Question- Let’s talk about Stress€¦ · pressures. Companies can still help their employees...

Post on 13-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Question- Let’s talk about Stress€¦ · pressures. Companies can still help their employees...

Question- Let’s talk about Stress

Group Name- Employee Communications and Engagement

Cindy Gordon CPA CA CPCC

Consultant in Creating Process Efficiencies to Enhance Productivity and Profit * Business Coach


You've hit some very tender realities on the head. Business leaders are matrix oriented. They are

accountable to their stakeholders and need to achieve the goals set out. Most leaders are very reactive

in their style and don't necessarily consider the cost of their actions. In a 2007 article in Priority

Magazine, information from the National Safety Council showed that US companies lose between $200-

$300 billion a year due to absenteeism, tardiness, burnout, decreased productivity, worker's

compensation claims, increased employee turnover and medical insurance costs resulting from

employee work-related stress. Much of this is due to the stress employees feel from management

pressures. Companies can still help their employees alleviate stress in a number of ways. Supporting

wellness through good nutrition, exercise, and support systems e.g. buddies and mentors are important.

Managing meetings so they don't get too excessive or redundant helps to free the employee's schedule

to get work done. Implementation of strong communication systems - software systems can add value

here - to ensure employees have the necessary awareness and information to fulfill their

responsibilities. Do not disturb time - allowing employees to block off time on their schedule where they

are not bothered, required to answer phone, e-mail or text messages can also help an employee be

more productive and feel less stress.

I could go on and on. However, ultimately, any initiatives would have to be strongly aligned with the

culture of the organization. Setting up a "do not disturb" system that is not upheld by management, or

have a few people that feel that the rule doesn't apply to them or their situation will compromise the


I'd love to hear what others have to say. Thanks for the thought provoking post.

Group Name- Leadership Think Tank

Jihad Gafour

People and Business Strategist | SHRM | BSD

It take a group or one on one to conduct a root because analysis and identity stress sources.

Some stress are external and relevant to individuals' personal life with an outstanding hammering


Other causes are work related to tasks, Manger/ supervisor, follow workers and work environment, so it

is relationship management or resources, learning needs or lacking in skills, knowledge or motivation.

Any unresolved issues will build up to occupy employee minds, affect their emotion and passion to work


EAP, employee assistant programs can be offered to assist employee/ s to resolve these causes.

Adrian Richardson

Vision. Strategy. Leadership.

Avani, Your question is an important one. To set the scene, the objective of most organizations (be that

Profit or Non-Profit) is to produce or provide some specific product or service to a customer market.

They achieve this via gathering, organizing and transforming just 3 basic components: capital, physical

resources and people. Your question, of course, relates to this third and most interesting of

components. What do we want this 'production variable' (people) to be? We want it to be efficient and

sustainable. To be efficient may mean many things, three of which should include: in alignment with the

organization’s purpose, disciplined and creative. To be sustainable means, we want these people to: stay

within our organization, and be in the right healthy frame of mind to allow discipline (focus) and

creativity (insight) to enter the organization. You correctly identify overt stress as an impediment to our

objectives. What is the antidote to a complex workplace that is often stressful, and full of deadlines?

Perhaps one of the key attributes of the antidote will be simplicity? Perhaps one of the key tasks of the

antidote will not be for the person to add additional tasks/skills to their list though rather to process and

lighted their existing load? Accordingly, I would suggest the creation and adoption of a very simple

preliminary mindfulness or meditation exercise that may be easily employed at the workstation.

Consider a 10 inhale and exhale mindfulness in breathing exercise. Consider a 3 question open eyed

meditation at the workstation: How do I feel? What am I thinking? What am I doing? We can all do this

and then get back to the productive and worthwhile task at hand. Of course, if the task at hand is

neither productive nor worthwhile we may also choose to integrate a 4th question to our open eyed

meditation. Where do I really want to work? All best :-)

Group Name- Workplace Learning and Performance (

Pat Tuckey

Vice President at River Run

It's surprising what you can stop doing or do more effectively when asked to do more, coaching people

on this mindset is possible

Group Name- Workplace Evolutionaries

Victor Assad

Human Resources Executive| Coach| Talent Management Accelerating Change Leadership


Hi Avani, the answer is yes. The key is for executives to align the company's purpose to the intrinsic

motivators of their employees; and to give employees more control over their work and work-life

integration with flexible work arrangements. When employees have intrinsic motivation and more

control they can better manage their lives and reduce stress. The research shows they actually work

more hours--but in ways that make life more stress free. They increase their productivity and morale

and stay aligned to implementing strategies and meeting their goals! I have seen this myself by

implementing an employee engagement initiative and a flexible workplace environment.

