RFID i Danmark presents: RFID...

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RFID i Danmark presents:

RFID Conference International RFID Conference in Copenhagen May 30’th

One of the largest RFID Events in Scandinavia in 2013We are very pleased to invite to what is probably the largest RFID Event in Scandinavia in 2013. Following up on the successful conferences in 2011 and 2012, RFID i Danmark and partners are organizing this Conference with international key note speakers, exhibition, networking and a number of actual end-user case study presentations.

IT-University of Copenhagen · Rued Langgaards Vej 7 · DK-2300 Copenhagen S

Registration: www.rfididanmark2013.dk




RFID in Oil & Gas The Oil & Gas RFID Solu-tion Group is the most recognized collaborative group of subject matter experts in Oil & Gas. The group is supported by the world’s largest oil companies and is driving technology and standards development for RFID in Oil & Gas.

LEGO Asset Management In a Pilot Projekt LEGO is testing WI-FI based tags from AeroScout and we are very pleased, that LEGO is willing to share their experiences at the Conference. Based upon real and actual business needs, LEGO is sharing considerations, techno-logy evaluation etc.

RFID in Danish Hospitals Danish regions want to obtain automatic identi-fication and traceability of items and people in its hospitals. Some of these hospitals are under con-struction. Central Den-mark Region has taken the lead across the regions to develop a referencial architecture.

Storm water filters CamTECH Filter AB has recently launched a unique RFID based solution, which is able to remove unwanted pollution related to storm water dwells. The solution is capable to filter the 32 most unwanted chemicals and heavy molecules.

RFID Retail Revolution A strategic partnership between the small retail chain Pigernes Verden and Escon A/S has lead to the development of the first Danish Smart Shop and revolutionized the very nature of the apparel shopping experience


We are very pleased once again to invite to what is

probably the largest RFID Event in Scandinavia in 2013.

Following up on the successful conferences in 2011 and

2012, RFID i Danmark is organizing this Conference with

national and international key note speakers, exhibition,

networking and a number of actual end-user case study


Primary objective for the conference is to demonstrate

the financial value add by using RFID technology – and

how could one do this better than by having actual cases

presented by companies who are taking the advantage

every day?

So, at the conference you will learn how your organiza-

tion can profit from using one or more of the technolo-

gies, we are working with under the term, RFID !

Automated identification of things, people and locations

combined with internet connectivity and Smart Devices

is delivering significant value. This year, traditional pas-

sive RFID technology, is supplemented with active RFID

technology, real-life NFC implementations and a num-

ber of RTLS technologies and solutions.

And the IT University of Denmark even gives you the

opportunity to try their Talking badge, which is based in

identification through BlueTooth.

At the conference you will meet key persons from

companies using RFID for production, logistics, retail,

asset management as well as from RFID Manufacturers

and RFID Solution providers.

They will share their experiences on how they are using

RFID technology to optimize processes and create finan-

cial results in their particular company. In addition to this

you will have a unique opportunity to go exploring at

the large RFID exhibition and you can choose to sit in on

one of the three thematic workshops, covering particular

hot topics for the RFID technology right now.

I am very much looking forward to welcoming you at the


Henrik B. Granau

Founder of RFID i Danmark

The conference offers

· Insight in innovative RFID solutions

· Insight into RFID cost / benefit

· Inspiration for your own business

· Networking and knowledge sharing


International RFID Conference in Copenhagen May 30’th



IT-Universitetets bygning er på ca. 19.000 m2.

IT-Universitetet er placeret ud mod den 800

meter lange Emil Holms Kanal i den nordøstlige

del af Ørestaden mellem Københavns Uni-

versitet og Danmarks Radios nye bygninger.

Bygningen har form som et kæmpemæssigt H.

To parallelle bygningskroppe svøbt i en met-

albeklædning omslutter et panoptisk rum ud

imod hvilket man har trukket en lang række

transparente ‘skuffer’ i forskellig længde.

Keynote presentations andWrap-up & Closing remarks

Agenda8:30 - 9:00 Arrival and Registration

9:00 - 9:15 Welcome and introduction by Jørgen Staunstrup and Henrik B. Granau

9:15 - 9:30 Update on RFID i Danmark by Henrik B. Granau.

