lectures, jumped onto the desk and then danced

over the computer keyboard. It was promptly banished but immediately re-entered and tried the same thing. As a seminarian, we had no T-way so the long and t ed ious wa lk to and f rom Toongabbie station was a regular trek. En route one Saturday night, three of us were set upon by some local thugs. We managed to escape relatively unscathed but we had to run for our lives. I would like to think that Toongabbie is now a more civilized place, especially now that Campion students are part of it.

What, in your opinion, is the best thing about being a Marist priest?

Mary’s way of supporting her Son and his Church in what our Constitutions describe as “a hidden and, as it were, unknown way” continues to inspire Marists around the world to follow her example, namely, to support the Church and not to undermine it, and to live in such a way that they do not exalt themselves or their talents but rather choose to be unobtrusive, humble and true followers and servants of Mary. I would like to think that I am doing my best to be true to that vocation here at Campion College but I would be grateful for your prayers that Our Lord and Our Lady would help me to do better.

from p.1 I: “Well then... I don't think you really do believe that. I don't mean to say you're dishonest, but...”J: “I think I know what you mean. You can't empathise with anyone who believes something so shocking. You don't see how you could ever get down on your knees before that altar.”I: “No, I don't see how I could ever get up. If I believed that thing that looks like a little round piece of bread was really Allah Himself, I think I would just faint. I would fall at His feet like a dead man.”

Waiting in a line to receive the Eucharist in the hand, as is most commonly practised, has become ordinary and mundane, like waiting in line at the post office. The actions we take either weaken or reinforce our beliefs. By recapturing the reverence of receiving Our Lord by kneeling and receiving Him on the tongue – something happens – it reinforces our belief in the Real Presence by humbling us. If we truly believe that He is present, then receiving so great a mystery in our hands may possibly, although subconsciously, trivialise this belief.

It evangelises and catechises.

Much like the Muslim who cannot fathom that God, who should be the highest point of worship, is taken in one’s own hands without as much as a second thought, so too should we be of the opinion that if merely at the mention of His name that “every knee should bend”, how much more of a privilege would it be to actually receive Him? Is not kneeling and receiving him on the tongue a more organised, efficient and humble way to receive

Our Lord? Not only that, it catechises the meaning of our beliefs in a powerful, non-verbal manner to those who may not know what Catholics believe. There is nothing demeaning about kneeling; we do it numerous times throughout Mass and in private prayer. To the outsider, it will look like a radical way of loving God – perhaps it will evoke images of being spoon-fed like children – which is an even more beautiful thing considering that, in comparison to Who we are receiving, we really are. A particular Bible passage comes to mind here, in Matthew 18:3: “Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

There are valid reasons why Pope Benedict XVI has reverted to mostly issuing Communion on the tongue and kneeling. I’ll leave you here with Benedict’s reasons for doing so in his most recent interview with Peter Seewald in “Light of the World”: “The idea behind my current practice of having people kneel to receive Communion on the tongue was to send a signal and to underscore the Real Presence with an exclamation point. One important reason is that there is a great danger of superficiality... I have heard of people who, after receiving Communion, stick the Host in their wallet to take home as a kind of souvenir... In this context, where people think that everyone is just automatically supposed to receive Communion — everyone else is going up, so I will, too — I wanted to send a clear signal. I wanted it to be clear: Something quite special is going on here! He is here, the One before whom we fall on our knees! Pay attention! This is not just some social ritual in which we can take part if we want to.”


ISSUE 15! ! ! 6

When Can you Have Enough of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet?

I was sitting nonchalantly on the stool I was just gathering some thoughts On Shakespeare’s The Tempest In the library, in the library, reading, reading Quietly, making no sound at all When Ms Kolar walked into the room (She had been reading Hamlet) A headless body was manifest in front of her! Shakespeare’s Hamlet lives on!! Simultaneously, her hair stood on end What a funny sight to behold she was She thought I was headless, And looked like she had just witnessed An execution in an Elizabethan gallows! I just opened my eyes wide in horror That didn’t help her at all!! Hark! Headless character from Hamlet She thought I was!! I imagine myself headless, well, There’s one thing one could say about that! I’m armless aren’t I? Too much, too much; Hamlet and its horrors We will put you back on the bookshelf For another day!By Dawn Willis, Class of ‘11

Chris the Corn Kernal

Chris the corny corn kernelWrote love poetry in his journal.Many women did he woo,Alas making them all spew.For his designs were infernal.

By Anthony Nejman, Class ’12

“Mary played with them all as a child”

Mary played with them all as a child,In their games up and down the bush,Playing at fanciful games, too young to care of else.Noticing only too late the clouds forming.

