September 2019...September 2019 2 I would like to welcome any new readers as well as regular readers...

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Transcript of September 2019...September 2019 2 I would like to welcome any new readers as well as regular readers...

September 2019


I would like to welcome any new readers as well as regular

readers to this September Magazine which gives information

on some of the many activities which take place in St.


After the Summer break, I hope everyone is refreshed and

looking forward to the return of all our organisations with the

opportunities they give for fellowship and friendship.

Once again, I am indebted to all those who faithfully submit

reports, articles, prayers and stories. Without your

contributions there would be no magazine.

Yours in Christ Fay Allan

Contents Page Contents Page

View from the Manse 3 Everychild 22

The Guild 6 Book Club/ 23

Friday Morning Coffee 8 Girl’s Brigade 30

Friendship Circle 11 Flower Ministry 34

Offering Rota 13 Machan Trust 36

Refuel 14 Children’s pages 42

Men’s Club 18 Puzzle Corner 46


“The Lord will keep you from all

harm - He will watch over your

life; the Lord will watch over your

coming and going both now and

forevermore.” (Psalm 121:7&8)

Dear Friends

Some might say that the most strenuous and testing experience in life

would be scaling Mount Everest, swimming the English Channel or

attempting a gruelling Triathlon. In my humble opinion, I

would have to conclude that the most strenuous and testing

experience is taking my grandson on a visit to the Riverside

Transport Museum in Glasgow: Especially when he discovers

the power of his voice in a building with a very loud echo and

when he discovers the potential of his feet through the wonder

of self-determining mobility i.e. who wants to be pushed

around in a buggy when you can let your own feet take you on

all sorts of adventures!

Visiting the Riverside Museum was all about seeing the changes and

developments in transportation through the years, it was in many ways a

sincere attempt to pass on the history of our family’s connections: I pointed

to the old bicycle hanging from the ceiling similar to one which his

Grandpa had as a kid: I drew attention to the

pictures of ships which his Great Grandfather had

helped to build; I showed him the steam trains that

were just like the ones his Great Great Grandfather

used to drive: I even tried to interest him in the old

Maryhill tram which his Great Great Grandparents

will almost certainly have travelled on! Did he


show any indication that any of this had made any impact upon him

whatsoever? Not in the slightest! He was in ‘freedom mode’ which

meant charging all over the museum with me following his every

move in ‘bodyguard mode’!

When surrounded by so many colourful and

fascinating things, many of which had personal

significance, the only thing that attracted his

attention was a shiny metal floor grill next to a

window! Now my grandson has the perfect

excuse for travelling about aimlessly and

completely failing to acknowledge the lessons of history that were

all around him, he is only 17 months old! But what is your excuse

and what is mine?

How strenuous and testing it must be for our heavenly Father as He

seeks to share with us the spiritual lessons of life through the pages

of the Bible: And yet we, His children, so

often fail to listen and to learn. How

strenuous and testing it must be for our

heavenly Father as He seeks to show us the

wondrous truth of His unending love for us

through the gift of Jesus Christ our Saviour:

And yet we, His children, so often fail to

acknowledge that He has the greatest of personal significance to us

for Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one

comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

God in His infinite and mysterious wisdom has given us all the

ability to move through life in ‘freedom mode’ even though we

often end up travelling aimlessly and

focus our attention on that which is shiny

and meaningless. However, God in His

infinite and mysterious love has not

abandoned us and follows us through life

in ‘bodyguard mode’ as He watches over

us and catches us when we fall!


May we all come to know the protective and

saving embrace of God’s everlasting arms and

loving heart!

Yours in Christ

Alastair McKillop

Those teenagers around your house this summer...

Have you ever thought how much they have in common with cats?

1. Neither teenagers nor cats turn their heads when you call them by


2. No matter what you do for them, it is not enough.

Indeed, all human efforts are barely adequate to

compensate for the privilege of waiting on them hand and


3. You rarely see a cat walking outside of the house with

an adult human being, and it can be safely said that no

teenager wants to be seen in public with his or her parents.

4. Cats and teenagers can lie on the living-room sofa for hours on end

without moving, barely breathing.

5. Both cats and teenagers eat some very odd things –

at very odd hours.

6. Cats are obsessed with themselves and their

appearance. Teenagers....!

7. Cats have nine lives. Teenagers act as if they did.


Our spring outing in May was to Pitlochry. The weather wasn’t up

to the usual standards for our outings but it didn’t dampen our


We blended with the tourists as we

browsed the shops and had some light

refreshments. Next we headed to the

theatre to see “Summer Holiday” which

was based on the Cliff Richard film of

the same name. It was a marvellous show, everyone thoroughly

enjoyed the performance and came out the theatre feeling very

summery, despite the weather. The Scotland Hotel was the venue

for the meal. It was a great day of fun and fellowship.

The syllabus for the next session is now complete and we look for-

ward to some interesting speakers.

We meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm

from October till March. We would welcome some new members,

so if you would like to come and join us, you will be made most





Ben Douglas Preston 19/05/2019

Leon Raymond Charles Ritchie 26/05/2019


The Sound of Worship

As we gather for the service

Greeting, laughing, chatting we,

While a genius is working

Deep in electricity.

Checking all the wires are plugged in,

Running gremlins down to ground.

1,2,3 - that mike is working!

No more faults there to be found!

