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The Regents of the

University of California

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL# UCOP/TemporaryStaffing/2008


Temporary Staffing Services

Date Issued: Friday, March14, 2008Revised 6/2/08 (Section I, E., Dates)

Issued By: The Regents of the University of California

RFP Administrator: Lesley ClarkCommodity ManagerUniversity of California, Office of the President1111 Franklin Street, 10th FloorOakland, CA 94607-5200

The information contained in this Request for Proposal (RFP) is confidential and proprietary to the University of California and is to be used by the recipient solely for the purpose of responding to this RFP.

Table of ContentsGeneral Information Section I

Facts Section II

Supplier Capability Section III

Program Requirements Section IV

Invoicing Section V

Pricing Section VI

Implementation Section VII

AttachmentsUniversity of California Appendix “A:” Terms and Conditions of Purchase Supplements 5 and 5.1: Special Terms and Conditions for Federal Government Contracts Exhibit A: Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion – Lower Tier Covered Transactions Exhibit B: Certification and Disclosure Regarding Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions Exhibit C: Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Proposed Debarment, and other Responsibility Matters (First Tier Subcontractor)

Attachment 1 Attachments 2A & 2B

Attachment 3

Attachment 4

Attachment 5

Pricing/Rates and Mark-Up Percentages (Note there are multiple tabs) Attachment 6

Pricing/Mark-Up Component Costs Attachment 7University of California Classification/Position Descriptions Attachment 8University of California/California State University Maps Attachment 9University of California 2008 Holiday Schedule Attachment 10University of California Appendix DS/Data Security Attachment 11University of California Business Information Form (BIF) Attachment 12University of California Locations Profiles Attachment 13Commodity Team Roster (Note that there will only be contact with the Commodity Team Leader as designated in this RFP. This roster is provided for the sole purpose of delivering hard copies of the bid to all team members.)

Attachment 14

MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference RSVP Form Attachment 15Intent to Bid Form Attachment 16Proposal Cover Sheet Attachment 17



A. Purpose of the RFPThe purpose of this Request for Proposal (the “RFP”) is to invite qualified suppliers to prepare and submit a proposal (or “bid”) to furnish Temporary Staffing Services, which shall mean temporary staffing services in the specified categories to the University of California (“UC”), in accordance with the requirements defined elsewhere in this RFP.

B. University LocationsThe University is comprised of the following sites:

Ten campuses and their adjacent areas – UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Los Angeles, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UC San Francisco, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Santa Cruz

Five Medical Centers and their primary, campus, and remote locations – UC Davis Medical Center (UCDMC), UC Irvine Medical Center (UCIMC), UC Los Angeles Medical Center (UCLAMC), UC San Diego Medical Center (UCSDMC) and UC San Francisco Medical Center (UCSFMC).

The remote offices associated with each campus including the UC teaching and administrative offices

located in Washington, D.C., the agricultural field stations, medical clinics and other offices supported by the campuses,

The Office of the President located primarily in Oakland and Berkeley, California, with other locations throughout the State of California and in Washington, D.C.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which is owned by the Federal Government but managed by the University

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which is owned by the Federal Government but managed by Livermore National Security, LLC (LLNS), a partnership between the University of California and selected business partners.

Los Alamos National Laboratory, which is owned by the Federal Government but managed by Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS), a partnership between the University of California and selected business partners.

C. ObjectivesThe overall objective of the RFP is to select a supplier or suppliers to assist UC in establishing the most cost effective and efficient procurement program for temporary staffing services while maintaining high standards of quality and service. With that intent UC is interested in evaluating the costs and benefits of several alternative methods for the acquisition of temporary services to any/all UC locations.

This project was initiated to develop a supplier/UC alliance(s) and implement a UC system-wide, program for temporary staffing services that will provide maximum value to the University through enhanced technology, superior customer service, streamlined processes and lower total cost.

Our goal is to secure quality talent using:

• The right mix of staffing providers to meet UC needs in a timely fashion

• Electronic and automated processes to support recruitment, screening, selection and order related processes.


• Standard titles/descriptions reflective of current technologies/needs

• Competitive rates sufficient to draw the appropriate level of talent

• Management reports on utilization, candidate effectiveness, and rate/cost analysis

• Utilization of California-based Small Businesses directly or through subcontracting.

• Agency providers that are efficient and effective in managing their operational expenses, staffing resources and process costs to provide the desired service and support at highly competitive overhead rates.

Qualified suppliers are invited to submit proposals, based on the information provided in this RFP, to establish a business alliance with UC which will maximize the resources of both organizations to most effectively meet the temporary staffing services needs of the University of California.

D. Issuing Office and Communications Regarding the RFP This Request for Proposal, and any subsequent addenda to it, is being issued by the Strategic Sourcing Department on behalf of University of California Office of the President. The Strategic Sourcing Department is the sole point of contact regarding all procurement and contractual matters relating to the requirements described in this RFP, and is the only office authorized to change, modify, clarify, etc., the specifications, terms, and conditions of this RFP and any contract(s) awarded as a result of this RFP.

All communications, including any requests for clarification, concerning this RFP should be addressed in writing to:

Lesley Clark Phone: (510) 987-0472Commodity Team Leader, Strategic Sourcing Fax: (510) 839-0856Office of the President E-mail: Lesley.Clark@ucop.eduUniversity of California1111 Franklin Street, 10th FloorOakland, California 94607

E. RFP DatesSuppliers interested in submitting proposals in response to this RFP should do so according to the following schedule. A supplier may be disqualified for failing to adhere to the dates and times for performance specified below (all times are Pacific Daylight Savings Time/PDT):

Date Time EventFriday, March 14, 2008 5:00PM

PDTRFP issue date.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

12:00PM PDT

RSVP for MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference on Friday, March 21, 2008. Complete Attachment #15 and forward to

Friday, March 21, 2008 1:30-3:30 PM PDT

MANDATORY Pre-bid conference. RSVP to Pat Cheney as noted above.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008 4:00PM PDT

Bidders issuance of requests for clarification of RFP

Thursday, April 3, 2008 4:00PM PDT

University response to requests for clarification of RFP

Monday, April 7, 2008 4:00PM PDT

Issuance of addenda to RFP, if necessary

Friday, April 4, 2008 5:00PM PDT

Intent to Bid (Attachment #16) due to Lesley Clark ( or fax to (510) 839-0856)

Friday, April 18,,2008 4:00PM PDT

Deadline for submission of one original and twenty four (24) copies of bids and CD’s of supplier proposals delivered to UC Temporary


Staffing Services Commodity Team (see Section I, Part G for details and Attachment #14)

Week of June 16th , 2008 TBD Supplier presentations (2 hours), if necessaryWeeks of June 23rd and 30th

TBD Site visits, if necessary

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2008 TBD Anticipated award date

F. Mandatory Pre-Bid ConferenceA mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Friday, March 21, 2008. This meeting will provide bidders the opportunity to ask questions about the Request for Proposal and UC requirements. Attendance at the Pre-Bid Conference is mandatory for suppliers who intend to submit a bid. Attendance must be limited to one representative from each participating company. Attendance can be in-person (see the information below) or via our conference call line. At the time you RSVP, indicate which way you plan to attend this meeting and ac call-in number and password will be forwarded to you. Any changes to the Pre-Bid Conference requirements are at the sole discretion of the UC. Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference Schedule

Date: Friday, March 21, 2008Time: 1:30-3:30pmWhere: University of California Office of the President, Franklin Street Building 1111 Franklin Street,

Oakland, California 94607. For directions to this location, go to: . YOU MUST BRING A PICTURE ID (Driver’s License or Passport)TO ENTER THIS BUILDING.