Kati Barklund

Group Innovation Manager at Coor Service Management Group

Well said Victor! In addition we should see the workplace as a process and use it as a strategic tool to

increase attractively, productivity, cost efficiency and sustainability. And of course health and wellbeing

are key factors to satisfied, engaged, creative and productive employees performing at their best


Group Name- Workplace Experience

Lewis Beck

Director Workplace Strategy EMEA at Johnson Controls

I agree Avani that stress is on the rise in our workplaces. In the UK we've seen a 20% increase in the

number of days lost due stress related illness over the last 4 years currently claiming more than 15

million work days – half a day for everyone in work. A contributor is certainly the prevalence of mobile

technologies at work. The ability to work anytime anywhere together with a lack of proper advice and

support around when and when not to work can lead to people feeling overwhelmed, tired and less

productive. So, in my opinion, this would be a good place to start, helping people to better integrate

work and life. Having organizations set clearer expectations for their employees and driving healthier

and more sustainable approaches to work.

Sandra Garcia

Workplace Consultant at Steelcase - workplace experiences that unlock human promise

This is a very interesting subject indeed Avani, and it does impact us all.

I highly recommend you to watch the documentary Stress, Portrait of a Killer

( by Robert Sapolsky (renowned author, award-

winning neurobiologist and Stanford professor). The film shows the impact stress has on your body (how

it can shrink your brain, add fat to your belly, unravel your chromosomes, etc). I think we are not as

conscious as we should of all its negative effects.

I join Lewis on his comment. Organizations have to take the lead in some way and create the frame and

environments to promote a healthier and more balanced life among its employees. At Steelcase we

have recently launched a study about the 6 dimensions of holistic Wellbeing (physical, cognitive and

emotional) and how our workplace and organizational culture should be planned around this 6

dimensions. You can download all the related info from this link:

Group Name- Share Knowledge & Experience (SKE) - It's Worth Sharing

Prabhat Chauhan

Sr.Quality Analyst

Stress is nothing but a result of one's ignorance in regards to manage his or her own system (body).

How can one’s job be stressful if he knows all pros and cons to it and if he doesn’t know then it is

automatically going to be stressful?

One thing organizations definitely can do towards this is to make them (Employees) well equipped in

terms of trainings ,providing them all required tools and most important thing is to hiring the most

suitable candidates.

Leon Roach-Lord

Clinical Psychologist (Retired)

Top Contributor

There are people, who simply seem born into a state of excessive worry. While most of us worry about,

about things from time to time, people who suffer from stress and anxiety find themselves in a state of

extreme worry nearly all the time, even when their fears are obviously unrealistic. Today's society has

become comfortable with our increased experience of both stress and anxiety, often considering it to be

a normal by-product of a successful productive lifestyle..

Ramesh Sood



Top Contributor

A business organization working to stay ahead in competition in today world by creating an environment

that is stress-free for employees... Well, to me it sounds like Utopia...

Stress is essential as it helps one achieve.. Yes, if it becomes too much for some individuals then inputs

can be offered how to handle it so that it can be kept at desirable levels..



Top Contributor

Stress STRESS................ ahhhhhh ........ DREAM........MMmmmmm

Don't put your Team into, the High Pressure Cooker

Let them simmer slowly and naturally, give them a massage and an Inspiration!

Dr.Shalini Ratan

Founder & Chief Knowledge Facilitator, NIRVAN Life Sciences.

Top Contributor

Do I Love what I Do..? Or Do I Need to do..?

Ramesh Sood



Top Contributor

I love to write and have a deadline...I will definitely get some stress..

I love to do what I am doing on my terms without a deadlines or pressures on me including that of

earning a certain amount... Yes, then I am not stressed at all.. And to be in such a situation is truly ideal..

A little stress is positive... And one should learn to handle it...

Leon Roach-Lord

Clinical Psychologist (Retired)

Top Contributor

When work is a pleasure, life is a joy! When work is duty, life is slavery..

Dr.Shalini Ratan

Founder & Chief Knowledge Facilitator, NIRVAN Life Sciences.

