Research & Development A2

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Transcript of Research & Development A2

Slide 1

Research & Development

Elise Daniels

Genre Of The Movie Trailer -

The genre of my movie trailer will be horror/thriller. I have chosen a horror and thriller theme as this is the type of films I am most interested in and other people around the same age as myself. My questionnaire also gave me feedback which indicted this. I have watched a range of movies and trailers to be certain that I will be able to create a trailer of this genre.

Similar Products -

During the research and development stage I have researched a variety of trailers similar to the type of trailer I want to create and also to find what aspects of the trailer are used to show the film is that of a horror/thriller genre. By viewing a range of trailers it has allowed me to decide what I will include when creating my trailer. E.g. For example low lighting, shadowed figures, wide range of scenery leading to problems, mystery characters, weapons, injuries etc. All these things are typically included in trailers of a horror genre. Including all these things into the trailer adds a greater sense of mystery to the audience, making them want to learn more about the story line.

Some of the film trailers I have chosen which would be similar to my trailer includeThe Descent

388 Arletta Avenue

Silent House

Chernobyl Diaries

All these trailer include similar storylines or techniques I wish to use which are typical of horror or thriller films. The next slides explains the conventions within the trailers and why I chose these trailers.

Other Film Genres -

During my research of trailers, instead of focusing on just horror and thriller I also research genres such as; romance, comedy, drama, Sci-fi and action. By researching a wide range of conventions within different genres, it enabled me to understand what I needed to include and what I shouldnt include.

An example of a Romance/Drama Trailer I chose was a filmed called Dear John.

Audio - The conventions of this trailer were typical of a Romantic genre based on the audio used. Both characters equally show emotion when speaking to each other. Evidently we see that John, whos a soldier on leave, falling in love with Savannah a college student during the summer. The music used relates to romance. The sound of a guitar relating to love and the setting of the beach and summer. It makes it seem to be the perfect love story with a twist.

Shot Types -The shot types within the trailer show extreme close ups of each of the main characters faces to show the love and emotion. Also long shots show the characters closeness which is an important feature in the film. The main focus is on the character John and Savannah. During some scenes everything is blurred out but the focus remains on the two characters. techniques TV/Cinemas/Posters/Internet/Newspapers.Audience Mainly females around the age of 15-40. Romantic genre is more appealing to females of this age. Although, males around the same age may watch the film with their partners. During the opening scene this becomes apparent that it more suited to females from the cute love story where they both fall in love. Other aspects of the trailer involved mails when John has to go back to the army. Both aspects suit both males and females.Impact Trailer draws the audience in. Also features a lot of the storyline, but doesnt give away the whole story which is what makes people want to watch the film. People want to know what happens in the end.Appropriate conventions of a Romance Genre have been used within this trailer, but based on these conventions I wouldnt be able to include any aspects based on my film being a complete different genre. Overall by analysing a romance genre trailer, it has become apparent to me the variety of conventions used within different genres and how important it is to include the correct conventions in my trailer.

The Descent

I chose this trailer as it shows a good representation of convention of horror trailer and it is also British. For example low light is included through out the majority of the trailer. This makes the movie seem instantly scary as the audience are unaware of what lurks within the darkness. The trailer is also set in the middle of no where with large scenery. This is something I want to include within my trailer to show endless possibilities that anything can happen and anyone can be lurking. The trailer shows that something that was supposed to be fun, turned wrong.This is the same theme I want to include within my trailer also, as most horror and thriller films include a storyline where something unexpectedly goes wrong leading to something bad happening. The characters are also unaware of whats about to happen putting them at a disadvantage within the situation.

Audio Characters speak clearly to enlighten the audience of the outline of the story. This shows what their doing and what goes wrong. As the trailer progresses struggle appears in the voices of the characters to show something is wrong. Silence and screams are used to increase anticipation within the trailer. Leaves the audience on the edge of their seats and makes them want to watch the full film. Based on the audio its evident that the genre of the trailer is horror.

Advertising & Effect of trailerInternet, TV, Cinemas and Posters. After watching this trailer i would watch the film due to the suspense that is created.

Shot types -Shots are close together at a fast pace to show a lot of action and drama is included. This again grips the audience leaving them on edge. Something that needs to be included in the horror genre. The shot types that are included within the trailer include birds eye view shots from above to show the scale of the area the characters are driving through. The forest area is so much bigger than they are meaning anything can happen. Other shot types include extreme close ups inside the cave as the spaces are so small. This shows the danger and the emotion and struggle within the characters faces.

Symbolic Codes - Injuries and struggles between the characters and creatures show horror. A red filter is used on the camera, signifying death, blood, danger and violence. Lightening is extremely dark as its based in a cave so low lighting from torches showing little possibilities and hope. Dark features are important aspects of horror films to add suspense. This aspect also shows little opportunity for the characters to escape.

Structure The first scene shows the characters and how happy and excited they are for something thats about to happen. Before the first cut is made a picture is taken of all the girls together. Once the flash is on the picture freezes and then turn black and white. These dark colour again show that something bad is about to happen and all is not as it seems. The dark, colour less picture shows no opportunity.

Target Audience As it is a horror, the age for the film is 18 therefore 18+ is the target audience of this film. It isnt suitable for younger age groups because of the content, e.g. It may scare younger children.

388 Arletta Avenue

388 Arletta Avenue is a trailer based on a stalker. The camera shots are filmed from his perspective adding horror to the audience and showing someone is always watching. This is a technique I want to use during the filming of my trailer. The stalker within my trailer will film to show people and surrounding sceneries from different perspectives. During the 388 Arletta Avenue trailer its obvious that the stalker is filming from a video camera. This technique is popular in films. For example films such as the Blair witch project, paranormal activity, REC etc.