G. Addenda to the Request for ProposalAny changes, additions, or deletions to the Request for Proposal will be in the form of written addenda issued by the University. Any addenda to this Request for Proposal will be distributed to all participating bidders and posted on the University of California’s Strategic Sourcing website at: . Check this site daily for updates and new or revised documents.

H. Instructions for Submitting ProposalsOne signed original bid must be received by the University of California’s Systemwide Strategic Sourcing Department no later than 4:00pm (Pacific Daylight Savings Time), Friday, April 18, 2008 attention: Lesley Clark. The original bid must be divided into two packages. The first package must have the bid response without pricing and the second package must contain all pricing and financial information for your company. Both packages must include a CD with a copy of all enclosed documents on it, keeping the bid response and all financial information separate. Copies of proposal must be complete, conforming to the information as stated above and include all requirements as stated in the RFP and specified in this Paragraph I (1 – 9). Bids sent via facsimile (FAX) or electronically via email will be rejected. LATE BIDS WILL BE REJECTED.

Bids must follow the format specified in this RFP (Section 1.I. 1-9): A copy of the entire RFP must be returned with your bid. Bids must be signed by a company officer authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the bidding firm. The submission of a signed bid will confirm understanding and acceptance of all requirements, terms,

and conditions of the RFP unless specific exceptions are taken and alternative language or provisions are offered.

Hard copies or CD’s of the proposal WITHOUT PRICING or other financial documents must be sent directly to the UC Commodity Team Members (see Attachment #14 for addressing information and bid format choices). Copies of the proposal and CD’s must be complete and include all requirements as stated in the RFP and specified in this Paragraph I (1 – 9). Copies of proposals for team members must NOT include price quotations, bidder’s financial statements and annual reports, insurance requirements and legal forms. Bidders must deliver a copy of their bid in hard copy or a CD to each one of the twenty four (24) commodity team members as indicated on .Attachment #14. Bidders must submit their proposals in compliance with the following instructions:


Original proposal must be complete and include all requirements as stated in the RFP and specified in this Paragraph I (1 – 9, excluding pricing and other financial documents). Pricing must be sent in a separate package and clearly labeled, “Pricing and Financial Information” and sent to UCOP only. All pricing templates (Attachments 6&7 must be sent electronically to

All bids must be sealed and marked: Temporary Staffing ServicesBid #: UCOP/TemporaryStaffing/2008.

Bid Closing Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2008

I. Bidder Qualifications – Minimum Mandatory Requirements and Other Qualification Standards The intent of this solicitation is to provide for the University of California the successful implementation of the program for temporary staffing services as specified. The University believes that the supplier’s previous experience, financial capability, expertise of its personnel, and related factors are important in assessing the bidder’s potential to meet the goals and objectives of the program. Accordingly, prospective bidders must conform to the following minimum qualifications standards and provide the required information in order to be considered for award. The qualification of bidders is broken out into the two sections below, Minimum Mandatory Requirements and Other Qualification Standards.

1. Minimum Mandatory Requirements are defined as requirements essential to the University of California for bid consideration. Automatic disqualification from the bidding process will result from bidder’s failure to provide or be in compliance with any one or more of the following requirements.

LATE BIDS WILL BE REJECTED. Any bid received after the specified deadline for submission shall result in automatic disqualification.

Proposals must not contain any provisions reserving the right to accept or reject an award or to enter into a contract containing terms and conditions that are contrary to those in the solicitation.

Attendance at the Pre-Bid Conference is mandatory. Refer to Section 1-F for specific conference details.

Bidders must meet a minimum Quality Points threshold of 75%. Refer to Section 1-K for definition of the quality points system.

Bidders must have the ability to obtain and commit to the necessary insurance (ref.: Article 17 of the enclosed University of California Terms and Conditions of Purchase and Section 1 U) and provide the University of California with documentation as such,

Bidder’s submissions must demonstrate administrative responsiveness including proposal completeness with all attachments and the signature of the employee of the company with the authority to legally bind the company to the terms and conditions of the proposal.

Bidders must possess all trade, professional, or business licenses as may be required by the work contemplated by this RFP.

Bidder must be able to provide sufficient information, as determined by the University, to enable the University to make a determination that the Bidder’s financial health and capability is sufficient to meet the anticipated contractual and usage requirements of any resulting Agreement. The University is the sole judge for making this determination.

Bidders must submit audited financial statements for the past two (2) years (or equivalent data) in order to establish its financial capability to provide the required services on a long-term contract basis.

Bidders will be required to provide a quarterly Patronage Incentive of 2% of the total sales of temporary staffing services resulting from this contract. This Patronage Incentive will be used by UC to provide support in the implementation, administration, and management of the successful bidder(s) program(s) in


order to maximize the University participation and/or for other purposes at the University’s discretion. The amount of quarterly Patronage Incentive provided to each UC location will be calculated based on the total quarterly sales to each location. Refer to section VI - D for specific patronage incentive details.

2. Other Qualification Standards are defined as standards that if not met or supplied by the bidder, the University of California reserves the sole right to reject proposal(s) without limitation.

For each Bid Option specified below, bidders should have verifiable successful experience in the last three (3) years in providing the range of services specified in this RFP as a primary supplier for at least two (2) accounts (university and/or corporate) of similar size, complexity and business volume with the exception of small businesses. Small businesses with the intent to serve only two (2) UC locations should demonstrate this with examples of complex single-unit organizations. Large businesses must demonstrate this with examples of multi-unit organizations. Bidders should include with their proposal, the company names, contact names, company address, phone numbers and brief descriptions of reference accounts meeting the criteria as specified in Section III, Paragraph F of the RFP.

Bidders should be able to demonstrate the capability of providing the required services by possessing adequate available resources, including personnel, facilities, recruitment network, candidate testing, access, order processing, equipment, systems, organizational structure, operational controls, quality control, and other related factors.

Bidder’s proposal should demonstrate either:

o The ability to respond to the University of California’s needs in the placement of temporary staff any of the following job categories at all UC locations or a minimum of one (1) category at two (2) UC campus or National Laboratory locations:

Accounting/Finance Administrative Light Industrial/Trades Food Service Medical Clerical

Bidder’s response should demonstrate the ability to service effectively a minimum of two (2) University of California locations.

The ability to serve two (2) UC locations will be determined by the average travel time to each location. See the chart below to determine the average travel time by UC location (complete and include with your proposal).

UC Location DistanceFrom Agency

to UC Location (in miles)

AverageTravel Time/

No Traffic (in hours)

AverageTravel Time/

Commute Traffic(in hours)




In keeping with the University of California’s sustainable practices, Bidder’s hard copies of bids must be printed on 30% PWC (post-consumer waste) content paper, double sided consistent with the requirements


noted in the President’s Policy on Sustainable Practices: .