John went first. Tall, serious.Full of thoughts, of God, of Man, of Life, of Love.A Turkʼs bullet on tall cliffs ended all.A quiet smile on his face as he lay with closed eyes.

Frank and Joe signed up for the Light Horse.Merry and young, closer than brothers.Not even the big guns of Beersheeba could part them.The same shell felled their charge.

Charlie was her sweetheart, a boyish youth, the last to leave.With Mr. Batsbyʼs son Bill.Trading sunlit plains and open skies.For muddy fields and drowning trenches.

The letters came fast from France.Bill died at Ypres. No pain on his face, just surprise.The old Sergeant Major sobbed like a child,Clutching the boy to his chest like broken china doll, till the medics led him away.

Charlie returned in 1919. He was missing no arms or legs.Nothing lost from his body. Everything dead in his heart.The doctor could find no malady.But his sickness endured, till Mary smiled, and the darkness lifted.

Heʼd tell his sons the tale often.John, Frank, Joe, Bill.Of the sweet angel who carried him home.The angel waiting for him Brendan Smith, Class of ‘13


ISSUE 15! ! ! 7

A Defence of Escapism:

On behalf of the The Bachelor’s Guild of Campion. Ben McCabe, Class ’13

The discontented spirit longing for more, retreated within itself and created new worlds...

My friend once criticised the use of stories as a form of escape. I agreed with the statement but objected to it being a criticism. It is not a fault that stories offer escape; in my opinion it is their greatest virtue. I have no intention of arguing the value of stories. I make the presumption that no one is so far deluded as to question their true worth. Rather, my intent is to defend the use of stories as a form of escapism.

There are two forms of escapism. One is harmful, the other helpful. People who condemn escapism are usually only aware of the first kind. A man who has suffered a great loss often takes up drinking to escape it all. He wants to dull his senses, forget all, and enter a state of oblivion. This, of course, is the unhealthy form of escapism. The second is far more wholesome. One who picks up a book to read does not desire oblivion. He desires a deeper reality. The story awakens his senses to view his world with fresh awe. A reader is enlivened by finishing a good book. An alcoholic reaches the bottom of the whisky bottle, then falls into a state of morbid lethargy.

Tolkien agrees that not all forms of escape are bad. He says that a man in prison could not be blamed for trying to escape. And if he found that impossible, it would not be counted a fault if he talked of things other than his jailer and prison walls. Tolkien is not using the analogy of prison to represent life itself; the confines of the chamber signify the trappings of one’s own mind, the shackles we place upon ourselves through mindless worry. Hamlet suffered from this malady when he referred to Denmark as a prison. Stories are invaluable for their ability to liberate the reader and draw him into another world. Forgetting himself, he is drawn up to a higher good. A similar thing happens when one listens to a melodious tune. The soul is put under a spell of ethereal delight.

A good story does not draw the reader to something foreign and alien to his own experience. It stirs a sense of familiarity and delightful nostalgia. Evoking past memories in the same way those certain smells recall forgotten memories. The reader does not need to have directly shared the same experiences as those the story relates. One does not need to have frolicked in the shallows of the Mississippi to feel sweet reminiscence flood the soul when reading Tom Sawyer. The Ambience of the scene is sufficient to evoke one’s own childhood memories.

It is not the narrative which captures us, else why would one re-read one’s favourite book? We already know the plot, yet this knowledge does not diminish the pleasure of a second read. It is not the unfolding of events which enchant us. We appreciate the story for the ability it has to draw us so completely into another world. That is why children delight in hearing the same story re-told countless times. The narrative is merely a net used to capture something far greater.

Stories appeal to our deepest desires. I am yet to encounter someone who has not at some stage in their life felt the desire to fly. Greek myths hold their eternal worth by enabling the reader to imagine himself soaring the heavens on the back of Pegasus or riding the west wind with Icarus.

Certain prodigious individuals have a super abundance of creativity. With it they are able to construct entire new worlds within their mind. The art of storytelling enables others to enter that world. We ourselves could never have flown to Middle Earth, but Tolkien gave us wings. cont. pg 9

The Classics CornerOn… Classical LearningAlexander Westenberg, Class ‘12

What is it that defines modern learning? Today, learning is seen as the acquisition of facts, and, quite importantly, the learning of facts relevant to later life-experiences. That is, learning is goal-oriented in the sense of aiming to bring the student closer to attaining some physical reality; usually, a job with some large income.