Have you seen that desk he/she uses?

Sliders, switches, buttons, knobs;

Looks to me just like a flight deck -

Someone really knows their job!

While you listen, learn, and worship

May a prayer of thanks be found

Then, perhaps a little feedback

For the one who does the sound.

By Nigel Beeton

A new vicar had arrived, to replace the one who

always ended his lengthy sermons with: “Now

the moral of all this is...”

A few weeks later the Bishop ran into one of the

churchwardens and asked how things were

going with the new vicar. He got an

enthusiastic reply:

“Oh Bishop, the new vicar is just great, he

hasn’t any morals at all!”


We have a very loyal group of helpers, to whom

we are indebted, but because of illness and

advancing years some are having to hang up their

aprons. So I would like to hear from anyone who

could give a helping hand.

The hours are 9.30 till 12 noon and if sufficient helpers are on the

rota it would only be once every 4 or 5 weeks. We don’t pay the

minimum wage, in fact we don’t pay a wage at all but there are a few

perks- Free Tea, Coffee or Juice and a Pancake with some good fun

and laughter thrown in.

We are an equal opportunities organisation and certainly don’t

practice sex discrimination as we have some very hard working men

on the rota.

Gentlemen and ladies if you are interested and have a few hours to

spare please contact Anne Hynd on a Friday morning or by phone on

885552. You can also speak to any of the members.

Of course we are always on the lookout for new customers as well so

why not come and join us any Friday between 10 and 12 and enjoy

the fellowship along with the best and cheapest coffee and pancakes

in Larkhall.

The new session starts on Friday 6th September 2019.



Pancake (butter / jam) 50p

Pancake (plain) 40p

Coffee cup/mug 70p

Tea 50p

Juice 10p

Toothy grin

While working for an organisation that delivers

lunches to the elderly, I used to take my four-year

-old daughter on my afternoon rounds. She was

unfailingly intrigued by the various appliances of

old age, particularly the canes, walkers and


One day I found her staring at a pair of false

teeth soaking in a glass. As I braced myself for

the inevitable barrage of questions, she merely

whispered, 'The tooth fairy will never believe



Anyway by Kent M Keith

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.

Love them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior


Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends

and some genuine enemies.

Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you.

Be honest anyway.

What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.

Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.

Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten.

Do good anyway.

Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.

Give your best anyway.

In the final analysis, it is between you and God.

It was never between you and them anyway.

These 'Paradoxical Commandments' were displayed on the wall of

Mother Theresa's children's home in Calcutta.


The Friendship Circle will start again for the

new session on Tuesday 8th October. We meet

at 2pm (unless otherwise intimated) in the

Guild Room of the church and usually have a

cup of tea or coffee during the afternoon.

We have a varied programme drawn up which takes us up to next

March. We start off with a Quiz, singalong and natter followed on

the 22nd October by Shirley Paris who is a local jewellery designer.

The Salvation Army will be joining us again in December as we lead

up to Christmas.

Next year Rev Elizabeth Clelland from Braehead House will be with

us in January and to finish off the year we have a

speaker from Hearing Dogs for Deaf people who will

be bringing along a hearing dog and his human part-


Details of the full programme will be available at the

first meeting. It would be great to welcome new

folks who wish to join us so if you wish to do so

please come along for an hour or so, you will be made most welcome.

We are a very small, friendly group.

Fiona Sandeman

T.G.I.F.– Thank God I’m Forgiven.


Wednesday Morning Prayer and Worship Services

Prayer Service 10.15 am

Worship Service 11am

Tea and fellowship after Prayer Service

All Welcome

Funerals: Jesus said:

Let not your heart be troubled: believe in God,

believe also in me. In my Father's house are

many mansions; if it were not so, I would have

told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:1-2


John Hamilton 27 22/06/2019

Margaret Nicol 81 26/06/2019

Professionals built The Titanic

Amateurs built The ARK



Refuel 2019

Refuel 2019 – an outdoor, week long, family festival

of faith. 21st – to 27th July within the wonderful

grounds of Gordon Castle Estate. I said I would go back and I did. Wasn’t disappointed. A huge

number attended this year’s Festival and again there was something

for everyone.

Craig and Denise Mackay are the Scottish Regional Consultants for

The Filling Station Trust and they again were the Refuel Event

Managers. In their words ‘The Kingdom aim and objective of the

Refuel festival is so simple – UNITY - and out of that unity we

know flows so much more’

There were a great number of speakers again this year.

Bruxy Cavey was once again back ‘by popular demand’. Bruxy is a

Canadian Pastor and he is a formidable orator,

thinker and teacher with a unique ability to

encourage the listener to do the thinking on

any subject. I would highly recommend you

check out his podcasts and short Youtube

sessions. He is a one off character, full of

mischief and fun but his word is powerful. I

am reading his book ‘The End of Religion’ (don’t be put off by the

title) and it is a really interesting, sometimes funny, thought

provoking read.

I was especially interested in attending Seminars by Garth Gilmour.