J. Proposal Format GuidelinesBidders must submit their proposals in the format presented in this section. The entire Proposal must be submitted in hard copy and on CD. In addition, Pricing Schedules (and Attachment #7 #6/multiple tabs) must be submitted electronically on CD in Excel as provided. Use only the template provided for pricing information. Do not alter the template in any way. Proposals are to follow the same section titles used below for ease of evaluation. Proposals must provide a complete response to all requirements stated in the RFP. Incomplete proposals are subject to disqualification. The Proposal shall be signed by an Officer or employee duly authorized to legally bind the entity submitting the Proposal. Proposals shall be complete, submitted in the prescribed format or on forms provided, and comply with the specifications and all legal requirements. All information furnished on the signed original copy of your bid shall be typewritten or written in ink.

1. Statement of Company Background Bidders shall provide an introduction and general description of the Company's background, nature of business activities, and experience in providing temporary staffing and related services.

2. Management OverviewThis section should present the Bidder's understanding of the major objectives of the RFP and the Bidder's approach to fulfilling the RFP requirements.

3. Vendor Qualification And ExperienceThis section should contain the required qualification information specified in “Bidder Qualifications” (Paragraph I above) and detailed responses to each item.

4. Vendor Organization and StaffingThis section should describe the Bidder's organization and management and representation teams. The narrative should include the name of staff, their background and qualifications, and their role in providing representation to UC. Include an organizational chart outlining the members of Bidder’s organization designated responsibility for the UC account and the supervising officers of the company.

5. Responses To Program RequirementsBidders are to provide a complete response to each of the numbered requirements included in Sections III-V and VII of the RFP. Bidders should be concise in responding to the requirements.

6. Vendor Commitment to Sustainability:Bidders must describe their Company’s commitment to sustainable practices as it applies to their service. Refer to the University of California’s Presidential Policy on Sustainable Practices, and align your response with the categories outlined in the policy statement.

7. Supplemental InformationThis section provides bidders an opportunity to inform UC of the other services that may be relevant. Bidders should keep this information concise and include only that which applies to temporary staffing services.

8. Price QuotationBidders are to provide a price quotation in the form and format described in Section VI below.

9. University Of California Business Information FormAll Bidders must complete the enclosed University of California Business Information Form (Attachment #12) and return it as part of the bid.

K. Proposal Evaluation and Contract AwardThis solicitation, the evaluation of proposals, and the award(s) of any resulting contract(s) shall be made in conformance with applicable University of California policies and State of California law. The University of California reserves the right to withdraw this Request for Proposal at any time. All documents submitted to UC on


behalf of this RFP will become the exclusive property of the University of California system and will not be returned.

Any contract(s) resulting from this Request for Proposal will be awarded to the responsive and the responsible bidder whose proposal, in the opinion of the University, offers the greatest benefit to the University when considering the total value, including, but not limited to, the quality of services and total cost (including any applicable discounts).

Proposals will be evaluated by the University’s Temporary Staffing Commodity Team using a lowest cost per quality point system. The evaluators will examine each proposal to determine, through the application of uniform criteria, the effectiveness of the proposal in meeting the University’s program requirements for temporary staffing services. In addition to materials provided in the proposals, the Temporary Staffing Commodity Team may utilize site visits, oral presentations, additional material/ information, and/or references from the supplier and others to come to their determination of award(s).

The University of California may request additional information either from the Bidder or others, and may utilize site visits and bidder presentations, as reasonably required by the University to verify the Bidder’s ability to successfully meet the requirements of this RFP. The University also reserves the right to obtain Dun & Bradstreet reports, or similar independent reports for further indications of the Bidder’s ability.

Factors that will be used to evaluate proposals include:

1. GENERAL CAPABILITIESa). Company organization, environment and strategic directionb). Account management structurec). Program administrationd). Breadth of services offerede). Innovative employee recruiting and retention programsf). Expertise of personnelg). Training offered the Bidder’s personnelh). Ability to meet the needs of all University of California locationsi) On-going marketing support for all UC locationsj). Sustainable practicesk). Geographic support and consistency of service offeringl). Range of service typesm). Implementation plans (all business models)n) Qualified Small Business

2. SERVICE QUALITY AND COMMITMENTSa). Ability to provide service standards to meet University of California requirementsb). Quality management and continuous improvement processesc). Geographic support for University of California locationsd). Geographic support for account management and representation

3. TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENTa). Alignment of bidder's technology direction with UC requirementsb). Ability to provide automated systems, e-commerce and web-based order

managementc). Ability to provide types and frequencies of volume, usage, incentive, utilization, and

sustainability reports to meet UC requirements d). Ability to meet UC requirements for billing and purchase orderse). Ability to meet UC requirements for response times, service, and non-

performance penalties

The weighted total of all quality points per category awarded by individual evaluators and will be averaged for each UC location. Each location will give one score representing all evaluators’ responses and will be added together to compile a quality point total. The total quoted cost will then be divided by the total quality points to determine the best proposal(s) for each bid option. The proposal(s) offering the lowest cost per quality point for any of the specified bid options which the University, in its sole discretion, elects to exercise will be recommended


for award. Should the Bidder with the proposal offering lowest cost per quality point for any option refuse or fail to accept the tendered purchase contract, the award may be made successively to the Bidder with the second lowest cost per quality point, or then to the third in the event of further failure to accept.

The University may elect to conduct the supplier selection process using a quality point system in two phases:

Phase I: - Selection of finalists Phase II: - Selection of winning supplier(s) for the contract award

The University of California may waive irregularities in a proposal provided that, in the judgment of the University such action will not negate fair competition and will permit proper comparative evaluation of bids submitted. The University's waiver of an immaterial deviation or defect shall in no way modify the Request for Proposal documents or excuse the Bidder from full compliance with the Request for Proposal specifications in the event the contract is awarded to that bidder.

The University reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, make more than one (1) award, or no award, as the best interests of University may appear. Any contract awarded pursuant to this RFP will incorporate the requirements and specifications contained in the RFP, as well the contents of the Bidder’s proposal as accepted by the University and will be in writing.

Collusion among bidders is not allowed. If there is proof of collusion among bidders, all proposals involved in the collusive action will be rejected.

L. Proposal Preparation CostsAll costs incurred in the preparation and submission of proposals and related documentation, including bidder presentations to UC, will be borne by the Bidder.

M. Proposal Acceptance Period"Acceptance Period" as used in this provision, means the number of calendar days available to the University for awarding a contract. All bids shall remain available for University acceptance for a minimum of 180 days following the RFP closing date.

N. Initial Contract TermIt is anticipated that the initial term of any agreement resulting from this RFP will be for a period of five (5) years.

O. Optional Renewal Term(s)UC may, at its option, extend or renew the agreement for additional three (3) one-year periods at the same terms and conditions.

P. Disclosure of RecordsAll bids, supporting materials, and related documentation will become the property of University of California.

This Request for Proposal, together with copies of all documents pertaining to any award, if issued, shall be kept for a period of five years from date of contract expiration or termination and made part of a file or record which shall be open to public inspection. If the response contains any trade secrets that should not be disclosed to the public or used by University for any purpose other than evaluation of the Bidder’s approach, the top of each sheet of such information must be marked with the following legend: "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION"

All information submitted in response to this solicitation become a matter of public record and shall be regarded as public record (except items marked as trade secrets and considered trade secrets under the California Public Records Act) after the award has been made.

The Regents of the University of California will recognize as confidential only those elements in each response which are trade secrets as that term is defined in the law of California which are clearly marked as “TRADE SECRET, “CONFIDENTIAL,” or “PRIORITETARY.” Vague designations and blanket statements regarding entire pages or documents are insufficient and shall not bind The Regents to protect the designated matter from disclosure.


