Review Magic Valley Issue 10

Post on 11-Mar-2016

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Otto Pilate is back!, Lady of the month Lori Ann, Ladies Gryphyn Part 6, Review of The Friday Night Mics Tour and more!!

Transcript of Review Magic Valley Issue 10

OTTO PilateThier Back! pg 16

Ladies Gryphyn Part 6 pg 6

Lady of The Month Pg 14

Friday night Mics And Much More!

5 - 2012 - Issue 10




Part 6


Adariyan fell to the ground with a resounding silence. Natalie let her hands fall to her sides just before mak-ing eye contact with Rowan and beginning a mad dash to her ex-lovers side. The world went silent; the flora and fauna blew past as Natalie ran phantom steps to Adariyan’s side.

Dirt rose then settled as Natalie came to a sliding halt next to the man she loved who was now bleeding from his mouth as he lay on his side. Her small knife was still embedded in his lower back.

He was gone.

His brilliant eyes were empty. His heart still and his strong chest lay motionless as Natalie let out her first cough of sadness.

Adariyan was the biggest pain in her ass. He had loved her, hurt her, taught her, lived and breathed for her for so long that she didn’t know life without him. They had grown up together in the Library; studying herbs and homeopathic remedies. Natalie and Adariyan had been a couple when they were sent Earthside to guard the portal in County Cork, Ire-land. They had married there as humans and then moved on to Greece for their next assignment.

After thirty years and multiple separate assignments, time, distance and loyalties tested their relationship only to prove it as an epic fail. They always loved each other; they sim-ply couldn’t get it together.

Natalie vaguely became aware of the others sur-rounding her as Gwen pulled her silently away from Adari-yan’s corpse. Thasher and Rowan went to the Adariyans side, removed the blade from his lower back and closed his eyes.

The two women, one injured and the other in a shock ridden daze, scooted clumsily away from the pool of blood sur-rounding Adariyan’s body. “Natalie will be ok,” Rowan tried to sound confidant, but was still unsure.

“I don’t know her Rowan, but I must say this is not something from which a speedy recovery will grace her shoul-ders.” Thasher tried to appear sympathetic as they wove green vines around Adariyan’s body.

“What the hell happened?”

“Lady Gwendolyn and I were putting up the perimeter spells when Adariyan came running from the trees to the south with an orc hot on his heels. Natalie was followed by another from the west.” Thasher tied the final knot at the center of

Adariyan’s chest.

“We haven’t been here long enough for them to have caught our scent.”

“To burn a soldier would give us a chance to ask the Fires what they know.” They all hated the idea of summoning a fire elemental, but it would get them some answers.

Being naturally destructive fire elementals could only be called through loss of some sort. The most common and sadistic way to ensure good communication was to burn a body. Alive or dead the elementals rarely cared. So long as someone was lost to the flames and the soul burned. Rowan looked up at Thasher. He was right. She hated to admit it, but the Fires would be willing to share information, in return for a soldier’s soul.

The hard part is convincing Natalie it was for the best. Not only for the Fires exchange, but for Adariyan himself. They were in a meadow where the last elemental dropped them, for gods know what reason, and they had no way to carry a corpse along not knowing what was ahead of them.

Thanks to the situation, Rowan didn’t have a plan of any kind now. She was almost blank; anything past what her husband was up to.

Looking at Adariyan one last time she kissed her thumb and placed it on his forehead. Such action was an en-dearment common between siblings. Rowan felt Adariyan had been her brother since child hood and yet this was the first time such action had past between the two of them.

Silently Thasher saluted the fallen comrade and stood to face Rowan with empathy and strength.

“Go tend to Gwen.”

Rowan could tell Thasher was worried about her little sister after taking such a blow to her thigh. “I will go talk with Natalie and Nistha.”

Thasher nodded and they both made their way to Gwen and Natalie who both lay in the sun trying to regain their composure. Nistha was holding Natalie’s hand singing a song from their days at the Library. From days long passed.

Taking a breath Rowan knelt next to her sisters and Nistha. Picking up a twig she rolled it between two fingers then nervously dropped it to the ground. She took a breath and pre-pared for Natalie’s reaction to her and Thasher’s proposal.

“Thasher and I have wrapped Adariyan’s body,”


She looked to her sister for any sign of emotion.

Natalie didn’t flinch or even look up at her older sis-ter’s voice.

“We need to find out how our latest ill fate came about.” Rowan kept her voice level. “It is obvious we need to put Adariyan to rest.”

“Burn him.” Natalie’s voice was flat, her eyes dark and empty as she stood and made her way into the woods to the south. As she approached the tree line she sent an image to her sisters’ minds. The image simply explained Natalie would be back before the pyre was lit.

