Senior General Than Shwe sends message of felicitations to ... · partmental officials at the Mya...

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Established 1914

Volume XVI, Number 124 4th Waning of Wagaung 1370 ME Wednesday, 20 August, 2008

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of theeconomy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented eco-nomic system

* Development of the economy inviting partici-pation in terms of technical know-how andinvestments from sources inside the countryand abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economymust be kept in the hands of the State and thenational peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of theentire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity andpreservation and safeguarding of culturalheritage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education stand-

ards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peace andtranquillity, prevalence of law and order

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Consti-

tution* Building of a new modern developed nation in

accord with the new State Constitution

Four economic objectives

Four social objectives

Four political objectives

NAY PYI TAW, 20 Aug — Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace andDevelopment Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to HisExcellency Mr Laszlo Solyom, President of the Republic of Hungary, on the occasion of theNational Day of the Republic of Hungary, which falls on 20 August, 2008. — MNA

Senior General Than Shwe sends messageof felicitations to Hungarian President

NAY PYI TAW, 20 Aug —General Thein Sein, Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has senta message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Ference Gyurcsany, Prime Minister of the Republic ofHungary, on the occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Hungary, which falls on 20 August,2008. — MNA

Prime Minister felicitatesHungarian counterpart

NDPCC Chairman Prime Minister General Thein Seininspects rehabilitation tasks, attends ceremony to handover fishing boats and fishing gear in Labutta Township

YANGON, 19 Aug—Chairman of the NationalDisaster Preparedness Central Committee Prime Min-ister General Thein Sein accompanied by the minis-ters, the deputy ministers, the director-general of Gov-ernment Office, departmental heads and officials ar-rived in Pathein by helicopter at 8.35 am yesterday.

The Prime Minister and party together with Chair-man of Ayeyawady Division Peace and DevelopmentCouncil Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Kyaw Swe went to Labutta in Labutta Districtviewing monsoon paddy plantations along the route.

(See page 8)

As the granary of State, Ayeyawady Division to try itsutmost to exceed paddy production target

YANGON, 19 Aug—Chairman of the NationalDisaster Preparedness Central Committee Prime Min-ister General Thein Sein met with division-level de-partmental officials at the Mya E-ya Hall in Pathein,

Ayeyawady Division yesterday and gave instructionson regional development.

Also present on the occasion were Chairman ofAyeyawady Division Peace and Development Coun-

cil Commander of South-West Command Brig-GenKyaw Swe, the ministers, the deputy ministers, thedirector-general of the Government Office and heads

(See page 9)

All necessary assistancehas been provided to thevictims to be able to lead abetter life with high livingstandard and to restore theirbusinesses.

Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area:Isolated rain.

Degree of certainty is (80%).Yangon and neighbouring area:

Some rain.Degree of certainty is (80%).

Mandalay and neighbouring area:Isolated rain.

Degree of certainty is (80%).

Weather Forecast for 20-8-2008

Prime Minister General Thein Sein inspects engines, fishing boats and fishing gear displayed atthe ceremony to hand over fishing boats and fishing gear in Labutta. —MNA

20-8-08 (FINAL) NL 7/29/18, 4:55 PM1

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 August, 2008

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s DesireWednesday, 20 August, 2008

Now, monsoon is in full swing, andmany rivers and creeks are swollen due tocontinuous heavy rains. Floods due to ragingrivers and landslides are taking place in low-lying regions of some regional andneighbouring countries, leaving hundreds ofpeople dead.

In Myanmar, the rivers in some regionsin Taninthayi Division, Kayin, Mon andeastern Shan states, and Sagaing, Bago,Mandalay, Yangon and Ayeyawady divisionsare in flood these days, following torrentialrains. In consequence, that caused floods tosome houses and monsoon paddy fields,damage to some road sections and closure ofsome basic education schools in those regions.The administrative bodies concerned andsocial organizations worked together inproviding assistance in the issue.

Local people in the coastal regions andthe regions on the banks of Thanlwin,Sittoung, Chindwin, Ayeyawady, Myitngeand Bago rivers have to be in a state ofpreparedness against possible floodstriggered by swollen rivers.

In that regard, local residents in thetownships and villages that are under thethreats of raging rivers have to takepreparedness measures such as keeping awatchful eye on the tides of the rivers,inspecting the embankments along the banks,stockpiling sand bags and stone bags, andformation of township and village level teamsfor preparedness against possible floods,rescue teams and health care teams.

Natural disasters by nature may occurat any time. Therefore, local authorities, socialorganizations and locals have to focus onpreparedness against possible naturaldisasters at all times in order to prevent andminimize losses.

Take preparedness measuresagainst natural disasters

Union of MyanmarMinistry of Livestock and Fisheries

Livestock Breeding and Veterinary DepartmentEarly warning on prevention of cross border Highly

Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1 HPAI) disease(19-8-2008)

1. H5N1 HPAI outbreaks in Global Aspect (from 2003 to 1st week of August 2008)(a) H5N1 HPAI outbreaks transmitted to poultry

In (61) countries of Asia, Africa and Europe regions, the total number of poultry amounting to(260) million birds were affected by H5N1. Destruction of poultry resulted in losses of (11) billionUS dollars.

(b) H5N1 HPAI outbreaks transmitted to humanIn (14) countries of Asia, Africa and European region, (243) humans died of HPAI infection

out of (385) persons infected.2. H5N1 HPAI outbreaks in Myanmar and neighboring countries (of 1st week of August 2008)

(a) Myanmar In 2006, in Sagaing and Mandalay divisions as a first wave in 2007, in Yangon, Bago divisions

and Mon State as a second wave, in (Eastern) Shan State as a third wave, outbreaks of H5N1 occurredand in 20-4-2008, the country could be claimed again as H5N1 free country.

(b) Neighboring countries,In some countries, disease occurrences were sporadic, in others, increased frequency of

outbreaks and widespread infections were observed.3. Review of H5N1 infection occurred in Asian region

Based on the studies made by the consultants from FAO Asian region, the following overviewcomments could be made.

(a) Cross border infection of HPAI in the countries(1) Cross border trade of live poultry, other birds and day-old chicks.(2) Movement of infected meat and eggs.(3) Farm implements, egg crates (used for the movement of illegally traded poultry and poultry

products) illegal vaccines and dealers.(4) Wild birds, migratory birds (crows, sparrows and pigeons) and illegally traded exotic birds.(5) Clinically healthy birds such as vaccined day-old chicks, non-productive birds, culled birds,

which are carried across borders are likely to spread infection.(b) Virus reservoirs for circulation and infection

(1) Sites of virus multiplicationLive bird markets which are of low bio-safety are likely to be sites of virus multiplication.

(2) ReservoirDucks under free range systems are likely to be reservoir of virus.

(3) Sensitive and susceptible animalsQuails are highly susceptible to virus infection.

(See page 7)

UMFCCI meets Laotian delegation

YANGON, 19 Aug — Heads of the Union ofMyanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce andIndustry met with the Chairman of Lao National Cham-ber of Commerce and Industry at UMFCCI (HeadOffice) on Minyekyawswa Road in Lanmadaw Town-ship on 12 August.

UMFCCI Vice-Presidents U Win Aung, UZaw Min Win, U Aung Lwin and U Thaung Tin,General Secretary U Sein Win Hlaing, Joint Secretary-1 Dr Maung Maung Lay, Joint Secretary-2 U TunAung and CEC members and executives held a meet-ing with members of the Laotian delegation led by MrKissana VONGXAY, the chairman of LNCCI.

The meeting discussed matters on bilateralinvestments in the two countries, upgrade of trade andcooperation in exporting wood-based products.


Industry-1 Minister meets Chinese guestsNAY PYI TAW, 19

Aug — Minister for In-dustry-1 U AungThaung received Gen-eral Manager Mr JinYoung Xue of CAMCEngineering Co Ltd andparty of the People’s Re-public of China at hisoffice here yesterday.

They discussed mat-ters on the float glassproject (Kyaukse), re-pairing a kiln ofThanlyin glass factoryand production of glass-ware in Myanmar.

MNAMinister U Aung Thaung receives General Manager of CAMC

Engineering Co Ltd Mr Jin Young Xue. — MNA

20-8-08 (FINAL) NL 7/29/18, 4:55 PM2

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 August, 2008 3

US missile shield bad forsecurity, boosts arms race

Tropical storm “Fay” kills 50 in Haiti

Southwest Florida awaits landfall by Fay

Russia claims pullback but forces move other wayGORI (Georgia), 19 Aug—Russia said Monday it had begun withdrawing from the

conflict zone in Georgia, but it held fast to key positions and sent some of its troopsin the opposite direction closer to the Georgian capital.

Russian troops and vehicles roamed freely around the strategically located centralcity of Gori, Russian forces appeared to blow up the runway at a military base in thewestern town of Senaki. There were few signs Russia was following the terms of acease-fire to end the short war, which has driven tensions between Russia and theWest to some of their highest levels since the breakup of the Soviet Union.—Internet

Bus crash kills one,injures more than 60LONDON, 19 Aug— A collision between a coach

carrying South Africans, Lithuanians, and Poles and acar in central England left one man dead and more than60 people injured, emergency services said.

According to a spokesman for West MidlandsAmbulance Service, the coach careered down anembankment after the crash in the village of Alton,Staffordshire, rolled onto its side and ended up in thegarden of a house.“A total of 71 people were on thecoach, including the driver,” the spokesman said.

“Unfortunately one man suffered fatal injuries, andwas confirmed dead at the scene,” he added, and saidthat two others had suffered serious head injuries.

Of the 71 people on board the bus, 60 were assessedat a nearby amusement park’s medical centre, with 15being forwarded on to a hospital with minor injuries.


WARSAW, 19 Aug–Poland’s agreement to aUS missile shield on itsterritory will impair thecountry’s security andstart a new arms race,Greenpeace warnedMonday. The UnitedStates and Poland sealedThursday an initial accordon the installation of amissile shield in Poland.Parts of the system willalso be erected in theCzech Republic.

As an extra safety

measure Poland is also toreceive a unit of US Patriotmissiles.

In a statement sent toPolish news agency PAP,Greenpeace warned thatthe shield would onlyescalate a new arms race.“No weaponry or threatsof its use can guarantee asafe future”, the organi-zation said, adding that“the shield was not reallya shield but a new,offensive sword embo-dying the Bush

administrations dreamsabout planetwide pre-ventive strikes.”