The California Public Records Act limits the Regents’ ability to withhold prequalification and bid data to trade secrets or records, the disclosure of which is exempt or prohibited pursuant to Federal or State law. If a submittal contains any trade secrets that a Contractor does not want disclosed to the public or used by The Regents for any purpose other than evaluation of the Contractor’s eligibility, each sheet of such information must be marked with the designation, “Confidential.” The University will notify the submitter of data so classified of any request to inspect such data so that the submitter will have an opportunity to establish that such information is exempt from inspection in any proceeding to compel inspection.

Should a request be made of the University of California for information that has been designated as confidential by the Bidder and on the basis of that designation, the University denies the request for information the Bidder shall be responsible for all legal costs necessary to defend such action if the denial is challenged in a court of law?

Q. Audit RequirementsAny agreement resulting from this Request for Proposal shall be subject to examination and audit by University, the Office of Naval Research, and the State of California for a period of three (3) years after final payment. The examination and audit shall be confined to those matters connected with the performance of the agreement, including but not limited to, the costs of administering the agreement, at no cost to UC.

R. Marketing ReferencesThe successful bidder shall be prohibited from making any reference to University of California, in any literature, promotional material, brochures, or sales presentations without the express written consent of the University of California Office of the President, Strategic Sourcing Department.

S. Labor CodesBidders must operate within the guidelines of all Federal and State Labor Codes.

T. LicensingBidder must possess all trade, professional, or business licenses as may be required by the work contemplated by this RFP.

U. Insurance RequirementsIf work is to be performed on University premises bidders(s) shall furnish a certificate of insurance acceptable to UC (see Appendix “A”/Attachment #1, Article 17). All certificates shall name the Regents of the University of California as an additional insured. The certificate must be submitted to the UC Strategic Sourcing Department prior to the commencement of services and should be delivered to:

University of California Office of the PresidentStrategic Sourcing DepartmentAttn: Brian N. Agius1111 Franklin Street 10th FloorOakland, CA 94607-5200

Insurance must comply with all of the requirements as noted in Appendix “A” /Attachment #1 and coverage must cover the following limits:

Each Occurrence Products/Completed Operations Aggregate

Personal and Advertising Injury

General Aggregate (not applicable to the comprehensive form)

$1,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 2,000,000

Worker’s Compensation must be at the limits stated in Attachment #1/Appendix “A”. Worker’s Compensation Insurance must be current and cannot lapse during the bid process or during the term of any contract(s) with the University of California. Lapse in Worker’s Compensation Insurance may result in termination of any existing contract(s).


V. University of California Terms and Conditions of PurchaseThe University of California Terms and Conditions of Purchase, Appendix “A”/Attachment #1 and Supplements 5 and 5.1/Attachment #2 and Exhibits A-C/Attachments #3, #4, and #5 as attached, shall be incorporated into purchase agreement resulting from this RFP.

W. Errors and OmissionsIf the Bidder discovers any discrepancy, error, or omission in this RFP or in any of the attached Appendices, UC should be notified immediately and a written clarification/notification will be issued to all bidders who have been furnished a copy of this RFP for bidding purposes. No bidder will be entitled to additional compensation for any error or discrepancy that appears in the RFP where UC was not notified and a response provided. All addendums of clarification will be posted on the University of California Strategic Sourcing systemwide bid posting website at: .

X. Termination of AgreementAny agreement resulting from this RFP may be terminated in whole or in part by University (for cause and/or for convenience) with a written thirty (30) day notice without penalty. Any agreement resulting from this RFP may be terminated in whole or in part by Supplier (for cause only) with a written thirty (30) day notice without penalty.

Y. California State University SystemAn Agreement of Understanding exists between The Regents of the University of California and The Trustees of the California State University (CSU), establishing the California Higher Education Consortium (CHEC). Through a collaborative relationship, the Consortium seeks to combine procurement and contracting activities and efforts to obtain best value goods and services while reducing total acquisition costs. Accordingly, the Agreement resulting from this solicitation shall recognize the participation of the 23 campuses of the Trustees of the California State University with the following understandings:

The successful bidder agrees to extend the temporary staffing services pricing and services to the CSU Institutions under the terms of the resulting Agreement.

All contractual administration issues regarding the Agreement (e.g. terms and conditions, extensions, renewals, etc.) shall remain the responsibility of the University of California. Operational issues, fiduciary responsibility, payment issues, performance issues and liabilities, and disputes involving individual CSU campuses shall be addressed, administered, and resolved by each CSU campus. The University of California and the California State University are separate and distinct governmental entities. As such, each administrative unit and campus therein is financially separate and shall be responsible for individual financial commitments. No fiduciary responsibility for performance liability, unless otherwise expressed, exists between the University of California and California State University and their respective campuses.

The total volume of services for the CSU system is not included in the estimated volume stated in this document.



A. Background Information Known for academic excellence, the University of California is a large and complex University system devoted to scholarship, research, and public service. The University of California system currently has over 214, 000 students and a workforce of over 170,000 with a budget of $17.0 billion (excluding national laboratories). The campuses reside on 16,336 acres of land with an additional 150,000 acres in the University natural reserve system.

The University of California anticipates that the UC locations utilizing any contract(s) awarded as a result of this RFP will be UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, UCSC, UCOP, and LBNL. The usage will vary based upon the current business models utilized at each of these locations. (refer to Section IV. A. for a detailed description of the current business models for Temporary Staffing Services). It is anticipated that University of California Medical Centers (UCDMC, UCIMC, UCLAMC, UCSDMC, and UCSFMC) will utilize the contract(s) resulting from this RFP for some of their clerical/front desk needs in conjunction with existing contracts that these locations currently have in place.

Current estimates of UC usage of hours by job classification are as follows:





Estimated Hours

Usage of Temporary


170,000 23,000 2,000 210,000 12,000 100,000 65,000 160,000 60,000 100,000 13,000 185,000 1,100,000

% TO TOTAL 15% 2% 0% 19% 1% 9% 6% 15% 5% 9% 1% 17%  

Please note that this is only for estimation purposes and represents the low-end of UC location spend. This figure does not account for spend dollars that have not passed through Purchasing, Strategic Sourcing, and Human Resources and Benefits.

Location Profiles provided in Attachment #13 specify the current requirements and program infrastructure for the respective University locations.

All UC locations support Small Business Programs for purchasing products and services from small and local businesses. The University will continue purchasing through its current Small Business Programs and these efforts are coordinated at the individual location level.

The above information is provided as an estimate only to assist bidders in preparing proposals. The figures provided are indicative of the potential business volume and the complexity of the account. However, the University does not and cannot guarantee any specific quantities or business volume during the agreement period or any extensions thereto.

Any other relevant information must be included in this Section of the RFP.

A cross-functional UC system-wide commodity team has been formed to develop and implement a world-class procurement program for temporary staffing services at the University of California in accordance with the University’s Strategic Sourcing Initiative objectives.



Bidder must complete this section of the RFP by discussing each item in the order presented.

A. Company Profile1. State whether your company is local, regional, national or international. Include information on any affiliates

and/or subsidiaries.

2. Describe your company’s service/sales network within the University of California markets. Specify your geographic locations, company owned or independent contracted dealerships and the number of field service/sales representatives.

3. State location(s) from which the program will be administered if your company is awarded the contract.

4. Does your company have an existing Major Account Program? If so, describe.

5. Describe the range of activities performed by this location.

6. Furnish UC with your company service standards. Include your company’s Service Level Agreement(s) and Mission Statement.

