Question 3 final

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Transcript of Question 3 final

Question 3

What I learnt from audience feedback

Trailer Feedback

• Georgia Adams15 November 2012 04:11

• In some scenes the background sound drowns out the shot and makes it hard for viewers to hear what the character is saying and some shaky camera movements. The soundtrack used will work well with the storyline when we re-shoot some scenes.

• Stephanie Green18 November 2012 07:35

• Maybe the sound could start earlier for the scene to make more sense Also the first clip of the actors walking towards each other is too long and could be cut out.Some of the shots are very shaky and too noisy making it unprofessional and the music therefore over the top, doesn't sound right.Some of the shots, you cant hear the actors as the music is too loud. Also your editing could be more precise as the shots seem too long

• Victoria Bellairs15 November 2012 04:07

• Good use of shot types and good storyline. The soundtrack works well with the genre and makes you want to carry on watching. Try and reduce the volume of music and make sure all characters and lines are heard

• harrietT15 November 2012 04:03

• the music is really good but your background music is drowning out the dialoug so maybe have a play with the volume and you need your title cards and stuff, i like how the story like how the audience can understand the story line :)

• Katie Fowler15 November 2012 03:58

• some sound issues: background sound and loud music. Good storyline, entices you to watch more. Maybe cut clips down so it isn't as long

• ste jackson15 November 2012 03:58

• Good variation of shot selections, shots are steady in most scenes where necessary but are also unsteady where it is also necessary to be.Soundtrack to the trailer is good but undermines the dialogue in some scenes so it is unclear what the actor/actress is saying.

• Aquinas College Media & Film Dept16 November 2012 04:07

• Very good feedback, think they've said it all. You already had a good idea of what needed fixing any way. Make your edits sharper when you do your next lot of editing, there is too much space at the start and end of your shots. Good so far, well done :)

What I learnt from audience feedback

I learnt a lot from my audience feedback. A factor through out all my comments were that I needed to make my camera steady, this would a problem that could not be solved through editing and would require me to have to re-do my filming this was time consuming but worth it as my camera was steady making my trailer look more professional. Another factor of my comments were I needed to reduce the sound of my background music as it was hard to hear to speech of the actors, this problem I could solve in imovie and I was able to reduce background noise as well this made my speech clearer. Also I needed to add an opening E4 introduction this would increase brand identity and I needed to add title cards. The final point I gathered from my audience feedback was I needed to shorten my trailer the conventions of a made in trailer are that trailers are between 30 seconds and 60 seconds therefore I needed to make my edits sharper which would make my trailer better.

Billboard feedback

• Aquinas College Media & Film Dept17 December 2012 07:41

• Images are good, E4 branding is in wrong corner and needs to have the name of the programme, dates and times. Green tinges around hair just need removing. Good eyeline matches. Well done, a good first draft :)

What I learned from audience feedback

The audience feedback was useful for developing my billboard. Firstly I realised that my e4 tag was on the wrong side to where it would conventionally be found which is on the right, this needs to be changed so that the audience can tell its an e4 production. As well as this I need to include my name of the show I’m advertising and the time and date it can be found, this is important as my audience need to know where to find it. I also needed to remove the green tinge behind the hair of certain stars, this made my pictures look unprofessional.

How my feedback developed my billboard

Poster Feedback

• Aquinas College Media & Film Dept19 December 2012 01:31

• A good FC. Strong image but star could be bigger so eyes are level with the masthead. Correct the spelling mistake in "Corontaion St", and if "Insparation" isn't a typo, make the "SPA" larger than the rest of the word so the meaning is clear. Well done :)

What I learned from my feedback

Firstly I learnt that I need to change my picture from a medium close up in to a close up this would make the star bigger and would draw the reader straight to the star. I also learnt I had made a few spelling mistakes therefore I needed to change this so my front cover would look professional. I needed to ensure that my play on words ‘inSPAration’ was made clearer by using capitals instead of before where it was just ‘insparation’ and the reader will of thought it was a spelling error

How my feedback developed my poster