But this, however, was not the ideal of ancient times. No, rather the aim of learning, for the ancients, was the completion of a person. They took an holistic approach to learning, believing that its purpose was to teach one to become a better person. Usually, a man of virtue. Thus it was that the perfect man was skilled in the art of music, poetry, philosophy, rhetoric, and politics. For the Romans in particular, education was traditionally a family-based affair, with fathers teaching their sons, and mothers their daughters. In this environment was placed a very high emphasis on teaching children to become people of great virtue, not just in individual sense; no, for a Roman, virtue was closely tied with society, and each man had an obligation to the society around him, to try and better it, to ensure that it lived up to the Roman ideals, etc..

A good man for the Romans could never be a hermit; rather he must be active in the public life of his day; for not only was he there able to exert good influence, but also because only once he was involved in public life could anyone criticize contemporary society. If one were to complain, and yet do nothing to change it, a Roman would laugh in contempt; but were one to exert all one’s efforts, and complain that it is not succeeding, then would a Roman take up arms in one’s cause.

Learning today has lost that broader picture present in older educational theories, and instead focuses on creating machines who are capable of regurgitating facts and platitudes; let us return to the age of the virtuous man.


ISSUE 15! ! ! 8

On the Subject of DressBy Carmel Reeves, Class of ’12

Every Catholic girl who has moved in several different circles will know that young women can literally be judged on whether they are wearing pants or a skirt. Oh I know some will say that it is ridiculous or doesn’t happen that often, but in reality it does happen, even at Campion. Arguments involving modesty, practicality, affordability and the Bible all have presented themselves over Neil’s burgers with great earnestness on the subject of ladies’ dress. But the common denominator in this circular discussion is ignorance of the issue. These discussions, as all discussions should, challenged me to evaluate my own stance on the subject and do some research outside of my own opinions. My findings were both interesting and surprising. A little History: The wearing of pants in Western culture stems back to the late 19th century. Pants were first worn by women rebelling against wearing floor-length dresses weighing up to three times their own body weight, and there were sporadic incidents of individual woman donning pants in rebellion even if just for short periods of time.

The simple practicality of pants became evident when, despite widespread disgust, girls working in English coal mines during the late 19th century decided to wear pants to make the work easier (although they still wore skirts over the top, rolled up). During the World Wars the shortage of clothing and the lack of men meant that women needed to work and borrowed their husbands clothes (with alterations) to do so.

Famous people such as Katherine Hepburn and Marlene Dietrich followed the movement and helped introduce pants to the fashion industry. Through the 1960‘s and 70‘s wearing jeans became very fashionable and trendy and became widespread.

Today wearing pants is the norm, although in some countries harsh penalties apply if a woman is seen wearing pants. These countries tend to be Middle Eastern Islamic, but even the relatively civilised state of California did not overturn its law prohibiting women from wearing pants until 1995! So with this bit of background lets move on to the arguments…

Against: Skirts are simply too hard to shop for; if you do happen to find them they are usually too short to be modest and are too expensive. Take for example one of the largest shopping complexes in Australia, Westfield. Out of 40 women’s

fashion outlets only 18 sold skirts, with the price range between $20 and $795. 75% of these skirts were thigh-length or shorter, that left only 28 skirts decent enough to wear in only 6 styles. In contrast: 24 shops sold jeans/pants/shorts. These offered 866 items in 22 different styles. The price ranged from $10 to $550.

The second argument is that they are, quite frankly, too impractical. This can be illustrated with two words – Marilyn Monroe. Any girl who regularly wears skirts would have had several ‘Marilyn’ moments as well as other clothing disasters related to rain, wind and unfortunate circumstances. A girl wearing a skirt must be always conscious of her movements; this was no problem to the Victorian age girl who took turns around the room and sewed most of the day. But to the soccer playing, fun-loving, active modern girl skirts can be restricting, and disastrous if one forgets what one is wearing. The argument that skirts are more modest than jeans depends on the type of skirt and the type of jeans. Of course a long skirt is more modest than skinny jeans but in like manner boot-cut casual jeans are a good deal more modest than a thigh-length skirt or even a knee-length skirt on a windy day.

Arguments for: Deuteronomy 22 “A woman shall not wear that which p e r t a i n e t h u n t o a m a n . . . f o r whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto the LORD thy God.” This argument requires consistency, and therefore falls flat as one wouldn’t dream of taking most things from Deuteronomy literally! However, there are some good arguments for the wearing of skirts. cont pg 10.