Top Contributor

Physical stress, mental stress and Emotional stress... All require attention based on the individual need.

Because all the 3 three have different threshold in different people...

Leon Roach-Lord

Clinical Psychologist (Retired)

Top Contributor

A Western scholar once visited a Zen master and asked to receive teachings. The master invited the

scholar to tea, then proceeded to pour a cup for him. He did not stop when the cup was full but

continued pouring until the tea overflowed. His point was that if a seeker's mind is occupied, there is no

room for wisdom. To gain in insight we must empty the cup of the mind, rather than pour precepts into


Satendra Kumar,CPO,CPO(I),MPM

Head Training at Group L

Top Contributor

I agree with you, Avani. As already brought out by some learned experts that in this highly competitive

world organizations are under pressure to maintain high quality standards, meet deadlines, achieve

targets, increase and keep pace with technology. Burden of this falls on the management and

employees and put them under tremendous pressure leading to stress. There is a positive stress and

negative stress. Positive stress also called Eustress is short term, motivates, focuses energy, improves

performance and employees feels exciting. Take example of Cricket World Cup. Indian team was under

tremendous pressure and stress in initial stages due to losses against Australia practice matches.

Pressure and stress made them strong and do well subsequently. They also have a psychologist to help

them to deal with stress. This is short term and players will get over it once the World Cup is over. Same

thing happen with employees when deadlines are given, targets are set and performance review is

done. All this leads to pressure. But when they are rewarded, promoted, given raise, appreciated it

motivates them to do better. But when employees are not able to meet targets,unable to meet

deadlines, profitability reduces leads to pressure and negative stress. It becomes long term if continues

due to job insecurity, lack of resources, unable to cope up with deadlines etc. Organizations need to

cater for distresses’ so that employees give their best and help company to grow. Flexi timings, work

from home, holiday packages, incentives, promotions, appreciation, rewards are few measures can be

included in HR policies.

Michael Rickwood - Speaker, Confidence & Employability Coach

Helping you to identify your passions and skills to build confidence in the work place & work force.

Stress is ever present in today’s work place. It is how we deal with it.. Unfortunately employer’s dont

have the resources in place to assist. I once worked as a manager for a company that used field sales

personnel, all target driven, as the line manager I was expected to keep them working in all weathers. I

used to stand them down during inclement weather. Take the wrath of my line manager.. But in the end

my team worked harder and met all targets. Sometimes we need to look at the person and work with

them to help them through difficult periods, then stand back and reap the rewards.


Top Contributor

.............. erase that Stress LINE ............... it is a Dead concept .................

Live HAPPILY. Remember ----- HEALTH is the most important wealth that any individual can have,

Nothing else matters, to be of relevance in your presence .

Murthy Kn

Let not the word "STRESS" scare a person, in my view, positive stress with in our manageable

Parameters is welcome .and also enhances work efficiency.

It puts you right on the jog or work at hand to focus with all energy, thought etc.

Any agony experienced by body or mind, because of certain forbidden indulgences, I feel should be

avoided. Such stress is a result of deliberate over indulgence, which otherwise could be avoided.

Milind Kher


Top Contributor

If we get to the roots of stress, we find that stress essentially happens on account of two key factors:

1 > Fear of the unknown

2 > Lack of adequate control over the outcome

For dealing with fear of the unknown, expectations management is very important. Management must

spell out to employees the expectations from them. Very often, employees are stressed because they do

not understand what is expected from them.

Empowerment is also important. People are always stressed when they have the feeling that they are

unable to control the outcome of what they are doing.

This is from the management perspective. There is a lot the employees need to do as well

Satendra Kumar,CPO,CPO(I),MPM

Head Training at Group L

Top Contributor

There are no roots of tress. It manifests with a perceived or real cause. It can be short term or long term.

Short term is for a particular event and is normally eustress. Long term is dangerous and may cause

various problems. Fear of unknown may be due to organizational change. Employees should be kept

informed about any change taking place in an organization to avoid undue worry/tension to employees.

Role clarity and provision of adequate resources and authority for assigned task is necessary. Goals

assigned should be achievable. If targets and goals assigned are beyond capabilities of employees than

this will create stress. Most of the good companies have Gyms, music rooms and other entertainment

and relaxing facilities available in the Office to deal with stress.

Satendra Kumar,CPO,CPO(I),MPM

Head Training at Group L

Top Contributor

How to counter stress? Some suggestions. Eat healthy, Drink right, Take breaks, Sleep well, Stay positive,

Say no to anxiety, Plan well, do not procrastinate and Exercise regularly.