Rowan and Gwen nodded to each other before ver-bally passing the message to the others. The sisters didn’t need to speak aloud to communicate. The others were not privy this knowledge; the knowledge that allowed them free flowing ac-cess to their three feminine minds.

“She will be alright.” Gwen was still bleeding but not as bad as before Thasher had begun tending the deep wound.

“I know.” It seemed Nistha had spoken for everyone.


As General Lukas took large gulps of honey wine as he watched the attack on his wife and her traveling partners. He was emotionless as the dagger struck his old comrade in the back and Adariyan fell. The orc counsel watched with enthu-siasm as Rowan, Thasher and Gwen tried to pull the group together and defeat the last of the three attacking orcs. The last orc gave his final breath. The fighting was over.

Rowan’s husband felt nothing. Lukas turned in his chair to face Gyron annoyed with the whooping and hollering of the ugly large beings surrounding him.

“My wife will not let a soldier’s death go without blood and purpose,. The General emptied his clay mug and sum-moned a young slave woman to refill it. “She is nothing if not loyal.” “A trait she should have reconsidered when she mar-ried you eh?” Gyron chuckled with malice.

“Her loyalty has always been to the Library and the House of Scrollyn,” Lukas spat “Never her husband or wifely duties.”

“So the truth comes out,” Gyron and his men let out booming laughs in great mockery. “Your lady wife’s abstinence

is the cause of your tyranny against the great House of Scrol-lyn.”

At that last verbal blow, Lukas stood in anger, knock-ing the chair he was occupying to the floor as he drew his broad sword. Lunging forward he nearly took the orc leader’s ear off; a simple warning.

“You will not speak that way of a soldier. Be it a man, woman, Scrollyn born or otherwise.” Rage poured from his mouth with words he hated but believed with everything he was, traitor and all.

Gyron didn’t flinch as the pathetic human drew his weapon and bore down on him. In time that human would see Gyron’s full rage. The General would pay dearly for all that he had done, the betrayal of his wife was not Gyron’s concern; but how do you trust a supposed ally that was so quick to betray the very woman who should bear him children?

The orc lord didn’t trust General Lukas in the least. This is why he was itching to make their way to the Library. As soon as his army was up on the mountain that gave access to the Library, the Traitor General would be of no use to the lord.

“Mea culpa,” Gyron lowered his eyes slightly in sub-mission. “It was merely a jest.”

Barely calm Lukas accepted the apology and backed away slowly, making sure to keep his front to the gathered orcs as he left the room.

The walk to the dungeon was long and winding. He could hear the wolves howling in the hills while the light spring wind came through the crevices in the derelict castle walls. The mid plains wind always blew. In the seething hot and the frost bitten cold the wind was relentless where the orc lands met the hills that held the forests of Havenlon.

Lukas was looking to clear his mind. To breathe and compose himself; the dungeons filled with orc prisoners would surely bring him that solace.

Coming to the door leading to Prison Alley he lifted a flaming torch from beside the wooden door, smiling at the screams and cries coming from the other side. Lukas pushed open the door revealing the two rows of prisoners.

Walking silently he examines the habitants of small cells. The broken and paralysed occupants didn’t interest Lukas. He was looking for a strong soul; a soul that would take time to break into pieces before sending it into the Black Realm.

Finding the perfect victim, General Lukas unlocks the second to last cell on his right. The poor man inside had black


hair plastered to his skull. His brown and black tattered rags gave him a small shelter from the winds of the mid plains.

Lukas walked into the cell with a crouch, pulling at the man thick black hair as he yanked the prisoner from his latest confinement. Lukas shackled the unknown prisoner to the large wall at the end of Prison Alley just before picking the perfect whip from a shelf on the end wall.

The first slash across the prisoners back brings General Lukas to life.

Lukas remembers why he betrayed his wife. Why the people of Havenlon and the Library infuriated him. They were all weak. They promoted peace and submission to the gods of old and paid homage to the gods of nature instead of might.Strength was the only aspect of life that meant anything. The General knew, when strength is lost, the land goes as well. Havenlon was the land sought and the weak natives would soon fall.

Every smug look, every smile he had to fake came through with the crack of the whip. The blood spilt by his hand only made him feel better. Every time Rowan yelled at Lukas for taking control of ‘her army’ and every time he had to apologize for not knowing which god or goddess unleashed the sun on human kind came out viciously across the nameless prisoners back.

The blood on the floor brought a certain sense of peace to the General; one not found often. The beating went until the nameless resident of Prison Alley was dead.

Lukas then made his way to his temporary chambers wondering how long it would take for the orc lord’s henchmen to assassinate him. As Lukas crawled into the cold bed with his broad sword between him and the wall he thought of his wife.

