Rubs 10

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of Rubs 10

MATTHEW 18: 21-35

What is unforgiveness/forgivene


To err is human, to forgive is divine Alexanda Pope

What happens to us whenever we are hurt?

e.g from close friends, relations

Hard facts about unforgiveness

Life offers us plenty of opportunities to feel unforgiving. Lack of forgiveness does more damage to us than to the offender.

We want the person who wronged us to suffer. Those negative feelings war against the love and

compassion that should characterize us as Christians, and we hinder our own spiritual growth.

Ephesians 4: 26-27, 31

Why do we find it hard to forgive?

The story of Joseph


•It is NOT Condoning the Behaviour•It is NOT Forgetting What Happened•It is NOT Restoring Trust in the Person•It is NOT Agreeing to Reconcile•It is NOT Doing the Person a Favour•It is NOT Easy•It doesn’t guarantee change in the person

Matthew 18: 21-22


•It is a command – Matthew 6:14-15•It is at the core of emotional well-being•We carry unnecessary stress and burden – rage and

depression that leads to obsessive behaviours - drinking,

smoking•we grow hardened, untrusting, sour, and bitter. We become

vengeful•It keeps us from moving forward•We must admit we are also not perfect•It is the very essence of our faith


•It shows we really don’t love Christ•Prevents God from forgiving us our own sins Mat 6:15•It opens us up to the enemy•It blocks God from answering our prayers Mark 11:24-25•It defiles us – Heb 12:15•It gives satan an advantage 2 Corinthains 2: 10-11•It can make a man lose heaven

Vengeance is the Lord’s…only if we allow Him!

Romans 12:19Proverbs 24:17

Matthew 5:44-45

It is blessed to FORGIVE

The forgiveness process: How to forgive•First choose to do so!•Acceptance of the •We conquer things by going through them•Pray for them, call them, send texts•Ask for grace from God to let go.

The key to forgiveness is to grow in God’s love


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