SEPTEMBER 2013 - First Place 4 · PDF fileSeptember 2013 From the Heart ... First Place 4...

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Transcript of SEPTEMBER 2013 - First Place 4 · PDF fileSeptember 2013 From the Heart ... First Place 4...

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FFrroomm tthhee HHeeaarrtt ~~ CCaarroollee LLeewwiiss

"Average" is the top of the bottom, the best of the worst, the bottom of the top, the worst of the best." ~John C. Maxwell

It was October 1984, and I remember the event like it was yesterday. My sister-in-law Donna had talked me into attending a women’s retreat at a hotel in Houston. The speaker was Florence Littauer and the theme of the weekend was It Takes So Little To Be Above Average, which is a title of one of Florence’s books. . That weekend was memorable in so many ways. We were eating dinner in the lobby of the hotel on Friday before the conference began and this strikingly-beautiful woman walks up and says, “Hi, I’m Florence Littauer,” and proceeds to meet every one of us at the table. I was more than a little impressed because she had just modeled for me what it looks like to be “a little above average.” Over the twenty five years I sat under Florence’s teaching, I can honestly say that I learned something new every time I heard her speak. Florence is, without a doubt, one of my greatest mentors in the area of speaking and writing. As I think about getting started in our fall session of First Place 4 Health, just what would it take for a member to be a little above average? Well, I believe the member would…

attend every one of the twelve meetings. do the Bible study every week. contact their prayer partner every week. turn in a Tracker every week. memorize the memory verse every week. begin a regular exercise routine (and do it).

What do you think might happen if our members did these “a little above average” actions for a full twelve weeks? What I can guarantee is that those members would lose “a little above average” weight this fall.

What would it look like if a First Place 4 Health Leader decided to be just “a little above average” this session? This leader would...

• have a plan to make a personal contact with every member during the 12 weeks.

• do everything listed above so that the member could follow their example as I followed Florence’s.

• set a goal to lose a specific number of pounds this session, if you are not at your weight goal, and then DO IT.

Continued on page two

Matthew 6:33: But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. From the Heart ~ Carole Lewis ~ Page 1 Simple Ideas for Leaders – Page 2 Fit Tips ~ Page 3 Leadership ~ Page 5 Hope & Inspiration ~ Page 7 From the Pastor ~ Page 9 Upcoming Events ~ Page 10 Devotional ~ Page 11 Starting Right in The Kitchen ~ Page 12 Recipes ~ Page 13

First Place 4 Health (800) 727-5223 (713) 688-6788

To Place an Order: (800) 727-5223, x1002

The First Place 4 Health E-Newsletter is published monthly by First Place 4 Health. Address all correspondence to First Place 4 Health, 7025 W Tidwell, Suite H-101, Houston, TX 77092

Continued from page one

Everything rises and falls on leadership. If the leader doesn’t do it, the members will also find it hard to do. Personally, I am more than a little excited about the fall session. My class and I are going to all be “a little above average.” The Apostle Paul said it best, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14

CCaarroollee LLeewwiiss

SSiimmppllee IIddeeaass ffoorr LLeeaaddeerrss


To encourage members to memorize the Scriptures and to help them review the verses that they know, plan some fun games or activities during the wellness spotlight time of your class. Here are some activities you might try:

Scripture Memory Scramble: Materials:

• Memory verses printed out and cut into words or phrases (Make a copy of each complete verse for each team.)

• Zip lock bag • Table or flat surface for each team • Timer • Prizes (Sugar-free Gum or mints, bookmarks with verse, small items available from FP4H online store,


Activity: 1. Divide class into teams (two or more, depending on number of members). 2. Give each team the same verse, which has been cut into words or phrases and sealed in a zip lock bag. 3. The object of the activity is to be the first team to put the words together so that the verse is in

correct/word perfect order with the reference. 4. You may want to set a certain time limit and then use a timer.

Scripture Memory Charades Materials: Index Cards with one memory verse printed on each card.

Activity: 1. Divide class into two teams. 2. Give index card to one volunteer from the first team. 3. Leader and volunteer are the only ones who see the card. 4. The volunteer must act out words or ideas from the verse with no sounds or words, so that her/his team

can guess the Scripture verse and reference. 5. Give the team two minutes to guess. If they fail to guess the Scripture, then the other team gets one

chance to guess. 6. Repeat steps 2-5 with the second team, using a different verse. 7. The team who guesses the most verses wins.