ISSUE 15! ! ! 9

from p.7 C.S. Lewis describes it best:

Those of us who have been true readers all our life seldom fully realise the enormous extension of our being which we owe to authors. We realise it best when we talk with an unliterary friend. He may be full of goodness and good sense but he inhabits a tiny world. In it, we should be suffocated. The man who is contented to be only himself, and therefore less a self, is in prison. My own eyes are not enough for me, I will see through those of others. Reality, even seen through the eyes of many, is not enough. I will see what other have invented.

Story transports the reader into another world; it takes you to a far removed land where all perfection lies. There will still be danger but it will be perfectly proper danger. The evasion will be of Trolls and not taxation. All the minor inconveniences that rule our lives do not feature in stories. One might think that reading such stories would disillusion a man and make him unfit to face the harshness of reality. C.S Lewis, on the contrary, maintains that the escapism which stories offer causes a deeper appreciation for reality. The long and lonesome walk to class is no more; the trudging schoolboy has become an Indian brave.

The beauty of escapism ought to be involved in life experience. The intoxicating pleasure of poetry is not derived from a dissatisfaction with life. I realised this one day when I was on a picnic with some very fine company. In a glade we all sat having the merriest of times. The scene in my opinion could not have been more poetically beautiful. Each of us felt prompted to recite a poem, not out of discontentment with our present state (for I believe we were all at the very height of bliss) but because we knew the beauty of the poetry would enhance the moment. At such times is not uncommon to hear someone sigh “this is just like out of a story”. Such a remark reveals that it is from story books that we have received an image of what life really ought to be like.

A good thing can always be misused, but even their misuse is a testament to the innate goodness of the thing. Something that is bad cannot be corrupted. In advocating the escapism stories offer I am by no means sanctioning those insipid bookworms who never leave their rooms. Story was not invented as a consolation for those afraid of embracing life. There is something fearfully wrong with the reader if, reading Huckleberry Finn, he is not moved to build a raft and set off on an adventure.


ISSUE 15! ! ! 10

No mobile phones permitted in this area!By Jacob Saal, Class ’14

As you can obviously deduce from this title, I am discussing the topic of distractions in the mass. There can be many kinds of distractions in the mass – from the subtle but unmistakable vibration from the phone on silent, to the mole on the back of that ‘odd looking’ fellow’s neck. This article is just going to touch on different types of distractions that can manifest in the mass and how these distractions can essentially be resolved by the person being distracting and the person being distracted.

The biggest culprit for distractions in the mass, I think, is the small yet effective mobile phone. I even seem to distract myself with my phone, even when it is on silent; whenever it goes off the vibratory buzz is short, sharp and succinct. Being a person who does not get abundant amounts of text messages, I entertain the thought in my head that I am needed for once, but it just turns out to be that unwanted text message from Telstra. Along with distracting myself I am undoubtedly distracting other people from the mass and drawing their attention away from Christ the Redeemer to my obnoxious phone.

The thing that is even worse than hearing a phone vibrate in mass is hearing the ringtone. It becomes quite difficult to focus on Christ when a tune such as ‘The Mexican Hat Dance’ is projected loudly. Thus, I provide the solution to the problematic distraction: turn the phone off! (Durp!) I am sure the world can survive without you nor I answering our phones for a minuscule 30-60 minutes. Our Lord is far more important than our mobile phones.

Now, enough of that ranting, I think the picture is painted for this scenario. But if a phone does go off please do not feel the need to become self-righteous and essentially ‘tell that person off’; the distractor already knows his/her mistake.

The next distracting issue is the mole on the back of that guy’s neck. As massive or as indistinct that mole may be I propose that we divert our eyes. I understand that we may have some sort of obscure fetish for the wretched mole but this is a problem greater than ourselves. “But why doesn’t he just get it chopped off so the world can live happily ever after?”, one may ask? I reply to that by asking this question, “But what if the man really loves his mole?” What I am trying to demonstrate through this example is that things like hair, skin condition, and the fidgety habits people may not know they have, are issues that can easily be fixed if we discipline ourselves to look through the matter and orientate

ourselves towards Christ. These circumstances of so-called distractions seem ultimately rather childish to complain about; hence the solution, again, is to ignore the ‘mole’, which may represent something small or large but is a part of that person.

Another thing that people may find distracting is little children. This topic can seem quite controversial because it ultimately (for some people) comes down to: either bringing your controlled toddler, infant or baby to mass or not bringing them at all – if they are noisy – because they will be distracting ‘me’ in mass. While it may be ideal for children to stay silent in the mass it is more important for the child to be present with Jesus Christ no matter how loud they become; the child must always be welcome to the Sacrifice on Calvary. Here I think the solution lies with the

person being distracted and I propose a simple statement to meditate on: ‘We must get over ourselves’. Sometimes we can get so wrapped up about the mass being about ‘me’ and the child is distracting ‘me’, forgetting that the mass is far greater than ourselves. After all, Jesus said: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these,” and to stop the children from going to Him would be bad, to say the least.