Greenpeace alsoreminded that the USMissile Defence Agency(MDA) itself admitted thatthe Polish and Czechinstallations would prima-rily protect radar systemsin Britain and Greenland,and that in case of an attackon the US the Polish andCzech installations wouldbe the first to come underfire.—Internet

HAVANA, 19 Aug—Raging tropical storm“Fay” has brought floodsto Haiti, killing at least50 people in Haiti whenthe bus they were aboardwas dragged by a riverdue to the strong rain thestorm produced, authori-ties said on Monday.

According to infor-

mation reaching here fromPort au Prince, capital ofHaiti on Monday, in thebus there were some 80people, and among themthere were many children.

The waters of the Glaceriver, in the province ofGrand-Anse (southwest),dragged the bus on Sundayand only 25 people survived

because they reached theroof of the bus. The rest ofthe passengers are missing.“Fay” crossed on Mondaythe Cuban territory fromsouth to north. TheNational Centre of Hurri-canes from Miami said that“Fay” has winds of 85kilometres per hour andsuperior gusts.—Internet

Light planecrashes in Japan’sOsaka Prefecture TOKYO, 19 Aug—A

twin-seat plane crashedinto a crossroad on anational highway in Yao,Osaka Prefecture, Tues-day morning, KyodoNews reported.

Aboard the aircraftwere the pilot, whosuffered minor injuries,and a 52-year-oldphotographer, who wastaken to a hospital, policesaid, adding that no othercasualties were causedaround the crash site.


Tropical Storm Fay asseen over the Caribbean

Sea in this NationalOceanic andAtmospheric

Administration (NOAA)satellite image taken at16:15 GMT on 17 Aug,


NAPLES (Fla), 19 Aug—Tropical Storm Fayrumbled toward Florida’ssouthwest coast onTuesday as residents withmemories of a killerhurricane in 2004 took theprecaution of shuttingschools, governmentoffices and many busin-esses.

With no major Florida

hurricanes in the past twoyears, officials wereworried that complacencycould cost lives as theyrepeatedly urged peopleacross the state to take Fayseriously.

After crossing theFlorida Keys withoutcausing major damageMonday, Fay was forecastto lumber ashore sometime

Tuesday morning alongthe southwestern portionof the state as a tropicalstorm or Category 1hurricane.

The warnings aboutFay stirred unpleasantmemories for many in andaround Punta Gorda whorode out deadly HurricaneCharley in 2004.


Picture from the WestMidlands Ambulance Service

shows an air and groundambulance. A collision

between a coach carryingSouth Africans, Lithuanians,

and Poles and a car incentral England left one man

dead and more than 60people injured, emergencyservices said.—INTERNETSouth Ossetian Vadim

Kulimbekov, 62, stands

in his flat destroyed by

a Georgian strike in

Tskhinvali, on 17

August, 2008.


Afghan ambush kills French troopsKABUL, 19 Aug—Ten

French soldiers have beenkilled in an ambush byTaleban fighters east ofthe Afghan capital,Kabul.

A further 21 Frenchtroops were wounded inone of the heaviest tolls

suffered by the Nato-ledInternational SecurityAssistance Force (ISAF).

French PresidentNicolas Sarkozy hasannounced he will travelto Kabul to assure troopsof his support. The deathscome amid warnings that

insurgents are closing inon the capital city.

The loss of life isthought to be the heaviestsuffered by the Frenchmilitary since 58paratroopers were killedin Beirut in 1983.


Rickshaw pullers wade through flood waters after heavy rains in Gauhati,India, on 19 Aug, 2008. —INTERNET

20-8-08 (FINAL) NL 7/29/18, 4:55 PM3

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 August, 2008

Foreign tourists pose for pictures with two tourists wearing ancient Chinesearmatures on the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall in Beijing, capital ofChina, on 18 Aug, 2008. The Great Wall attracts many foreign visitors and

athletes during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.—XINHUA

Abbot Yongxin (left) guides Singaporean President S R Nathan on a tour ofthe Shaolin Temple on 17 Aug, 2008. —XINHUA

WASHINGTON, 19 Aug— One in three US pub-lic schools are in the “airpollution danger zone,”according to a new re-search released Mondayby University of Cincin-nati available on Monday.

More than 8,800schools representing 6million students in theUnited States were in-cluded in the survey.

The research teamhave found that more than30 percent of American

Study shows US public schools in“air pollution danger zone”

public schools are within400 metres of major high-ways that consistentlyserve as main truck andtraffic routes.

The research hasshown that proximity tomajor highways — andthus environmental pol-lutants, such as aerosoliz-ing diesel exhaust parti-cles — can leave school-age children more suscep-tible to respiratory dis-eases later in life.

“This is a major pub-

lic health concern thatshould be given seriousconsideration in future ur-ban development, trans-portation planning and en-vironmental policies,”says Sergey Grinshpun,lead investigator of thestudy.

To protect the health ofyoung children with de-veloping lungs, he saysnew schools should bebuilt further from majorhighways.


BEIJING, 19 Aug —China will complete theconstruction of its firstfour strategic oil reservesby the end of this year, asenior government offi-cial said yesterday.

“The progress hasbeen smooth and all thefour bases will be com-pleted by the year end,”Zhang Guobao, admini-strator of the NationalEnergy Administration(NEA), said after a Pressconference in Beijing.“Their total capacity willamount to 16.4 million

Two technicians check the equipments in an oil refinery of China Petroleumand Chemical Corporation (Sinopec) in Ningbo, east China’s Zhejiang

Province, on 29 March, 2008.—XINHUA

China to get key oil bases by year endcum.” Zhang made thecomments at his first pub-lic appearance since theNEA’s inauguration on 8Aug.

The administrationcame into being as part ofthe reshuffle of govern-ment agencies in March.Zhang now also holds theposition of vice-ministerof the National Planningand Reform Commission(NDRC), the nation’s topeconomic planner.

China started to buildits strategic oil reserves in2004, in order to fend off

the risk of oil shortagesand reduce the impact ofoil price fluctuations. Thegovernment plans tobuild strategic oil re-serves in three phasesover 15 years, involvingan estimated investmentof 100 billion yuan (14.6billion US dollars).

The first four re-serves, located in Dalian,Qingdao, Ningbo andZhoushan, are expectedto maintain strategic oilreserves equivalent to 30days of imports in 2010.


RIO DE JANEIRO, 19 Aug— Three Chinese workersand a Vietnamese diplo-mat, kidnapped on Satur-day morning in Rio deJaneiro, were found by thepolice in Rio’s metro areaItaguai on Monday morn-

Three Chinese, one Vietnamese safe fromescaping of kidnappers in Brazil

ing, local police said.Twelve masked men,

armed with rifles andwearing policemenclothes, robbed the threeChinese workers’ cash,watches and jewellry andkidnapped them on Satur-day morning on thePaineiras Road, near theRio’s famed Christ theRedeemer statue.

Vu Thanh Nam, iden-tified by the VienameseEmbassy as a high-rank-ing consular official, andhis family were alsorobbed by the maskedmen on the way to thestatue. He was kidnappedand taken to a shantytownof Rio after he revealedhis diplomat identity.

The four hostages,who were kept inside acistern, managed to es-cape on Sunday after-noon, when the kidnap-pers fled due to a policeoperation. —Xinhua

All items from Xinhua News Agency

LONDON, 19 Aug — British Defence Ministry saidon Monday a British soldier was killed in southernAfghanistan.

The soldier from 2nd Battalion the Royal Regimentof Scotland, attached to 1st Battalion the Royal IrishRegiment was killed in an explosion during a jointpatrolling with Afghan National Army in HelmandProvince, said the ministry.

“During that time an improvised explosive devicewas detonated which resulted in the death of oneBritish soldier and shrapnel and blast injuries to oneother ISAF soldier, an Afghan National Army soldierand the patrol interpreter.” said the ministry. —Xinhua

LIMA,19 Aug — Peruvian government on Mondaydeclared a state of emergency in three northern pro-vinces where indigenous groups are holding protestsagainst a law that they believe will deprive them oftheir land.

Police said eight policemen and two indigens havebeen injured.


ALOFI (Niue), 19 Aug— For many delegates andjournalists coming for Tuesday’s Pacific Islands Fo-rum, this is the first time in their lives to visit or evenhear about this isolated coral atoll thousands of kmnorth-east of New Zealand.

And for the 1,600 Niuean people living their peace-ful lives in the remote, tiny island, the forum is a bigevent for years. Last time Niue hosted the Forum,which annually brings 16 headsof government of thestates in the Pacific, was more than 30 years ago in1977.

The smallest country of the group wants to showoff its tropical beauty and win more tourism as it re-builds itself after the devastation of the Cyclone Hetain 2004. —Xinhua

Tiny island country gearingup for summit

One British soldier killed in Afghanistan

Peru declares state of emergency in threeprovinces over protests

20-8-08 (FINAL) NL 7/29/18, 4:55 PM4

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 August, 2008 5

Neon lights and a long exposurecreate a swirl of colour as El Nino

and other rides entertain fairgoers atthe Lane County Fair in Eugene,

Ore at sunset.

A worker makes vermicelli in preparation for the

upcoming Eid al-Fitr festival, in Hyderabad, India.

Man’s ear chewed offafter dispute with

neighbourTwo Ogden neighbours got into a

fight after a minor league baseball gamethat ended with one of them biting off apart of the other’s ear. The two men hadreturned home from the Ogden Raptorsbaseball game late Wednesday whenpolice said one man apparently offendedthe other with a comment.

Ogden Police Lt Scott Sangberg saidthe offended man responded by strikingthe other in the face several times andthen clamping down on his ear with histeeth and pulling back with enough forceto rip off a part of the ear.

Bearded man in women’s garbaccused of tip theft

Fairfield police said they didn’t have much problemtracking down a theft suspect, a bearded man dressed in atank top and capri pants. Police say a 22-year-old Norwalkman was caught on tape taking $30 from the tip jar at O Barthat night.

Police say the man was found a short time after themanager of the bar noticed the missing tip jar and checkedthe bar’s surveillance video.

There, he saw a bearded man carrying a large woman’spurse and wearing a dark tank top and light coloured capripants go behind the counter.

Police gave the man a misdemeanor summons for sixth-degree larceny.

Whale calf lost inSydney waters, bonds

with yachtAustralian media say a lost humpback

whale calf has bonded with a yacht itseems to think is its mother.

The 1- to 2-month-old calf was firstsighted Sunday in waters off northSydney, and on Monday tried to sucklefrom a yacht, which it would not leave.

Rescuers towed the yacht out to sea,and the calf finally detached from theboat but still swam nearby, AustralianBroadcasting Corp and Channel 10television news reported.