Milind Kher


Top Contributor

Since a lot of stress revolves around deadlines as well as interpretations of instructions and perceptions,

it is important to have time management in place, as well as frequent communication meetings. It is no

doubt a good thing to activate coping mechanisms, but it is always best to remove the primary cause.

Satendra Kumar,CPO,CPO(I),MPM

Head Training at Group L

Top Contributor

Milind ji, How can you remove a primary cause? It will always exist. If you remove one other will come

up. It is from individual to individual. There may be something causing stress to one but other may enjoy

the same conditions. If one is driving during peak hours and stuck in a traffic jam - reaction of different

people will be different. Some getting late may start panicking and shouting. Other might plug in music

and enjoy the songs, starts texting messages on twitter. So in a situation one may be under stress other

one may not. Stress is low when tolerance level is high and vice versa!

Milind Kher


Top Contributor

Satendra ji,

This is the reason why we do root cause analysis. In any problematic situation, symptomatic relief can at

best be a quick fix. Root cause analysis helps us to get to the root of the problem, and then take the

necessary action.

Whereas meditation, workouts and healthy food can help us cope, what is really needed is a change in

the way people think. There are many techniques that are applied for thinking clearly. When this is

achieved, then situations can be dealt with better obviating stress.

You are right when you say that stress is low when tolerance level is high. That high tolerance level is

achieved by re framing, so that we think right.

Satendra Kumar,CPO,CPO(I),MPM

Head Training at Group L

Top Contributor

Stress is different, Miliband. Suppose someone close to you is seriously sick and one is under stress.

What do you do? Sickness will take its own time and it is in doctor’s hand. Now one does not have

money for treatment? What do you do? Exams they do create stress. Removing root is to do away with

exams? Can that be done?

Milind Kher


Top Contributor

We always seek to minimize the causes of stress at every level. If it is a heart ailment, for instance, that

has made someone seriously sick, a healthy diet and regular exercise would have prevented that

medical situation, or would at least have substantially reduced its risk factors. Not having money for

treatment can also be a situation whose impact can substantially be reduced if one has planned medical

insurance properly. Proper planning and preventive actions help substantially.

If exams create stress, I am sure nobody can do away with them. Yet, the better prepared a student is

for the exam, the less s/he will be stressed.

I hope I have been able to convey to you the essence of what I am saying

Alx Uttermann

Wellness Goddess / Social Entrepreneur / Animal Whisperer + Minister, Healer, Spiritual Teacher

Hi, Avani, thank you for the question. It’s a big one among all kinds of professions, not limited to the

corporate environment. Among the tools -- subtle energy management -- I learned during years in India,

one of the most burn-out and stress-preventing is a simple set of techniques to 'discharge' stressful


Here's an article I wrote for a wellness magazine, for women, on the subject:

as well as a couple of internet radio interviews, where I'm giving techniques for simple, direct,

immediate stress relief and management through the elements of nature.

I think the implications in the corporate environment are obvious.

Like (3) Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 17 days ago Sham S., Milind Kher and 1 other like this

Satendra Kumar,CPO,CPO(I),MPM

Head Training at Group L

Top Contributor

I agree with you time management and good planning helps in reducing the stress. Stress in not

controlled/ managed at right time can cause diseases like hypertension, heart, high BP,INSOMNIA ETC.

Dr.Shalini Ratan

Founder & Chief Knowledge Facilitator, NIRVAN Life Sciences.

Top Contributor

Everyone tries his best to adopt various means as given above...but the reality is, that Stress exists and is

rising high...

Physical gets exhausted to walk long.

Mental stress...deadlines, and routine work..

Emotional stress...neediness, expectations...

If one is able to handle Emotional stress of it can be handled with much ease.

Dr.Shalini Ratan

Founder & Chief Knowledge Facilitator, NIRVAN Life Sciences.

Top Contributor

Emotional Stress is Distress. One cannot rule out distress when we deal with stress.

A man happy with job, liking what he does, can also get mentally and physically stressed out. That is why

we give rest to our body and unwind our mind with soothing music or watching TV. This gives Relief.

Emotional instability as an inner gnawing feeling in form of anxiety, fear, and worry is an important

cause which can multiply physical or mental stress manifolds.