To conclude, what I am getting at is that we must look beyond ourselves and orientate ourselves towards Christ. The person doing the distracting should remember that other people are trying – and need – to focus on the mass. It is important to think how others will react to specific actions committed. These distractions can be distracting but we must try our best to focus on something more vital, Christ.

from pg. 8 They are more feminine, meaning that they clearly designate the difference between men and woman, and are also more flattering to the woman’s figure. This is undeniable, not that jeans or pants can’t look good, but it is clear in the fact that, for formal wear, women do tend to wear dresses or skirts. Another reason is that they are more modest. In a sense yes, as they do not show the female figure too clearly and, like the veil on the tabernacle, hide some of the mystery that God bestowed on women. Skirts are hard to find as illustrated above, but not impossible, and it is easy enough if you

frequent op-shops, or are gifted in being able to sew your own.

…So there are the two positions but it is really up to personal preference. The argument really comes down to intelligence of the issue, tolerance and how much money and time you are going to put into looking for and buying skirts. Men should understand the reasons why girls find it harder to find or wear skirts and girls should understand why others might prefer women wearing skirts. And thus peace will reign over our burgers!


ISSUE 15! ! ! 11

After the MoshJoshua Woolnough, Class ‘14

August Burns Red with blessthefall and Northlane, April 20, Metro Theatre Sydney…

The evening of April 20 looked promising for many a Christian mosher: embarking on tour in support of their recent album Leveler, Christian metalcore giants August Burns Red graced the stage of Sydney’s Metro Theatre with one ultimate aim: to evangelise the masses. But before they could teach their words of virtue, three other acts opened the show in a truly ferocious manner, transforming the seemingly innocent pit into a mass of sweat, heat, and widespread unity.

Local act Shinto Katana began the show with a somewhat repetitive set, gathering people closer towards the stage but not making them move as much as they would hope. Besides the ennui of their songs, though, their performance was tight, enthusing the pit.

But then something crazy happened. Opening with their hit “Abrasumente” from their debut record Discoveries, Sydney sensation Northlane had every crowd member (even the buff, old metalheads who spent the night bobbing their heads at the back) singing along with unbreakable fervour. Face smasher “Corruption” had a multitude of circle pits in its defence, before the band closed with “Disposession”, which, dare I say, is one of the most amazing pieces of music to come out of Australia in the last six months.

Next up was Christian band blessthefall, and their bizarre on-stage tactics for swelling the mosh pit. Lead singer, Beau Bokan, gave a

majestic vocal performance in opener “Promised Ones”, before diving into the anti-secular anthem “God Wears Gucci” and commandeering what became known as ‘The Sprinkler of Death’. You heard me right – two hundred and fifty bottles of water spun overhead the crowd during the ravaging “The Reign”, a powerful worship-song! As Bokan glorified the chest-tattoo of Our Lady during the closer “2.0”, the crowd was beginning to strap themselves in for the pummelling beast that was August Burns Red.

When the lights glimmered and the crowd was left gazing into the eyes of lead singer Jake Luhrs, drummer Matt Greiner began the machine gun-like introduction to “Empire”. What exploded was the most intense, yet most passionate display of interest ever seen from an audience. As the set went on through milestones like “Internal Cannon” (featuring a mariachi-dance interlude), the mosh pit did not once tremble. “Silence is a frustrating answer,” yelled Luhrs emotionally, guitars brimming with life in the background, as the crowd yelled back, “But patience is a virtue” during “Cutting the Ties”. “Mariana’s Trench” saw the most epic soundscape ever emerge through the hearts of every person in the room, before the parable behind “Poor Millionaire” seemed to actually capture the empathy of even the non-religious present, (“Where is the ‘life’ in the life you live? You are the poor millionaire”). Greiner performed a five minute solo that had the audience standing still with awe before the band returned for an encore performance of Eastertide anthem “Redemption” and “Composure” (in which an audience member had the opportunity to play the bassline with the band).

A truly inspiring evening, August Burns Red undoubtedly showed the strength of Christianity in society and the music industry today, concluding the show with a prayer of thanks, to much critical yet appreciated reception.