9:30 - 9:55 An overview of RFID today and highlights from RFID Journal Live in Orlando

9:55 - 10:25 Keynote session: Traceability and identification in Danish Hospitals

10:25 - 10:55 Keynote session: RFID in Oil & Gas Industry

10:55 - 11:00 Introduction to Talking Badges

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee and Exhibition

11:30 - 12:30 “Break-Out sessions” Cases Workshops

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch and Exhibition

13:30 - 14:30 “Break-Out sessions” Cases Workshops

14:30 - 15:00 Coffee and Exhibition

15:00 - 15:30 Keynote session: The RFID Retail revolution

15:30 - 16:00 Keynote session: RFID applied in stormwater filtering Systems

16:00 - 16:15 Wrap-up and Closing Remarks by Henrik B. Granau


projects with






and safety


technologies in

the workflow

New Danish

cases with






and safety


Break and exhibition Plenum program - Auditorie 1

All plenum presentations are in English

08:30-09:00 Arrival and Registration

09:00-09:15 Welcome and introduction by Jørgen Staunstrup and Henrik B. Granau

09.15-09.30 Update on RFID i Danmark by Henrik B. Granau. The founder and chairman of the ‘RFID i Danmark’ network will provide a status report on the initiatives. What was achieved in 2012 and what are the objectives, plans and hopes for 2013.

09.30-09.55 An overview of RFID today and highlights from RFID Journal Live in Orlando By Henrik B. Granau RFID is really anything including the Identification of objects or persons by the use of Radio waves (Radio Frequency). Henrik Granau will give a brief introduction to the technologies, standards, application areas etc. RFID i Danmark has again this year chosen to participate in what we perceive as this year’s definitely largest and most interesting RFID event – both for the end-users, organizers and RFID suppliers – RFID Journal Live 2013 in Orlando. New trends? New application areas for RFID? Something we can learn from it?

09.55-10.25 Keynote session: Traceability and identification in Danish Hospitals By Esben Wolf, Central Denmark and South Denmark Region Danish regions want to obtain automatic identification and traceability of items and people in its hospitals. Some of these hospitals are under construction. Central Denmark Region has taken the lead across the regions to develop a referencial architecture, which is now being further developed to be a national Danish architecture. Central Denmark Region are right now in the process of selecting its strategic innovation partner in the area of traceability and identification of items. Given everything is working well it is likely that the other regions will select same solutions. Central Denmark Region plans to publish its tender (design contest) April 9th, and the contractor probably will be in place by September 2013. What was the approach? What was achieved? What was learned?

10.25-10.55 Keynote session: RFID in Oil & Gas Industry By Konrad Konarski, Co-Founder Oil & Gas RFID Solution Group RFID and Wireless Technology is becoming a pervasive tool to enhance operations and improve safety of the oil and gas industry. The Oil & Gas RFID Solution Group (OGR) is the most recognized collaborative group of subject matter experts in this industry. The group is supported by the world’s largest oil companies and serves as a cornerstone for technology and standards development around RFID within the oil and gas sector. This extensive influence and expertise affords the OGR with an unprecedented ability to build fundamental technology and business roadmap which is the founda- tion for a successful step forward within RFID. The presentation will cover some of the results the OGR have achieved in the Americas, the Middle East and Asia.

10.55-11.00 Introduction to Talking Badges By John Paulin Hansen, IT-Universitetet RFID i Danmark have a broad and application-oriented view of what RFID is. All identification using radiofre- quency based technology is relevant for RFID i Danmark. Ex. RTLS based on WIFI. What about identification of a position by using BlueTooth? – Location based services…. – Yes, this is also a part of RFID i Danmark’s broad area of interest. At this years conference the IT University will demonstrate a creative application based on the positio- ning technology; Talking Badge! Learn more via. presentation video here or there is the opportunity to try them yourself at the conference!

11.00-11.30 Coffee and Exhibition Workshops

11.30 - 12.30 Break-out sessions 12.30-13.30 Lunch and Exhibition 13.30-14.30 Break-out sessions 14.30-15.00 Coffee and Exhibition


InfinIT is a Danish network for innovative uti-

lization of IT. Our goal is to convert the infinite

possibilities that techno-logy offers into concrete

collaborations between research and industry.

InfinIT invites researchers and enterprises work-

ing with or using IT to participate in collaboration

projects and the exchange of knowledge, thus

creating a forum where we can work together

to generate exactly the knowledge that Danish

industry and society needs.