Anything which is done beyond your capacity, if you have to resist for anything for long, external

pressure, less of help available etc…can lead to stress to anyone. But if the foundation of Emotions is

Strong….rest can be handled. Gradually, even mental and physical stress might stay for less time with

you. Just a good sleep, few mins pranayama and all gone.

So, in any condition am I getting Stressed or Distressed…?..This might be important to know..

Quality of Life is more important than number of years of Life..

Milind Kher


Top Contributor

We need also to distinguish between strain and stress. When we are truly passionate about something,

we may stay up nights together, we may travel extensively, and we may deliver a lot of sessions. Yet, we

are doing what we love, and achieving a lot. It only puts a strain on our system. A recharge break, and

we are good to go. That is strain

Stress happens when there is uncertainty where we are not quite as much in control of the outcome as

we would like to be. A lack of a feeling of power to affect outcomes is the single largest source of stress.

This can even be seen in the longevity of people.

Thinking with the right frame of mind, holistically, makes an immense difference. Yes, once that is done,

then all the adjunct therapy also works very well.

Am open to views/discussions on this :-)

Milind Kher


Top Contributor

I will share with you my understanding of the subject. Please feel free to correct me where you feel the


Eustress is healthy stress which is needed to charge people. The rest is all dysfunctional and is called


Physical stress releases adrenaline. Emotional stress releases cortisol. The actions of adrenaline and

cortisol are different. Adrenaline is a positive release whereas cortisol is also accompanied by enhanced

heartbeat and elevated anxiety levels.

Uncertainty and limited control of outcome, the way I see it, go hand in hand. You have made an astute

distinction, which is good. At the same time their correlation is also high. In either case, there is

uncertainty and this causes emotional stress.

No, we don't need to get involved in more words and definitions, as per my understanding. Would be

keen to understand your point of view :-)

Satendra Kumar,CPO,CPO(I),MPM

Head Training at Group L

Top Contributor

When covers a topic there are three essentials 1. Must know 2. Should know and could know. ‘Milind ji

you have covered all very well. Adrenaline and cortisol. Could you suggest some medicines too? I am

sure no one will have stress!

Milind Kher


Top Contributor

One really good approach I found was to handle every issue in bite sized chunks, and not really worry

about something without properly preparing and weighing the outcomes first.

Sham Sajal

President at Banswara Syntex Ltd.,Banswara INDIA

Stress is a universal factor in any job in any situation and is there with all human beings.

In fact it is very important ingredient of any success/failure formula. Question is of degrees like care,

concerned, affected, worried, disturbed, scared and finally a break down can be extreme case.

2ndly there are two types of humans naturally---Type A (apprehensive),

Type B ( cool guys). Which depends on nature, nurture or culture. But the good news is with experience

you can learn to convert from A type to B Type to a large extent.

The paradigm is simple stress level is a choice actually.. You have to accept and understand that. This my

testimony at 40+years of work experience in extreme stressful situations and during my studentship and

childhood (26 years). .....And on top of that I was naturally Type-A but not any more thanks to the choice

I took.

Aldo Delli Paoli

Lawyer & Mgt Consultant

I am not an expert in stress management but I want to venture some "straight" in order to avoid to

make us take by anxiety and irritability.

First of all we have to learn to accept everything as it is and the others as they are.

Then, we have to be constantly focused on the future. Bring your attention to the future in everything

you think and say. Not desires, expectations and things to possess, but simply to a future in which

everything is for the best.

Observe, wait, read, do not judge or condemn. This will help you better understand yourself and others,

not to draw hasty judgments but to see the positive in things and people.

Be the counselor of yourself, imagining to give advice to someone who is going to get hurt. Try to write

something about it.

Withdrawn when appropriate. In the meeting, in the kitchen, in the couple, choose to stay pacific and,

yet, aware, detached and yet available, free, but positively involved. Master of your reactions!

Deny the nourishment to the tree of anger. If your anger is deep-rooted, identifies an area of your life

where you can focus time and positive energy.

Stop attend people who complain, because it will be easier to reveal the true nature of anger that dwells

in you.

Milind Kher


Top Contributor


"Deny the nourishment to the tree of anger. If your anger is deep-rooted, identifies an area of your life

where you can focus time and positive energy.

Stop attend people who complain, because it will be easier to reveal the true nature of anger that dwells

in you."

