Research Into Genre

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Research Into Genre

Research PresentationAlternative Music

Conventions of the Genre and Form

Settings such as urban, inner-city or warehouses are possibly the most generic of all in a music video. Although alternative music maintains the ideal of keeping the unconventional and original prevalent in a video to display creativity. Therefore, abstracted and abnormal settings can also be seen along with props and narrative story to compliment the lyrics or revolutionize the audience’s outlook over the genre.

A primary focus of typical American culture, a romance narrative or political views are the conventions within alternative rock music . It is made evident amongst the lyrics and particularly in music videos with strong visuals of the artist/band and settings.

Incidents of rebellion, lust and self-expression are shown in music videos, used to illustrate the powerful values of love and companionship not only of a relationship, but also of a nation (in more political works. )

Props such as instruments commonly used in a band (guitars, bass, keyboard, drums etc.) are conventional in the genre because of the ‘live’ performance aspect of the music, as the genre aims to remain authentic in its sound.

Displays of abuse, whether it be physical or substance-based are common in a music video due to the controversial nature, which the alternative genre often make the listener/viewer question. The use of excessive drugs or alcohol abuse in a music video signifies the honesty of the genre, as it is therefore made more accessible to its audience due to the expressive form.

Alternative Music Videos Technicality

Music videos for alternative genres utilise the lyrical topics, style, settings and instrumentation to inspire mise-en-scene and camera shots. For example, if a break-up is mentioned in the lyrics, the video could cut to a wide shot of an arguing pair of actors or fade to a sepia or black and white effect shot to signify a flashback (analepsis) of a happy couple.

There is usually a contrast between formal suit attire or casual rugged clothing in conventional alternative music videos. When performing instruments at a gig or ‘live’, the band members/actors will wear formal occasion wear , whereas in a narrative video, the actor will conventionally wear skinny jeans, rough boots and a flannel shirt with a beanie for a casual, trendy and youthful look. This is done to show the target audience the style of the band, which they would find appealing.

High-key lighting supplements the romantic side of alternative rock, or highlights the performance elements. It is often used to promote the tones of success, hope and an ideal lifestyle as the actor is in love and performing what they love.

Low-key lighting styles are conventionally used to create atmosphere or reflect the emotion of a song as dark, making the visuals more compelling for the target audience as it relates to emotions. The setting is often highlighted as being loud or grunge, such as a ‘live gig’ setting. This connotes themes of danger, rebellion, instability and sometimes anger.

Instrumentals which feature a higher BMP (Beats per minute) and heavier guitar playing will often influence the editing style of the video, making it more fast paced and upbeat, editing on the beat. Slower-paced, dream-like instrumentals promote a production style of slower editing . Whereas unusual instruments or complex drum patterns can cause an unusual style of editing such as animation in a montage of shots or stop motion.

Alternative Music’s Target Audience

The psychographics of Alternative rock’s target audience include social activities which are often British, in particular, socialising at parties. Sports such as football and skating are partial to the audience, as well as video games amongst the younger white male community. Interests in music are popular, as the audience are likely to play guitar, bass or drums, as well as write their own material or form their own bands.

The dominant demographic of an alternative music listener will be of working class, suburban, white Caucasian males ranging from the ages of 16-35. The people within the demographic are stereotyped to be students at university or college, working part-time , who go to parties, gigs and festivals in their free social time. The ABC1’s of the target audience are of particular importance because of the music’s focus on politics, social status and lifestyle.

Another important aspect of alternative genre music is its primary focus on pop culture, political history and contemporary fashion-consciousness. More often than not, the target audience of this genre embody these things in their lifestyle and in the social culture’s or media’s ever-changing trends.

What an Alternative Target Audience Finds Appealing

The prevalence of rock inspired mise-en-scene is of high importance. These include social scenes such as house parties, live concerts, festivals or skate parks. Popular costume inspired by street fashion such as plaid flannel shirts, low cut vests, black skinny jeans and vans/boots, once paired with an urban setting such as an old warehouse are all conventional devices used to appeal to a target audience. Props such as guitars and other instruments heard in the genre can be used in synchrony to appeal further by adding a performance element to a video. An emphasis on low-key lighting reflects the social struggles of being a teenager, such as falling in and out of relationships, appealing to the social group as they can relate to the situation. On the other hand, the use of high-key lighting accentuates a buzz of atmosphere and positive emotions associated with social events of relationships, connoting success to the audience, who will find it appealing as it directly relates to their own wishes and dreams of possibly being in a band themselves.


My Research Into The Alternative Genre Beginnings

I researched into the genre because I wanted to gain a fuller understanding of the alternative genre origin. I found this activity helpful as I now have a broader knowledge of music in general, and have learnt of how the genre has been shaped due to its historical background. This timeline will help me with my research as it is chronological and helps to organise my findings if I wish to refer to it.