General Lukas saw his wife’s smile the day they met. He remembered how amazing she looked when she was among royalty of the House of Scrollyn. So elegant with her deep brown hair curled and held back by jewelled pins. Her green eyes daring him to speak anything other than praise; he saw the way she rode him to paradise in a way no whore ever could.

Still here he was; in a small chamber south west of Havenlon waiting for his wife to come avenge the death of a comrade.

She would be coming after him; whether Rowan knew it or not.

Author:Nicollete Mac Phearson


On the corner of 2nd and Shoshone Street in Twin Falls, ‘Hands On’ opens every morning at eleven o’clock. There is a daily special on any one of the amazing art projects available and the owner Robin Dober is hard at work. With teal handprints on the sign and amazingly colourful art pieces in the window, Robin’s ‘make-your-own-gift-shop’ is hard to miss when one is waiting at a red light at the bustling intersection.

When the door opens the sunlight shines through a multitude of fused glass pieces, mosaics and painted pottery making all their colors dance on the floor. Multiple tables are covered with plastic and chairs of several shapes and sizes fill the front of the room surrounded by shelves. The wall shelves are filled to the brim with paint-your-own-pottery items, examples of fused glass, silver clay jewellery and

other art projects. Comfortable and welcoming, the shop invites people of all ages to enjoy the artistic side of life. Peo-ple can attend one of the bi-monthly classes or simply drop in and ‘go to town’ on a ceramic piece. Robin welcomes reservations for parties of all varieties. Everything from birthday parties for the children of the Magic Valley to hosting a bridal party, anything is possible at Hands On.

Offering fun stuff for the kids like Slumber Party Kits, Story Time Pottery and Scout Group Projects are just a few of the amazing events happening at Hands On. You can also join Robin and other fun people at weekly and monthly events like DIVA night for the ladies, First Friday Music, Wine Tasting and Fund-raising opportunities.

As a local business owner Robin feels it is important to be involved in community events. As such she participates in multiple fund-raisers throughout the year. When she and I got to catch up she was getting ready to host ‘Do Cowboy Butts Drive You Nuts?’, A fund-raiser for the College of Southern Idaho Rodeo


Team. Earlier in the year Hands On participated in the Empty Bowls fund raiser with the Parrot Head Club, inviting guests to paint bowls to donate to the event. They also usually participates in Relay for Life. On Earth Day you could paint a mug or cup at twenty percent off, helping to encourage reusable alternatives.

More than just a ceramics studio Hands On also of-fers a unique and fun alternative to throwing your old wine bottles away. Bring them to Robin, she will transform them into a fun tray completely your own. Even more personalized projects are also available. Fuzed glass and creative images just being a few. There is a Spin Art station as well as a pottery wheel and a total of five kilns.

Robin loves what she does and that passion shows through when she laughs about being recognized by children when she is out and about in the Magic Val-ley. Obviously community is a very important aspect of being a small business owner. As such it was no surprise to find out Robin is involved with Down-town Alive and the Wednesday Market(formerly held

on Friday nights).

“People think you have to be artistic to enjoy these projects.” Robin tells me. “But you don’t . These crafts are good for anyone, ages two to one hundred and two. Everyone can enjoy.”

This philosophy is what has lead her to host team building meetings for employers and other events for businesses in the Magic Valley.

In ten years Robin would like to see her small slice of heaven doing well enough for her to hire a man-ager so she can focus more on marketing and other aspects of her business. And of course perhaps take a much needed vacation.

“The business took a life of its own and I love it.”Having been creating with the people of the Magic Valley for eight years Robin’s business has evolved and continues to do so. Always looking for some-thing to add, working to make life bright and exciting Robin and her employees at Hands On are eagerly awaiting your visit.





My name is Lori Ann I was born and raised in Jerome ID. I went to college up in Moscow at the University of Idaho studying Pre-Veterinarian medicine. I have al-ways since I can remember wanted to be a veterinari-an. After college I left to Brazil where I lived for almost a year in different cities of Sao Paulo. I loved every moment of being there but when I decided to finally get back to the real life I ended back up in Jerome living and working. I work at Sawtooth Veterinary services in Jerome. I’m lucky to say I love my job and work with really great people. I own and love riding my motorcycle along with all kinds of outdoor activi-ties. I’m also addicted to working out and running. I’m always down to have fun and go with the flow more than I plan things. I love meeting new people and love to hang out with friends. I pretty much just love life all the way around :-)


By Nicollete Mac Phearson

Local music is essential to the heartbeat of a com-munity. The energy and hunger of local music swells through the air as I approach Diamondz Bar and Grill in Jerome Idaho as the members of Otto Pilate warm up. The usual crowd has already begun to stream into the bar while the band finishes the necessary sound check. Soon I find myself sitting with Josh, Travis, Luke, Nate and Jake laughing at the jokes fly-ing across the table. The band is welcoming and full of life. A bottle of Otto Pilate beer sits just to my left among other drinks and an ash tray; the brown bot-tle holds a chocolate coffee porter, sure to please any beer enthusiast.