Pigeon found at NYCplayground was painted purple

Pigeons come in many shades in NewYork City—but purple is typically notone of them.

That’s why animal lover Joe Morawas stunned when he saw a pigeon at aQueens playground that had been painteda violet hue.

The pigeon was taken to licensedwildlife rehabilitator Bobby Horvath.He said the bird is unable to fly becausethe feathers are completely rigid fromthe paint. But he says the animal is luckyits mouth or eyes didn’t get stained.


Brazilian police find Picasso printstolen from Sao Paulo museum

Another quake rockseasternmost Indonesia

JAKARTA, 19 Aug—A moderate quake withmagnitude of 5.4 struck easternmost of Indonesia onTuesday, but there were no reports of damage orcasualties, the Indonesian Meteorology Agency saidhere. The quake jolted at 11:34 am (0434 GMT) withepicentre at 12 kilometres southeast of Nabire town inPapua province and 48 kilometres in depth, an officialof the agency said.

Indonesia sits on a vulnerable quake-hit zone, socalled “the Pacific Ring of Fire,” where two continentalplates meet that causes frequent seismic and volcanicmovements.


Suicide car bomb kills fivein western Iraq: police

RAMADI (Iraq), 19 Aug—A suicide bomber detonateda car bomb at a police checkpoint in the western Iraqicity of Ramadi on Monday, killing five policemen andwounding seven, police said.

The city is the capital of Anbar province, an area thatwas once the most dangerous part of Iraq but hasbecome among the safest since the local populationturned against al Qaeda Sunni Arab militants in late2006 and 2007. Iraq has become far less violent overthe past year overall, but US forces and Iraqi authoritiessay militants still retain the ability to carry out largescale bombings, frequently targeting police and US-backed neighbourhood patrols.—Internet

Suicide bombers attack USbase in Afghanistan

KABUL (Afghanistan), 19 Aug—Suicide bomberstried unsuccessfully to storm a US military base nearAfghanistan-Pakistan border in a daring attack on amajor American installation, officials said Tuesday.Six insurgents detonated their vests after beingsurrounded.

The attack came a day after a suicide bomb outsidethe same base killed 10 civilians and wounded 13others. The fighting was still going on early Tuesday,said US coalition spokesman 1st Lt Nathan Perry.There have been no American deaths, he said.

The militants failed to gain entry to Camp Salerno inKhost city after launching waves of attacks just beforemidnight on Monday, said Arsallah Jamal, the governorof Khost. The base is just a few miles from Pakistan'sborder.—Internet

Woman accused ofbeating fiance at

prenup partyA Poulsbo woman was jailed after

being accused of beating up her fiance attheir prenuptial party.

Kitsap County sheriff’s deputies saidthe woman’s 12-year-old son told her hesaw her fiance kissing one of her womenfriends early morning.

Deputies said the woman, 31, gaveher friends the boot, told her fiance toleave, too, and then started hitting him inthe face.

When he left the house, they say, shetackled him football-style, punched himsome more, threw his watch into thebushes and broke his glasses.

RIO DE JANEIRO, 19Aug—The EstacaoPinacoteca museum’sstolen print “Minotaur,Drinker and Women,” bySpanish artist PabloPicasso, was recoveredMonday, Brazilian policeannounced.

The piece, which wasstolen from the Sao Paulomuseum on 12 June, wasthe last one of four stolenartworks to be recovered.

Brazilian police launch-ed an operation on 15 Augto retrieve the famed print.

Three men allegedlyinvolved in the heist havealready been detained andthree others have yet to bearrested. According to thepolice, the thieves werenot hired by anyone forthe crime.

The museum’s "Cou-ple,” printed by LasarSegall, “Women at theWindow,” printed byEmiliano Di Cavalcantiwere recovered on 7 Aug,

and another Picasso print,“The Painter and theModel,” was recovered on18 July. The four pieces,which have a total valueof 540,000 US dollars,were taken away in broaddaylight in the space of 10minutes. The crime wasrecorded by the museum'ssecurity cameras and themuseum has improved itssecurity supervision afterthe heist.—Internet

Foreign tourists pose for photos in the Forbidden City in Beijing, capital ofChina, on 19 Aug, 2008. The Forbidden City is among the favourites of

foreign tourists during the Beijing Olympic Games. —INTERNET

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 August, 2008

Venezuela to nationalize Cemex unit

Side view of the Mexican cement company Cemex’s Mara plant inMaracaibo, Venezuela, seen in April. —INTERNET

CARACAS, 19 Aug —President Hugo Chavezannounced Monday thatVenezuela was nation-alizing the local unit ofMexican cement giantCemex, after negotiationsto give Caracas a majorityshareholding failed.

“We’ll take over thecement plants at midnightbecause the deadline hascome and they’ll becomestate property,” PresidentHugo Chavez told ameeting of the UnitedSocialist Party of Vene-zuela.

He said the Cemextakeover and priornationalizations of oil andtelephone companies were“steps on the way tosocialism.”

A government deadlineexpires Monday atmidnight for Venezuela’stop three foreign-ownedcement companies —Mexican, French andSwiss — to reach an

agreement givingVenezuela a 60 percentcontrolling share of each.

“It was not possible toarrive at an agreementwith them (Cemex) and thenext step that we must takeis to proceed withexpropriation,” Venezue-lan Vice President RafaelCarrizales told reporters.


Australia’s Origin rebuffsBG’s 12-bln-dlr takeover bid

The Australian Stock Exchange in Sydney.Australia’s Origin Energy on Tuesday formally

urged shareholders to reject a 13.8-billion-dollar(12-billion-US) hostile takeover bid by Britain’s


Australia’s BlueScope Steelreports fall in net profit

SYDNEY,19 Aug—Australia’s largest steelmakerBlueScope on Monday reported annual net profit fell13 percent to 596 million dollars (518 million US)from 686 million in the previous year.

However, with writedowns of 253 million excluded,underlying operating earnings in the year to June 30rose 27 per cent to 816 million.

“This result was driven by strong global demand andimproved spreads, particularly in export markets wherehigher global steel prices offset rising raw materialcosts,” said chief executive Paul O’Malley.

He predicted a strong first half for the firm’s currentfinancial year, mainly driven by continued strongglobal steel demand and prices.

BlueScope’s businesses in Thailand, Malaysia,Indonesia, India and Vietnam were “going well,” hesaid.—Internet

An iron ore train inthe north of Western

Australia in midJune. Australia’slargest steelmakerBlueScope have

reported an annualnet profit fall of 13

percent to 596 milliondollars (US$518


SYDNEY, 19 Aug —Australia’s Origin Energyon Tuesday formally urgedshareholders to reject a13.8-billion-dollar (12-billion-US) hostiletakeover bid by Britain’sBG Group.

Australia’s secondbiggest energy retailer saidthe all-cash offer fromglobal gas firm BG at15.50 dollars per shareundervalued the companyand its prospects.

BG said in June it wouldgo directly to Origin’sshareholders after theboard snubbed a friendlybid at the same price inMay. The takeover wouldbe one of the biggest by a

foreign company of anAustralian firm.

“Origin is a stronglyperforming, Australianintegrated energy companywith an impressive trackrecord of growth,” itschairman Kevin McCannsaid in a statement.

“Origin has developedthe leading position in CoalSeam Gas (CSG) inAustralia and the strengthof this position will be akey driver for continuinggrowth.”The company hadshortlisted a number ofglobal partners interestedin accelerating develop-ment of the CSG reserves,he said.


BAA completes landmark $25-billion debtrestructuring

Aeroplanes sit on the tarmac at Heathrow Airportin London, 2006. Britain’s Spanish-owned airports

operator BAA said that it has completed a majorrestructuring of its debt which totals 13.3 billionpounds (16.8 billion euros, 24.8 billion dollars).


LONDON, 19 Aug —Britain’s Spanish-ownedairports operator BAA saidMonday that it hascompleted a majorrestructuring of its debt thattotals 13.3 billion pounds(16.8 billion euros, 24.8billion dollars). “BAA istoday (Monday) pleased toannounce the successfulcompletion of the 13.3-billion-pound refinancingof its United Kingdomairports,” BAA said in astatement.“The transactionestablishes a stable, long-term, investment gradefinancing platform forinvestment in Heathrow,Gatwick and Stanstedairports over the comingdecades.”

BAA runs the threeairports which borderLondon, as well asSouthampton airport insouthern England, andEdinburgh, Glasgow and

Hyundai’s overseas plants accountfor over 50% of sales abroad

SEOUL, 19 Aug — Hyundai Motor Co. said that its oversea sales of vehiclesproduced in overseas plants surpassed 50percent of total sales abroad for the firsttime during the first seven months of this year, the Korea Herald reported Tuesday.

According to Hyundai, out of 1.302 million vehicles which the company sold inoverseas markets during January-July period, about652,000 units were made at itsoverseas plants, which accounts for50.1 percent of the total overseas sales and is up4 percentage points from the same period last year.

The company said that changes are mainly due to the fall in domestic plants’output affected by summer vacations and partial strikes in July. —Internet

China imports more motorvehicles in 1st half year

Aberdeen in Scotland.“This is the largest

financing of its kind evercompleted and the fact thata landmark transaction ofthis size and complexityhas been completed inchallenging credit marketsis a testament to thestrength of the businessand the confidence of thefinancial markets in BAAand its airports,” groupchief executive ColinMatthews said in thestatement.—Internet

BEIJING, 19 Aug—China’s auto importsgrew rapidly in the firsthalf, as world auto giantsturned to the Chinesemarket after the USeconomic slump androcketing oil prices drovesales down on US andEuropean markets, theGeneral Administrationof Customs said onTuesday.

Domestic demand forvehicles with large-engine capacities alsostrengthened as manypeople bought in advance

of a consumption taxhike,the administration added.

From January to June,China bought 212,000motor vehicles fromabroad, up 53.2 percentfrom the same period oflast year. The growth ratewas 18.3 percentagepoints higher than theyear-earlier level.

The arrivals werevalued at 7.74 billion USdollars, up 71.3 percent.

The total included108,000 off-roadvehicles, up 78.9 percent.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 August, 2008 7

(from page 2)4. Bio-Safety measures

(a) With health consciousness to prevent day-old chicks, egg, and poultryproducts from being illegally carried through borders.

(b) To treat different poultry and birds species in separate isolation (as inrearing, carrying and selling), to increase bio-security measures in livebird market, and to clean and disinfect live bird markets at closing daysinterval.