He has served as Executive Director of CMJ in Israel. Before joining

CMJ, he trained as a biblical archaeologist and has over twenty years’

experience in excavations, research, and publication. A fluent

Hebrew speaker, he received his MA from the Hebrew University of

Jerusalem in 1991 and his Doctorate from the University of Oxford in

1995. He brings the Bible alive by showing slides and speaking of

archaeological digs in which he has been involved. He has


excavated at a number of sites in Israel and Cyprus, most notably

the Philistine capital cities of Ekron and Ashkelon. He brought

the story of David and Goliath alive . Two more of his Seminars

looked at Jesus’ proclamation of the Kingdom in Mark’s Gospel

and how it impacts us today.

Eddie Lyall leads

Open Doors UK

and described

himself as the’

little Irish leprechaun’!! He is a passionate advocate for the

persecuted Church and has such a gentle disposition leaving every

listener captivated to what is happening across the world.

Again Worship was a big part of the week with morning and

evening sessions but there were also opportunities happening all

over the site with morning prayers, after

hours sessions workshops, open mic

nights and even all through the night

with a team from Germany who came to

pray and sing through the night.

Worship in the Youth Tent was lead by

a team from churches all over the North

of Scotland.

The Kidz Club had Graham Silk and his fabulously merry team

from Church Outdoors leading the children in worship that was

meaningful, encounterful and FUN.

In the ‘Market Place’ there was a huge range of 20 different

stalls as well as a café and coffee shop including - Adopt a Child,

Christian Friends of Israel, Young Life International, Alpha

Scotland to name just a few

Our group were once again staying at the beautiful house on the

Millar family estate and it was a wonderful week filled with

laughter, some serious chat, fellowship, good food and the


weather was also very kind to us. We had a visit to

Baxters for a lovely lunch and a browse round their


The Refuel festival brought people from all over

the country together for worship, teaching, fun and fellowship in

glorious sunshine. It was wonderful to be part of such a great

community of worshippers, disciples, and people who had come to find

out more about Jesus.

As I said last year the Holy Spirit was/is definitely at work. Roll on

next year.

Fiona Sandeman

Signs found outside churches

- It is unlikely there'll be a reduction in the wages of sin.

- If you don't like the way you were born, try being born


- Looking at the way some people live, they ought to obtain

eternal fire insurance soon.

- This is a ch_ _ch What is missing? (U R)

- Forbidden fruit creates many jams.

- In the dark? Follow the Son.

- Running low on faith? Stop in for a fill-up.

- If you can't sleep, don't count sheep. Talk to the Shepherd.



You know Winter is coming when the Men’s Club Bowls begins.

However, the weather then turns sunny especially on a Monday


So bring out the sunglasses for the Indoor Bowls

will start on Monday 2nd September at 1.30pm in

the Church Hall and continue every Monday

throughout the month. Then from October until

the end of April the bowls will meet on the 1st and

3rd Mondays of the month.

For most of last season, we had our two carpets in full use (the first

time for 2-3 years). Approximately 16—18 men from

Chalmers, St Machan’s, Trinity Churches and even

two from Carluke take part.

The Bowls are not taken too seriously. It’s all in fun

really! There’s no joining fee only a small donation

towards tea/coffee etc. Many of those items,

particularly biscuits, are donated by the club members


A special thanks to Etta Morrison for her continuing support in

supplying Tea, coffee, sugar etc.

So, Gents if you have a spare hour on a Monday afternoon, why not

come along you will be made very welcome.

The Club Meetings do not start until Monday 14th October at 2pm

when our speaker will be Mr Bill Hastings, former Pastor at

Chalmers Church.


The Syllabus is now available and it is hoped there is something of

interest for everyone.

This year the Club and Guild are collaborating to hold

the annual St Andrew’s Night Concert on Monday 4th

November in the Church. The entertainment that night

will be provided by “Luckenbooth”. More details at a

later date.

As with the Indoor Bowls, there is no joining fee just an offering

towards the tea/coffee etc.

As with many other organisations, we are in need of new members so

do think about coming along to one of our meetings and find out about

“The Men’s Club”. You will be made very welcome.

John McLean


In a Peanuts cartoon Lucy demanded that Linus change TV channels, threatening him with her fist if he didn't. "What makes you think you can walk right in here and take over?" asks Linus.

"These five fingers," says Lucy. "Individually they're nothing but when I curl them together like this into a single unit, they form a weapon that is terrible to behold."

"Which channel do you want?" asks Linus.

Turning away, he looks at his fingers and says,

"Why can't you guys get organised like that?"

Charles Schultz From A Barrel of Fun, J.John &

Mark Stibble, Monarch Books


The Bible that was thrown away

The story is told by Brother Andrew, who worked for many years

with the Persecuted Church, of a Christian pas-

tor who was travelling some years ago on a train

in the old Soviet Union.

There was just one other passenger in the rail-

way car, and soon the two men were chatting.

The subject of religion came up, and the other man extolled the logic

of atheism and criticised religious belief.

Then the Christian bravely expressed his own views, and even took

out his Bible to show the man some relevant verses. But the atheist

was both unmoved and annoyed.

As the futility of their argument became clear, the men lapsed into

silence. When a little later the Christian was nearing his stop, he left

the compartment for a few moments to get his suitcase. He returned

to find his Bible was missing.

The atheist was just closing the train window and

sneered at him. It was clear that he had thrown

the Bible out. The journey continued the final

few miles in stony silence.