B. Account Management1. Describe and identify the account management team that would be assigned to the University of California:

a. Provide an organizational chart of the account team that shows the reporting structure.b. Identify the number of individuals and their roles that will be assigned to the account. Describe what

portion of the individual’s time will be devoted to UC.c. Where will the account team members physically be located?d. Describe the education, training, and work experience requirements for each role and identify the

typical or actual tenure of each of the team members.e. Provide a summary of the account team’s compensation structure and incentive programs for staff

managing the proposed UC program.f. How are the account and the account tem performance measured?g. What role would UC have in selecting account management team members associated with each

location?h. What are the benchmarks for triggering a physical presence? Which UC locations, if any are you

recommending having a physical presence on site?

C. Recruiting, Screening and Selection Procedures1. Describe and identify your company’s process for recruiting, screening, and the selection of candidates for the

University of California:a. How do you attract qualified candidates and how do you ensure you are attracting an applicant pool

that reflects the communities of your customers?b. How does your company recruit for requests for specialized positions such as medical clerical,

accounting, etc., as well as traditional temporary help? What recruitment strategies have been successful for your organization? Discuss in detail all methods you will use to recruit individuals.

c. Describe your strategy and process for including UC students in your hiring pool as appropriate.d. Describe your interviewing and screening process, including details regarding any testing programs

that you use.e. Describe your process for facilitating background checks.f. Describe your process for drug screening and physicals. What practices do you have surrounding

these programs?g. Discuss in detail all the aspects of the tools (interviews, testing, reference checks, etc…) used to

pre-screen and test individuals prior to placing them in a pool of qualified candidates.h. Are the prospective temporary employees asked to demonstrate all skills that are claimed? How are

the skill measurements validated?i. Identify and discuss the following:

How many placements during the last twelve (12) months or for the prior fiscal year have you made for each of the related categories you are looking to participate in?


Provide numbers for Northern California, Southern California, and other California locations if applicable.

For the abovementioned period, what was the average length of assignment for each category?

How many active candidate profiles do you currently have for Northern California, Southern California, or other California locations where applicable? What constitutes your company’s definition of an active e profile?

D. Bidder’s Service CapabilityAddress your company’s capabilities as they relate to the following service issues or questions.

1. Can your company absorb all of the University of California needs and requirements for services as stated in this RFP?

2. Does your company have experience with customers in Higher Education and with multiple locations in a broad geographic area?

3. Does your company own all of its sales/service locations? If not, provide a list of franchises/dealerships within all UC markets.

4. Outline your processes for handling emergencies during business and non-business hours. Include any charges associated with this emergency support in your pricing with your pricing information.

5. Does your company have a tested recovery or business resumption plan in place in the event or a natural disaster or act of war or civil disturbance? If yes, describe.

6. Identify any high usage periods that limit the availability of temporary staff and describe how you would handle UC’s needs during these times.

7. Include a listing of all holidays and any other days your company is closed for business (except Saturday and Sunday). The University of California is closed for business on the holidays listed on Attachment #9/University of California 2008 Holiday Schedule.

8. Specify your company’s normal business hours for receiving orders and providing customer service.

9. Are you accessible to your temporary employees and clients before and after normal business hours? If yes, what is the process for reaching the designated staff member?

10. Describe how your company will meet our requirement for frequent on-site visitation by your account representatives to handle customer orders and respond to problems, invoice disputes and service issues.

11. Describe your customer service and quality control programs. Provide a manual of your company’s operations.

12. Is your company willing to participate in quarterly business reviews, both systemwide and at the individual locations? These reviews include an evaluation of sales, performance against service metrics, implementation progress and issues, market trends and account management. If you are not willing to participate in these reviews, explain in detail.

13. Does your company have an existing Major Account Program? If so, describe.

14. Specify your company’s overall performance with regard to temporary staff placements in the following areas:

Order Fill Rate _______ Order Fill Turnaround Time (average) _______ Customer Satisfaction _______ Order Accuracy _______ Invoicing Accuracy _______


15. How do you track and what type of document will be provided to verify your company’s performance listed above? Provide a sample of two such reports in your proposal.

16. Provide a complete and detailed profile of all facilities that will service each University of California location, by location.

17. What level of turnover is your company experiencing at the management and account executive levels? Provide data for the most current fiscal year you have available.

18. Provide a statement describing your company’s ability to provide all the services required by this RFP, including any plan to subcontract any portion of the work.

19. Explain your recruitment process for temporary employees.

20. Specify what qualifications are necessary to become a temporary employee in your company.

21. Explain your testing procedure(s) for each of the job classifications listed in Attachment #8/University of California Job Classification/Position Descriptions.

22. Explain your applicant interview, screening, and selection process, including security and background checks on prospective temporary employees. What firm(s) do you utilize for these service(s)?

23. Does your company offer temporary recruitment services and if so, provide a description of bidder’s company recruits its temporary staff.

24. How many temporary employees in the categories listed on Attachment #8/University of California Job Classification/Position Descriptions are in your current application pool for each location? List each UC location separately.

25. Explain your reference check process and when they are performed.

26. What type of benefits do you provide to your temporary employees?

27. Do you provide any parking subsidy to your temporary employees? If not, explain in detail...

28. What is your average response time on temporary employee placement orders?

29. What is your rush response time on temporary placement orders?

30. What training programs or services do you provide to your temporary employees? Explain in detail.

31. Does your company offer temporary to career conversion options to your clients? If yes, specify the terms in your RFP response and associated fees (if any) on the Pricing Schedule/Attachment #7.

32. What service guarantees do you provide for temporary placements? How many hours/days a temporary employee work at no charge if deemed unqualified by UC? State hours/days for assignments less than three (3) months and assignments over three (3) months.

33. What areas of job classifications does your company specialize in for temporary placements?

34. What innovative recruiting and retention programs does your company have for temporary employees?

35. Does your company have individuals placed on “ready-status” each morning for last-minute emergencies for temporary placements?

36. Does your company provide specialized recruiting and training for temporary employees based on the requirements of your customers?

37. How much lead time is necessary when placing an order for a temporary employee?


38. Do you have a Free Orientation Program for temporary employees? If yes, describe the length of assignments it is based on and credit hours given?

39. Does your company track the performance of your temporary employees? If yes, describe the process and include a sample report.

40. Are you a full service company? If yes, list and describe all of your service categories.

41. Does your company provide payrolling services? If yes, describe the process and include a sample enrollment packet provided to payrolled employees with the information needed to be employed with your company. Also, provide your company’s fees for the payrolling services as requested in Attachment #7. Pricing. Payrolled employees are defined as workers recruited by the University on temporary assignments at UC who are placed on the payroll of a staffing firm.

42. Can your company absorb the University of California’s needs and requirements for temporary recruitment services as stated in this RFP and provide uniform services in every location? If not, specify the UC locations that your company will be able to service.

43. For temporary staff placed in confidential, medical-related, or cash handling positions, will you be able to conduct the appropriate levels of background and security checks? Describe your process for conducting background and security checks.

44. Is your company able to bond employees, if requested by the University? Ensure that the fee for this service is listed in the Attachment #7/Pricing.

Range of Staffing Positions

It is highly desirable that the staffing provider have a wide range of staffing solutions and skill sets. Provide a list of job titles and skill sets for which your firm has successfully provided both temporary and direct hire personnel in the area of locations you are interested in serving under this RFP.

