SCORM XBlock: Getting SCORM content into Open edX

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Transcript of SCORM XBlock: Getting SCORM content into Open edX


June 14, 2016

Nate Aune

CEO/Foundernate@appsembler.comP: (617) 701-4331

Getting SCORM content into Open edX

What is SCORM?

SCORM = Sharable Content Object Reference Model

“Sharable Content Object” = units of online training material shareable across systems

“Reference Model” = SCORM isn’t actually a standard.SCORM simply references existing standards.

Brief history lesson

U.S. gov’t is a heavy user of online training.

Poor content re-use due to vendor lock-in

Thus ADL was tasked with finding a solution.

ADL’s task was to “develop common specifications and standards for e-learning”

Harmonized work of existing standards.

SCORM was released in 2001 and was quickly adopted by both gov’t and industry.


Re-use e-learning content from other tools in Open edX

Don’t reauthor your existing content when you move to Open edX

Use rich interactive SCORM content as scorable Open edX courseware units

Use SCORM-capable authoring tools to create content that would be difficult to make with Studio

How do I make SCORM content

If you use:● Captivate● Storyline● Camtasia

Then you can use them to export to SCORM

An XBlock for SCORM

Goals - Author experience

● Add SCORM courseware modules through Studio

● Upload SCORM packages as zip files

● Assign grade weight to SCORM module

● Configurable storage for SCOs, player code (local, S3 backends)

● Configurable presentation (iframe/popup, dimensions, intro


Goals - Student Experience

● Present SCORM content alongside other modules

● Grade student responses as any other module

● Save student score, progress, completion status, session time

● Student can browse away, then return to saved location within SCO

● Support navigation between multiple SCOs within same SCORM


What’s next?

● Remove dependency on commercial software—XBlock with open source SCORM API implementation

● Automate configuration of front-end web server

● Appearance improvements

● Analytics

● Robust testing with SCOs from many publishers

Get involved

Beta test to find bugs & suggest featuresSponsor to help finance the developmentContribute as a developer

More info

SCORM XBlock Github repo

SCORM XBlock blog post

Continue the discussion!TOPIC: SCORM Birds of a Feather Session

Tuesday, 3:00 - 3:30 PM in Room 294