FFiitt TTiippss

TThhee SSeeccrreett ttoo SSuucccceessss iiss

GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd

Vicki Heath

Summer break is over. Many FP4H classes take a break over the summer or perhaps meet for an abbreviated session. Our class did not meet this summer, but we are starting back the second week in September. I am ready—I am way past ready! I am ready to see those group members who bless me each week. I am ready to meet some new friends. I am ready and armed with my wellness plan for getting started back. Some of you may be starting back. Some of you may be just getting started or maybe even starting over. It does not matter your circumstances. What does matter is that you have decided. Making up our minds to start is just the beginning of the process for change. The secret to success is getting started. This is my jump-start, quick-start, power-start START! START is a wonderful word. The English Dictionary definition: “start (verb) 1. Begin-to begin doing something or begin something 2. To begin happening, or make something happen.” If you are reading this article, you are probably motivated towards a lifestyle of healthy living. First question: are you thinking about getting healthy, or are you getting healthy? Thinking about it will not make it happen. Start, as stated above, is a verb—an action word. In order for me to start anything it takes action on my part. Taking that first step will make it happen. Starting right now will make it happen. Ready to Start? Set a goal. As I have studied the life of Jesus, recorded in his word, I have wondered “Did Jesus set goals?” I think the question can be answered in the gospel of Luke, chapter 9-verse 51, And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem. (KJV). The Good News Bible states it like this: “As the time drew near when Jesus would be SEPTEMBER 2013

taken up to heaven, he made up his mind and set out on his way to Jerusalem.” In order for us to move forward on our wellness journeys in First Place 4 Health, we, like jesus, must be goal setters. We must set goals in each area of our life—emotional, physical, mental and spiritual—and then take the steps necessary to accomplish those goals. MY GOALS Emotional goal – I will learn the necessary skills to deal specifically with a struggling relationship. I am trusting God to make a way for me to communicate in a healthy way with this person. I am committing to take the steps of obedience as I surrender my emotions to the Lord. I am girding up my emotions with the belt of truth (Eph. 6:14) and will let the fruit of the Spirit control me and not my emotions! (Gal. 5:22-23). Mental goal – I have a lot to learn. I want to understand the in’s and out’s of leading a ministry. I am working hard on praying for wisdom and learning all I can from those that God has placed around me. Physical goal – I have several goals in this area. My first goal is to do the hard work of getting my body healthy. This past year I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease. Hashimoto’s is an auto immune disease that attacks the thyroid. My body has really taken a hit, but I am doing my part to eat healthy, exercise and take prescribed medications. One of the effects of Hashimoto’s is an underactive thyroid, which slows down the metabolism and can result in weight gain. I need to lose the 12 pounds that I gained this past year. I am setting a goal of exercising five times a week. I will be teaching only four classes a week instead of five. That will give me time for a nice long walk on one of those days. I have discovered that I need to moderate my exercise and not “over exercise” my body. Continued on page four PAGE THREE

Continued from page four

Spiritual goal – my goal for this fall is to have a consistent, daily quiet time. Now I know you are thinking that surely Vicki must have that part down—N OT! There are days I get so busy that it gets pushed aside, or it’s the last thing I accomplish instead of the first. None of my other goals will be accomplished without this one goal. If I never accomplish another thing in my life, this one thing I dare not set aside. What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36 (KJV). My dear friends in Christ, it does not matter if you are just getting started, starting back or starting over. We all have to trust the Lord with each one of our life goals. Jesus had one goal in mind and that was to accomplish His father’s will. He made up his mind that he would do it no matter the cost. He set his face toward his goal; He started and He finished. Let’s not waste another minute! Will you join me? START NOW! VViicckkii HHeeaatthh



LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp –– DDoonn’’tt GGoo IItt AAlloonnee As a child, I was told that I could accomplish anything I set my mind to, and I didn't need to rely on anyone in the process. As a result, I have become rather independent as an adult. This can be a good thing, but when taken to the extreme, it can become a weakness, especially in the life of a leader. In my leadership journey, I have learned to rely on others and to delegate responsibilities to others. As I have delegated and brought others alongside to lead with me, I have learned the value of a team. As I meet new leaders, I also encourage them by saying, "Don't Go it Alone!" If we try to be Ms. or Mr. Leader Know-It-All, we will find that we are burned out and that no one is following! I am not quite sure who said the following, but I know it is a statement that I have proven true many times over: “People support what they help create." So don't go it alone; bring others along with you in your leadership journey. John Maxwell, a well-known leadership speaker and author, wrote an article on this very subject, published in Leadership Wired. In the article he shares how he once believed that the leader should always rise above their people, but now knows that the only way to insure people will follow him is to rise with the people he leads. He suggests that a leader must take people on the journey and not try to go it alone. He believes his first thoughts of going it alone lead to some negative results. Read over the following results and see if you see yourself. If you do, then it is never too late to ask someone to join you on your leadership journey! 1. Experience loneliness. You find yourself all alone because you have failed to bring others with you in your