388 Arletta Avenue leaves the audience viewers on edge as its a prime example of a thriller leaving people guessing what happens next and becoming intrigued within the trailer. This is something I also want to achieve within my film, to make people want to watch the film.

A technique that is used towards the end of the trailer is the use of sounds. A deep fast breathing rate is heard and replicated over. As my trailer is set in a forest, this technique could be used to show someone who is hiding, or running away or that a person they are unaware of is present. Overall this technique can be used to show the horror within my trailer.

Silent House

The trailer of silent house includes a range of techniques that I want to include within my trailer. Firstly when I watched the trailer the technique I first found successful was the voice over at the beginning giving brief information based on the trailer making it seem more genuine. For example, One of the most shocking and twisted incident recorded. Giving a brief description adds more of a story to my trailer, adding more horror.

Another technique used within the trailer is within the house where there is low light. The house is dark therefore torches and lanterns are used. The things that produces light illuminate the emotion within the characters faces. This technique I want to use within my trailer to show the terror.

Sound effects are also used through out the trailer, e.g. Music and ticking sound effects. The ticking speeded up sound symbolises time running out and the music represents the build up of anticipation within the movie. The lack of audio between the characters builds up the anticipation also.

The final technique I wish to replicate within my own trailer is the use of dark shadowed figures within the background. This is a common feature used within trailers to show something out of the usual and the sense of someone watching.

Chernobyl Diaries

Chernobyl diaries is another horror film based on a group of friends around the age of 20-30, exploring an area where there was a nuclear explosion. Based on watching the trailer, several conventions have been used to make It successful. These conventions I'd also consider editing and using within my trailer to adapt to my storyline.

Conventions that have been used include one of the characters taking a picture at the site of the nuclear explosion, and then when she re looks at the picture on the camera a dark figure appears in the window. This is a technique I think would be good to use during my trailer, to add more suspense to the audience. When I was viewing the trailer the questions I asked were who is this mystery person and why are they there when the site is supposed to be abandoned? If I include a similar convention, more horror and thriller will be added to my film trailer.

Target Audience Gender and Age

Based on my trailer being that of a horror/thriller genre, the age of my film would be a 15+.As the trailer is a horror, during the two to three-minute clip it may contain scenes which are scary therefore my trailer would have to be broadcasted on TV on certain channels and after a certain time period. Although 15 years of age is the minimum age for someone to view my film, there will also be a upper age limit of roughly 40years old. As my film is a horror/thriller, stereotypes show that the elderly are less likely to watch film like the one which will be represented in my trailer. This does not mean that if you are above 40 you can not watch the film, it just means typically between the ages of 15-40 this age group will draw in more people from a wide audience to watch the trailer/film.

During the trailer I will specifically be using younger characters around the ages of 15-18 who are students and one older character around the age of 30-40.,who will the mysterious stalker character. If younger characters are included within my trailer, this makes it more likely for people around the same ages to be more inclined to watch the trailer and then go on to watch the film. Recently horror films have included young children, e.g. Paranormal Activity.

Including younger children allows the film to add more shock, mystery and overall adding a more creepy effect.People around the ages of 15-18 are also more interested in watching horrors or thrillers to gain a thrill and see how scary they perceive the film to be. People want to see how scary the film is that's why they want to watch horrors. This therefore means I must distinctively show that my film is a horror/thriller, to draw in the correct audience.

The gender of the film would also be both male and female, as it is intended to be viewed by anyone based on the content of the trailer. Both male and female characters would be included within my trailer therefore it would be viewable for any gender. For example if I were to create a romantic film, the focus would be more so for females to watch the film, based on the themes of love. Contrasting from this horrors include any genders and ages, meaning anyone can watch them. Therefore there will be a 50:50 ratio of men to women who will watch my trailer.

The trailer I am going to create will be a on a large independent scale, with British characters. My trailer will be created to become a independent film as anyone, anywhere will be able to watch it. My aim is to successfully create a trailer which can be broadcasted world wide.


I have created a series of questionnaires whichI will use to gain feedback from a wide audience. This will allow me to find out people's preference to genre, what they found interesting about the film and why they chose to watch the film and their ages. Based on this feedback Iwill then gain a greater insight into different perceptions of films and trailers. This feedback I can then enrol into my own creation of my trailer and instead of basing my trailer strictly upon my opinion I will have gained greater insight.

This is an example of the questionnaire I will be using to gain feedback on the genre of trailers, ages and advertising.

Once I collected the questionnaires in from the students within my school, the feedback that I gained showed that between the ages of 15-20 most people were interested in watching either horror films. Another popular choice was thrillers, action and science fiction films. Based on this feedback and my target audience being around the ages of 15-30 I decided to stick to a horror and thriller genre. This is based on the audience being most interested in this genre, meaning I would gain a greater audience as its a genre that they find most interesting.Feedback from other questions showed that the most popular form of advertising was trailers. The answers I received stated that they found trailers a good advertising form due to trailers always being broadcasted on TV and the internet. Their age group spend a lot of time watching TV and Internet therefore they continuously see film trailers. Participants also stated that film trailers give you a greater insight of the storyline and characters. Without these two key things, the audience will be less inclined to watch the film without the brief knowledge of what the film is based on.

Feedback on why the participants liked horror, thriller genres was based on the fright they gain from watching the films and the popularity. Answers stated that if their friends or social networking sites state the film is scary or leaves you on the edge of your seat, they become more inclined to watch the trailer or then proceed and watch the film. Horror films that included zombies, children, mysterious people/creatures, being filmed from a characters perspective e.g. A camcorder and exorcisms and were popular choices based on why people liked horror or thriller movies. Answers stated that including these things was important within a horror or thriller movie to show the genre clearly to the audience.


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