A few months later, a stranger came to call upon

the Christian pastor in his village. It was a man from a neighbouring

village who asked to be baptised. The pastor was astonished and

asked him what he knew about such things. The stranger told him

this story:

“Until a few months ago I knew nothing of Christianity. I am just a

local builder, working on a site near the railway track. Then sudden-

ly one afternoon a book came flying out of the window of a passing

train and landed in the dust nearby. I walked over and picked it up. It


was a Bible – the first I had ever seen.

“So I took it home and out of curiosity began to

read it. I was amazed by what I read, and I have

become a Christian. Now I want to be baptised

and meet with other Christians. I have heard

rumours that you are also a Christian, so I hoped

that you would help me.”

The astonished Christian pastor did indeed baptise the builder, and

also confided his side of the story of the flying Bible. Within a few

years the builder had converted several of his neighbours, and a tiny

Christian church had been planted within his own community. All

because of a thrown-away Bible.

Five young college students were spending a Sunday

in London, so they went to hear the famed C H

Spurgeon preach.

While waiting for the doors to open, the students were greeted by a

man who asked, ."Gentlemen, let me show you around. Would you

like to see the heating plant of this church?"

They were not particularly interested, for it was a hot day in July. But

they didn't want to offend the stranger, so they consented.

The young men were taken down a stairway, a door was quietly

opened, and their 'guide whispered, "This is our heating plant."

Surprised, the students saw 700 people

bowed in prayer, seeking a blessing on

the service that was soon to begin in the

auditorium above.

Softly closing the door, the gentleman then introduced himself. It was

none other than Charles Spurgeon

From A Barrel of Fun, J.John &

Mark Stibble, Monarch Books


When charities acknowledge your gifts, they always give an

example of how your donations are helping children. A

recent letter tells of Jessica, aged six, who has hearing

problems and very poor eyesight. With your help, a Sense

Children and Family Support Worker can use sensory objects

to bring a story to life for a child who has complex

disabilities. Jessica can experience all the joy and adventure

of a great story as a result of your support.

Jessie’s Fund £50.00

Dreammaker Foundation £50.00

Children 1st £50.00

Two of the above gifts were nominated by

members of our Church Family.

Thank you for caring

Ramsay Gibb

The fastest growing thing in nature is a fish – from

the time the fisherman catches it until the time he can

tell someone all about it.


St Machan’s Book Club

We meet for the first time this new

season on 2nd September to discuss

the book ‘Eleanor Oliphant is

completely Fine’ by Gail

Honeyman. Next in line is the

classic ‘Rebecca’. We meet at 14

Saltire Crescent at 10.30 on the first

Monday of each month unless

otherwise intimated. If you would like to join us for an hour or so of

discussion, sometimes serious but most other times not really, you

will be made most welcome. Fiona distributes the books monthly

for those attending or those wishing to attend so please do come


The two books we had read for the last two months of the last

session were One Plus One by Jo Jo Moyes.

The Stornoway Way by Kevin MacNeil and as it was too late for

the last edition of the magazine thought I would give a short resume

of both of them.

One Plus One by Jo Jo Moyes

One single mum

With two jobs and two children, Jess Thomas does

her best day after day. But it’s hard on your own. And

sometimes you take risks you shouldn’t. Because you

have to . . .

One chaotic family

Jess’s gifted, quirky daughter Tanzie is brilliant with numbers, but

without a helping hand she’ll never get the chance to shine. And

Nicky, Jess’s teenage stepson, can’t fight the bullies alone.

Sometimes Jess feels like they’re sinking . . .


One handsome stranger

Into their lives comes Ed Nicholls, a man whose life is in chaos, and who

is running from a deeply uncertain future. But he has time on his hands.

He knows what it’s like to be lonely. And he wants to help . . .

One unexpected love story

The One Plus One is a captivating and unconventional romance about

two lost souls meeting in the most unlikely circumstances.

Most of us enjoyed this book and I certainly would recommend it as a

good read.

The Stornoway Way by Kevin MacNeil

About the Author

Kevin MacNeil was born and raised on the Isle of Lewis. He was British

Council Writer in Residence at Uppsala University, Sweden, 2002-3 and

inaugural Iain Crichton Smith Writing Fellow in the Scottish Highlands.

His poetry has been translated into 10 languages and he has performed

his English and Gaelic work in places as diverse as Columbia, Malta,

America, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,

Sweden and the Czech Republic. He

has also written for radio, television

and film. This is his first novel.

A lyrically powerful and no-holds-

barred exploration of contemporary

life in the Outer Hebrides of

Scotland. The novel is rendered by

means of a multiplicity of arresting

narrative voices, shared between the author and his pseudonymous

compatriot ‘R Stornoway’

This book was certainly not for everyone but it still made some of us

laugh out loud as we were reading it. Quite a lot of profanity used but I

personally didn’t actually notice it after a while and enjoyed the life

adventures ‘R Stornoway’ had. He was a sad character but absolutely

full of life.

Fiona Sandeman


Lord Jesus your holy presence is our guiding light.

Our daily struggles are made easier, when we have you in our


Vast is Your love which embraces us with every breath we take

Encouraging us to show others that trusting You is the only

choice to make.

Only You can pour out love vaster than the ocean and deeper

than the sea.

Nobody else has the power to lift us from the darkness and let

us be.

Even though we are sinners and not worthy of your praise.

Amazing is the forgiveness You show us as our troubled hearts

you raise.

Never ending is Your grace, which fulfils us every day.

Only Your love is everlasting, true and will never go away.