InfinIT covers the entire spectrum from ‘Embed-

ded Systems’ over ‘Mobile and Pervasive Systems’

to ‘Future Internet’. One of InfinIT’s nine inter-

est groups focus on developing new services

based upon tracking- & positioning technologies.

The tracking & positioning interest group meets

around 3 times a year, and membership is free.

Web: www.infinit.dk

Contact: Rikke Koch, rikke.koch@alexandra.dk


Hvem er GS1 Denmark?GS1 er en global not-for-profit organisation, som udvikler standarder, der effektiviserer forsyningskæder. GS1 Standarderne giver unik produktidentifikation, automatiseret datafangst (stregkoder/RFID) og datadeling. Benefits inkluderer gennemsigtighed i forsyningskæden, bedre sporbarhed og høj datakvalitet.

Udvikling skal baseres på standarder GS1 Standarder er et fælles sprog for unik identifikation, automatiseret datafangst - fx via RFID - og datadeling. Det fælles sprog skal til for at understøtte alle anvendelser af RFID fra Business-to-Business til Business-to-Consumer.

GS1s standard for RFID hedder Electronic Product Code (EPC). EPC er en unik produktidentifikation, der indkodes i en RFID-tag, og er baseret på de allerede eksisterende identifikationsnøgler som fx GTIN, GLN og SSCC.

Hvad kan vi hjælpe jer med? Kontakt os på telefon 39 27 85 27 eller info@gs1.dk eller besøgwww.gs1.dk


Plenum program - Auditorie 1

15.00-15.30 Keynote session: The RFID Retail revolution By Finn Kolling, Escon and Jacob Falkenby, Pigernes Verden A strategic partnership between the small retail chain Pigernes Verden and Escon AS has lead to the development of the first Danish Smart Shop and revolutionized the very nature of the apparel shopping experience. Pigernes Verden has already completed the installation of a RFID solution, in two separate shops. The chosen system, Escon ShopMaster, offers a simple Plug&Play approach to retail RFID and paves the way towards intelligent applications such as smart dressing rooms, loss prevention systems, retail-web integration modules, inventory counts and many others. By reducing operational costs & shrinkage whilst increasing cross selling and conversion rates, Shop-Master transforms the landscape of the retail sector and to redefine the very concept of competitiveness within the apparel industry. As part of the presentation, Jacob Falkenby, owner of Pigernes Verden will provide an overview of the Smart Dressing Room, the RFID loss prevention system and of the ShopMaster system.

15.30-16.00 Keynote session: RFID applied in stormwater filtering Systems By Lucas Åhlström, Retorium Consultants AB The Swedish company, CamTECH AB, is working on creating a sustainable solution and through combining different technologies, tools and techniques they will be able to deliver a completely integrated storm water dwells filter. CamTECH Filter AB has recently launched a unique RFID based solution, which is able to remove unwanted pollution related to storm water dwells. The solution is capable to filter the 32 most unwanted chemicals and heavy molecules. In the filter, there are integrated RFID tags from which you can collect and process relevant data so a main operator can review the status of hundreds of filters. 16.00-16.15 Wrap-up and Closing Remarks by Henrik B. Granau

• Business Objectives

• Methods and Concepts • User driven innovation and development

• Technologies

• RFID, SmartPhones/iPADs etc

• Implementation • Integration, project management

• New Business Models

• Measuring on achieved results

setting the team for the task.

Granau IT


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Laundry tagging technology that is anything but uniform.


Danish Cases in Auditorie 1 11:30 - 12:30 and 13:30 - 14:30

11:30 – 11:50 Using RFID as aid for children with language and communication problems By Jari Due Jessen, Cand. IT Digiplay combines specifik toys with the abilities of the computer. Digiplay is developed i cooperation with the psychologist Bodil Andersen, researcher and ph. d. Carsten Jessen as well as Cand. IT Jari Due Jessen. Digiplay has been futher developed and tested on to institutions in Køge municipality.

11:50 – 12:10 Barriers for the implementation of RFID technology in construction By Mads Grønkjær, Ole Mortensen, Mustafa Erchin, (Roi Jacobsen) In spite of many years of research, analysis and pilot projects from producers and material suppliers with participation of business organisations and contractors, there hasn’t seemed to happen any large changes in the usages of (RFID)chip- technology in construction and construction sites. This is why we wanted to investigate which barriers the technology is facing if it is going to be more embedded in the complex construction industry. In our study, we haven’t chosen to focus on the technical level because we come from a humanistic study. Instead we have chosen to focus on: • What is changes for example the work culture on the construction site? • Can you expect the craftsmen to understand these new smart technologies? • Do the different players at the construction site need to change behaviour?