leadership. If you are lonely, it means no one is following! 2. Never ask for help. Do you feel like you have to be the answer lady or answer man? Do you think you are

the only one who could do that task right? Asking for help doesn't make you weaker, but stronger! Using others gifts, strengths, and talents will only make those you lead stronger and thus make your leadership that much easier!

3. Very "position-conscious. John Maxwell says he always made sure that he had his title and position and of course, the rights that go along with that position. Take a look around. Leaders come from all types of backgrounds and varied professions. Those who are focused on others, rather than their own rights, tend to have more influence. Those focused on their own rights and position are more apt to miss out on many mentoring and influencing opportunities.

4. Competitive. Maxwell says, "Leaders encourage people and make them feel like winners." If you are always trying to out-do everyone you'll end up making others feel like losers.

. As First Place 4 Health leaders, let's work together to invite as many people as we can to join us in the leadership journey. When we bring others with us, we will always have a listening ear, help when we need it, opportunities to influence others and surrounded by winners!

Archived article written by Nancy Taylor.

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HHooppee && IInnssppiirraattiioonn Michele Lawrence It’s a good day--you are a precious G.E.M (God’s Extreme Makeover).

I’m not a big fan of using acronyms, but this one Precious G.E.M. just feels good. When I was young, it was instilled in me that what happened in our home stayed there. So I became what I thought was a very private person when in reality, I was just afraid. God has promised me that if I share the good things he has done for me with anyone who has the ears to hear, all the bad things could be expressed in a general way. We have all had some loss, pain, fear, disappointment and hurt, which turns into anger, depression, guilt, and the list goes on! So I will fast forward in my story.

I was a mess, but after much love from my husband, Bret, of over twenty years, my son, Garret, and Ted and Jo Stone, I realized how much GOD loved me. I was God’s mess and he would take care of my mess if I would only let Him.

The time I’ve spent in God’s Word in the past few years has caused me to see that I was raised in a religion that was stuck in the Old Testament laws (the

past), which kept me in my past—guilt-shame-blame. Not even knowing how to read a Bible, let alone study it, you can imagine my surprise when Ted and Jo started me in the study of the New Testament.

I know now I have been through stages, much like a person grieving. I went through the anger of realizing how much I had been lied to and how much I hadn’t even been told. So I am now going through the stages of my recovery, which are filled with blessings, both big and small. A big blessing was the day I was baptized; I wanted it to be a private party with just my immediate family and a few close friends. Then my husband and Ted and Jo explained to me why it would be pleasing to God to be baptized in public, because it might help others to feel the joy of being baptized. I agreed and was told that there were usually 20–30 people each time they held a baptism, so I was comforted by the thought of being able to hide among the other people. Once again, God had other plans. That morning I was in a huge church full of strangers with my image on the big screen and standing in a bathtub. I focused on my husband, son and my pastor, Ted Stone, who were all by my side. Yes, I was the only one who showed up that morning. Be careful what you pray for; I got my private baptism.

Fast forward to last October at the First Place 4 Health Wellness Week in Round Top, Texas. I thought I was doing pretty well at this point in my life, until I arrived in the big state of Texas. Another big mess followed me in the form of the thoughts that had been put into my mind by some of my friends and extended family. They feared that I would be brainwashed or worse yet, find a cult to be part of and I would never be seen again. Since I had never been to any type of retreat before, Satan was having a lot of fun with me in the weeks before I arrived. I spent the first night in tears, mostly wondering how I would survive a week with women I didn’t know, being out in the middle of nowhere with no television, and lamenting over how bored and lonely I would be.

