Purple cow employee benefits 2011 (conclusions)

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Purple cow employee benefits 2011 (conclusions)

7. CONCLUSIONS7. CONCLUSIONS Purple Cow is the ANSWER Purple Cow is the ANSWER

Compensation in the PH cannot provide financial security during emergencies, and needs a lot of back-up support;

Employee Benefits can provide that back-up support, as most ‘emergencies’ are either life, accident or health-related.

The FS Problem…and EB Solution…


EB offers the best back-up support for compensation

Purple Cow 2011


If Employee Benefits = financial security, more Employee Benefits =

more financial security.

If Purple Cow = more Employee Benefits, Purple Cow = more financial security.

The EB Formula…and PC Brand…


Purple Cow offers the best EB formula for growing SME

Purple Cow 2011


anxiety depression state of emergency debt desperation

A job without financial security:


LESS financial security = MORE worry at work

Purple Cow 2011


security peace of mind happiness focus productivity

A job with financial security:


MORE financial security = LESS worry at work

Purple Cow 2011


5% of Salary (Max!):

that’s all you need for Purple Cow.

The cost of Purple Cow:

5Purple Cow 2011


Why pay MORE if you can pay LESS? (and still cover up to 99%)

Treat Purple Cow as:

1) a social investment in staff (CSR);

2) a recruitment & retention tool (HR);

3) a cap on your financial liability (FIN).

Our Recommendation:

6Purple Cow 2011


Purple Cow makes good business & social sense