“How many other bands have their own beer?” Travis jests and his band mates laugh with me. Shortly after our conversation begins I find having their own beer is not the only thing that sets Otto Pilate apart from other local bands. “The music is very loose.” Says Josh, the lead singer. “It’s like a conversation, and its different every time,” Jake adds. “I learn something new every time we play.” Some of the band members have been play-ing together for sixteen years. Other band mates have played with the group for three years and lastly, Jake joined Otto Pilate bringing his piano and a whole different sound with him. “I went to an open mic night.” Jake explains

Is Back!


how he became the fifth member of Otto Pilate. It is then agreed and jested that Luke forced Jake to join. I asked about how they became ‘Otto Pilate’. The table is filled with laughter as I am bombarded with multiple different stories. Some relating to how they all ‘went on auto pilot when we played’ to ‘we used to make up stupid band names for no reason’. One even more interesting story ends with Otto hav-ing become the personification of the music the guys are so passionate about. All of these aspects add to the unique sound and energy that is Otto Pilate. When the five talented musicians take the stage at nine o’clock the house is streaming with fans and patrons of the bar. A few sounds echo from the piano in the far right corner of the stage and then a roar of music from the other play-ers combine to start the night with a bang. In no time at all the room is swaying with excitement. People are yelling out the band name and ordering more drinks. You would never be able to tell the band had taken a hiatus until they were asked to perform at Woody’s for Mardi Gras. “We had been playing together for so long we needed something different.” Luke explains. “So we took a break.” “Then Dave Woodhead approached us about performing and it sounded like a good idea so here we are.” Josh finishes. All of the members of Otto Pilate have other talents and projects they enjoy outside of the band. One most noted is Travis’ graphic design talents. “I feel maybe I get to be a bit more creative than the guys. Maybe I am wrong, who knows.” To some this would seem like just another show in the Magic Valley, but to their fans and other local artists this is what we all live for. The thrill of the music. Its a thrill the guys of Otto Pilate won’t soon let go. They have an album coming out soon as well as a new line of merchandise and ring tones from Reverb-nation. The night ended with the same bang as it began. Having mic.ill join them on stage for a small set and then relinquishing the stage and sound to the stylings of Opal Hill Drive. Otto Pilate gave the fans and guests from Salt Lake City a show they won’t soon forget.



Burning HOT Reviews and Interviews...

Artists, Bands, Models, Dancers, and More!


By Nicollete Mac Phearson

Jack’s Lounge is known for drawing one hell of a crowd. Having hosted the first Silhou-ette show in the Magic Valley and local artists, it was no surprise the place was packed when they endorsed the only free show on the Friday Night Mics Tour in early April. In its second year the local tour has had more than ten performers and the sup-port of local radio. Featuring local artists like illest*Lyricists(LSD and mic.ill), Big Sapo, Holistic Meditation & MC Monkey D as well as other tal-ent from across Idaho (and of course the few from Ontario Oregon) the show was kicked off by Tour founder ,Oly Ghost. Matt ‘Oly Ghost’ started the Friday Night Mic Tour for many reasons, the most important being giving local artists a chance to get their music into circulation while still being able to care

for their families. The tour runs from February to August with multiple sold out shows and plenty of excitement to be had. Each weekend the tour will be in a different city. Jack’s Lounge was lucky enough to have the only free show on the road this year and as such the energy was unstoppable. The night was long and filled with surpris-es. Kt Munee and P’Sho’ty made an impromptu appearance and laid down some wicked skills. At the end of Holisitc Meditation and MC Monkey D’s set they welcomed battle from the other artists to jams spun by the Magic Valley’s very own Joey Bravo. In all of this chaos somehow Kt Munee and P’Sho’ty, Stax, Holisitc Meditation, MC Mon-key D and Oly Ghost all found the time to hang with me. When asked how it felt to be a woman performing in this genre Kt chuckles with a smile. “A bit intimidating at first.”



Also known as the ‘Untouchable Lady’ Kt has been performing and recording since 2004 and is currently working on an album produced by Brown Ecstasy. Holistic Meditation & MC Monkey D hail from Jerome/ Boise. They joined the tour after Joey Bravo hit them up about performing. The energy coming from the stage was intense as their voices took the spot light towards the end of the night. After lay-ing it down for a bit the guys invited a battle that had the crowd enthralled. Their unique sound is one to be experienced. As MC Monkey D expressed, “Just listen; could change your mind.” Other artists include Jose Cuervo and Tony P. Both rocked the house. All in all the night was fun and we at Review Magic Valley are glad we got to spend time with artists from all over Idaho. We look forward to next year and hope all of the performers keep on keeping on.