Music ReviewsJoshua Woolnough, Class ‘14

Sleigh Bells – Reign of Terror

Released: 20 February 2012, Columbia RecordsStyle: Progressive metal, featuring super-happy chick vocals and shredding guitars in the background.What? Bizarre. Yeah, it won a Grammy, but it takes a bit of tolerance to appreciate it. Having said that, the musical compositions, although an acquired taste, are incredibly interesting, contrasting the cute vocals of lead singer Alexis Krauss, with the brutal kick drums and shredding guitar counter-melodies.Check out: “Born to Lose”, “Comeback Kid”, “Demons”For fans of: 30 Seconds to Mars, Matt & Kim, Girl TalkRating: 2.5/5

Mae – (a)fternoon, (m)orning, (e)vening [reissue/compilation]

Released: 9 March 2012, Self-releasedStyle: Jazz-infused pop rock, also including some fantastic classical piano work.What? The last three consecutive concept EP’s from Christian band Mae, who broke up in March 2011, these have been reissued as a set of three. So amazing that if you don’t hear ‘em, you haven’t lived. From the jazz and time-manipulating of “Over and Over” on (a)fternoon, to the eight-minute pop epic of (m)orning’s “The Fisherman Song” to the classical 14-minute composition of “Seasons” on (e)vening, these records remain timeless and amongst my favourite of all time.Check out: ALL OF IT!For fans of: Anything, really!Rating: 5/5


ISSUE 15! ! ! 12

The Five-Year EngagementGeorgina von Marburg, Class ‘13

Still sizzling from the Golden Globe -wor thy success o f Bridesmaids, producer Judd Apatow collaborates with writer-actor Jason Segel in an epic tale of "getting married". Aside from the skills of Segel (Forgetting Sarah Marshall, The Muppets) and Emily Blunt (The Devil Wears Prada, The Young Vic tor ia ) , The Five Year Engagement does seem to be r e l y i n g o n t h e b a s i c characteristics that made its superior mother so brilliant. Bridesmaids succeeded quite surprisingly on all level of a great comedy: frustrating plot, explicit human failings, and pitiable characters (if you read Aristotle's Poetics, you will find all three of these philosophical virtues in the art of comedy); The Five Year Engagement likewise provides a refreshing break from the slapstick (e.g. Adam Sandler), crass (e.g. Jonah Hill), and plan disgusting (e.g. Sacha Baron Cohen) "comedies" targeted at a specifically male crowd. Yet it has its disappointments, with the leads playing their characters almost too perfectly due to the couple's lack of memorable spirit (though Blunt's Cookie Monster vs Elmo impersonation with her sister is entirely unforgettable). And it subsequently couldn't help but have a sweet, bland ending for two sweet, bland lovers.

Message wise, The Five Year Engagement cunningly builds itself upon the common characteristics of the modern urbanite and his insistence of a cushioned life. Viewers found this message at times somewhat dark, but then again, the nature of comedies is the darkness of humanity. But don't fear, the

humour and insecurity of characters engages from the opening scene and the genuine hilarity of situations will appeal to both genders (though I'm inclined to think married couples will find it particularly amusing). The Five Year Engagement is neither feel-good, slapstick, nor black comedy, and certainly not a chick-flick; instead it seems to emulate the painfully realistic habits of humans, making fellow romantic comedies appear like Barbie dolls in a children's crèche.

Verdict: 7/10

The Dark ShadowsDavid McMahon, Class ‘14

From the outset one may be drawn to this film for many reasons; the cast, its director or the box office poster as it may be. On this occasion I must caution you to re-evaluate if any of the aforesaid reasons make this a film you wish to see. If you were dissatisfied with director T i m B u r t o n ’ s p r e v i o u s b u t c h e r i n g w o r k o f t h e sacrosanct fairytale, Alice in Wonderland, you will be equally, if not more so, with his rendition of a 1970's TV soap opera.

The Dark Shadows is a comedic fantasy. Relying on its cast (Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer & Helena Bonham Carter), and not its story-line, for belly laughter, one has little to savour of what could have potentially been an enthralling take on a Vampire tale of love and bewitchment. Alas, an overdose of discombobulated fantastical sub plots leave resolution and any chance of character redemption on the film editor’s floor, from whence there may have been some potential...

Verdict: 6 out of 10

Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry

Before the Revolution Moonrise Kingdom

Pioneer of Contemporary Chinese Art and political activist against Communism, a documentary. (You will actually learn something.)

Originally released Prima Della Rivoluzione in 1964, get your act together and experience some Italian cinema with Bertolucci's finest film.

A Wes Anderson (Fantastic Mr. Fox) film, charmingly executed. Follow a story of two kindred spirits that pull a little ‘hamlet’ in every way.