This thought process eminently resonates with me. Well said

Avani Nagwann

Marketing Manager at Sapience Analytics

Wow! I am really happy to see so many responses. With so many thoughts on the table it’s hard to agree

and disagree with some. My two bits - Stress is inevitable no matter we intend to do. However, we can

reduce it to a significant extent by being mindful towards changing the fundamentals of our habits.

Mehera Arjani

Director at NewLife Ventures Ltd

The query was "Can you up productivity without raising stress levels in your employee base?" The

answer is, "Yes." If an organization is committed to creating a stress-free environment, does regular

stress audits and helps employees to recognize the point of diminishing returns in their personal stress

graph, productivity goes up without employees going down! This is my specialization, and I have years of

experience and results to back up my statement.

Organizations that measure performance with hours put in, statistical analysis of output, etc. will not

appreciate the capital and manpower investment that goes into a project like this, but get started and

the savings and benefits in terms of reduced illness in the workforce, better motivation and

performance, a more relaxed work ethic that promotes creativity and nurtures initiative will be the


This is not to say that I do not agree with the views expressed by my learned colleagues on this forum,

but Avani asked a practical question and it appears that she got a lot of philosophical answers!

Satendra Kumar,CPO,CPO(I),MPM

Head Training at Group L

Top Contributor

Good professional statement, Mehera. Yes organizations must create a right kind of environment to

reduce stress among employees. How can that be done? Yearly targets have to be set. Teams have to

work on it. Conflicts will come up on various issues and competition among peers will always exist.

Resource crunch to reduce costs will be imposed. All these issues are stress creators besides personal

problems will continue causing stress It will be good to give solutions on this post so that we all are


Milind Kher


Top Contributor


What you are describing is very interesting. Yes, every organization needs to have its HR processes in

place along with the proper metrics for the purpose.

As far as productivity is concerned, an optimal level of stress can get the productivity up, after which it

becomes dysfunctional. From an operational perspective, the workload matrix needs to be well defined,

and there needs to be sufficient slack in the system.

If there is a wow and flutter, then we have the paradox of idle periods interspersed with time windows

where the time is insufficient to complete the given task.

The important part, of course, is that this needs to be driven from the top.

Satendra Kumar,CPO,CPO(I),MPM

Head Training at Group L

Top Contributor

HR process will always be in place..Question is what all should it include to manage stress?

Mehera Arjani

Director at NewLife Ventures Ltd

Stress is a physical response to outside or inner stimuli, and that response has mental and emotional

repercussions. To reduce stress in the work place in a systematic manner you start with the easiest of

components or stressors - the physical environment, then move into the managerial, HR related

stressors and finally talk to the individuals to tailor a stress-reduction plan for that person. Let me tell

you what a stress audit does.

1) A stress audit team goes in and examines the physical environment. What is the level of lighting in the

area? What is the amount of sound pollution? What is the air circulation like? Is there enough space

between staff members? There are other things we look at, but you get the picture.

2) The audit team then goes on to look at managerial behavior and how it impacts on the workers. Do

the managers have realistic expectations? Do they communicate these expectations to the staff clearly?

Do they give the staff enough time to do the work? Etc.

3) Once the general principles are in place, stress levels do come down, but there are always the chronic

worriers, the "What it the sky falls on my head?" brigade, the employee who has problems in his or her

personal life that impact on their work and their stress levels, the employee who has physical illnesses

that do the same. These are then counselled individually. If the organization is willing to go the full mile

and pay for a family counsellor to help with the personal stressors, then there is a very definite rise in

productivity, drop in absenteeism, better work relationships and more cooperative and motivated staff.

Milind Kher


Top Contributor

The processes described above are very good. Unfortunately, there are very few companies that are

adopting these processes. For many companies, inputs to be given to sales and production come at the

expense of the mental well being of people.

It is only companies with much evolved thinking that realize that a happy workforce has benefits for the

company in every way, particularly companies with an active customer interface. Hence the book by

Vineet Nayar, "Employees First, Customers Second".

The physical environment does play a part for sure. There is also the interaction with superiors, which is

a pricklier subject, and more difficult to tackle.

Satendra Kumar,CPO,CPO(I),MPM

Head Training at Group L

Top Contributor

All these processes are statutory requirement as per Factories Act and Shop and Establishment Act.