(c) To undertake breeding, distributing of ducks in the specific regions ofState/ Division, intensive rather than extensive farming through increasedbio-security measures disease investigation, sero-surveillance in duckfarms and disinfection of egg crates, boxes for trade.

(d) To undertake establishment of separate farming zones for poultryincluding quails and improvement of bio-safety measures.

(e) To undertake disease investigation and increased bio-security measuresin the highly populated areas as high risk zones.

5. Animal Health consciousness This is to kindly remind Myanmar Livestock Federation, and concerned

organization such as Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department, otherrespective agencies, regional and local authorities to cooperate and coordinatewith the stakeholders such as poultry farmers, businessmen and poultry dealersin prevention, control and health and bio-security measures of HPAI infection inMyanmar.

Livestock Breeding and Veterinary DepartmentMinistry of Livestock and Fisheries

1. Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation and safeguarding ofcultural heritage and national character

2. Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation3. Keeping genuine patriotism based on national solidarity alive and dynamic4. Turning out younger generation who will continue to safeguard the national

culture and character

Objectives of the 16th Myanmar TraditionalCultural Performing Arts Competitions

NAY PYI TAW, 19 Aug— Religious mattersconcerning taking actionagainst bogus monks andnovices were supplicatedto 28 members of theSangha of All Ganas Stateand Township SanghaNayaka Committees atMaha Waiyan SasanaBeikman of LawkanandaPagoda in Sittwayyesterday.

In his supplication, UTin Win, acting religiousaffairs officer of RakhineState Religious AffairsDepartment, said SanghaNayaka Committees atdifferent levels have beendischarging religious dutiesfor 28 years in accord withthe Vinichaya rules andprocedures after successfulholding of Sangha Meetingof All Ganas in 1980. Theyhave also been carrying outthree major tasks ofpurification, perpetuation

Religious matters concerning takingaction against bogus monks andnovices supplicated in Sittway

and propagation of theSasana.

The governmentundertakes measures onreligious matters passed inaccord with the Vinichayarules if necessary.

Although Sanghacommittees at differentlevels and governmentorganizations carry out thetasks for purification of theSasana, there are still a smallnumber of bogus monksand novices.

Nyanache (a) MaungHla Thein, 22, son of UMaung Tun Tha ofSatyoekya Village inSittway, Maung Maung Gyi(a) Taung Maw, 38, son ofU Alon Maung, Min KyawSoe, 20, son of U San MyaKyaw, Maung Maung, 25,son of U Maung Tha Nuand Zaw Htay, 20, son of UTin Shwe of Setyonzublock-1 and U Aung Nyunt,57, son of U Wa Pru Aung

were exposed to have askedfor donations pretending tobe monks without beingordained. On 14 August,Myanmar Police Force andmembers of Ward Peaceand Development Councilsearched their houses andconfiscated old robes theywore. Action is being takenagainst them under Section295 (A). Some youngmonks drank liquor and insome cases action wastaken against themaccording to law.

Their misbehaviourtarnishes the dignity of themembers of the Sangha andthe image of the Sasana. Heurged the Sayadaws to takeaction against them underthe directives and Vinichayaprocedures and tell them toreside in monasteries inaccord with rules andregulations prescribed. Theceremony came to a close at10.45 am.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 20 Aug—U Nyan Win, Minis-ter for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, hassent a message of felicitations to Her Excellency DrKinga Goncz, Minister of Foreign Affairs of theRepublic of Hungary, on the occasion of the Na-tional Day of the Republic of Hungary, which fallson 20 August, 2008.—MNA

FM felicitates Hungariancounterpart

NAY PYI TAW, 19 Aug—Minister for Industry-2Vice-Admiral Soe Thein met with officials at No (1)Farm Equipment Factory (Sinde) in Padaung Town-ship, Bago Division (West), on 16 August. The minis-ter called for more production of Ayeya (1) power-tillers and Kubota pumps with high quality.

At No (2) Automobile Factory (Htonebo), theminister inspected auto assembling workshop andgave necessary instructions.

Next, the minister greeted trainees of BasicIndustrial Training Center at the factory. The ministerurged officials to strive for the successful implementa-tion of the targets of the ministry for 2008-09.

On 17 August, the minister looked into assem-bling of Double Cab vehicles at No (3) AutomobileFactory (Htaukyant).


Union of MyanmarMinistry of Livestock and FisheriesLivestock Breeding and Veterinary

DepartmentEarly warning on prevention of cross border

Highly Pathogenic AvianInfluenza (H5N1 HPAI) disease


Industry-2 Minister inspectsFarm Equipment Factory,

Automobile Factories

Minister Vice-Admiral Soe Thein inspectsAutomobile Factory No. 2 (Htonebo).


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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 August, 2008

(from page 1)The Prime Minis-

ter and party together withMinister for CooperativesMaj-Gen Tin Htut who issupervising rehabilitationtasks of storm-hit regions

NDPCC Chairman PrimeMinister General Thein Sein…

in Labutta Township, ar-rived in Kyaukalad villagein Ngapudaw Townshipat 10.20 am. They werewelcomed there by Min-ister for Mines Brig-GenOhn Myint who is super-

vising rehabilitation tasksof Ngapudaw Township,officials concerned, mem-bers of social organiza-tions and teachers.

Next, the PrimeMinister and party leftKyaukalad village for newKhongyi village ofOaktwin village-tract,

Hainggyikyun, LabuttaDistrict by car.

At the briefing hallof new Khongyi village,the Prime Minister metwith departmental offi-cials and local people andasked about their educa-tion, health, livelihood andliving conditions.

The Prime Minis-ter said that arrangementsare being made for thestorm victims to be able tolead a better life with as-sistance of the governmentand donations of thewellwishers. Necessaryequipment and materialshave been provided for

those who resume thebusiness. He spoke of theneed for the local peopleto work hard and to savemoney they earn so thattheir living standard wouldimprove.

He also urged theteachers to nurture theirpupils to be educated per-sons with good morale. Hesaid rural dispensaries andlibraries will be opened.Officials of the village areto organize the village peo-ple to cultivate readinghabit for the improvementof knowledge of the localpeople.

The Prime Minis-ter asked responsible per-sons of Shwe Thanlwin,AyonU companies groupabout progress on con-struction of houses andattended to the needs.

Next, the PrimeMinister and party in-spected progress on con-struction of houses byShwe Thanlwin, AyonUcompanies group for newKhongyi village, allot-ment of houses for home-less people, growing ofkitchen crops inthe compound of houses,

(See page 9)

Newly built

houses are

seen at the

village of

Khongyi in




in Labutta



Fishing boats seen in a river before handing over to fishermen in Labutta Township. — MNA

Prime Minister General Thein Sein inspects resettlement of storm survivors in newly constructed houses at the village of Khongyi,Hainggyikyun in Labutta District. — MNA



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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 August, 2008 9

(from page 1)of departments, membersof Ayeyawady DivisionPDC and division-leveldepartmental officials.

In his address,Prime Minister GeneralThein Sein said that theYangon-Pathein mortorroad is in the state of dete-rioration due to torrentialrains and heavy traffic be-cause of Nargis. He addedthat although permits havebeen granted to privateentrepreneurs to renovatethe road, they were unableto engage in the task im-mediately for various rea-sons. That is why the gov-ernment is to handle thismatter so as to bring aboutbetter transport in the divi-sion.

He continued to saythat it is required to pay thematter urgent attention inorder that motor vehicleson the road can run con-veniently. For effective im-plementation of the task,duties are to be assignedseparately while immedi-ate repairs on the damagedparts of the road are beingintroduced.

The government isextensively engaged in res-cue and relief, rehabilita-tion and development ofthe storm-hit seven town-ships in Ayeyawady Divi-sion. Thanks to concertedefforts of the State, the peo-ple and the Tatmadaw, res-cue and relief measureswere able to be taken ef-fectively, he said.

Rehabilitation tasksare being carried out in ac-cord with the guidance of

As the granary of State,Ayeyawady Division…

NDPCC Chairman PrimeMinister General Thein Sein…

(from page 8)construction of housesand opening of shops, liv-ing conditions of the fami-lies and a nursery.

Next, the PrimeMinister and party left byhelicopter for Labutta.

While in Labutta,the Prime Minister andparty attended the secondceremony to hand overfishing boats and fishinggear by the Ministry ofLivestock and Fisheriesfor the rehabilitation offishery sector at TaingWin Rice Mill in Ward 8.

First, Minister forLivestock and Fisheries

Brig-Gen Maung MaungThein presented fishingboats and fishing gear toMinister for CooperativesMaj-Gen Tin Htut who issupervising rehabilitationtasks of storm-hit regionsin Labutta Township.

In a cordial meet-ing with fishermen, thePrime Minister said thatall that is requirements hasbeen provided to the vic-tims to be able to lead abetter life with high liv-ing standard and toresume their businesses,calling for cultivation ofa sense of hard work,working hard, saving the

incomes without anywastes, and enrolment oftheir school-age childrenin order that they willbecome dutiful and edu-cated citizens capable ofdistinguishing betweenright and wrong.

Afterwards, thePrime Minister and partyinspected engines, fish-ing boat and fishing geardisplayed at the cer-emony.

After the cer-emony, the Prime Minis-ter and party viewed dem-onstration on running offishing boats. The PrimeMinister and party left byhelicopter and arrived atPathein in the afternoon.


Special Advisor to the United Nations Secretary-General Mr Ibrahim Agboola Gambari visits rain-fed paddy fields inTawchaung Village in Kungyangon. (News on page 16)— MNA

Prime Minister General Thein Sein meeting with departmental officials in Pathein.—MNA

the Head of State, and asa result, the socio-eco-nomic status of storm sur-vivors has improved to acertain extent as they areable to resume their origi-nal business.

For regional devel-opment, three main roadsthat lead to coastal regionare being constructed inline with the guidance ofthe Head of State and ar-rangements have beenmade for construction ofbuildings that can with-stand natural disaster incoastal towns, he dis-closed.

The Prime Minis-ter stressed the need fordivision-level departmen-tal officials to do their bitfor success of regional de-

velopment making betteruse of the already-achievedinfrastructures.

Having been re-garded the granary of theState, Ayeyawady Divisionis to try its utmost to exceedthe target of paddy produc-tion. Therefore, officials,farmers and national entre-preneurs are to make con-certed efforts for develop-ment of the agricultural sec-tor with the effective appli-cation of modern agricul-tural technique, qualitypaddy strains and fertilizer.

Next, Chairman ofAyeyawady Division Peaceand Development CouncilCommander of South-WestCommand Brig-Gen KyawSwe reported on conditionof roads in the division, mat-ters related to education,health and agricultural sec-tors, and arrangements madefor the use of quality paddy

strains in order to boost thepaddy production.