The next morning as I walked downstairs to the “unknown,” I heard a voice, “Hey, Michele! Come on now; let’s you and I go for a walk.” I immediately looked down at the new bright, white tennis shoes I had bought for just such an occasion and accepted the invitation. So with Carole Lewis by my side, we walked and talked and kept walking. She kept saying how grateful she was for the nice weather, but all this girl from California could think about was how humid it was and just how much further we were going to walk. I knew how far we had already come, which meant we were going to have to walk that far back. At this point, even walking didn’t interest me. Then we came upon a large building—a concert hall. Carole started to tell me about it and how she wished she could show me the inside, but the doors were always locked. Guess what? Not that day—and they even had the air conditioning on. It felt so good to be in the cool air and also in such a beautiful grand hall.


Continued from page six

Since I was a little girl, I had always dreamed of singing in a grand hall like this one. Singing in front of large crowds was one thing that didn’t scare me, and ever since God gave me His songs to sing, the joy has become even more amazing. So there we were, just Carole and me. Then I heard a still, small voice say “Go up on stage,” and with a little nudge from Carole, since nobody had yet asked us to leave, I climbed the stairs to the stage and Carole took a seat in the middle of the hall. As I stood there on the stage dreaming, Carole asked if I would sing one of my songs. So with God as my accompanist, I opened my mouth and filled the beautiful room with His beautiful song.

While at Round Top, I was blessed with so much love and a feeling of security that I finally understood what the song “Amazing Grace” is all about. One afternoon, God put me with Euphanel Goad, Carole Lewis and Jo Stone. It was one of the most blessed times in my life. That afternoon I was called “precious” so many times that before the day was over, I really started to believe it. The word “precious” was a feeling I didn’t associate with myself, so when I got home and was sitting at my piano, God reminded me of how “precious” we ALL are to Him. That’s where the next stage of my healing began. I was ready to hear the message “First Place 4 Health” was trying to instill in me. I picked up Carole Lewis’ book Give God A Year and read it again for the third time, which truly was a charm. I was already spending daily time in the Word but now, for some reason, His Word, His love and His sacrifice for me took on a whole new meaning. I’ve learned to wait on God and when there is absolutely no question or confusion, I know it is Him. So with that, I would like to share one of the gifts God has given me—a beautiful song, His simple prayer that we would all accept the gift of His Precious Love, because we are all truly Precious In His Sight.


Perfect in every way, that’s all I’m gonna’ say; I feel I belong here, How ‘bout you?

So if you would stay for a while, ‘cause you know I sure do love that smile, and it feels like sunshine, keepin’ the clouds away.

And it’s gonna’ be a good day; yeah, it’s a good day, precious, Simple as holdin’ you here in my arms,

It’s a good day! Oh well, you have faith, precious; You found the place in my heart that needed some extra attention

my precious one. Well, I knew it wouldn’t take me long, to write you this simple love song,

All I know is, it’s the truth. So if I could stay for a while, ‘cause you know I sure so do love that smile.

So would you be my sunshine, forever and always? And it’s gonna’ be a good day; yeah, it’s a good day, precious.

Simple love is gonna’ carry us through to the next day. Oh, you just wait and see, precious,

‘cause the love I feel in my heart when I look in your eyes is worth so much more than any amount of money could ever buy.

And it’s gonna’ be a good day…… precious one

I would like to thank my “precious” lifelong friend, John J.T. Thomas, for sharing his gift of music. With his help and support, the songs God is giving me come to life. To everyone who has “ears to hear,” God’s love can do amazing things, if you will let Him love you!

Gained Weight-------lost God Lost weight---------gained God Wait on God………Love, Michele Lawrence SEPTEMBER 2013 PAGE EIGHT

Update: Michele will join us at Wellness Week in Round Top in October to lead us in worship – 60 pounds lighter!