Good companies do have HSE policy and Stress Management Policy These policies consider the

development of a stress policy to provide a framework for combating stress at both organizational and

individual level. There are various approaches, for example developing a specific stress policy or

incorporating the management of stress into general health safety and well-being strategies, for

example, initiatives such as Employer for Choice, Work Positive etc. The purpose of a stress policy will be

to provide a clear statement of the council’s commitment to preventing stress at work and to help and

support staff at all levels, to manage stress both in themselves and in those they manage.


• The company will identify all workplace stressors and conduct risk assessments to eliminate stress or

control the risks from stress. These risk assessments will be regularly reviewed.

• The company will consult with Trade Union Safety Representatives on all proposed action relating to

the prevention of workplace stress.

• The company will provide training for all managers and supervisory staff in good management


• The company will provide confidential counselling for staff affected by stress caused by either work or

external factors.

• The company will provide adequate resources to enable managers to implement the company’s

agreed stress management strategy.

Milind Kher


Top Contributor

These processes are missing where the sales and marketing units of companies are concerned. Typically,

they have a much leaner staff and no unions.

A factory environment is an environment which is much more regulated in terms of statutory

compliance. Also, typically unionized cadre is at a more junior level. Middle management faces a lot of


Mehera Arjani

Director at NewLife Ventures Ltd

That's what I said, most companies are not willing to invest in managing stress! And Milind, I disagree. It

is precisely in the sales and marketing departments that you can implement such ideas. Why do you

need a union to bring in something that will increase productivity? You just need a boss with a sound

knowledge of good HR practices, a group of dedicated and empowered staff and the will to make it

happen. Satyendra-ji, I haven't seen the specific points you make in the Factories Act or the Shops and

Establishments Act, but it's been a long time since I read those documents! Goodnight each and all.

Satendra Kumar,CPO,CPO(I),MPM

Head Training at Group L

Top Contributor

What is the level of lighting in the area? What is the amount of sound pollution? What is the air

circulation like? Is there enough space between staff members? Drinking water, Crèche for women

employee children, Safety aspects about use of machinery to avoid accidents. In whole it is the job of

employer to be due diligent and provide safe environment to work. There is also provision to carry out

inspections and levy fines in case of non compliance.

Milind Kher


Top Contributor

I am not at all saying that we should not invest in managing stress in sales and marketing. I would like

nothing more than for it to happen. What I am saying is that it does not happen.

And I am not suggesting either that we need unions to increase productivity. All I am saying is that

statutory compliance is enforced where there are unions.

In essence, there is a gap between ideals and realities. That needs to be bridged.

Ramesh Sood



Top Contributor

It's interesting to read different views..

Are we saying that there can be a stress-free environment which means that employees will be free of

stress? Are we saying that achievement of targets in this competitive world is possible without anyone

having stress?

Well, for me, one will carry stress as long one is in the world of competition..And only way of handling

stress has to be one's own commitment towards some mindfulness practices..

Mette Mouritsen

MD,General medicine, Psychotherapist at Bevidst Medicin

Stress is a cascade reaction triggered by our emotions. The most common emotion is anxiety. Anxiety is

very useful when it helps us to survive but of little use and seriously harmful if we continue to act as if

the danger still is there when it actually is gone or never was real. Our unfavorable thought patterns are

mostly triggering our emotions and by this the stress-reaction. To learn to balance our anxiety is a way

to balance the stress reaction. Many ways are useful it depends on the individual. Mindfulness and

meditation brings awareness to your thought patterns and by this it is useful in stress reduction.

It sounds simple but it takes courage to let go of fear of losing job, income, home etc. and raise your

voice against an emphatic boss who simply keeps screwing on the production button to the assembly


Dr.Shalini Ratan

Founder & Chief Knowledge Facilitator, NIRVAN Life Sciences.

Top Contributor

It is said...Little (?) Stress is required for motivation..

At times, under this opinion, management tends to put Pressure on the employee...thinking that this

might motivate the employee and make him perform better..But the end result turns out to be totally


Milind Kher


Top Contributor

Yes, small amounts of stress are called Eustress and believed to be "good" stress, which drives efficiency.

When it crosses the threshold, it becomes dysfunctional and is called distress. The issue is that very few

know where to draw the line :-(

Dr.Shalini Ratan

Founder & Chief Knowledge Facilitator, NIRVAN Life Sciences.

Top Contributor

Yes, Without Real Understanding, Knowledge turns out to be dangerous at times... That is why what

happens in reality needs to be observed more closely... How is good stress understood by most and how

is it practiced..?