After that, Ministerfor Agriculture and Irriga-

tion Maj-Gen Htay Oo re-ported on collecting of factsand data on sown acreage,farmland and productionrate.

Later, Minister forConstruction Maj-GenSaw Tun reported on find-ings in inspection ofYangon-Pathein road sec-tion and stockpiling of

gravel for renovation of theroad.

After hearing thereports, the Prime Minis-ter fulfilled the require-ments and briefed matterson enhancing the educa-tion and health standardsof storm-hit villages, afterwhich the meeting came toan end.—MNA

For regional development, three mainroads that lead to coastal region are beingconstructed in line with the guidance of theHead of State.

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 August, 2008

Maj-Gen Khin Zaw inspects development tasks in Magway Division

Maj-Gen Khin Zaw of Ministry of Defence inspects Maday Dam project. — MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 19Aug— Maj-Gen Khin Zawof the Ministry of Defencetogether with Chairman ofMagway Division Peaceand Development CouncilCol Phone Maw Shwe andofficials arrived at thebriefing hall of MadayDam Project at Kanma,Magway Division, on 17August.

After hearing thereport on the project, Maj-Gen Khin Zaw gaveinstructions on irrigatingfarm lands in the summerafter storing watersystematically in the damin the rainy season.

He then inspected thestorage of water in the dam,construction of thespillways and generatinghydropower from the damto be able to supplyelectricity to Ahtet Mipaukvillage.

Maday Dam is locatednear Gyopin Village, 3.5miles west of Pathein-Monywa Highway inKanma Township and wasopened on 25 February2007.

The dam is 155 feethigh and 1920 feet long. Ithas a storage capacity of

54,000 acre-feet and canirrigate 4000 acres of land.

Next, Maj-Gen KhinZaw looked intocultivation ofManawthukha paddy andbroadcasting of fertilizerat field No. 893 of farmerU Pho Htaung at Mithavillage-tract in KanmaTownship, and digging ofcannel of the dam.

He also viewed masscultivation of monsoonpaddy at field No. 352 offarmer U Ohn Maung ofMezali village in MindonTownship. Afterwards, heleft instructions to reclaim

vacant and virgin soils, togrow physic nut plants inorder to use bio-diesel ingenerators and farmequipment and to makeefforts to uplift theagricultural sector.

During the inspectiontour of Tantar Dam inMindon Township, Maj-Gen Khin Zaw inspectedthe storage of water in thedam and irrigated areas.

Tantar Dam is 530 feetlong and 33.5 feet high.The dam can irrigate 414acres of land.

Maj-Gen Khin Zawmet with departmental

officials and local peopleat Mindon Hall in Mindon.At the meeting, he fulfilledrequirements for thedevelopment of the townand called on local peoplefor making more effortsfor cultivation of crops anddevelopment of the region.

After the meeting,Maj-Gen Khin Zaw wentto People’s Hospital inMindon Township andinspected the wards andthe operation room of thehospital. He also comfortedand provided cashassistance to patientsreceiving treatment at the

hospital.Afterwards, Maj-Gen

Khin Zaw went to thebriefing hall of the Pathein-Monywa Road (North)Project and heard reportson maintenance of the roadsection in MagwayDivision.

He also greetedfarmers planting rice in thefields in PyaungpyaVillage-tract in Mindon.

During the tour ofMagway Division, Maj-Gen Khin Zaw alsoinspected the cultivation ofphysic nut plants on the 200acres of Yuzana Co Ltd.

Afterwards, Maj-GenKhin Zaw met with farmersplanting monsoon paddyon 10.39 acres in PanhteinMyohaung Village inNgaphe Township andurged them to use rightmethods for planting andto use quality strains.

Before he went toPwintbyu Township, Maj-Gen Khin Zaw also visitedPeople’s Hospital in Ngapeand inspected wards, theX-ray room and the medicalstore of the hospital. Hecomforted and providedcash assistance to patientsduring the visit. — MNA

Torrential rains cause flood in some areas,cultivation resumes in flood-hit areas

NAY PYI TAW, 19 Aug— Torrential rains causedlandslide leaving six deadat the village of Bawbadanin Mogok Township on 16August.

Five members of afamily and a guest werekilled as the house wasburied in a landslide.

On 12 August, theoverflow of water fromThanlwin River enteredlow-lying areas in fivewards and one village inHpa-an, Kayin State. Someportions of the Hpa-an—Zarthapyin Road and Hpa-an—Myainggalay Roadwere submerged due to theflood. Similarly, threevillages in HlinebweTownship were floodeddue to the overflow ofwater from ThanlwinRiver.

The overflow of waterfrom Haungtharaw River

entered Ward-3 inKyondo, KawkareikTownship and theoverflow of water fromZami River entered intoWard-6 in Kyainseikkyi.

Bago River hadswollen and water enterednine wards and one villagein Bago. The flood alsosubmerged the 15-ft longportion at Mile Post No 49/1-2 on Yangon-BagoRoad, but did not delay thetraffic along the road.Sleepers of some portionson Yangon-Mandalay railroad in Bago were alsosubmerged by the floodwater and trains had to slowdown along the submergedportion in Bago.

Due to the torrentialrain on 13 and 14 August, ariver in Hlegu Townshipoverflowed and waterentered low-lying areas in6 wards and four villages.

Daka River in YekyiTowship, AyeyawadyDivision, has risen due totorrential rain on 13August and the overflowof water from the riverentered Ward-1, andsome portions ofKyaunggon-Einme Roadand some portions ofrailroad were submergedby the flooded water.

Residents wereevacuated and schools weretemporarily closed inflooded areas. There wasno casualty, but a fewdamages and loss ofproperty due to the flood.Arrangements have beenmade by the authorityconcerned to distributeseedlings and paddy seedsto farmers in the flood-hitareas and some farmershave resumed cultivationas the water has receded.


Electric Power No. 1 Minister looks intoShwegyin hydropower project

NAY PYI TAW, 19Aug—Minister forElectric Power No.1 ColZaw Min, accompanied bydirector-general U WinKyi of HydropowerDepartment and officials,inspected main diversionwork, being implementedby No 4 Construction ofHydropower Department,near Kyauknagar village,six miles from thenortheast of ShwegyinTownship, Bago divisionyesterday.

The minister gaveinstructions on qualitycontrol of main spillwayworks and setting

timeframe to complete.The minister

inspected construction ofintake structure and steelpipes.

The minister heardreports presented by in-charge engineers andfulfilled the needs.

The minister lookedinto flow of water fromOut Fall Channel andexcavation. The ministerurged the officials to carryout safety measures to betaken carefully.

The ministerinspected completion ofembankment and inflowof water and gave

instructions on inflow ofriver water andconservation ofembankment.

At the briefing hall, theminister heard reports oncompletion of work andworks to be done. He alsoinstructed officials to carryout safety works andstockpiling of constructionmaterials during the rainyseason.

Upon completion,Shwegyin Hydropowerproject will be generated75 megawatt. So far, 62.55percent has beencompleted.


Labour Ministry conducts Basic ComputerCourse No 1/2008

NAY PYI TAW, 19Aug— To train the staff tobecome more efficient andfamiliar with computersystem in transforming to

e-Government, BasicComputer Course No 1/2008 was opened at thetraining hall of theMinistry of Labour here

yesterday morning.Altogether 20 trainees

are attending the four-week course.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 August, 2008 11

News &Photos


Medal Standings (19-8-2008) Sr NOC Name G S B T

1 China 43 14 19 76

2 United States 26 26 27 79

3 Britain 16 9 8 33

4 Australia 11 12 12 35

5 Germany 11 8 9 28

6 Russian Fed. 10 14 18 42

7 ROK 8 10 6 24

8 Japan 8 6 8 22

9 Italy 6 6 7 19

10 Ukraine 5 4 8 17

11 France 4 11 14 29

12 Netherlands 4 5 4 13

13 Romania 4 1 3 8

14 Spain 3 4 2 9

15 Poland 3 4 1 8

16 Slovakia 3 1 4

17 Canada 2 6 5 13

18 Kenya 2 4 2 8

19 Czech Republic 2 3 5

20 Jamaica 2 3 5

21 New Zealand 2 1 5 8

22 Denmark 2 1 3 6

23 DPRK 2 1 3 6

24 Ethiopia 2 1 3

25 Switzerland 2 3 5

26 Georgia 2 1 3

27 Cuba 1 5 5 11

28 Belarus 1 3 7 11

29 Kazakhstan 1 3 4 8

30 Zimbabwe 1 3 4

31 Azerbaijan 1 2 2 5

32 Norway 1 2 2 5

33 Slovenia 1 2 2 5

34 Indonesia 1 1 3 5

35 Bulgaria 1 1 2 4

36 Finland 1 1 1 3

37 Estonia 1 1 2

38 Mongolia 1 1 2

39 Brazil 1 5 6

40 Argentina 1 1 2

41 Bahrain 1 1

42 Cameroon 1 1

43 India 1 1

44 Panama 1 1

45 Thailand 1 1

46 Tunisia 1 1

47 Hungary 4 1 5

48 Sweden 3 3

49 Turkey 2 1 3

50 Uzbekistan 1 3 4

51 Austria 1 2 3

52 Greece 1 2 3

53 Lithuania 1 2 3

54 Algeria 1 1 2

55 Colombia 1 1 2

56 Croatia 1 1 2

57 Kyrgyzstan 1 1 2

58 Serbia 1 1 2

59 Chile 1 1

60 Ecuador 1 1

61 Malaysia 1 1

62 Portugal 1 1

63 South Africa 1 1

64 Singapore 1 1

65 Trinidad/Tobago 1 1

66 Vietnam 1 1

67 Armenia 5 5

68 Chinese Taipei 2 2

69 Egypt 1 1

70 Iran 1 1

71 Latvia 1 1

72 Morocco 1 1

73 Mexico 1 1

74 Tajikistan 1 1

75 Togo 1 1

Total: 205 206 232 643

Sr NOC Name G S B T

Li Xiaopeng of Chinacompetes during men’sparallel bars final ofBeijing 2008 OlympicGames at NationalIndoor Stadium inBeijing, China, on 19Aug, 2008. Li Xiaopengclaimed the title of the event with a score of


Gold medalist ShawnJohnson (C) of theUnited States, silvermedalist Nastia Liukin(L) of the UnitedStates, and China’sbronze winner ChengFei celebrate duringthe awarding cere-mony for women’sbalance beam final ofBeijing 2008 Olympic Games at National Indoor Stadium in Beijing, China, on 19 Aug, 2008.