E. Bidder’s Technology CapabilityAddress your company’s capabilities as they relate to the following technology issues or questions.

1. Describe your current capabilities for transmitting and receiving orders, including EDI, and EFT.

2. Describe whether your company can accept and use ghost cards association with UC Visa credit card.

3. Describe your company’s ability to provide the following general systems and order management capabilities at no additional cost to the University:

On-Line web-based ordering system Customer specific pricing and contract terms Itemized cost center/group/organization usage reports available on-line to all the University of

California departments Various authorization levels for order placement Ordering system security features Electronic purchasing capabilities, including e-commerce, through the use of a variety of electronic

order management systems with real-time access to service information for order fulfillment or web-based platforms with no local or network based software requirement

Accommodation for 32-digit account numbers Secured access for University of California users e-mail notification within a defined security hierarchy

It is desirable that UC Human Resources administrators log into a secure web site to retrieve information (e.g. reports, billing rates, candidate availability.) Describe the overall capabilities of your agency in the areas of electronic billing, order placement and approval, timekeeping, and reporting.


4. Proposal should define the system specifications/requirements, including costs for hardware/software to utilize bidders’ on-line ordering system. Describe what training is provided for University employees for the use of your on-line ordering system.

5. Is your company able to provide specific reports to a customer level for orders placed through a third-party (e.g. SciQuest, Perfect Commerce, etc.)?

6. Describe your company’s capabilities to provide the following on a quarterly or as-needed basis:

On-line and hard copy standard reports On-line and hard copy specialized reports (e.g. marketplace salary surveys, market rate

comparisons, temporary pool make-up report) Support of the University’s intranet and extranet Information necessary to receive payments via ACH and EFT transfers

7. Specify your company’s capabilities to provide system updates/revisions, including software platforms.

8. Describe any other software packages and technologies your company has available to simplify order processing and reduce costs.

9. As your company employs new technologies how do you provide your customers with access?

10. Has your organization provided services through a Managed Site Provider (MSP)? If so, identify the providers with whom you have worked.

11. Explain in detail how the implementation of a Managed Site Provider will assure cost effectiveness, maintain quality control of the workforce, provide substantive spend and utilization reports to the University over the life of the contract.

12. Explain in detail how your company would execute the implementation of a MSP as a service option for any participating location?

13. Describe how your company will support the utilization of Procurement cards. Integration within your order entry system Authorization process (manual/automated) Security Timeliness and accuracy of systems authorization ability in the order entry process Provide a description of your level 2/3 reporting capabilities.

F. Bidder’s Staffing and Qualifications1. State the name and title of the person who will have the overall account management responsibility as specified

in this RFP. Provide a brief resume of the account manager’s background, training, experience and length of time with the company. Specifically discuss the individual’s experience in managing a program for temporary staffing services of the similar size and scope of the program described in this RFP.

2. Provide an organization chart, including functions and responsibilities of your company’s recommended account management team for UC.

3. Describe procedures your company will utilize to provide training and orientation of new users to your order entry system and other technology and process related functions.

G. Bidder’s Marketing Capability Describe your company’s capability to market your services for a customer operating in a non-mandated environment. Include different successful marketing alternatives for a non-mandated environment.

H. Account References1. Provide three references and contact information to verify bidder direct experience in servicing accounts of a

similar size, complexity, and business volume to the University of California based on the options specified in Section IV of this RFP. Provide Higher Education customer references where applicable.


2. Provide names and contact information for three accounts that have left your company within the last 24 months for reasons other than consolidation. Provide the reason they left.

3. Ensure that in both F.1. and F.2. that contact information includes name, title, address, e-mail address, and phone number of each reference and that you have verified that this is current information for these individuals/companies.



This section sets forth specific service requirements for the University of California’s program for temporary staffing services. Bidder proposals must address all of the listed requirements in the order presented with a response acknowledging an understanding of the requirements and the bidder’s approach to fulfilling the requirements. Review the questions for each of the three (3) temporary staffing business models (you should have three (3) sets of responses for this section) and state at the end of each lettered term either “Agree to comply with terms” after each statement or reflect willingness to comply with part, or no part of the statement:

A. Bid OptionsAs previously stated, the University wishes to consider alternative methods of providing temporary staffing services to the University of California locations. Therefore, all proposals must be based on the following three (3) options. In addition, bidders may submit an alternate proposal so that the University can evaluate the costs and benefits of the different program(s). The University reserves the right to split this award by UC location, selecting any of the options which in the sole opinion of the University are in its best interest.

Option 1: Decentralized Program

For University of California locations with the decentralized program, Individual departmental orders will be placed directly through service provider(s) selected as a result of this RFP. The service provider(s) will fulfill and coordinate the UC location’s needs for temporary staffing included within the scope of this program by utilizing its own qualified individuals. Additional responsibilities will include order fulfillment, quality control, customer service, reporting program administration and other responsibilities associated with the decentralized program infrastructure. The primary campus contact will be within either Strategic Sourcing or Purchasing with this model.

Option 2: Supplemental Staffing Program

For University of California locations with in-house temporary staffing pools, orders will be placed through the coordinating department (usually Human Resources) which will in turn be the primary campus contact for the staffing agency. The service provider(s) will fulfill and coordinate the needs of the UC location for supplemental temporary staffing within the scope of this program by utilizing its own qualified individuals. Additional responsibilities will include quality control, customer service, production of UC-required reports, administration and other responsibilities associated with the UC-Managed In-House Temporary Staffing Pool program.

Option 3: Agency-Managed Staffing Program

For University of California locations who desire an agency-managed staffing program, the service provider will manage the temporary staffing needs of the location(s) by placing an agency manager in the UC location trading area dedicated fulltime to UC to manage the temporary staffing program, order fulfillment, respond to customers needs, manage the staffing pool, ensure supplier performance to predetermined metrics, produce UC-required reporting, market the program on-site with location customers, and resolve administrative and invoicing issues. The primary location contract will be either within Strategic Sourcing or Purchasing in partnership with Human Resources.

Alternate Proposal: UC is interested in any service, system or idea that would further our goal of reducing expenses and offering optimum value.

Alternate proposals will be considered only if the original requirements of the RFP are met in the manner specified. Alternate proposals are to be submitted at the time of original proposal. They are to be separate from the original proposal and clearly marked “ALTERNATE PROPOSAL”.

NOTE: Not all of the following requirements may be applicable to all Options. Bidder should indicate where, in their opinion, a requirement is not applicable to a specific Bid Option.

B. Roles and Responsibilities – Temporary Staffing Services


1. Upon request from any University of California location, selected agency(ies) will provide the UC location at the location designated by that location, personnel with the skill, knowledge, and experience required by UC to perform temporarily the duties, functions and responsibilities of the positions included within the scope of this program. Any personnel provided by the agency(ies) to perform services under this program will be performed solely by the employees of selected agencies.

2. UC shall have the exclusive tight to determine the period of time and work schedule of all personnel provided by selected agency (ies) to perform services under this program. UC will not warrant or guaranteed any manner the period of time or work schedule of any person provided by the agency (ies) to perform services at the designated UC location.

3. Should any person terminate employment with selected agency (ies) while such person is providing services to a UC location, selected agency (ies) must agree to replace immediately such person with a person having like skills, knowledge, and experience.

4. From time to time, UC locations may also request agency (ies) to provide certain named or specifically identified persons with unique skills, knowledge and experience.