Satendra Kumar,CPO,CPO(I),MPM

Head Training at Group L

Top Contributor

No it is not crossing threshold. Eustress is positive stress which motivates an individual. Indian Cricket

team playing World Cup is under tremendous pressure to do well and bring the World Cup back home.

This is a motivating factor but stress will turn into joy and happiness if they win. Promotions, rewards,

marriage, birth of a child, new job are example of eustress.

Milind Kher


Top Contributor

Good stress is stress that motivates and activates. Up to a level, it works well because of the adrenaline

rush. However, if the stress goes beyond limits, it becomes dysfunctional because performance anxiety

sets in.

Adhering to a tight deadline, for instance produces excitement. However, having to meet an impossible

deadline produces anxiety

Yes, those who are less proactive may need some worry to make them perform

Satendra Kumar,CPO,CPO(I),MPM

Head Training at Group L

Top Contributor

In life we have crossed so many hurdles and passed various exams. What made us do that ? Not reading

books and knowing definitions only ! Motivation to do well in life made us work hard and put in our

best. This put us under pressure resulting into stress. But these are event related stressors and are time

bound. Yes if one fails or is unsuccessful than next time more pressure and more stress. If this continues

than can become bad stress or distress.

Dr.Shalini Ratan

Founder & Chief Knowledge Facilitator, NIRVAN Life Sciences.

Top Contributor

Yes, I think Drive and Passion could be the Right word... It is part of Self Motivation. But putting pressure

from outside, thinking, that stress would motivate someone to perform, might turn out to be

counterproductive.. Self-consent is important. Or else it could become negative.

Knowing and Applying has a wide gap...

Milind Kher


Top Contributor

Knowing is also divided into "know what" (theory) and 'know how" (application). The latter is critical.

And so is the will to apply that learning as well as having the right people.

Otherwise, best practices of performing companies and people could have been replicated - but that

does not happen. Without a "buy in", no motivation works. We cannot motivate unwilling people.

Satendra Kumar,CPO,CPO(I),MPM

Head Training at Group L

Top Contributor

Good Organizations ensure goal alignment. Company’s productivity and profitability can be directly

traced to the performance of employees working to achieve individual goals, which in turn, should be

directly aligned to support broader company goals. With top-down alignment, communicated

throughout the organization, one increases everyone’s ability to cover more ground, faster. It’s the

difference between pursuing a path together as a well-oiled machine or as individual parts flying off in

multiple directions.

Dr.Shalini Ratan

Founder & Chief Knowledge Facilitator, NIRVAN Life Sciences.

Top Contributor

According to me....

In between Knowing and Applying would come Understanding.

Milind Kher


Top Contributor

Dr Shalini,

Absolutely so. Without understanding, nothing is possible.

Satendra Kumar,CPO,CPO(I),MPM

Head Training at Group L

Top Contributor

Knowledge and skill development are the crucial words. Skill development enhances understanding and

application. Four pillars of learning also teach the same and disciplined learning and development policy

makes us apt in handling this. In defense forces this practice is strictly followed.

Learning to know: to provide the cognitive tools required to better comprehend the world and its

complexities, and to provide an appropriate and adequate foundation for future learning.

Learning to do: to provide the skills that would enable individuals to effectively participate in the global

economy and society.

Mette Mouritsen

MD,General medicine, Psychotherapist at Bevidst Medicin

The stress reaction is inevitable as long as we exists. It is very useful if we have to fight or flee to survive

and it has its natural ending. It is also very useful in setting a limit when enough is enough. In

performance stress is no good because in the contracted state the open-minded creativity is gone. A

good performer is 100% in ease

Milind Kher


Top Contributor


Yes, in the early days of mankind, where there was ever lurking danger from predators, stress induced a

"fight or flight" syndrome and was necessary for survival.

Now, although life threatening situations are much fewer, this legacy stays with us. We need to

recognize that this is dysfunctional and take proactive steps to counter it

Ravi Chaturvedi (The GrassHopper)

Re-booting Staffing at AgreeYa (Not Available)

Top Contributor

It is so ironical that carrot becomes the very stick that hurts!! Pygmalion Effect & Burnt-out Syndrome - i

feel sometimes Stress produced the best creative ingenuity in you. But you gotta handle with great

care...Stress is like a double-edged sword that cuts both ways. Know when to blandish the blade & when

to sheath it underneath or beneath!! Breathe Easy & Take it easy folks...The devil is Docile!!