Usain Bolt of Jamaicasprints during the

men’s 200m semi-finalat the National

Stadium, also knownas the Bird’s Nest,

during Beijing 2008Olympic Games in

Beijing, China,19 Aug, 2008.

Wang Jie (R) andTianJia of Chinacelebrate after winningthe women’s semifinalof the Beijing 2008Olympic Games beachvolleyball event againstXue Chen and ZhangXi of China in Beijing,China, on 19 Aug, 2008.Wang Jie and Tian Jiawon the match 2-1 andadvanced to final.

UK police arrest 2,500 in knife crime blitzLONDON, 19 Aug—

Police have arrested2,500 people and stoppedand searched a total of55,000 during a massiveclampdown on knifecrime prompted by aseries of high-profilemurders, the HomeOffice said on Monday.

In all, 1,600 kniveshave been seized sincethe government’sTackling Knives ActionProgramme (TKAP) was

launched on 5 June.The crackdown came

after a number of teenagerswere killed, often stabbedto death, on streets acrossBritain.

It has seen police usingtough powers to stop andsearch teenagers withoutneeding to have reasonablesuspicion.

The scale of the problemwas highlighted with twomore deaths this weekend.

In the early hours of

Saturday, 16-year-oldConor Black was stabbedto death in the HarpurheyDistrict of Manchester,while Nilanthan Murddi,17, became the 23rdteenager to die violentlyin London this yearafter he was knifed inCroydon.

Home SecretaryJacqui Smith said the twodeaths showed why theTKAP was so important.


China allocates $512 mln tosupport small enterprises

BEIJING, 19 Aug— China’s Ministry of Finance (MOF) on Tuesday announcedthe country would earmark 3.51 billion yuan (511.6 million US dollars) this yearto support the development of domestic small- and medium-sized enterprises.

Financing difficulty had long been a bottleneck for domestic small- andmedium-sized enterprises since China started providing small mortgage loans in2002.

The government placed helping small companies and increasing employmentas one of its top priorities this year. It promised to help 10 million urban dwellersfind employment this year.

The MOF said on its website the country had invested nearly 17 billion yuanthrough 2007 to set up six special funds to support small- and medium-scalecompanies.


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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 August, 2008


TENDER IFB No. SHLLSL- (03)-08 (Supply of 200 metric tonnes of Diluent, either SHELLSOL 2046 (or)EQUIVALENT).

CLOSING DATE &TIME: 2nd September 2008 at 12:00 noon

Tender documents are available at the following address and queries can be made between 10 am and 4pmat MICCL Yangon office before the tender closing date.Myanmar Ivanhoe Copper Company Limited70 (I) Bo Chein Street, Pyay Road, Hlaing TownshipYangon, Myanmar (Tel: (95) 1-514194 to 7/ Fax: (95) 1 514208/ email:

Hit men kill 13 at partyin Mexico tourist town

Confused sea turtles march intoItalian restaurant

S Korean firms bankruptcy rises in JulySEOUL, 19 Aug—South Korea’s corporate default rate went up in July as more companies in the service sector

became insolvent, the South Korean central bank said Tuesday.According to the Bank of Korea (BOK), number of business failures in July amounted to 209, compared with

191 in June. The number service companies that went bust reached 97 in July, up 74 from June, while failuresof manufacturers dropped by 11 to 56 and builders by 4 to 42, the BOK said.

The central bank said the default rate on corporate bills, including bonds, checks and promissory notes, stoodat 0.02 percent, down 0.01 percentage point from June’s figure.—Internet

CIUDAD JUAREZ (Mexi-co), 19 Aug—Suspecteddrug hit men opened fireon a family gathering at atourist town in northernMexico killing 13 peopleincluding a baby.

The masked hit mensprayed the party withbullets on Saturday as theydrove past the dance hallwhere the family wasgathered outside in Creel,Chihuahua state, near theUS border.

The shower of bulletskilled a one-year-old in thearms of an adult, as wellas three teenagers and auniversity professor, saida spokesman for theChihuahua attorneygeneral’s office onMonday.

“They can kill eachother, but to shoot deadinnocent people, youngstudents, professors ... it isnot possible,” a weeping60-year-old resident told

local Chihuahua daily ElDiario after the attack.

The shooting wasbelieved to be part of adrug gang feud and thegovernment sent 160federal police and soldiersto Creel following theattack. Creel in the re-mote and snowy SierraTarahumara mountains isa key narcotics smugglingpoint en route to Mexico'sborder with the UnitedStates.— MNA/Reuters

ROME, 19 Aug—About60 newly hatched seaturtles lost their wayduring their ritual passageto the sea and marchedinto an Italian restaurantinstead, a conservationworker said on Monday.

The baby turtles—which ended up under the

tables of startled diners atthe beachside restaurant—were probably thrown offtrack and lured by theeatery’s bright lights, saidAntonio Colucci, who wascalled to help rescue thegroup. “They saw theartificial lights and tookthe wrong route,” saidColucci, who works on aturtle monitoring projectfor the conservation groupWWF (World Wide Fundfor Nature).

“The diners were at firstquite curious and thensomeone alerted thecoastal authorities.”

The stranded turtles,which had hatched on abeach in the southernItalian region of Calabria,were released into the sea.

Female sea turtles neston beaches and theiroffspring instinctivelyhead to the sea afterhatching from their eggs.


Wall Street tumbles onfinancial concerns

NEW YORK, 19 Aug—Wall Street tumbled Monday,as a bailout possibility of Fannie Mae and Freddie Macrekindled concerns about the financial sector.

Investors were concerned once again about financials,after Barron’s said shareholders of the biggest sourcesof US mortgage financing would be wiped out if theUS government might have to recapitalize thecompanies. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac tumbled 22percent and 25 percent, respectively and sent financialand real estate shares lower.


Home sales jump in SouthernCalifornia

LOS ANGELES, 19 Aug—Home sales jumped in Julyin Southern California, thefirst increase in nearlythree years, according tofigures released onMonday.

The rise appeared to bespurred by the ongoingdecline in prices whichcontinued their downwardspiral, according to realtyresearch firm DataQuick.

In July, the region’smedian price fell 31

percent from a year ago to348,000 US dollars, thelowest since February2004, when the local realestate market was in thethroes of an extraordinaryboom, said DataQuick.

The number of homessold picked up in July forthe first year-over-yearexpansion since October2005. All counties, saveLos Angeles County,posted at least a 10-percentincrease from July 2007.

Overall, 20,329 homesin the six-county regionclosed escrow last month,a 13.8 percent rise from ayear ago.

Los Angeles Countyremained the region'sbiggest county whichposted an all-time July lowof 6,592 sales, down 3.2percent from a year ago.The median price,meanwhile, dropped 27percent to 400,000dollars.—Internet

20-8-08 (FINAL) NL 7/29/18, 4:55 PM12

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 August, 2008 13

BEIJING, 19 Aug—China’s solar-poweredlunar probe satelliteChang’e 1 stood the testof a partial eclipse on Sun-day as scientists alteredits orbit and temporarilyturning off some facilities.

Based on the signalssent by the satellite afterthe eclipse, the Chang’e 1was operating as expected,Monday’s Beijing Newsquoted Liu Junze, of theBeijing Aerospace Cont-rol Centre (BACC), as

TOKYO, 19 Aug—Japan’s central bankdecided Tuesday to keepits key interest rateunchanged at 0.5 percent.

The widely expectedmove came at the end ofits two-day policy meetingamid concerns over soa-ring prices of energy, foodand other comodities.

Although the Bank ofJapan (BOJ) reviseddownward its overallassessment of Japaneseeconomic conditions to“sluggish,” its PolicyBoard voted unanimouslyto retain the target rate forunsecured overnight callmoney for a 18th straightmonth.


Five-year-old girl Zhang Luxi poses for photo atTian’anmen Square in Beijing, capital of China,

on 17 Aug, 2008. Beijing witnessed a cool weatherSunday, drawing many citizens and tourists to the


A picture by Albany Associates shows fighters from the Justice and EqualityMovement (JEM) riding in the back of an armoured vehicle. A Sudanese

court sentenced to death a top Darfur rebel and seven others, bringing to 38the number condemned to hang over an unprecedented attack on Khartoum

that killed more than 222 people.—INTERNET

Scientist says China’s firstsatellite normal after eclipse

saying. The ground control

centre changed the orbitof the satellite to shortenthe time it was out of directsunlight to 168 minutes,according to the scientist.

The satellite, if its orbitwas unaltered, would havebeen out of the sun’s raysfor 220 minutes, he said,adding the time hadexceeded the satellite’smaximum power reserve.

The centre alsoswitched off some facili-

ties at about 3:21 am onSunday to save power, andtemporarily lost contactwith the satellite for morethan three hours, he noted.

Sunday’s eclipseoccurred between 3:35 amand 6:44 am, and thesatellite was hidden fromthe solar rays about thesame period. The moon’sshadow, also a signal blindarea, could cause a powershortage in freezingtemperatures.


Japan’s centralbank retainsinterest rate

at 0.5%

BEIJING, 19 Aug— TheUS Food and Drug Admi-nistration on Mondaystrengthened warningsabout the dangerous pan-creas inflammation linkedto the type 2 diabetes drugByetta after receivingreports of deaths andhospitalizations in Byettausers.

The FDA got six re-ports of hemorrhagic ornecrotizing pancreatitisrequiring hospitalization,including two deaths.

The cases were markedby bleeding or tissuedeath, the FDA said, thepatients who didn’t diewere recovering.

Byetta and otherpotentially suspect drugsshould be promptly dis-continued if pancreatitisis suspected and notrestarted if pancreatitis isconfirmed, notes the FDA.

FDA warns of risk linked to diabetesdrug Byetta

Byetta, given byinjection and approved bythe FDA in 2005, wasthought to have wide po-tential use, in part becauseof its ability to help type IIdiabetes patients loseweight.

Now, the FDA isworking with Byetta’smaker, Amylin Pharma-ceuticals, to add “strongerand more prominentwarnings” about acutehemorrhagic or necroti-

zing pancreatitis on theproduct’s label. It was notimmediately clear if theFDA would order new so-called “black box” warn-ings.

Amylin and the drugcompany Eli Lilly &Cocollaborate on Byetta.

The companies statedthat pancreatitis is rare inthe general public butmore common amongtype 2 diabetes patients.