5. Temporary employees provided by the service provider(s) selected through this RFP shall not smoke inside University buildings and areas restricted for smoking and shall not consume alcoholic beverages nor be under the influence of alcohol while on duty. Use of illicit drugs on duty by personnel employed by selected service provider(s) shall be cause for immediate termination of such employee. Refer to University of California policies on smoking in the workplace at: . University of California locations have individual polices regarding smoking. Selected service provider(s) will assume responsibility for advising their employees with respect to specific UC location policies dealing with smoking, alcohol, and illicit drug use.

6. Upon request from any UC location, agency (ies) must replace immediately any personnel providing services whose quality of service in unsatisfactory to that location. The location will not be charged for any unsatisfactory services. Agency (ies) must agree that the determination of whether the quality of the services of any personnel is satisfactory or unsatisfactory to that location is one made exclusively by the involved staff at that UC location.

7. In order for this program to be successful, selected agencies must agree to provide only skilled, knowledgeable, and experienced personnel to perform services for UC. Agency (ies) must also agree to provide UC locations and departments requesting services information on any candidate(s) whose quality of services has been previously determined by any UC location to be unsatisfactory.

8. Selected agency(ies) will provide services to UC through the designated full-services branch(es) whenever possible and if applicable.

9. Selected agency(ies) must inform UC if any candidate(s) who will be accepted for assignment at any UC location are currently on an active contract elsewhere.

10. Selected agency(ies) will assign program coordinators for all UC locations (multiple for larger UC locations) who will be specialized in UC’s temporary personnel needs to work closely with designated representatives.

11. The service provider(s) must agree not to place any individual (career employee) who has worked for any UC location with prior UC approval of both the receiving location. The service provider(s) further agrees to notify the ordering department of the UC location where the individual worked as an employee.

12. The service provider(s) selected through this RFP process for the University of California will be required to provide additional services as listed below. The cost of these services much be included in the Bidder’s mark-up as specified in Attachments #6 and #7.

a. Develop and manage a program for recruiting and retaining qualified temporary employees.


b. Create standard employee screening, testing, and background check procedures, including for prior felony convictions and moving violations necessary for job assignments within the University of California system.

c. Provide temporary to career employment options, free of charge. In the event Bidder’s cannot offer temporary to career employment options free of charge, Bidder’s must specify Bidder’s terms associated with this within the RFP response and fees associated with this as part of the financial information packet.

d. Create a temporary employee orientation program, customized to UC’s needs.e. Establish standardized skill classifications and job descriptions consistent with Attachment #8 of

this RFP.f. Conduct quarterly business reviews and planning sessions with UCOP and all UC locations to

evaluate the following: Program effectiveness Audit finding based on state performance metrics and customer service expectations Systems improvements Case studies on recruitment, retention, and training Financial analysis

g. Comply with quarterly reporting requirements set forth by the University of California’s Strategic Sourcing Department located at the Office of the President,

h. Student Health Centers on our campuses as well as our Medical Centers may require special background checks, including fingerprinting services. Bidders must describe there capabilities to offer these services and list any fees associated with these services in Attachment #7.

13. Ordering processes will vary greatly between the University of California locations and will be based in large part on the location’s business model for Temporary Staffing Services. (see Section IV, Part A for more details). Provide a description for each business model of the ordering process that you recommend for UC locations operating under that model with the following minimum expectations considered:

a. Orders will be placed by UC with agencyb. Person/Department placing the order will be notified within 30 minutes (15 minutes for Rush

Orders) that the order has been receivedc. Until the order is filled, status will be given to the UC representative hourlyd. Once order is filled, the service provider will perform first-day checks, follow-up with quality

control checks, and calls to determine that status of order extension or terminations on all assigned temporary personnel

e. Orders placed before 2:00pm will be filled by the next dayf. Service expectations do not include orders that will require more time to fill or specialized skill

sets and must be mutually agreeable to both the Agency and UC.

C. Quality of Service Standards – Temporary Staffing Services

1. The University of California’s service guarantee commitment expectations for services included in this RFP are as follows:

Response Time on Order: Within 30 minutes. Customer Satisfaction 100% Service Guarantee to the University of

California - All Locations. Upon notification, charges for unsatisfactory service will be cancelled upon mutual agreement between UClocation and selected agency and a replacementprovided ASAP

No Minimum Lead Time Start Working on Order Immediately Invoice/billing accuracy 98% Customer service satisfaction 100%

2. The minimum quality of service standards set forth above recognize that occasional errors are likely, however the bidder further agrees to use best efforts to achieve 100% quality of service level. Should, however the quality levels fall below the minimum standards and the supplier does not take corrective


action within fourteen (14) days following University of California notification, the University reserves the right to terminate the Agreement.

3. In addition to the above requirements, bidders must include a statement explaining their own quality standards policies and procedures.

4. No substitution of staff with a lower skill-base will be accepted without the prior approval of the customer.

5. Supplier cannot “penalize” an entire campus or other UC locations if specific departments prevent invoice payments for any reason.

D. Program Administration

Supplier shall provide the following administrative functions: Project Manager to coordinator program implementation at all University of California locations. Account Management for on-going contract monitoring and maintenance. On-site sales representation on a regular basis to increase sales activity, assist in resolving order

fulfillment, customer service, and invoicing issues, demonstrate new services and provide other customer services as required for the efficient operation and expanding implementation of the program.

Development of a program for regularly monitoring and comparing University of California pricing with pricing available from competitors in the UC location’s marketplace.

Monthly meetings between the supplier’s Account Manager and the UC location’s primary contact to discuss sales trends, open issues needing resolution, and to develop plans to increase contract utilization.

Quarterly Business Reviews at both the University of California’s Office of the President for systemwide contract management and at individual UC locations to monitor contract implementation at the local level.

E. Reporting Requirements1. Supplier shall provide the following quarterly reports (by UC location and total UC system) as specified:

Monthly/quarterly/year-to-date sales by location, department, job classification, and position title Monthly/quarterly/year-to-date reports related to the length of assignment and temp pool make-up Monthly/quarterly/year-to-date order fulfillment rate performance by location, department, job

classification, and position title Monthly/quarterly/year-to-date order lead time performance (normal order lead time) by location and

position title Monthly/quarterly/year-to-date order lead time performance (rush order lead time) by location and

position title Monthly/quarterly/year-to-date aging reports by location and total University of California system of all

outstanding invoices Quarterly reports of Supplier’s support of sustainable practices within their operating environment and

improvements made over the previous quarter by office location

2. Supplier agrees to provide other reports as reasonably requested by the University of California during the term of the agreement at no additional cost to UC.

F. Order Management and Customer ServiceBidder must provide a dedicated 800 number for UC order placement and customer service. Any changes or modifications to the agreed upon order processes, which may vary between UC locations, will not be implemented without advance approval from a designated UC employee(s) representing the location(s) affected by these changes or modifications. .

G. Normal Order Requirements All responses to orders will be within four (4) hours. Bidders must state the latest possible time order can be received for next business day’s fulfillment.

H. Rush Order Requirements22

Proposals must describe the availability associated with providing rush delivery service at no charge. All responses to rush orders will be within two (2) hours. Bidders must state the latest possible time order can be received for next business day’s fulfillment.

I. Quality Management and Continuous Improvement ProcessBidder shall describe their plan for quality management and process for continuous improvement of the temporary staffing services program.