Teach us, Lord, to be humble as we walk in faith with You.

How we call out toYou again and again and Your guidance

pulls us through.

Empty and weary are our hearts when we often push You


Rejoice and rise with the knowledge that, even then, You are

still by our side.

Susan Mackenzie


Too high a price?

In June of this year we commemorated the 75th Anniversary of the

D-Day landings in the knowledge that

many of the veterans would not see

another major celebration of that

remarkable event. That brought an added

poignancy to the proceedings.

I’m sure that, like me, you were touched

by what many of the veterans had to say. ‘We’re not the heroes,’

they said, ‘the heroes are those who died or were terribly injured.

We survived and have had another 70 years. We are not the


No one watching the TV coverage or reading the media could fail

to be moved, however, by the stories of sacrifice and bravery they

had to tell, a generation of men and women for whom sacrifice

and duty were instinctive. I was asked recently, ‘Do you think the

present generation would respond in the same way, with such self-


I guess no-one can answer that question, but it

did make me think about the costly call to

discipleship that is at the heart of Christianity.

We follow one who freely laid down His life to

save us from our sin. ‘No-one takes my life

from me,’ Jesus said, ‘but I lay it down of my

own accord.’ (John 10:18). The Saviour calls

us to a similar costly obedience: ‘Whoever wants to be my

disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow

Me.’ (Mark 8:34) Parish Pump

We don't change God's message - His message changes us.



A ship was wrecked during a storm at sea

and only two of the men on it were able to

swim to a small, desert-like island. The two

survivors, not knowing what else to do,

agreed that they had no other recourse but

to pray to God.

However, to find out whose prayer was more powerful, they agreed

to divide the territory between them and stay on opposite sides of

the island.

The first thing they prayed for was food. The next

morning, the first man saw a fruit-bearing tree on his

side of the land, and he was able to eat its fruit.

The other man's parcel of land remained barren.

After a week, the first man was lonely and he decided to pray for a

wife. The next day, another ship was wrecked, and the only

survivor was a woman, who swam to his side of the island.

On the other side of the island, there was nothing.

Soon the first man prayed for a house, clothes

and more food. The next day, like magic, all of

these were given to him. However, the second

man still had nothing.

Finally, the first man prayed for a ship, so that he and his wife

could leave the island. In the morning, he

found a ship docked at his side of the island.

The first man boarded the ship with his wife

and decided to leave the second man on the

island. He considered the other man unworthy

to receive God's blessings, since none of his


From A Bundle of Laughs, J.John &

Mark Stibble, Monarch Books

prayers had been answered.

As the ship was about to leave, the first man heard a voice from

heaven booming, "Why are you leaving your companion on the


"My blessings are mine alone, since I was the

one who prayed for them," the first man

answered. "His prayers were all unanswered

and so he does not deserve anything."

"You are mistaken!" the voice rebuked him. "He had only one prayer,

which I answered. If not for that, you would not have received any

of my blessings."

"Tell me," the first man asked the voice, "What

did he pray for that I should owe him any-


"He prayed that all your prayers be answered."

Take – and receive

Take, Lord, and receive all my freedom, my memory, my

intelligence and my will – all that I have and possess. You, Lord,

have given those things to me. I now give them back to you, Lord.

All belongs to you. Dispose of these gifts according to your will. I

ask only for your love and your grace, for they are

enough for me.

A prayer of Ignatius of Loyala (1491 – 1556)

founder of the Society of Jesus.


A man in a hot air balloon realised he was

lost. He reduced altitude and spotted a wom-

an below. He descended a bit more and

shouted, "Excuse me, can you help me? I

promised a friend I would meet him an hour

ago, but I don't know where I am."

The woman below replied, "You are in a hot air

balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the

ground. You are between 40 and 41

degrees north latitude and between 59 and

6o degrees west longitude."

"You must be an engineer," said the


"I am," replied the woman. "How did you know?"

"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me

is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make

of your information, and the fact is I am still lost.

Frankly, you've not been much help so far."

The woman below responded, "You must be in


"I am," replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?"

"Well," said the woman, "you don't know where you

are or where you are going. You have risen to where

you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a

promise which you have no idea how to keep, and you

expect people beneath you to solve your problems.

The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were

in before we met, but now, somehow, it 's my fault."

From A Barrel of Fun, J.John &

Mark Stibble, Monarch Books


The enrollment night for 3rd Larkhall Girls' Brigade is on Wednesday

21st August 2019 from 6.30pm - 8pm in St Machan's church hall.

They meet every Wednesday at the following times:

Explorers P1 –P3 6 – 7pm

Juniors P4 – P5 6 .30– 7.45 pm

Juniors P6 –P7 7.30 – 8.45pm

Brigaders S1—S6 7 .30– 8.45pm

.We look forward to seeing girls' old and new

on any Wednesday night at the above times.

Marjorie Laird, Captain

01698 881502

Where now?

A teacher was finishing up a lesson on the joys of

discovery and the importance of curiosity. "Where

would we be today," she asked, "if no one had ever

been curious?"

There was a pause, and then one child ventured:

"In the garden of Eden


All around, confusion,

All around, helplessness,

People lost in the bad news of every day.

Longing for purpose,

Searching for security and significance

Here in the white field of our generation.