12:10 – 12:30 Thesis about Real Time Locating Systems – Drivers and Barriers By Frederik Daugaard Andersen With it’s many opportunities of tracking assets in real time, why isn’t RTLS more commonly used in Denmark? Frederik Daugaard Andersen has written his finishing cand.merc.(IT) thesis with the title ”Real Time Locating Systems – Drivers and Barriers”. He will present the main outlines in his thesis with focus on which factors that has had an influence on the technology’s dissemination in Denmark. On the basis of interviews with 23 different companies, experts and executives with insight and experience from usages of both RFID and RTLS and five different cases from companies, he presents four factors that have had vital influence on a company’s decision on investing in the technology. Furthermore he will point out some of the factors, which is believed to be the main obstacles for RTLS’s lack of dissemination.

12.30-13.30 Lunch and Exhibition 13.30-13.50 LEGO’s experiences from pilot project with WI-FI Tags for tracking Assets By Torben Utoft Petersen, LEGO When you consider implementing active RFID technology and you already have a WI-FI network installed, it seems like an obvious possibility to use WI-FI tags and avoid significant new investment in infrastructure. But, what about real-life implementation? LEGO is right now conducting a pilot project with WI-FI tags from AeroScout and we are very pleased that LEGO at the conference are willing to share their experiences. This presentation is presenting the case – based upon the actual business needs – but also considerations, technology evaluation etc.

13.50-14.10 Quality control in IsoVer process plants By Speaker: René Bülow, Saint Gobain ISOVER A/S Saint-Gobain ISOVER A/S in Vamdrup is now using RFID in their process management because of the strict quality control the products are the subjects of. All of these samples selected for quality control needs to be tracked back through all of the processes. This gives some huge challenges because some of the processes along the way are split into multiple production lines. Saint Gobain ISOVER A/S has therefore chosen to use RFID for tracking the production so documentation is in order and the control samples, which the auditors requests, easily can be found and compared with documents. RFID-Systems is integrated in the process management in the production and on the warehouses.

14.10-14.30 Using SmartPhones in Library Logistics By Mads Gaml & Tina Skjærbæk Søeborg, Københavns Kommune Copenhagen and Aarhus municipalities are implementing the logistics project Intelligent Material Management System across 38 libraries in the two cities. Instead of just using traditional handheld RFID readers it was decided to test out the possibility of using Smart Phones as scanning devices scanning the already implemented HF RFID tags in the libraries’ materials and equipment. After successful tests Andriod was selected as operating system and LG Nexus 4 as scanner. The project has positive experiences and exhibits the beta-app. The presentation will show that SmartPhones really in some situations are a viable alternative as RFID Readers and pros and cons when making this decision.

14.30-15.00 Coffee and Exhibition






RFID i Danmark fokuserer på at få styrket mulighederne

for erfaringsudveksling – især mellem virksomheder,

der har praktiske erfaringer indenfor samme interesse-

område. Det kan være logistik, sporbarhed, produktion,

detailhandel, sundhedsvæsen mv.

Netværksdannelse (Community Building) kan i dag ske

særdeles effektivt selvom al aktivitet alene foregår på

nettet. Et godt supplement til dette er dog fortsat fysiske

møder, seminarer, virksomhedsbesøg, studieture mv.

og i RFID i Danmark arbejder vi med en kombination af

virtuel og fysisk ’networking’.

Dine udfordringer er udgangspunktet

Erfa-gruppen sætter selv dagordenen, og debatten tager

derfor altid udgangspunktet i dine aktuelle udfordrin-

ger. Erfaringsudveksling er det bærende element i

erfa-grupperne, og den tilknyttede konsulent fra RFID i

Danmark vil bidrage til at sætte de debatterede emner i et

større perspektiv.

Den tilknyttede konsulent har en bred erfaring inden-

for RFID-anvendelse i gruppens fokusområde, og stiller

RFID i Danmarks viden og internationale relationer til

rådighed for grupperne.

Det får du

· Oplæg på hvert møde fra RFID i Danmark om udvikling

og erfaringer

· Et fortroligt dialogforum til diskussion og vidensdeling

· Mulighed for at fremlægge dine egne projekter og få

feedback af resten af gruppen.