Describe how your company will solicit customer feedback of your performance? Provide sample(s) of your company’s customer satisfaction surveys.

J. PartneringSince increased utilization of this program by UC locations will result in increased sales for the supplier, the UC encourages a partner relationship with respect to marketing and sales of temporary staffing services at UC campuses and encourages bidders to discuss innovative approaches to partnering with objectives such as:

1. Improving supplier performance2. Improving contract utilization3. Improving order fulfillment4. Improving customer service5. Increasing volume through participation in UC-Sponsored supplier shows, conference sponsorships and other

marketing assistance to reach a greater segment of the University of California community6. Reduction of paperwork and increased efficiency, through consolidated invoicing and other methods7. Support of the President’s Policy on Sustainable Practices through the lowered use of paper, utilization of

double-sided documents and the promotion of the use of 30% PCW (post-consumer waste) content multi-use paper

8. Competitive pricing strategies

Marketing and sales efforts should be coordinated with the Strategic Sourcing, Purchasing, and/or Human Resource departments. Bidders are encouraged to discuss the cost vs. benefits of various aspects of partnering with which bidders may have experience.



Describe your company’s normal invoicing payment terms and conditions for the following options:

1. Manual Process (individual invoices issued for each ordering department and remitted to each UC Campus Accounts Payable Office or other designated office)

2. EDI Invoicing and EFT3. Procurement Card4. Summary Billing and Summary Invoices5. Receive ACH payments and notification via email, fax or EDI6. Any other options specify in detail.

A. UC Current Invoicing Requirements1. All invoices must clearly indicate the following information:

California sales tax as a separate line item Order or release number and the agreement number Service description, job classification/title, employee name, ordering department Hourly rate for employee Hours employee worked Any applicable discount(s) and credit(s) Reference to original order and invoice number for all credit invoices issued Level 2 purchasing card information

2. Invoices will be submitted directly to the UC location’s designated department unless the supplier is notified otherwise by amendment to the agreement. Invoices will normally be paid within 30 days of receipt of correct invoice, whichever occurs last, unless a discount for prompt payment is offered.

3. Specify your company’s dispute resolution process and time frame.



A. Price Quotation1. Complete the attached Pricing Schedules, based on specified University of California requirements as defined in

this RFP. Provide your pricing proposal in hard copy and on CD in Excel. Bidders must use the pricing templates provided by the University (Attachments #6 and #7/Pricing). Note that these templates have multiple tabs and all tabs must be completed to be considered for bid award. Bidders must not alter any portion of these templates. If you have addition pricing information to forward as part of your company’s proposal create another attachment only on an as-needed basis.

2. Bidders must align their job classifications/titles to match with the University of California’sjob classifications/titles as outlined in Attachment #8/University of California Job Classifications/Titles. Bidders who do not ensure that their titles align with the University of California titles based upon skill set will be deemed non-responsive for the purposes of this RFP.

3. The prices quoted in response to this section shall be the University of California net pricing including the various services to be provided. There shall be no separate charges, fees, handling or other incidental costs with the exception of those outlined in Attachments #6 and #7/Pricing. Bidders must complete all charges/fees listed on the template and may add additional charges not mentioned in the “other” space provided. Note that this is the only place where Bidders may make additions to the pricing template.

4. Bidders are encouraged to include in bidder proposals any other job classifications currently offered by bidders. These optional job classifications as requested may be completed on the Attachments #6 and #7/Pricing on the designated tab and included in the proposal but will not be included in the bid evaluation. The University of California reserves the right to include these job classifications in any contract(s) resulting from this RFP at its sole discretion.

5. Bidders must complete pricing for both short term (three (3) months and under) assignments and long term assignments (over three (3) months

6. Bidders must complete pricing for all three (3) business models as outlined in Section IV A.

7. Specify your company’s minimum level of requirements, if any that may affect your proposal pricing.

B. Price Protection 1. Price on fees for individual cost components of the mark-up percentage quoted cannot increase during the

first twelve (12) month period of the agreement. Price changes on the fees after the first twelve (12) month period, if any, shall be made on an annual basis as negotiated by both parties. Any price changes require a 30-day written notification. However, in no event shall any price increase on an aggregate basis exceed three (3%) percent or CPI whichever is less. In the event that a certain job classification has a significant marketplace pay increase in excess of five (5) percent, those particular job classifications shall be negotiated individually.

2. Price increases for any renewal periods must be supported by documented evidence of supplier price increases. UC shall benefit from any lower price offered to other universities, hospitals, government agencies or entities where the economic and service requirements are substantially similar. If the bidder's market rates or fee structure decreases UC shall benefit from a corresponding price reduction.

C. Supplier Price DecreasesSupplier is advised that there is no mandatory use policy at the University of California. The supplier must sometimes compete with other vendors for departmental orders. Therefore, it is essential that decreases in the rates in the marketplace or the associated components of supplier’s mark-up be passed on to the University immediately and that the supplier agrees to do so. Further, supplier will provide notice to UC of all such price changes in a timely manner.

D. Patronage and Earned IncentivesThe successful bidder(s) will be required to provide a quarterly Patronage Incentive of 2% of the total sales of temporary staffing services resulting from this contract. This Patronage Incentive will be used by UC to provide


support in the implementation, administration, and management of the successful bidder(s) program in order to maximize the University’s participation and/or other purposes at University’s discretion. The amount of quarterly Patronage Incentive provided to each UC location will be calculated based on the total quarterly sales to each location. Provide your company’s commitment to comply with this requirement.

In addition to a quarterly Patronage Incentive, the successful bidder(s) may be required to provide an Earned Incentive(s) to UC for aggregating the business volume and managing the business processes. Incentives can include the following:

1. Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) for invoice payment2. Incentive based upon reaching certain average dollar amount per placement3. Internet order incentive associated with the percentage of on-line orders4. Specify any other incentives that may be earned by UC

Include in your company’s proposal how the Earned Incentives are paid along with frequency of payment. Provide sample or describe how Earned Incentive dollars are tracked and reported.

E. Prompt Payment DiscountBidders are to quote discounts offered for prompt payment. The University of California considers 30-day payment periods as normal. Additional discounts should be quoted for payments received in 5, 10, 15, and 20 days.

UC expects to enter into a long-term alliance with successful bidder. Provide your company’s long term pricing commitment for this contract.

F. Alternate ProposalsBidders are encouraged to submit alternate proposals that would further our goal of reducing expenses and offering optimum value.

Alternate proposals will be considered only if the original requirements of the RFP are met in the manner specified. Alternate proposals are to be submitted at the time of original proposal. They are to be separate from the original proposal and clearly marked “ALTERNATE PROPOSALS”.



The University of California may adopt a phased implementation plan as follows:

Phase I : Implement a pilot program and test the successful Bidder’s services, including services within selected UC locations for a three months period and complete the program evaluation.

Phase II : Conduct a UC system-wide implementation following the successful implementation and testing of the pilot program. The level of success of the pilot program will be determined by UC through a customer satisfaction survey conducted at the end of the test period, in all of the locations selected by the Temporary Staffing Services Commodity Team to participate in the pilot program.

What information, other than provided in this RFP, will you need for implementation?

Bidders must provide a description and timeline (transition plan and timeline) of proposed conversion and program implementation activities for the various bid options. Bidder should also outline UC requirements in order to make transition seamless and successful, including any contingencies which may restrict bidder from a successful transition.