The harvest is still great,

The workers are still few,

But the Lord of the harvest

Is the same

Yesterday, today and forever,

And this is his field.

He planted, he will give growth

If we will be his workforce

And go out into the field - where he already is –

To gather the harvest

Of his kingdom compassion.

Lord of the harvest,

In your grace, we pray,

Send us. By Daphne Kitching

Harvest Field

School blues

A little girl had just finished her first week of school.

“I'm just wasting my time,” she said to her mother.

“I can't read, I can't write, and they won't let me




September is the time of year when we get back to normal routine

after the summer break. It’s an opportunity to ask how God wants us

to make the most of the time He gives us. Although we can’t always

choose how we use our time, we can control our attitude towards it.

How can we use our time wisely?

Firstly, see time as a gift from God. Each day is an opportunity to

know God better and serve Him. Time isn’t inexhaustible, as someday

our time on earth will end. ‘Teach us to number our days, that we may

gain a heart of wisdom.’ (Psalm 90:12). The first thing we can do

when we awake is thank God for the gift of another day.

Secondly, commit your time to God. Time is not to be wasted, but to

be used for God’s glory. We are accountable to God for the way that

we use our time: ‘Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise

but as wise, making the most of every opportunity’ (Ephesians

5:15,16). We should ask God to help us organise our time more

wisely, to reflect God’s concerns.

Thirdly, set aside time for God, others and ourselves. How often

can we go through a whole day without thinking about God or

ignoring someone who needs our help? This is because we relegate

God to our spare time, so He ends up at the bottom of our list of

priorities. Jesus said, ‘Seek first His kingdom and His

righteousness’ (Matthew 6:33). If we prioritise our time for God,

people and our needs, the rest of life will fit around them.

‘I have so much to do today that I shall spend

the first three hours in prayer.’

(Martin Luther).


“Dear Vicar…

- I know God loves everybody but then He never met my sister.

Yours sincerely, Arnold. Age 8.

- Please say in your sermon that Peter Peterson has been a good

boy all week. I am Peter Peterson. Sincerely, Pete. Age 9.

- My mother should be a minister. Every day she gives me a

sermon about something. Robert, aged 11.

- I'm sorry I can't leave more money in the plate, but my father

didn't give me a raise in my allowance. Could you have a

sermon about a raise in my allowance? Love, Patty. Age 10.

- I would like to go to heaven someday because I know my

brother won't be there. Stephen. Age 8.

- I think a lot more people would come to your church if you

moved it to Disneyland. Loreen. Age 9.

- Please pray for all the airline pilots on Sunday. I am flying to

California on Monday. Laurie. Age 10.

- I hope to go to heaven someday, but later than sooner. Love,

Ellen. Age 9.

- Please say a prayer for our school football team. We need God's

help or a new goalkeeper. Thank you. Alexander. Age 10.


I hope everyone has been enjoying a

reasonably good summer, especially

the lovely weather we had throughout

July. How nice it was to go out without

jackets, raincoats or umbrellas.

I am delighted to say that the rota for

the second half of the year has again

been fully filled in. I would like to say

a huge thank you to everyone who has

again volunteered to supply and deliver

the flowers each Sunday. Without your

support and commitment there would be no flowers in Church on a

Sunday, and no one would enjoy the comfort of receiving a bunch of

flowers and so knowing the Church Family have been thinking about

and praying for them.

Can I just remind everyone, if you hear of or are aware

of anyone who is poorly, is needing comfort and

support, who is celebrating a happy event or who just

generally might benefit from a bunch of flowers then

please speak to whomever is making up the bunches

after morning worship and provide the recipient’s name

and address. Every effort will be made to accommodate

all requests.

Thank you

Linda Turnbull

Session Clerk



The hand that rocks the cradle usually is

attached to someone who isn't getting enough



The Robin Sang

The robin sang, the flowers bloomed all nature played its


The only discord in this scene was man’s reluctant heart.

The Creator’s manual he ignored so a path of pain he trod,

Thinking that he knew the best man turned away from God.

The mess we’re in has been self-made, all answers lie with Him,

A world of beauty now laid waste, infected with man’s sin.

But knowing that these things would be God had another plan,

Though undeserved and full of grace in love He reached to man.

His Son His own Beloved One came down upon this earth,

He died, He rose, He ever lives to give to man rebirth

Heaven and earth will pass away, a new Creation formed,

Where birds will sing, the flowers bloom and all

will be reborn. By Megan Carter

Fans of the American Wild West will find

in a Deadwood museum this inscription

left by a beleaguered prospector:

“I lost my gun. I lost my horse. I am out

of food. The Indians are after me.

But I’ve got all the

gold I can carry!”

From A Bundle of Laughs, J.John &

Mark Stibble, Monarch Books


Morning ‘Wakey, Wakey’ Sessions

Each day of the programme between

9.30am and 10.00am, the children had

the opportunity to take part in lots of

different active activities to get them

ready for the day ahead. This included

the daily mile, yoga activities, dancing,

and keep-fit activities. The children

responded positively to this and enjoyed getting involved.