FFrroomm tthhee PPaassttoorr

Big Losers Start with a Winning Plan

Steve Reynolds

A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9 Fall is a time of new beginnings, a time to get started. Are you ready to get started on your path to good health? If so, then you need to start with a winning plan to be a big loser. Let me give you the plan to weight loss that the Lord directed me to follow. It is so much simpler than the weight-loss pills advertised in health magazines, or the latest diet fad, or the surgery to reduce the size of your stomach. It’s this: eat less and exercise more! It’s just that easy. You have to eat less and for your health. Let me ask you a question: Are you eating for your health or for your happiness? This is an important question, because so often people view food and their food choices by what makes them happy. I know this is true because it’s what I did and I have heard from many others that this has been true for them. For me, it resulted in my weighing 340 pounds and having to deal with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Honestly, we have got to get it through our heads that eating isn’t about whether or not it makes us happy, but about whether it makes us healthy. The good news is that if you keep eating what makes you healthy, before long it will also make you happy. Here’s how it works. At first, the change will feel like a huge sacrifice. But before long you will say, “This isn’t bad.” Later, you will say, “I love this!” Before you know it, just thinking about the stuff you used to eat will make you feel sick. Your body will reject it. When I weighed 340 pounds, Proverbs 23:2 always bothered me: Put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to appetite. I would quickly skip over the verse and try to ignore it. The fact was that I didn’t understand what it meant. Sure, I knew I was a man given to appetite, and I knew I didn’t like knives (particularly around my throat), but I didn’t understand that it was speaking about gluttony. It is serious business when you have a gluttony problem, and it calls for action. In other words, the writer of this proverb is telling the glutton, “Change your life!” You have to exercise more and get moving. The other half of the secret I uncovered is that God designed us to be physically active. Genesis 2:15 says, The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden. To do what? Sit around and eat? No, to work. To tend the Garden and keep it. Do you know anything about yard work and keeping a garden? It is work! God said to Adam, “Buddy, you are going to work here. You are going to move. You are going to exercise. You are going to tend and keep this garden.” After mankind’s fall into sin, the work became even harder. Adam had to till the ground and hoe out the thistles, briars and weeds. From the very beginning, God expected us to be physically active. Exercise means get up and get moving. It means getting your body to move forward. It may mean going to a gym. It may mean taking the steps rather than the elevator. It may mean parking your car as far away as possible from your destination so you can walk to it. Steve Reynolds is the Lead Pastor of Capital Baptist Church in Annandale, VA. He is the author of the books: Bod4God and Get Off the Couch. And he is also the creator of the Losing to Live Weight Loss Competition. Steve has lost over 120 pounds and has led his church to lose over 8 tons of weight.


Upcoming Events

First Place 4 Health Live! September 21, 2013 Olive Baptist Church Pensacola, FL Contact: Kim Waters Email: Michigan Area Training Meeting September 21, 2013 South Lansing Christian Church Lansing, MI Contact: Marilyn VanDyk Phone: (517) 694-3995 Email: North Dakota Area Training Meeting September 21, 2013 First Evangelical Free Church Bismarck, ND Contact: Beth Thompson Phone: 701-751-2683 Email: Georgia Area Training Meeting October 5, 2013 Crossroads Church Sharpsburg, GA Contact: Beth Lane Phone: 770-540-5942 Email: Northeast Pennsylvania Area Training Mtg October 5, 2013 Beach Lake UMC Beach Lake, PA 18405 Contact: Helen Baratta Phone: 412-400-4644 Email:

Wellness Week @ Round Top October 10-17, 2013 Round Top Retreat Round Top, Texas Contact phone: 800.727.5223, x1001 Email:

Louisiana Area Training Meeting October 19, 2013 Bread of Life Christian Fellowship St. Rose, LA Contact: Jackie Lapouble Email: Phone: 504-231-5714 First Place 4 Health Live! November 16, 2013 Faith Alliance Church Attleboro, MA Contact: Monique Johnson Email: Phone: 508-308-3063 Minnesota Area Training Meeting November 2, 2013 Crosswinds Church Oronoco, MN (Rochester area) Contact: Andrea Berletic Email: Phone: 507-251-0286 Mississippi Area Training Meeting November 2, 2013 Baptist Association Building Marion, MS Contact: Joyce Ainsworth Email: Phone: 601-927-8974 First Place 4 Health Live! February 22, 2014 First Baptist Church of Fannin 101 Church Rd Brandon, MS 39047 Contact: Melissa McCarty Phone: 601-906-1715 Email:

For more information about these events, please visit



What’s Your Movation So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

1 C O R I N T H I A N S 1 0 : 3 1

After a weight loss of 60 pounds, I just stopped exercising, and my weight loss came to a standstill. I prayed, cried and even tried kicking and screaming a few times, but nothing worked. I felt as if my passion and power to make good choices and continue toward my 100-pound weight-loss goal was slipping out of my hands. I wanted to do it, but I just couldn’t get myself going! When I started First Place 7 years ago, my motivation was to lose weight and be healthy. Although that did happen, somewhere along the way God replaced my desire to look good with the desire to be good and to know and please Him—through His power, of course. My motivation turned away from me and toward glorifying Him. Yet now I couldn’t find the will to exercise because I had somehow slipped back into my old thinking. As I stood in my kitchen one day, choosing my afternoon snack, I spoke 1 Corinthians 10:31 out loud. Then I asked myself whether an apple or a slice of Thanksgiving apple pie would glorify God. Like I even had to ask, right? As I sat down with my apple, it was as if the Spirit lit up this verse again. I am thankful that God uses our desire to lose weight to bring us to First Place; but once we’re here, the ability to continue with the lifelong commitment must be fueled with the desire to glorify Him.