· 2-3 møder om året à tre timer (typisk kl. 13-16) på skift

hos medlemmerne

· Netværksmiddag for erfa-gruppen i forbindelse med

årets RFID i Danmark konference

RFID i Danmark sørger for alt det praktiske, så du kan

koncentrere dig om udbyttet


Pris for deltagelse er Kr. 1.600 ekskl. moms per kvartal for

én persons medlemskab af erfa-grupperne.

Abonnementet faktureres af administrative årsager forud

for et år ad gangen.

Meld dig ind

Send en mail til henrik@rfididk.dk med dit navn, stilling,

arbejdsplads, adresse, e-mail og telefonnummer. Så kon-

takter vi dig. Du er også meget velkommen til at kontakte

Henrik Granau på 21 832 835 for at høre mere. Vi hjælper dig

også gerne med at finde den/de rigtige gruppe(-r) for dig.

ERFA-grupper under RFID i Danmark

Vær med til at få og dele viden!


Workshop in Scroll Bar 11:30 – 12:30 and 13:30 - 14:30

Food traceability and food safety Food – a media star

The weather is a preferred topic for small talk. However,

the weather is now coming under competition from

food. Today, food is not only something to satisfy your

hunger, but also a strong tool for building an organiza-

tion’s market identity.

This is not a new phenomenon but something we will

see clearer in the future. The market demand and legal

requirements for supply chain traceability, food prov-

enance and authenticity is growing at a pace.

A lot of these trends and initiatives are created by the

consumers and industry organizations who are setting

the future agenda for the whole sector. We shop locally,

but buy globally. This creates demands on infrastructure

and the systems, which are designed to create security

for the consumer and retailers against counterfeit goods

that, not least, have to fulfill the regulatory and consumer


The good news this year is that we are not starting from

scratch. On the contrary, the food manufacturers, sup-

pliers and retailers have decades of experience in using

new systems that make it possible to accommodate the

market’s growing focus on traceability.

Come and join the workshop, where this highly current

theme, concerning food-traceability and –safety, will be

presented and debated by the largest number of players

in the market. Listen to the inspiring tracks and give your

own opinion in the debate. There will not only be oppor-

tunity for questions at the workshops but also a chance

for elaborating on topics after the workshop.

The workshop is in two parts – one before lunch and one

after lunch. You can click on the link below to read more

about the presentations in the two sessions.

PROGRAM 11:30 – 12:30 Part 1: Present? Future? App-time?

11:30 – 11:35 Welcome and a short introduction to the track and the

speakers (Track in Danish)

By moderator Sacha Mendes da Silva, GS1 Denmark

11:35 – 12:00 The future consumer – is already here! (Track in Danish)

By Jeffrey Scott Saunders, project manager, Institute for Future Studies

The future consumer – is already here! See what sets the agenda in retail

in the future. Gain insight into the hottest trends from all over the world

and here some suggestions of what this means for our society.

12:00 – 12:25 Foodtag is the consumer’s window into the history of the

product – the future shopping tool is here! (Track in Danish)

By Hardy Jensen, Foodtag

Gain insight into a tool, which gives the consumer documentation for

foodsafety. Foodtag is an app produced in collaboration between Aalborg

University and AgroTech A/S. It has delivered insight and wisdom in apps

and consumeroriented comunication. The app is produced by Lyngsoe

Systems A/S for Nordjysk Fødevare Netværk.

12:25 – 12:30 Wrap-up before lunch, outstanding questions

and comments.

By Sacha Mendes da Silva.

13:30 – 14:30 Part 2: Solutions build on a solid fundation: Short

introductions to the track and speakers

By Sacha Mendes da Silva, GS1 Denmark

13:30 – 13:50 RFID in cold chain supply (Track in English)

By Lalit Jangra, Trace Tracker, Norway.

Mesterbakeren in Norway uses RFID temperature tags to document

temperature environment for its time stamp and location of the delivery

of fresh and well documented quality. Lalit will make a demo and show a

video of the application.

13:50 – 14:10 Is food traceability Mission Impossible?

By Henrik Bunkenborg, Chief Consultant, Lyngsoe Systems A/S

Is tracing of food Mission Impossible? Not if you ask Lyngsoe Systems

A/S, which is leading in the field tracing and labeling of food. Get insight

into the many interesting and current projects in which the company has

a leading position. Lyngsoe Systems A/S engagement in creating a

traceability substantiates that foodstuffs is more than just food but a

foundation in the welfare society.

