Relationship building with Twitter - Small groups workshop

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Relationship building with Twitter - Small groups workshop




NationBuilder Internal Workshop


Hi, I’m Juan.


Hi, I’m Dana.


The plan

- Value/Relevance- Content creation- Content curation- Fun


Twitter is like a party. And everyone can come.

Value & Relevance


Value & Relevance

- Find your communities- Add value to the conversation- Tweet > … > Meaningful interaction > Relationship- Fill in communication gaps- Bigger than borders


Twitter Timeout:Mini twitter blast

Twitter for grassroots organizing helps w dialogue, ideas, network-building.

#sharedlearning @nationbuilder

Extra points if you include a picture


Content creation

- Self-produced blogs, songs, videos, poems, stories, etc.- Insight - Experiences


Content creation

- Leave space for others’ comments- Clear, action-oriented images- Max 5 hashtag+@tag, the less the better


Content curation

- Find a visual that makes people stop- Screenshots, paraphrase-


Content curation

- Repurpose original content - Give a shout-out - Add to the conversation


Content curation

- \

What changed b/w Conrad’s original tweet & what Juan tweeted?


It pays off


Jump in

- Groups of 3-5- 10 challenges - 20 minutes- Debrief @ the end- Gather links directing to each of your team’s tweets


Challenge #1

Find the other 9 challenges.Previously tweeted by @JuanSVas & @wheresmysled


Challenges 2-5

- Tweet out a How To that is relevant to your community, include in-Dashboard screenshot, & a few words to peak interest

- Find an event that is relevant to 1 of your communities, tweet the event link to someone you think should know about it

- Find a hashtag that taps into 1 of your communities & join the conversation by sharing or adding something useful and relevant

- Find and follow 3 people you’d consider an expert or credible source of information about a community that matters to you


Challenges 6-10

- Tweet out a funny team picture with a caption explaining what we’re doing in this activity

- Tweet out 2 pictures sharing experiences/cool spots in #DTLA, make sure to give context

- Add a comment to someone else’s tweet while keeping a version of the original tweet there

- RT 1 of the experts you followed

- Find 3 famous/notorious people who’s Twitter followings amount to 15,000 followers or more