Week 1:

The theme of week 1 of our activities was ‘Our Larkhall’, with the

children participating in activities that focused on learning more about

the area they live in and their community. During this week, we had a

visit from our local community police officers who brought along a

police car and police resources to share with the children. The children

also received a visit from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to tell

them a little bit about their work. The older children visited the local

community garden to tend to our raised bed. In addition to this, the

children also took part in a variety of arts and crafts activities relating

to the local area such as creating models of

their favourite places in Larkhall using

recycled materials, working together in groups

to design a brand new shop for the area, and

designing their own Machan Trust/Larkhall

tartan. Throughout the first week children

began working on their Hi5 awards setting themselves challenges and

tasks. On the Friday of the first week tooth brushing was


introduced in partnership with Child Smile. Parents attended on

Friday afternoon to see all the artwork the children had created and to

enjoy tea and a chat with our families’ worker.

Week 2:

The theme of week 2 was ‘Fun and Games’. During this week, the

children had the opportunity to take part in a variety of different

games. They were introduced to classic Scottish playground games, as

well as new games which they could play in

groups. The children learned to work as a

team by playing parachute games, which

also promoted turn taking and being active.

Some of the older children played traditional

board games in groups, which gave them the

chance to develop literacy and numeracy

skills. Taking part in these games gave the

children the opportunity to develop their social skills and build new

friendships by playing together and positively engaging with one

another in the activities. During this week, the children also had the

chance to be creative by designing and making crafts that they could

take home with them. This included a decoupage bowl, an origami

photo frame, a mobile bird feeder and fridge note holders. We

continued with the Child Smile tooth brushing and this now forms a

daily routine. Again on Friday afternoon parents joined the club and

were encouraged to complete the CPAG consultation questionnaire

while enjoying refreshments with our families’ worker.

Week 3:

The third week of activities focused on drama, dance and performing

arts. The children took part in drama workshops and dance classes

delivered by a local organisation called Showbiz Kids. Children

learned new songs which they had the opportunity to sing and perform


them in front of the other children. In addition to this, the children

prepared their own screenplays which were acted out to the group. On

the Friday, the parents of the children attending were invited along to see

some of the performances by the children.

Week 4:

Week 4 was a sports week, during which the children were introduced to

a variety of different sports including football, basketball, hockey, golf

and tennis through a variety of activities. We had a visit from a Glasgow

City under 19s goalkeeper who spent the day

providing football coaching to the group,

engaging them in different drills and football

based activities. A fitness instructor joined

us and led a ‘keep fit’ and ‘zumba’ session

with the children. We also had minigolf activities for the children to

participate in, and throughout the week they participated in a variety of

group games and fitness activities. The activities this week enabled the

children to improve their teamworking abilities as well as their fitness


Week 5:

During week 5, the children took part in an ‘amazing animals’ week.

They learned about various animals through arts and crafts. They

designed animal t shirts, did animal face painting and decorating cakes

that were “doggy themed”. The children made kites based on animals.

We enjoyed visits from external organisations. The PDSA delivered a

workshop on animals and their jobs during war and peace. We had a visit

from representatives from the Guide

Dogs, who brought in two guide dogs

and talked to the children about the work

of their organisation.


Week 6:

The last week of the programme was movie

magic. The children developed their own movie

ideas and were given tasks based on current

movies, for example a quiz on Disney movies,

and designing costumes of their favourite movie character. They

also made pictures out of popcorn. We had a lot of other smaller

games and crafts based on other movies throughout the week.

On the last day of the holiday clubs (9th August) the children enjoyed

a partnership event at the John Wright Sports Centre along with

children from each of the other 12 school summer holiday



Feedback from parents has been positive, with some parents who

have limited support networks during the holidays

reporting they can go to work whilst knowing that

their children are safe and secure. Some children are

from impoverished background, with parents who

would struggle to provide a nourishing meal for their

children at lunch time if they were not attending the

club. Other parents have reported that their children

have shared that they really enjoy the club and are

making new friends.

The children have also had the opportunity to participate in Hi-5

awards. This is giving the children the opportunity to record their

achievements in a positive way and look back on what they have

been doing and how far they have come. This will be a positive thing

for the children to take part in because they will receive an award at

the end which will boost their self-esteem and give them something

to mark all that they have achieved during the programme.


Some of the positives noticed by the leaders at the

activities have included the outdoor play opportunities

provided for the children, having the opportunity to

engage and interact with the children and having the

chance to invite families in to find out more about our

activities and what the children have been doing. Also,

leaders have noticed that children who initially brought

electronics along to the group have now stopped doing

so, choosing to fully participate and engage in the

activities provided and with their peers.

Young people have enjoyed the variety of activities we have been doing,

particularly the sports and creative activities. Children have provided

positive feedback regarding the programme and they have built positive

relationships with our staff and volunteers.


Since June, we have recruited 14 new volunteers who have been

supporting the delivery of our summer activities. Many of the new

volunteers are young people in 5th and 6th year at Larkhall Academy or are

students at college or university. All volunteers involved with the

summer programme have been fantastic and have helped to make this a

great success. We are continuing to promote volunteering opportunities to

meet increasing need for even more volunteers during term time. Please

let us know if you are interested or know someone who is.

Some interesting statistics include:

In the month of July there have had 1361 children attended our

activity days which means that 1361 breakfasts and lunches have been


There has been 2063 volunteer’s hours worked in July, which is an

incredible amount and a big thank you is due to everyone who helped

with our summer programme.