14:10 – 14:25 GS1 – The Global Language of Business – actively sup-

porting food safety and traceability (Track in English)

By Douglas Steven Hill, Chief Operations Officer – eBusiness, GS1


40 years anniversary is not equal to outdated technology. On the

contrary, GS1 contributes with as an active component in food safety and

traceability matters. Get an insight in some of the future solutions and

traceability apps, both oriented towards industry and the consumer.

Wrap up, room for questions

By Sacha Mendes da Silva


Workshop in room 2A-14 11:30 – 12:30 and 13:30 - 14:30

Around the entire world, numerous projects have been

completed that documents the advantages of the usages

of RFID in the healthcare sector.

At the hospitals, RFID is used to improve patient safety,

enhance the utilization of expensive appliances, reduce

waste time, workflow optimization and logistics etc. etc.

In Denmark, the massive investment in the new hospi-

tals is causing an increased focus on the future technolo-

gy in healthcare. Amongst other the partnership between

private technology companies and public hospitals has

been supported with 100 mio. kr. Parts of these funds has

already been granted to projects, which introduces RFID

in different ways to the Danish healthcare system.

At the workshop, we will address Hospital’s needs for

identification and traceability, various technologies

including RFID and the associated Business Case. We

will be introduced to possibilities in developing user

interfaces, IT systems integration and to the new hyped

“big data” – to store and analyze large amounts of data

with the purpose of providing intelligence as well as the

necessity of using standards.

After this we will review three cases. First an example

on the practical use of RTLS in the healthcare sector,

followed by two projects on monitoring and traceability

– these are both projects which has been supported with

money from the 100 mio. kr. funding.

PROGRAM Welcome, Identification and traceability – introduction

By Claus Fabricius, AIM/ALECTIA

Why focus on identification and traceability in the healthcare sector? –

What is to gain? – Which suppliers and tracking technologies is already

on the market, where can they be used, and what are the pitfalls?

User-friendliness, economics and operation

must be in focus in the future systems

By Portfolio Manager Jesper Mathiesen, Ascom.

When location information is available in real-time – how do we then

ensure ourselves optimal performance from the staff without over

informing them? And how do we communicate the information to the

right person timely no matter where they are – across user-interfaces and


How to optimize IT processes across different

systems and here is BIG DATA

By Lars Jørgensen and Jesper Loell, Software AG

The healthcare sectors different systems must be integrated – processes

must function across systems and in the future, data has to be available

for intelligent analysis.

Usages of standards create value

By Healthcare Manager Jester Kervin Franke, GS1

When objects have to be identified, labelled and there must be unambigu-

ous and efficient communication – Then GS1 has an evident toolbox.


Practical usages of Real Time Location

Systems in the healthcare sector

By Henrik Lerke, Stanley Healthcare.

Stanley Healthcare has, with RTLS installations in more than 500 hospi-

tals, a very solid foundation for usages of RTLS in the healthcare sector.

On the basis of client cases, there will be illustrated result achieved by

visibility in processes through real-times location of:

• Staff: documents, automated and optimized workflow.

• Equipment: optimizing the utilization of medical equipment and

reducing the costs in connection with shrinkage, overcapacity and


• Patients: enhancement of patient security and enhancing the patient’s


”Den intelligente forsendelseskasse”, A fully automated

surveillance and traceability of blood samples during transport.

By Niki Nicolas Grigorious

Intelligent Systems A/S and a number of partners is working on an overall

solution, which raises the quality of blood test and other test and optimiz-

Identification and traceability in the healthcare sector


The Alexandra Institute The Alexandra Institute is a bridge-builder between

research, private corporations, public institutions

and citizens.

With research-based innovation we create IT-based

products and services that generate social value and

contribute to economic growth. We have a special

approach to application-oriented IT research. We call

it research-based userdriven innovation. The aim

is to fuse commercial relevance, research and user


Our primary focus is pervasive computing, i.e. ICT

embedded into products and surroundings. We offer

the country’s strongest and most comprehensive

competences within the development and applica-

tion of pervasive computing technologies.

Web: www.alexandra.dk

Contact: Managing director Ole Lehrmann

Madsen, ole.l.madsen@alexandra.dk

ing diagnosis through the introduction of traceability technologies.

