
Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Representation


Beth Lemondine


The main character in our music video is a teenage boy who attends

school and hates every moment of it. He is dressed as the geeky type,

wearing glasses, a shirt, high trousers, a bow tie ect. This is an obvious

stereotype of a boy who isn’t socially accepted in schools and is normally

taunted or picked on because of how they dress.

We have challenged this stereotype as he might look all nerdy and

intelligent but the whole idea of our music video is him wanting to get

away and being bored of school and everything that is taught. He finds

most things highly boring and uninteresting which wouldn’t fit the

description of a geeky looking boy.


During our music video we want the main character to react badly to the

situation of being so bored in school that he freaks out and leaves as he can’t

handle it anymore. He runs out of the class which seems like something a

geek/nerd would do if they loved school, in which his case he doesn’t.

People who watch the music video from all ages might be able to relate with

how he is feeling, how fed up of work/school he is and how much he hates

having to pretend to enjoy something. This representation would appeal to our

audience and promote the artist in the way that they can see that could of

happened to him and now he’s free and he’s making music. He’s doing

something that is making him happy and doing what he always wanted to do in

the first place.


There are different views on whether being

represented and stereotyped as a geek is positive or

negative. Geeks can be seen as positive without

being shown the taunted and picked on site, they can

be discrete without the stereotypical clothing and

glasses. It can be seen as negative as they are seen

as uncool and not socially acceptable to society in

some cases. Others see geeks as cool and trend

setters when it comes to fashion and accessories.