Senate house presentation slideshare

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Transcript of Senate house presentation slideshare

Giuseppe Sollazzo@puntofisso

How can IT systems and technologies be applied to Senate House Library,

with its unique volume, range and quality?7 November 2014

Senate House Library


Senior Systems Analyst at SGUL

● IT Operations team leader● 250+ servers, 30K users● Library-related R&D

Ministerial Advisor on Open Data and Transparency

● Open Data User Group - Cabinet Office● Health and Social Care Transparency Panel - Dept of Health

Problem 1: Discovery


● OPACs● Google-based approach

○ The more it knows you, the less it tells you● Discovery Tools

○ Summon, Primo, Ebsco Central…○ Popular with “normal” users: they look like Google

■ Advanced users don’t like “advanced search”

The “Answers People”

● By Essex County Council● Search as a human skill, through an IT medium

○ iterative and interactive

Research Approach

● Metadata is good, content is king● Big Data

○ what can we learn about our collections?● N-Grams, LDA, etc

○ novel ways to search for content○ analyse content to make search more interesting

Problem 2: Physical vs Virtual

The Big Issue for Libraries

● The world is increasingly digital● Not all digital is good

○ e.g. e-books can be used as a platform lock-in■ what about spreading culture?

● We still need physical space○ to store books○ to study○ to meet


● Remote locations● Experimental solutions

○ Robots, Drones○ NFC, iBeacons


● Increase access to rare books● How?

○ Open standard/source as a way not to be locked in● Reaching out to users

○ “Libraries without Walls”■ Bringing libraries to public spaces

Library Box

Giuseppe Sollazzo20:02 Today


Problem 3: Building Knowledge

Traditional Activities

● Deposit & Access● Networking● Serendipity

How do we use IT Systems in this context?

● Digital Scholarship

New methods

● Foster information literacy○ build participation○ run courses

● Extend access to resources○ MOOCs

● Digital Humanities○ OCR, Text Analysis, …


● Semantic Web approach to encouraging networking● Linked Data● Machine-readable description of people, papers, etc…


● British Museum: MicroPast○ Archaeological Research○ Tasks that need human intelligence

■ location of photographed scenes■ identification of subject matter in historic archives■ transcription of letters and catalogues

● Applications for digitised books


IT + Library

● “Blacksmiths of Knowledge”○ Traditional library service support○ Knowledge services ○ Data analysis○ Skills building


Open Source


Open Data

Open Access


Giuseppe Sollazzo@puntofisso


Open Source


Open Data

Open Access


The Virtuous Loop

Search (books)




Public vs Academic Libraries

● Public Libraries are laboratories of R&D○ meeting points for learning○ hackspaces, tinkering, making○ “we lend x”, where x is no longer just a book

● Academic Libraries have a traditional mission○ more difficult to innovate○ scholar-to-student○ book-oriented

Senate House Library Specificity

● Central University● Users● Humanities● Rare books● Large collections● Thesis deposit

Open Data

Open Data

● Share knowledge● Encourage people to join in the academic conversation● Opportunity for revenue streams

○ courses, apps, data visualization, sale of librarian skills● Research Data Management

○ bespoke, CKAN, … ○ what in a digital humanity context?