Intelligent Systems A/S will develop a solution, which secures trace-

ability and monitoring of temperatures during transport from the

practitioner to the biochemical lab. This means testing of numerous of

different wireless traceability technologies.

In the solution, they will develop a fully automated receiving, unpack-

ing and sorting system at the laboratory.

Director Niki Nicolas Grigoriou will tell us about the technologies they

are considering and testing together with the pros and cons.

HAT-Project: Better and More Efficient Healthcare

by Tracking Assets at Hospitals

By Rasmus Nørgaard Andersen, CEO at Munin Spot Technology and

Rikke Bastholm, Founder and Owner of INNOBA.

Introduction to RFID based Healthcare Asset Tracking (HAT) and the

improvement potential in tracking solutions within 6 specific catego-

ries. The HAT-project is an innovative partnership across hospitals and

companies that tests new RFID solutions as a tool to improve logistic

processes and healthcare services. The approach is to look FIRST at

user needs, THEN at technical solutions. Project Manager and In-

novation Consultant Rikke Bastholm will tell us about the benefits of

workflow analyses and user needs blueprints as a tool for modification

and implementation of new technology and HAT Project Owner

Rasmus Nørgaard will elaborate on the technical possibilities and pit-

falls when technology is not the only solution ingredient.

Wrap up and thanks for today

By Claus Fabricius, AIM/ALECTIA.

Workshop in room 2A-52 11:30 – 12:30

Tracking technologies in the workflow

How can RFID and other tracking technologies sup-

port, optimize and document the manual workflow. By

linking a person in time, place and usages of equip-

ment it is often possible to determine which task the

person is in the process of performing – and how far

in the task they are.

Active RFID and GPS are used to time tracking in the

food production industry, Wi-Fi replaces RFID in the

security business and by ultra waves it is registered

when the doctor controlled the patient. Is the security

guard inspecting an alarm or has the home help just

“checked in” with a citizen then we will find another to

summon to an emergency. Has the caretaker been out

mowing the lawn for 20 minutes, then he will properly

be back at the office in 10 minutes.

Relevant companies:

• Production companies with manual workflow in

the intern and extern logistic.

• Facility management companies

• Companies who needs to be able to acute call in ‘

workers – ex. security or nursing homes.

The workshop is conducted by Tejs Scharling, Head

of research and innovation, pervasive positioning lab,

Alexandra Instituttet LTD.


Overview - International RFID Conference in Copenhagen May 30’th

Auditorie 1

Auditorie 2

Scroll Bar

A1 A2 A3

A4 A5

A6 A7

A8 A9

B1 B2

B3 B4


Registration Lunch – coffee

and N

etworking area


Exhibitor: Booth:

AIM Danmark A7

Alexandra Instituttet A5

ams A6

Ascom A9

Balluff B2

Delfi A10

Delta A2

Escon A4

GS1 Denmark B1


InfinIT A8

Intermec B4

IT Universitetet B5

Kar-Mil B4

Mikkelsen Electronics A1

RFID i Danmark A3

Stanley Healthcare B3

Teknologisk Institut B1


Tiny RFID-TAGs for All environments...

Mikkelsen Electronics A/S DK 3520 Farum www.mi-ec.comHavremarken 3 - 5 Tel. +45 4434 0300 info@mi-ec.com

NeoTAG® SMDMiniaturized RFID-TAG for automatic insertion

SMD case

– For use in assembly machines

– Comes in a carrier tape

NeoTAG® PlugMiniaturized RFID-TAG with press fit case

Same characteristic properties as Inlay

– Press fit case for quick and easy assembly

– Can be used with a variety of materials

– Dimensions: 4.35 mm x 3.6 mm

– Comes in a carrier tape

* **

NeoTAG® InlayMiniaturized RFID-TAG in minimal design

– Dimensions: 2.6 mm x 2.4 mm– Frequency range: HF 13.56 MHz– Temperature resistance up to 275°C for 15 minutes and up to 220°C for 2 hours– Read/write chip as standard – Memory capacity of up to 896 bit– Conform to ISO/IEC 15693 standard– Anti-collision protection NXP ICODE SLIX

* The NeoTAG ® componentsin real size, 1:1

Contact Christoffer Bruun on tel. (+45) 44 34 03 04or email cb@mi-ec.com


Granau IT