Heavenly Father, help me make good choices, stay committed and have victory in every area of my life! May everything that I eat, drink, do, say and think bring glory to Your name. Amen.

Journal: Ask God to convict you of any areas in which you need to refocus your desires and motivations to be about Him.

—Tammy M. Price

Devotional taken from the devotional, Living Well. To order, visit our website,, or call 800.727.5223, x1002.


SSttaarrttiinngg FFiirrsstt PPllaaccee 44 HHeeaalltthh RRiigghhtt iinn tthhee KKiittcchheenn

Adjusting to a lifestyle of light eating is really a matter of using smart cooking techniques and substituting low-fat ingredients for the high-fat ones. Apply these techniques to your own favorite recipes so that you still can enjoy them, but in a lighter style.

• When sautéing or stir-frying, you need a lot less fat than you think. Use a non-stick skillet or wok, then a small amount of margarine or, better yet, non-stick spray coating. If you prefer to use oil, olive oil is a good choice because it appears to have a cholesterol-lowering effect.

• Opt for grilling or broiling tender cuts of meat (cuts that contain loin in the name), rather than sautéing or pan-frying.

• Use cooking techniques that require little or no added fat, such as broiling, grilling, poaching, steaming, or baking. l Use fat sparingly. Fat serves to prevent foods from drying out, particularly during baking or broiling/grilling. Start by brushing a small amount of oil or margarine over the food; then, during the baking or grilling process, use a fat-free salad dressing or marinade, mustard, chutney, fruit preserves, or salsa to keep the food moist.

• Often a recipe begins with sautéing or browning vegetables or meat, then adding liquid or vegetables to braise the food. Start by using just a teaspoon or two of fat or non-stick spray coating for browning in a non-stick skillet, then add a couple of teaspoons of liquid and cover, cooking the food over low heat, stirring occasionally, until softened.

• Drain off any excess fat from sautéing or browning before adding the remaining ingredients.

• Cook vegetables quickly to preserve their texture and vitamins-opt for steaming, stir-frying, or microwaving.

• Roast vegetables, when you have the time. It helps bring out their natural sweetness. Prepare more than you need as a side dish; you can toss the extras into a salad or pasta dish the next day.

• Cook fruits and vegetables in their skins whenever possible to preserve fiber and nutrients.

• Cut down on salt—never add salt during the cooking process. Wait until you serve the dish, and salt it at the table with a low-sodium product, if needed.

• Rinse and drain canned shrimp and vegetables before adding them to a recipe; you'll remove much of their salt.

• Take advantage of reduced-sodium chicken broth for stir frying, sautéing, braising, or poaching meat or fish.

Read more articles on nutrition at here:


Recipes - Great Sides!

Sautéed Brussels Sprouts Serves 4

4 cups trimmed Brussels Sprouts 1 teaspoon olive oil 1/2 teaspoon dried leaf thyme 1/4 cup water 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley Wash Brussels Sprouts thoroughly under cold water; remove discolored leaves. Cut off stem ends; cut sprouts in half. Heat oil in a large non-stick skillet over medium heat. Add sprouts and thyme; sauté 7-8 minutes. Add water, salt, and pepper; cover and cook 3 minutes or until sprouts are tender, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat; stir in parsley. Tracker: 1/2 cup vegetable

Broccoli & Corn Casserole Serves 4

1 (10-ounce) package frozen chopped broccoli Vegetable cooking spray 1 1/2 cups thinly sliced carrot 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 cup commercial seasoned croutons 1/4 cup skim fat milk 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 (8-ounce) can no-salt-added cream-style corn 1 egg, lightly beaten 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese Thaw broccoli in the microwave for 2 minutes and drain. Coat a non-stick skillet with cooking spray; place over medium-high heat until hot. Add carrot and onion; sauté 5 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in broccoli, croutons, and next 4 ingredients. Spoon into a 1-1/2 quart casserole dish coated with cooking spray; sprinkle with cheese. Bake, uncovered at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Serving size: 1 cup. Tracker: ½ oz-eq. meat, 1/2 oz-eq. grain, ½ cup vegetable, 1/2 tsp. fat

Spicy Carrots Serves 4

1 1-lb. pkg peeled mini raw carrots 1/4 C. olive oil 1/2 C. white balsamic vinegar 1/2 tsp. garlic juice 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. Tony Chachere's seasoning 1/4 tsp. Tabasco sauce (optional) Simmer carrots until barely fork tender. Cool in fridge. Mix all ingredients for marinade and whisk. When carrots are cool, fold into marinade mixture and put in a container that can be turned upside down and rotated several times for 24 hours in the refrigerator.