ISSUE 15! ! ! 13

To the Students of Campion College…Estella Havisham

I would like to draw your attention to a sudden and terrifying development that has insidiously taken hold of a vast proportion of the student body in a matter of mere weeks. I am, of course, referring to the alarming growth in the number of couples that Campion suddenly seems to have. The sheer rapidity with which this has occurred is quite astounding. A month ago, everything was normal. I could walk around campus and be quite comfortable in the knowledge that the majority of students had equal marital status. Then, something changed. Like a domino effect of mammoth proportions, students were falling – left, right, and centre – t o t h e C u p i d i o u s a t t r a c t i o n s o f Coupledom. Now, it seems, I cannot walk across the lawn or enter/exit the campus without s p y i n g l o v e - s t r u c k students walking hand-in-hand, secreted away in some not-so-private corner, or in various parts of the grounds en joy ing exc lus ive picnics! What is the reason for this sudden amorous augmentation in our beloved College? Perhaps Neil has been deviously experimenting with certain special new

herbs in his innocent-looking lunches? Or perhaps there is something viral in the water, and it’s only a matter of time before the rest of us succumb to this horrid disease of romance and affection. Only time will tell. But I don’t want you all to think that I have anything against these couples; on the contrary, I hope each of those at Campion will one day do their part for the Catholic world by bringing their 12 homeschooled children into the fight against secularism, but for now it is, quite plainly, nauseating. Dear couples, I would like to request that you at least limit the amount of public displays of affection (PDA) you show on campus, for us more numerically-challenged ‘single’ students.

Warning: OverratedJames Cameron's TitanicGeorgina von Marburg

It seems only appropriate that we kick off this new segment of Sextant Film Reviews with one of the most overrated films of all time. (I'll have you know I most charitably refrained from dedicating this section entirely to James Cameron over the next 12 issues.) So let's take a moment to relive the perfect example of Cameron's default to near-illiterate cheesiness:Jack: "Do you trust me?"Rose: "I trust you." (wonderfully worded response)Rose: "I’m flying, Jack." (just in case we can't interpret the visuals)


ISSUE 15! ! ! 14


Ryan Barlow, Assistant to Mr Walsh and Mr Reeves

The eleventh edition of the prestigious C a r d i n a l ' s C u p i n d o o r s o c c e r competition was held on Sunday, May 20th. Catholic groups from all over Sydney converged on the Sydney University Sports & Aquatic Centre to do battle for one of the most sought-after sporting titles in NSW Catholic circles. The competition celebrated entering its second decade by expanding from 12 participating teams to 16, giving every team in the competition an extra game in the group stage. The new teams included an Eastern Orthodox group, FOCUS, and a side from the Australian National University in Canberra.Campion College turned up in slick, synchronised white jerseys complete with names and numbers, which drew envious stares all day. They were drawn in Group B with three-time CC champions the Neo-Catechumenal Way (or "Neo-Cats"), newcomers ANU and bitter rivals Notre Dame. They had been training for almost a month in anticipation of this day. The stage was set.The first match against the Neo-Cats looked to be their toughest on paper and sure enough, it was all Neo-Cat pressure all the time in the first half. Mark Makowiecki and Chiara Hassett had their hands full early on dealing with shot after shot, while attacking duo Olivia Badman and Pete O'Donovan were forced to put their defensive chops to work in support. After a sustained period of absorbing pressure, an athletic diving stop on the goal line from captain Jacob Fulop ended in an unfortunate own goal. A minute later a Neo-Cat

unleashed a cracking shot from near halfway that Makowiecki had little chance of stopping. The second half was all Campion. Robert van Gend added a livewire attacking option to the side but most of the scoring chances fell to Fulop as the offensive momentum swung in his team's favour. Makowiecki was barely troubled again as strike after strike was deflected in desperation by scrambling Neo-Cat defenders. Only one found the back of the net. The final score was 2-1 to the Neo-Cats, who breathed a very visible collective sigh of relief. After Notre Dame beat ANU 2-0, Campion needed a similar win over the Canberrans to stay in contention for the quarterfinals. Jake Walsh was brought into the starting line-up to add spice to the necessary attacking flavour of the side, but ANU played a very defensive and physical style which stifled Campion efforts. An early goal from Fulop was cancelled out by a loose ANU header at around the game's midpoint, ratcheting up the intensity of the match until some intelligent positioning from Daniel Jon Koleci at a corner in the last minute of play forced a Canberran defender to turn the ball into his own net. Campion had done enough. 2-1.Notre Dame had drawn 0-0 with an out-of-sorts Neo-Cats side, meaning all Campion had to do to progress was defeat their age-old rivals by a single goal. A draw would send Notre Dame through instead. A side featuring two former Campionites knew this only too well and played very defensively against Campion as a result. They never committed more than two players forward in offense, leaving no room for Campion counter-attacks. Campion played their most offensive side yet, with Mark Hoare starting attacking movements from deep, but the t eam ' s e ffo r t s were hams t rung