Children’s Corner





Colour in


Holy Cross Day

Holy Cross Day (14th September) is when the Church celebrates

the Cross as a symbol of triumph, as the sign of Christ’s victory

over death. It began back in the fourth century, when Helena,

mother of the Christian Roman Emperor Constantine, travelled

from Rome to Israel to seek out places of special significance to


Much of Jerusalem had been destroyed by the Romans in 135 AD,

but even so, Helena located what she believed to be the sites of the

Crucifixion and of the Burial (and modern archaeologists think she

may well be correct). The sites were so close together that she

built one large church over them - the Church of the Holy

Sepulchre. And that church, built in honour of the Cross, was

dedicated on 14th September 335.


Holy Triumph Emperor Crucifixion

Cross Victory Constan-

tine Burial

Day Death Rome Sepulchre

Celebrate Helena Israel Church

Symbol Roman Site sign


A bookseller emailed a Manchester firm for a dozen copies of

Dean Farrar’s ‘Seekers after God’. He received a reply: ‘No

seekers after God in Manchester. Try Liverpool.’


Tear Here

A biscuit pack can bring great cheer,

But therein lies a trap –

You pull just where it says ‘tear here’

And they all land in your lap…..

By Nigel Beeton



1 ‘A little later someone else saw Peter and said, “You — are one

of them”’ (Luke 22:58) (4)

3 Giving (1 Peter 2:5) (8)

9 They came to Jerusalem seeking an infant king (Matthew 2:7)


10 ‘An athlete... does not receive the victor’s crown unless he

competes according to the — ’ (2 Timothy 2:5) (5)

11 Pacifist, temperance advocate, open-air preacher, leading 20th-

century Methodist, Donald — (5)

12 ‘Come quickly to — — , O Lord my Saviour’ (Psalm 38:22)


14 ‘The God of Abraham, — — — , the God of our fathers, has

glorified his servant Jesus’ (Acts 3:13) (5,3,5)

17 Sear by intense heat (Revelation 16:8) (6)

19 ‘It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust — — ’ (Psalm

118:8) (2,3)

22 Goods (Nehemiah 13:15) (5)

23 i.e. train (anag.) (7)

24 Surrounding area (Luke 24:50) (8)

25 ‘Righteousness will be his — and faithfulness the sash round his

waist’ (Isaiah 11:5) (4)


1 Elegant and creative (Exodus 31:4) (8)

2 ‘Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all — , but we will all

be changed’ (1 Corinthians 15:51) (5)

4 ‘I... delight to see how orderly you are and how firm your — —

— is’ (Colossians 2:5) (5,2,6)

5 Enlist (2 Samuel 24:2) (5)

6 Of the Muslim faith (7)

7 Sharp intake of breath (Job 11:20) (4)

8 Woven cloth (Ezekiel 16:13) (6)

13 Plentiful (Romans 5:17) (8)

15 CIA char (anag.) (7)

16 Paul and Silas stopped him committing suicide after an earth-

quake in Philippi (Acts 16:27–28) (6)


18 One of the ingredients in the making of incense for the Lord

(Exodus 30:34) (5)

20 Episcopal headwear (5)

21 Inhabitant of, say, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia or Bulgaria


Children are natural mimics - they act like us

in spite of all our attempts to teach them

good manners.


For G4, H1, E2, C6 How many debtors are mentioned in Luke 7:41?

For I5, D4, H7, G2

Of the first nine psalms, which one begins, "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly"?

For A7 F1, E5

How many days were the men of war to march once around the city of Jericho? (Joshua 6:3)

For E4, D7, I2, CI

How many cubits was the wing of one cherub in the most holy house in Solomon's temple? (2 Chronicles 3:10-11)

1. Each puzzle begins with a blank 9 x 9 grid. A coordinate

system—with the letters A through I across the top and the

numbers 1 through 9 down the left side—will help you

place the "givens," or starter numbers, generated by the Bible

trivia questions.

2. For each puzzle, trivia questions will be answered by the

numbers 1 through 9. The coordinates with each question

(for example, Al, C9, H3) indicate where you should insert that

particular answer into the sudoku grid. If you don't know the

answer and want to find out from the Bible, references are


3. Once you've inserted the givens into the grid, you can solve the

sudoku puzzle. The goal of sudoku is to place the numbers 1

through 9 in each row, each column, and each of nine 3 x 3

minigrids (the shaded areas) within the larger puzzle. Numbers

can never be duplicated in a row, column, or 3 x 3 grid—so

use your skills of deduction to determine what numbers can or

can't go into a particular box.


For D6, F9, B4, El, C3

How many chapters are in the book of Jonah?

For C4, H5, Al, E8, B7

According to 1 Samuel 17:12, how many sons did Jesse have?

For D8, C5, B3 How many stars are mentioned in Revelation 1:20?

For G3, B2, H9, C8

How many sons did David's sister Zeruiah have? (1 Chronicles 2:16)

For GI What number times 100 was the number of iron chari-ots belonging to Sisera? (Judges 4:2-3)

Answers on back page












Sudoku numbers in order


Church Information

Minister: Rev. Alastair McKillop

Tel: 01698 321976

Session Clerk: Mrs Linda Turnbull

Tel 01698 881123

Magazine Editor: Mrs Fay Allan


Church Website:

Puzzle Solutions.

Dear me, the Lord got on very well before I was born,

and I’m sure He will when I am dead.

CH Spurgeon

Scottish Charity No. SC002870