Nutrition Information: 230 calories; 8g Fat; 25g carb; 4g fiber

MMoorree RReecciippeess ffrroomm WWeellllnneessss WWeeeekk

Wellness Week is an annual First Place 4 Health event held at Round Top Retreat Center in the beautiful hill country of Texas. The following is a selection of delicious recipes made from fresh ingredients and served at Wellness Week. Wellness Week is October 10-17, 2013. For more information about the week, see the information found later in this newsletter. Registration is limited, so don’t delay. Hope to see you there!

Mexican Chicken Casserole

10 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cooked and diced 12 6-in. corn tortillas, torn into pieces 2 10.7 oz. cans reduced-fat cream of chicken soup 1 10 oz. can Rotel tomatoes 8 oz. Velveeta Light processed cheese 1 bell pepper, chopped 1 onion, chopped Nonstick cooking spray Preheat oven to 350° F. In medium saucepan, heat soup, tomatoes and cheese until cheese is melted. Sauté bell pepper and onion in nonstick skillet with 1/4 cup water or broth until tender. Stir into soup mixture; add chicken and tortillas. Pour into 9x13-inch baking dish coated with cooking spray. Bake 30 minutes. Serves 8.

Nutritional Information: 243 Calories; 7g Fat; 20g Protein; 26g Carbohydrate; 3g Dietary Fiber; 38mg Cholesterol; 989mg Sodium.

Black Bean and Rice Salad 1 Can (11 oz) Crisp Kernel Corn (Drained) 1 Can (15 oz) Black Beans (Drained) 1 cup cooked rice (cooled) 1 Can (4.5 oz) chopped green chiles 1/2 cup chopped green onions 1/2 cup chopped celery 1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper 2 tbsp. Fresh Cilantro (optional) 1/4 to 1/2 cup salsa or Fat-free Italian Dressing

Mix all together and refrigerate at least 4 hours. Serve over chopped lettuce. Serves 10.

Nutritional Information: 80 Calories; 1g Fat; 4g Protein; 15g Carbohydrate; 3g Dietary Fiber; 0mg Cholesterol; 168mg Sodium.

Fruit Freeze (Cantaloupe or Strawberry) 1/2 Cantaloupe (about 4 cups cut up) OR 4 cups Fresh Strawberries (Not both) 1/4 cup Orange Juice or 3 tbsp. Grand Marnier Liqueur 1 tbsp. Honey (optional)

Put all in blender and process until smooth. Should make about 2 ¼ cups. Chill until ready to serve. Roast 1/4 cup sliced almonds; cool. Chop very fine. Place 1/2 cup frozen sugar free/fat free Vanilla ice cream (or yogurt) in bowl. Pour 1/4 cup fruit blend over top of ice cream. Sprinkle with almonds. Serves 8

Nutritional Information: 112 Calories; trace Fat (1.8% calories from fat); 4g Protein; 28g Carbohydrate; 7g Dietary Fiber; 5mg Cholesterol; 71mg Sodium

Deadline to register for Wellness Week: September 5, 2013

First Place 4 Health Wellness Week  

October 10‐17, 2013 Round Top Retreat Center 

Round Top ~ Texas  

Round Top Retreat Center in beautiful Round Top, Texas, is a beautiful Victorian-style retreat center located “Deep in the Heart of Texas.” It is operated by the Goad family, who began this ministry on a full-time basis in 1984, to provide a home environment with all the charm of a country setting, where people can share God’s Word.

Limited to First 60 Registrations!

WELLNESS WEEK INCLUDES: ~ Nutrition Information ~ Complete Fitness Testing ~ Inspirational Speakers ~ Rest and Relaxation ~ Daily Exercise Options ~ Healthy Delicious Meals

Contact Lisa Lewis at 800-727-5223, x1001 or or visit for more information.

Refund Policy – If First Place 4 Health cancels Wellness Week, a full refund will be given. All other requests for refunds must be received in writing by September 5, 2013. Upon receipt of request, the refund will be granted, minus the $100 non-refundable deposit. No refunds will be given after September 5.