repeatedly by multiple infringements that the referee deemed worthy of Notre Dame free kicks. The men in blue were all too happy to accept these and wind down the clock, ultimately holding Campion to a 0-0 draw. This lifted them into the quarter-finals by securing them second place in the pool on 5 points, behind the Neo-Cats who had beaten ANU 3-1 to sit first on 7 points. Campion lay stranded in third place on 4 points, above ANU who had nothing to show for their long drive north.Campion had come so close only to miss out by a slender point, but spare a thought for the Catholic Asian Students Society, who missed out on progression from Group C to the Sydney Uni team on the 'goals scored' ruling. As for the pointy end of the tournament, three of the 2011 heavyweights who failed to make the semi-finals that year, namely the Neo-Cats, the Maronites and the Young Men of God, atoned for t he i r f a i l u r e s by r each ing t he penultimate stage in 2012. They were joined by the University of Technology Sydney, the surprise packets of the tournament, who had played an exciting brand of attacking football to shock many neutral supporters with their results. The fairytale continued when they overcame the YMG in a tense semi-final, meaning they had gone from dead-last in 2011 to CC Finalists in 2012. Yet they ran out of steam when they met a Neo-Cats side that had finally clicked into gear. The Cats won the last game of the day 5-0, securing the title for the fourth time. In doing so they became the most successful team in Cardinal's Cup history.

At least Campion can say their only loss was against the eventual winners.


ISSUE 15! ! ! 15

I Cannot Juggle: A DefenceThomas Westenberg, Class ’13

I am very sorry to say to you all, and yet I am honest enough to say it in print, that I cannot juggle. I know that this is probably something offensive to you all, and, I should expect, a bit of a disappointment. No doubt a majority of you had only conversed with me, or at least endured as much of a "conversation” as may be held with me, in the hope that I might one day show you my prestigious juggling skills. Nobody has ever said that I can juggle nor have there been any insidious rumours to that effect, so I have no reason to believe that you have any reason to believe anything to that effect (try and make sense of that sentence). However, just in case any of you have been labouring (or leisuring) under the belief that I can juggle and are thus disappointed, angry etc., this is my statement and defence.

As you have no doubt gathered (I have been, by no means, subtle), I cannot juggle. I cannot juggle balls, flaming torches, knives, baubles, or anything of that sort. I can, when under pressure, throw a ball from one hand to the other and repeat, but I have been informed that this is not an unusual or particular skill. You must not think that I do this willy-nilly, that I am merely irresponsibly incapable, as I do have reasons for my lack of ability. They are as follows:

1. I lack hand-eye coordination.2. I have other talents (or so I say)3. I have tried and failed (not really a reason)4. Leave me alone and stop judging me! (Again, not really a

reason)Looking at my reasons above, you can see that the only two reasons I can actually present are the fact that I lack hand-eye coordination and that I have other talents; and thus, it can be assumed that I spend time developing them rather than on the skill of juggling. I do have hand-eye coordination in some areas – such as video games – and it is also in some areas that I have talents – such as video games. I do not mean to boast, but I am particularly good at both Doom and Doom 2, which may or may not impress you. I am also a fair hand at Asteroids, still holding the high score.

The fourth "reason" relates to the fact this is a defence. If you are all walking about the place judging me in Mean Girls’ voices, or indeed any sort of voices, I have to ask: can you juggle? The Bible says something about logs and eyes and judging people or something; why don't you practice what you preach (assuming you do preach)?

This concludes my defence; essentially, I have argued that I am not entirely useless and thus you should all like me, still, at least a little bit. Furthermore, why are you judging me if you can't juggle? If you can of course, my apologies.





ISSUE 15! ! ! 16

Sincere thanks to Ms Ste!a Solomon and Ms Teresa Gambino for a! their assistance.

Published by the Campion College Student Association;

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C a m p i o n C o l l e g e Mission Trip….

To East Timor!Campion College will be holding an inaugural student-run mission trip to the world’s second youngest nation and home of our fellow Campionites, Helena & Dalia!

When? 2-5th of January, till the 2-5th of February, 2013

Price? Although the prices have yet to have been finalised it shouldn’t cost anymore than $2,300

Mission? To teach & assist in the local schools and orphanages whilst gaining another perspective of East Timorese culture and life

Please contact: Monica Ochudzawa at