Road to Revolution

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Road to Revolution. Start the road. Let’s review for a minute. Why did European countries try to colonize in the NEW WORLD? What was their motivation? What was the relationship between countries like France, England and the Netherlands and the colonies?. Mercantilism. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Road to Revolution

Road to Revolution

Start the road..

Let’s review for a minute

• Why did European countries try to colonize in the NEW WORLD?

• What was their motivation?• What was the relationship between countries

like France, England and the Netherlands and the colonies?


This is an economic theory that states the following:

A country’s power is determined by its wealth ( think about all the things that can be considered WEALTH)

A country should try to export more than they import

A colony exists for the good of the mother country

Who would benefit from mercantilism?

• Monarchs.

• Merchants.

• Joint-stock companies.

• Government officials.

Start the road..

The Triangle Trade

Map 4-1 p65


Walking down the road..


• Began around 1700 in Europe• Acquiring knowledge through reason• Political theories developed• Think back to FRESHMAN YEAR– Isaac Newton– John Locke ( Social Contract)

Enlightenment in the colonies

• Enlightenment had an elite following – wealthy, well-educated

• Examples of this kind of thinking is shown in the colonial newspapers, the development of medicine and the springing up of new colleges.

• This is going to cause people to think different about religion( which will lead to questioning of the churches and church leadership)

Great Awakening

• Revival of religion and an attempt to turn people back to God.

• For the most part it was a reaction to theEnlightenment.• Key people included: Jonathan Edwards,George Whitefield, and the Wesley brothers


• A series of religious revivals aimed at restoringdevotion & piety swept through the colonies inthe mid-1700s• Fire & Brimstone style of worship; large,

emotionally charged crowds• Like the Enlightenment, this movement

stressedthe importance of the individual

Walking down the road..

Impact on GB/Colonies

North America in 1750

Albany Plan ( 1754)= first attempt at American Unity

The basics

• The policy of MERCANTILISM and greed meant European powers wanted land in the colonies

• France and Great Britain battled for control of new territory

• The land really belonged to the Native Americans ( who hated the French less than the British)

• England won


• March in formation or bayonet charge.

• Br. officers wanted to take charge of colonials.

• Prima Donna Br. officers with servants & tea settings.

• Drills & tough discipline.

• Colonists should pay for their own defense.

• Indian-style guerilla tactics.

• Col. militias served under own captains.

• No mil. deference or protocols observed.

• Resistance to rising taxes.

• Casual, non-professionals.

Methods ofFighting:





British-American Colonial Tensions


North America in 1763

1. It increased her colonial empire in the Americas.

2. It greatly enlarged England’s debt.

3. Britain’s contempt for the colonials created bitter feelings.

Therefore, England felt that amajor reorganization of her

American Empire was necessary!

Effects of the War on Britain?

1. It united them against a common enemy for the first time.

2. It created a socializing experience for all the colonials who participated.

3. It created bitter feelings

towards the British that would only intensify.

Effects of the War on the American


So why does this all matter… let’s review

• The British have been fighting a war ( these are expensive)

• The colonists have also been fighting a war they thought would benefit Mother Britain and them

• There are is lots of new territory to govern, tax and control

• The PROCLAMATION OF 1763 draws a line in this new territory and says the Americans CANNOT move there ( they do anyway and suffer NA attacks… brits don’t help)

Walking down the road..

Impact on GB/Colonies