Seedless Vascular Plants

Post on 09-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Seedless Vascular Plants

FernsClub mosses, which are the earliest form of seedless vascular plants, are lycophytes that contain a stem and microphylls.Horsetails are often found in marshes and are characterized by jointed stems with whorled leaves.Photosynthesis occurs in the stems of whisk ferns, which lack roots and leaves.Most ferns have branching roots and form large compound leaves, or fronds, that perform photosynthesis and carry the reproductive organs of the plant.

Tree FernTree ferns are a large group of ferns with tree-like form. They are part of a subclass of ferns which is proved to be monophyletic by DNA sequence analysis.Unlike flowering plants, tree ferns do not form new woody tissue in their trunk as they grow. Rather, the trunk is supported by a fibrous mass of roots that expands as the tree fern grows.

Allium sativum

Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic, is a species in the onion genus, Allium. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek,chive,[1]

and rakkyo.[2] With a history of human use of over 7,000 years, garlic is native to central Asia,[3] and has long been a staple in the Mediterranean region, as well as a frequent seasoning in Asia, Africa, and Europe. It was known to Ancient Egyptians, and has been used for both culinary and medicinal purposes.[4]

Life Cycle of Seedless