NEW YORK, 19 Aug—Lowe’s Cos Inc, the se-cond-largest US homeimprovement retailer,reported Monday a 7.9percent decline in second-quarter profit.

NEW DELHI, 19 Aug —Indian Health MinisterAnbumani Ramdoss askedthe All India Institute of Me-dicalSciences(AIIMS)toorder a high-level probeinto the death of 49 child-ren during clinical trials inthe institute on Tuesday.

The move came afterthe Congress Party earlier

SINGAPORE, 19 Aug —The worst of the globalfinancial crisis is yet tocome and a large US bankwill fail in the next fewmonths as the world’sbiggest economy hitsfurther troubles, formerIMF chief economist Ken-neth Rogoff said onTuesday.

“The US is not out ofthe woods. I think thefinancial crisis is at thehalfway point, perhaps. Iwould even go further tosay ‘the worst is to come’,”he told a financial con-ference.

“We’re not just goingto see mid-sized banks gounder in the next fewmonths, we’re going to seea whopper, we’re going tosee a big one, one of thebig investment banks or

No.2 US home improvement retailer’sprofit falls 7.9% in 2nd quarter

The North Carolina-based Lowe’s earned 938million US dollars, or 64cents per share, down from1.02 billion dollars, or 67cents per share, in the year-ago period.

It said sales increased2.4 percent to 14.5 billiondollars from 14.17 billiondollars a year ago.

However, the reportwas better than WallStreet’s expectations as

company benefited fromtight expense controls andthe government stimuluschecks. The companyalso offered a weaker thanexpected outlook for thethird quarter.

Lowe’s is second tothe Home Depot Incamong the US homeimprovement retailers.

Home Depot willreport its earnings onTuesday. —Internet

SEOUL, 19 Aug—US beef is proving increasinglypopular since going back on sale in South Koreadespite months of mass protests against the supposeddangers of mad cow disease, officials said Tuesday.

Over the three weeks ending Saturday, Australiashipped 16,200 tonnes, the United States 5,300 tonnesand New Zealand 4,700 tonnes, the National Veterinaryand Quarantine Service said.

South Korea was once the world’s third-largestmarket for US beef, with imports worth 850 milliondollars a year until they were suspended in 2003 aftera US case of mad cow disease.

Seoul’s decision in April to resume imports ofalmost all cuts of US beef sparked months of streetprotests over supposed health concerns.—Internet

Indian health authorities order probe into infant deathson Monday demanded anindependent inquiry intothe unusually high numberof infant deaths in clinicaltrials for new drugs atAIIMS and suggested thatsuch tests be put on holdduring the pendency ofprobe.

“It is a matter of greatconcern that 49 babies

have died over the pasttwo-and-a-half years,”party spokesman ManishTiwari told reporters at abriefing. —Internet

Large US bank collapse seen aheadbig banks,” said Rogoff,who is an economicsprofessor at HarvardUniversity and was theInternational MonetaryFund’s chief economistfrom 2001 to 2004.

“We have to see moreconsolidation in thefinancial sector before thisis over,” he said, whenasked for early signs of anend to the crisis.


US beef popular in SouthKorea despite protests

20-8-08 (FINAL) NL 7/29/18, 4:55 PM13

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 August, 2008

S P O R T SFighting talk from Domenech

ahead of France friendly

An emboldenedRaymond Domenech,seen here, said he wasrelishing the massivetask of rebuilding the

French national set-up,ahead of his youthfulside's friendly againstSweden.—INTERNET

Edwards closes in on Busch with win at Michigan

Carl Edwards does a backflip afterwinning the NASCAR 3M Perform-

ance 400 auto race at MichiganInternational Speedway in Brooklyn,Mich, on 17 Aug, 2008.—INTERNET

Racing source saysnight race planned

for AtlantaATLANTA, 19 Aug —

NASCAR will run underthe lights at Atlanta Mo-tor Speedway in 2009, TheAssociated Press haslearned.

There's more: The newnight race is expected tobe run on Labor Day week-end.

Atlanta Motor Speed-way and NASCAR offi-cials are planning to an-nounce a schedule changeTuesday that will includethe night race announce-ment, said a racing offi-cial who spoke on condi-tion of anonymity becausedetails of the change hadnot been made public.

Atlanta's place on theracing calendar also couldmove. There has beenspeculation Atlanta MotorSpeedway will be part of athree-way trade of racedates for next year's SprintCup schedule that also in-volves the Auto ClubSpeedway in Fontana,Calif, and TalladegaSuperspeedway.—Internet

Danny Lee continues strongplay at US Amateur

PINEHURST, 19 Aug — A whirlwind of a month isalmost over for Danny Lee. First, he became only thesixth player in the 106-year history of the WesternAmateur to sweep medalist and match play honours,joining a group that includes Phil Mickelson and Curtis

Danny Lee watches a fair-way shot on the ninth holeduring the final round ofthe Wyndham Champi-onship golf tournamentin Greensboro, NC, on17 Aug, 2008.—INTERNET

Top seed Verdasco advances at New Haven tennis

Ivory Coast star Drogba poisedto return against Guinea

Newcastle’s Taylor out ofUnder-21 squad with injury

Spain's Fernando Verdasco returns ashot to Israel's Dudi Sela on 18

August at Yale Tennis Centre in NewHaven, Connecticut.—INTERNET

Crack striker DidierDrogba, seen here, couldreturn to action for IvoryCoast Wednesday whenthey play Guinea nearParis in a friendly inter-national.—INTERNET

Cole vows to step up a gearto keep Chelsea berthBROOKLYN, 19 Aug — Carl Edwards

looked in his mirrors and saw the guy hehad to beat.

With two laps remaining and one finalrestart coming up in Sunday's NASCARSprint Cup race at Michigan Interna-tional Speedway, Kyle Busch — theonly driver that Edwards trails in thepoints — was right on his rear bumper.

Edwards said he thought about therace last month at Chicagoland Speed-way when Busch passed two-time reign-ing Cup champion Jimmie Johnson aftera late-race restart for one of his season-high eight victories.

"I just didn't want to have to go throughthe pain, so I just did everything I couldto have the best restart I could, and itworked out great," Edwarts said afterracing away to his fifth win of the season.

And Edwards hopes that's just a pre-view of what's coming up in the Chasefor the championship.—Internet

PARIS, 19 Aug — Anemboldened RaymondDomenech said he wasrelishing the massive taskof rebuilding the Frenchnational set-up, ahead ofhis youthful side's friendlyagainst Sweden.

Domenech has beenunder heavy scrutiny sinceFrance's dismal showingat the European championships in June, surviving aFrench football federation(FFF) confidence vote bythe narrowest of marginsweeks later.

"I'm more motivatedwhen I'm under pressure,"Domenech said on the FFFwebsite Monday.

"It's a fight on a highlevel. I'm in my element. The sword is out. I need to gointo battle. I'm more than motivated, I'm all fired up."


JOHANNESBURG, 19 Aug— Crack striker DidierDrogba could return to ac-tion for Ivory CoastWednesday when theyplay Guinea near Paris in afriendly international.

A knee injury forced thedreadlocked Chelsea starto miss an Ivorian tour ofJapan last May and four2010 World Cup-AfricanNations Cup qualifiers thefollowing month.

Drogba, who had kneesurgery last year, was in-cluded in a 23-strong squadfor the fixture at Chantillyand fit-again Barcelona'enforcer' Yaya Toure isanother 'Elephants' star tobe recalled by VahidHalilhodzic.

The Serbian coachsprung a surprise by se-

lecting Spain-based FelixDjah, who won the last ofthree caps seven years ago,and Aruna Dindane,Arouna Kone and BakaryKone are also back in thesquad. Ivory Coast havefond memories of Guinea,crushing them 5-0 in a 2008African Nations Cup quar-ter-final in Ghana last Feb-ruary with Drogba trigger-ing a late four-goal blitz.


Steven Taylor

LONDON, 19 Aug —Newcastle centre-halfSteven Taylor on Mondaywithdrew from the Eng-land Under-21 squad toface Slovenia on Tuesdayafter suffering an ankle in-jury in the draw with Man-chester United the previ-ous day at Old Trafford.

Taylor was hurt in a col-lision with Unitedgoalscorer Darren Fletcherduring the match and re-quires treatment which will sideline him for the matchin Hull, where several players will be out to show theymerit promotion to the seniors.

Under -21 coach Stuart Pearce said he believes hissquad is one of the strongest he has ever had, withseveral having been involved with the senior squad.


Strange. Then came a tiefor 20th over the weekendin his PGA Tour debut atthe Wyndham Champion-ship. Those performancesleave the 18-year-oldplayer from New Zealandas one of the favourites inthe US Amateur atPinehurst, where heopened with a 1-over 71 inthe opening round of strokeplay Monday.—Internet

NEW HAVEN, 19 Aug — Top-seededFernando Verdasco scored a clean 6-4,6-4 win over Dudi Sela of Israel onMonday to move into the third round ofthe 708,000-dollar New Haven ATPhard-court tournament.

The 24-year-old Spanish southpaw,ranked No 13 in the world, took com-mand of the proceedings early and neverlooked back.

Verdasco, a winner in Umag this pastJuly, is now slated to meet the winner ofthe match between Ivo Minar of theCzech Republic and Eduardo Schwankof Argentina.

Americans went three for five onMonday. Robby Ginepri, WayneOdesnik and big-serving John Isner alladvanced into the second round whileAlex Bogomolov and US veteran Vin-

cent Spadea were sent packing.The 34-year-old Spadea was forced to

retire due to a lower back strain aftertrailing 7-5, 5-0 to Belgium's Steve Darcy.


Joe Cole

LONDON, 19 Aug —Chelsea's midfield starJoe Cole on Mondayvowed to step up a gear tomaintain his berth in LuizFelipe Scolari's multi-million Stamford Bridgeoutfit.

"When you join a bigclub you have to expectcompetition. I have al-ways thrived on it," saidCole, who scored a goalin his side's 4-0 demoli-tion of Portsmouth onSaturday.

"I have always been upagainst big players at theclub, I love competingand learning from them,"the England star added.

"I know I have to stepit up again. Football is agame that doesn't staystill. I performed well lastseason and the fans votedme player of the year, butthat's all in the past now."


