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Transcript of RELIGION IN ANCIENT CHINA · THE MAIN RELIGIONS OF ANCIENT CHINA Both law and religion played a...



Both law and religion played a vital roll in the ancient Chinese society and were influenced by three major philosophies: Confucianism, Daoism and Legalism. The main teachings of these philosophies included understanding humanity’s place in our world, how to be a good person and how to create what they considered was a good society. Later on Buddhism was introduced to China, and had a major influence to the culture of China. Lets begin our spiritual journey through each belief system of ancient china!


Confucianism is one of the indigenous religions of ancient china which is based on the teachings of a philosopher named Confucius (551-479BC). He preached many core values which include:

❖ How to build harmonious relationships

❖ How children should obey their parents and people should obey their emperor

❖ How one must honour their family

❖ How to behave in general

❖ How an emperor should care for his people like a father cares for his children

❖ How government officials should be chosen based on merit and ability rather then wealth and family.

❖ How people should have an altar or shrine for their ancestors in their homes due to the belief that a persons dead relatives were able to influence a persons life

Confucianism had a major impact on Chinese government and life for approximately 2000 years, before coming to an end in the early twentieth century AD with the collapse of the last Chinese dynasty. However, till this day, his teachings are still used across China and Confucianism is still a religion.


Daoism, also referred to as Taoism, is another philosophical system based on the teachings of Laozi (c.604-531BC). He lived about the same time and taught that living in harmony with nature was more important then material possessions and would lead to happiness. This was call the Dao or ‘’the way’’. Laozi taught many different lessons which include:

❖ Government interference was unnecessary when people understood the natural world

❖ Problems will only occur when people turn away from nature towards material possessions

❖ Yin and yang are the two sides of nature

❖ People should have balanced lives

Laozi also developed a religious belief to include gods, temples and priests to teach its beliefs. He was very big on the idea of having to be close to nature and writers and artists in particular were very interested in the teachings of Daoism.


Legalism was another philosophy developed during the warring state period (481-221BC). The warring state period was an intense civil war between 8 states of China. Legalism proposed the idea that the government needed very strict laws and punishments for the Chinese society to achieve peace. These rules would also apply to the emperor and just like Confucianism, it was thought that the emperor must treat his subjects like a father to his children, but not too kind or else it might look like he was playing favourites! Legalism was literally based on the belief that mankind could be mean, greedy and selfish yet if they knew the consequences of their actions, they would choose to do the right thing. Legalism is still used up till this very day in China and in very many other countries. This isn’t actually a religion in ancient china, however, it started out as a belief system which later turned into the law system. This shows in a way that religion and law and sort of related as the religions of ancient China preach on how to behave and improve lifestyles, and the laws also support that people of China should be well behaved or else they shall face a consequence.


Buddhism is based on the teachings of a man named Buddha and was brought into China approximately 2000 years ago. When it was introduced into the Chinese society, it was broken down into three sections; Tibetan, Han and Southern Buddhism. All three sections taught similar or the same concepts. For example;

❖ One can better from positive change

❖ Meditation can help develop more positive mindsets

❖ One must learn to be calm, aware, characterised and focused

❖ One must understand themselves before trying to understand others

❖ One must be kind to all creatures

❖ One must learn to live in the present moment

Buddhism made a huge impact to the local culture of China, especially through literature and art. Buddhist statues and temples can be found and there are even some famous Buddhist poems. Buddhism is still a very popular religion in China up till this day and there are now over 13000 Buddhist temples in the mainland of China


Buddhism Daoism Confucianism