Space is limited! Make your reservations today!

First Place 4 Health Wellness Week October 10-17, 2013


Name: ______________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________

City: _______________________________________________

State/Province: ______________________________________

Country: ___________________________________________

Zip/Postal Code: _____________________________________

Home Phone Number: ________________________________

Work Phone: ________________________________________

Email Address: ______________________________________

T-shirt Size: _________________________________________

Birth Date (required by clinic for testing): ________________

Church: _____________________________________________

Please list the names of the people with whom you

would like to room if choosing double occupancy:




_______________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Airport Shuttle from Bush Intercontinental Airport:

No Yes

Please book your flight to arrive at Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) by 2:00 p.m. on October 10th and depart after 12:00 noon on October 17th.

Name of Airline: _____________________________________

Arrival Flight #: _____________________________________

Time of Arrival: _____________________________________

Departure Flight #: ___________________________________

Time of Departure: ___________________________________


$795 Double Occupancy

$895 Single Occupancy

Airport Shuttle (round trip):

Add $50.00

$100 nonrefundable deposit due with registration


Mastercard Visa

Discover American Express

Card #___________________________________

Expires: __________________________________

Security Code: _______________

Name as it appears on the card:


Amount of payment: ________________ Make checks payable to: FIRST PLACE 4 HEALTH Return completed registration form with $100 non-refundable deposit to: FIRST PLACE 4 HEALTH 7025 W Tidwell, H-101 Houston, Texas 77092 Or Fax: 713-462-4384 Registration Deadline: September 5, 2013 Full Payment Due: September 5, 2013

Refund Policy – If First Place 4 Health cancels Wellness Week, a full refund will be given. All other requests for refunds must be received in writing by September 5, 2013. Upon receipt of request, the refund will be granted, less the $100 non-refundable deposit. No refunds will be given after September 5.


First Place 4 Health Live! 

Join us for a day filled with energy, exercise, motivation and fun!   

• Do you want to find that energy you seem to have lost? 

• Do you want to find balance and take control of your own life? 

• Do you want to lose that weight and keep it off? 

• Do you want to try some exercises you CAN do?  

First Place 4 Health Live! will help you find whole‐person wellness,  and reinforce not just physical health, but Total Health! 


WHAT TO EXPECT • Practical tips to healthy living 

• Sample exercise classes anyone can do 

• Fun and fellowship 

• Training on how to start a FP4H group in your church or community.  




Carole Lewis, FP4H National Director and author of 15 books including the recently released Live Life Right Here, Right Now!   

Vicki Heath, FP4H Associate Director & A.C.E.‐certified Fitness Professional and author of Donʹt Quit Get Fit  




Olive Baptist Church  ♦  1836 Olive Rd  ♦  Pensacola, FL  32514  ♦  9:00 AM – 3:00 PM  




Cost:  $39.00* ‐‐  Cost includes lunch, snacks and materials. For information, visit or contact Ginger Mitten by

email at or by phone at 850.475.3165.

*Cost goes up to $49 on 8/30/2013. Please help us to plan for you by registering early.

Saturday, September

21st at Olive!


First Place 4 Health Live! 

Join us for a day filled with energy, exercise, motivation and fun!   

• Do you want to find that energy you seem to have lost? 

• Do you want to find balance and take control of your own life? 

• Do you want to lose that weight and keep it off? 

• Do you want to try some exercises you CAN do?  

First Place 4 Health Live! will help you find whole‐person wellness,  and reinforce not just physical health, but Total Health! 


WHAT TO EXPECT • Practical tips to healthy living 

• Sample exercise classes anyone can do 

• Fun and fellowship 

• Training on how to start a FP4H group in your church or community.  




Carole Lewis, FP4H National Director and author of 15 books including the recently released Live Life Right Here, Right Now!   

Vicki Heath, FP4H Associate Director & A.C.E.‐certified Fitness Professional and author of Donʹt Quit Get Fit  




Faith Alliance Church  ♦  833 Pleasant Rd. ♦  Attleboro, MA  ♦  9:00 AM – 3:00 PM  



Cost:  $39.00* ‐‐  Cost includes lunch, snacks and materials. 

For information, visit or contact Monique Johnson by email at or by phone at 508.308.3063.

*Cost goes up to $49 on 10/25/2013. Please help us to plan for you by registering early.

Saturday, November

16th at Faith Alliance!