20-8-08 (FINAL) NL 7/29/18, 4:55 PM14

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 20 August, 2008 15

Wednesday, 20 AugustView on today


Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hrMST: During the past 24 hours, rain have been isolatedin lower Sagaing Division, scattered in Chin, KayahStates, Mandalay and Magway Divisions, fairly wide-spread in Taninthayi Division and widespread in theremaining States and Divisions with locally heavyfalls inupper Sagaing and Mandalay Divisions and isolatedheavyfall in Rakhine and Kayin States, Yangon Division.The noteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded were NayPyi Taw (2.37) inches, Hkamti (4.92) inches, Sittway(3.62) inches, Yangon (Mingaladon) (3.11) inches, Hpa-an (3.03) inches, Taungoke (2.95) inches, Thandwe (2.55)inches, Yangon (Kaba-Aye) (2.40) inches, Yangon (Cen-tral) and Thaton (2.28)inches each, Hmawby (2.21)inchesand Kyauktaw (2.09) inches.

Maximum temperature on 18-8-2008 was 84˚F.Minimum temperature on 19-8-2008 was 68ºF. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 19-8-2008 was 100%.Total sunshine hours on 18-8-2008 was (Nil).

Rainfall on 19-8-2008 was (3.11) inches atMingaladon, (2.40) inches at Kaba-Aye and (2.28) inchesat Central Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-1-2008 was(78.50) inches at Mingaladon, (87.91) inches at Kaba-Aye and (102.95) inches at Central Yangon. Maximumwind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (6) mph fromSouthwest at (12:30) hours MST on 18-8-2008.

Bay inference: Monsoon is moderate in the AndamanSea and strong in the Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 20-8-2008: Rain willbe scattered in Kayah State, lower Sagaing, Mandalayand Magway Divisions, fairly widespread in Chin, ShanStates and Taninthayi Division and widespread in theremaining areas with likelihood of isolated heavyfall inRakhine State and upper Sagaing Division. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Squalls with rough sea are likely attimes Deltaic, off and along Rakhine Coasts. Surfacewind speed in squalls may reach (40) mph. Seas will bemoderate elsewhere in Myanmar waters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Generally strongmonsoon.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring areafor 20-8-2008: Isolated rain. Degree of certainty is(80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring areafor 20-8-2008: Some rain. Degree of certainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring areafor 20-8-2008: Isolated rain. Degree of certainty is (80%).

7:00 am1. mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\

Bura;”k^;f prit\tra;eta\7:25 am2. To be healthy

exercise7:30 am3. Morning news

Tuesday, 19 August, 2008

R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministpry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

7:40 am4. At^;�pioc\p∑´7:55 am5. Nice and sweet song8:05 am6. �mø;�mø;Âk∑Âk∑yU\ek¥;mOAk8:20 am7. q^K¥c\;Âk^;pedqa8:30 am8. International news8:45 am9. ASiu�pioc\p∑´´4:00 pm1. Martial song4:10 pm2. Ak�pioc\p∑´´4:15 pm3. Aq∑c\q‹n\etak\qv\.


4:25 pm4. Song to uphold

National Spirit4:30 pm5. ASiu�pioc\p∑´´4:40 pm6. {me�pam�p^; mt^;m�mv\}

(enr´´lc\;' emac\emac\�mc\≥'Kc\emac\si u;tc\ ≥' r˙c\P un \;'Aim\≥K¥ y\' miu;eza\' Kiuc\Suq∑y\'siuc\;Kn\≥siu;lc\;)(dåRuik\ta-emac\emac\�mc\≥)

5:00 pm7. Musical programme5:15 pm8. rqepÅl∑c\qRup\eSac\l∑c\�pc\6:00 pm9. Evening news6:30 pm10. Weather report

6:35 pm11. �mn\ma≥Del≥Riu;ralk\ew˙≥6:50 pm12. Tk\�mk\ep¥a\rWc\

Aim\eTac\r˙c\7:15 pm13. Siuliuk\Âksiu≥8:00 pm14. News15. International news16. Weather report17.2007KuN˙s\(15)Âkim\e�mak\ �mn\ma≥Riu;ray√\ek¥;m˙oASiu'' Ak' Aer;' At^;�piioc\p∑´´ (quwfiqamzat\eta\Âk^; �pioc\p∑´´) (emac\eAac\kiuwc\; N˙c\≥AP∑´´≥) (ttiySu) (rn\kun\tiuc\;)(pTmpiuc\;)

Flood News(Issued at 12:30 hrs MST on 19-8-2008)

According to the (06:30) hr MST observation today, the water level ofChindwin River at Hkamti is (1279)cm. It is possible to reach its danger level(1360)cm during the next (48)hours.

According to the (06:30) hr MST observation today, the water level ofChindwin River at Homalin has reached (2900)cm of its danger level. It isforecast to rise about (1.5) feet above its danger level during the next (24)hours.

According to the (09:30) hr MST observation today, the water level ofChindwin River at Mawlaik is (1240)cm and it has exceeded by (10)cm aboveits danger level. It may continue to rise about (1) foot during the next (24)hours.

According to the (09:30) hr MST observation today, the water level ofChindwin River at Kalewa is (15230) cm. It may reach its danger level (1550)cmduring the next (24) hours.

According to the (06:30) hr MST observation today, the water level ofChindwin River at Monywa is (946)cm. It may reach its danger level (1000)cmduring the next (4) days.

According to the (10:30) hr MST observation today, the water level ofSittoung River at Taungoo is (585) cm. It may exceed above its danger level(600)cm during the next (24)hours.

Pakistan hospital bombkills at least 23

Local residents gather at the site of suicidebombing at a local hospital in Dera Ismail Khan,

Pakistan on 19 Aug, 2008.INTERNET

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, 19 Aug — A bomb blast at ahospital in northwest Pakistan killed at least 23 peopleTuesday, authorities said. Another 15 to 20 wereinjured.

The explosion occurred near the emergency entranceto the Dera Ismail Khan District Hospital, said MalikNaveed, inspector general of police for the NorthWest Frontier Province, where the district is located.

The bomb went off while a crowd gathered outsidethe hospital to protest the shooting death of a Shi’iteMuslim leader, Naveed said.

No one immediately claimed responsibility for theexplosion, but police think a suicide bomber may havebeen involved.—Internet

Britain says 3 civilians killed in Afghan fight LONDON, 19 Aug—Three Afghan civilians—a

woman and two children—were killed during anincident involving British troops, the Ministry ofDefence said on Monday, correcting a previous reportthat four civilians were killed.

The MoD said in a statement the civilians werekilled in the Sangin area of southern Afghanistan onSaturday “when UK forces fired rockets at Talebanfighters, unaware that civilians were in the vicinity ofenemy fighters in a local compound”. A further fourcivilians were injured, it said.—MNA/Reuters

Russia warns against NATOmembership for Georgia

BRUSSELS, 19 Aug—Russia’s ambassador toNATO warned the allianceon Tuesday againstallowing Georgia intoNATO.

The Georgia-Russiaconflict over South Ossetiawould have brought

NATO into war withRussia if the alliancegranted Georgia itsmembership action planat the NATO summit inApril, said ambassadorDmitry Rogozin.

“I would like to askyou whether you areready to risk yourprosperity, to risk yourlives and the lives of yourchildren just for(Georgian PresidentMikheil) Saakashvili,”Rogozin said, referring tocitizens in the West.

Asked whetherSaakashvili should thankMoscow if Russia’smilitary intervention inSouth Ossetia wouldspeed up Georgia’saccession to NATO,Rogozin joked that AdolfHitler and SaddamHussein should beallowed to join NATOahead of Saakashvili.


20-8-08 (FINAL) NL 7/29/18, 4:55 PM15

4th Waning of Wagaung 1370 ME Wednesday, 20 August, 2008

Make donations to the storm victims

� Everybody may make donations freely.� Everybody may make donations to any person or any area.

However, wellwishers are urged to avoid unsystematic donations and acts that may tarnishthe image of the nation and its people.


� Skyful liars attempting to destroy nation� BBC lying

VOA deceivingRFA setting up hostilities

� Beware! Don’t be bought by those ill-wishers

NAY PYI TAW, 19Aug—A meeting betweenthe Spokes AuthoritativeTeam of the State Peaceand Development Counciland Special Advisor of theUnited Nations’ Secretary-General Mr Ibrahim

SPDC Spokes Authoritative Team holds talkswith UN Secretary-General’s Special Advisor

Argentina knock outrivals Brazil

Argentina’s Sergio Aguero (16) scores the

opening goal as Brazil’s Marcelo tries to

defend during their men’s semifinal soccer

match at the Beijing 2008 Olympics in

China, Tuesday, 19 Aug 2008.

BEIJING, 19 Aug—Argentina beat Brazil 3-0 toset up an Olympic final against Nigeria in the men’sfootball competition.

Sergio Aguero put Argentina ahead when hechested in a low cross before his glanced side foot addeda second.

Ronaldinho’s free-kick hit the post for Brazil andAlexandre Pato was dubiously ruled offside when hetouched in a Marcelo cross in the aftermath.

Juan Riquelme’s penalty finished off a Brazilside who had Lucas Leiva and Thiago Neves sent offlate on.

Lucas was sent-off for a foul on Liverpool team-mate Javier Mascherano, who was also the victim of thechallenge which saw Neves see red minutes later.

The tackles were a signal of Brazil’s frustrationtowards the end of a match in which they only came tolife after conceding the opening goal after 53 min-utes.—Internet

Agboola Gambari tookplace at the National De-fence College in Yangonat 3 pm today.

Leader of the teamMinister for InformationBrig-Gen Kyaw Hsan andmembers Minister for For-

eign Affairs U Nyan Winand Minister for CultureMaj-Gen Khin AungMyint were present.

The team hosted a din-ner for Mr IbrahimAgboola Gambari at MyaYeik Nyo Royal Hotel in

the evening.This morning, Mr

Gambari and party visitedthe Rehabilitation Camp(Central) in KungyangonTownship, Yangon Divi-sion. Deputy Director UKyaw Khaing Thein of the

Ministry of Energy briefedthem on progress of recon-struction tasks in the storm-hit township.

Mr Gambari and partyobserved monsoon paddyfield No. 364 inTawchaung Village,

Kungyangon Township,new homes of storm vic-tims in Htandaw Village,reconstruction of the basiceducation primary schooland makeshift schoolbuildings in NyaungnguVillage.—MNA

Spokes Authoritative Team of the State Peace and Development Council meeting with Mr Ibrahim Agboola Gambari at the National DefenceCollege in Yangon. — MNA

Beijing OlympicsSpecial on page 11

Usain Bolt of Jamaicasprints during the

men’s 200m semi-finalat the National

Stadium, also knownas the Bird’s Nest,

during Beijing 2008Olympic Games inBeijing, China, 19

Aug, 2008.

20-8-08 (FINAL) NL 7/29/18, 4:55 PM16