Promoting Purpose Magazine

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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Check out some of the most annointed, inspirational, encouraging, lessoned learned articles around. Also check out the annointed and inspired men and woman that advertised with us in this issue. There spiritual creativity can be a great gift for those your love. visit us at

Transcript of Promoting Purpose Magazine


5 The Reason for the Season!

9 Benefits of a Message

24 Den of Thieves

28 Pastors Byrd

30 MESS!

32 Shades of Black and Blue

36 Break the Chain of


39 The Essence of Win-Win



It‟s that time of year where family and friends come to

celebrate by exchanging gifts and eating dinner with those

they love. Although that is how society shows Christmas in

commercials and television shows, the real reason for

Christmas is celebrating the birth of Christ. Although there is

no real date indicating when he was born, it is still a

celebration worth having, but we shouldn‟t just wait until

Christmas to rejoice, love, exchange gifts, and remember the

baby that would sacrifice his life so that we would be able to

have mercy and everlasting life. We should remember Christ

at all times, love at all times, rejoice at all times and be

thankful for those you love. We should be able to smile at a

stranger passing us by in the store and say hello at all times,

not just when the Christmas tree is lighted, holiday tunes are

playing, and the malls and stores are crowded with shoppers.

Rejoice and be glad for life, family and friends. Never wait

until Christmas to give and share what‟s in your heart. For

tomorrow is not promised to us. If you feel like picking up a

gift for someone in the month of April, then do so. But most

of all enjoy and celebrate the real reason for the season; and

that‟s the birth of Jesus Christ!

By: Sherrell Straker-Valdezloqui





“If one Black Woman is

thought to be expendable,

then every Black woman’s

immeasurable value is now

diminished in the eyes of the


“Proverbs 31:The Virtuous

Black Woman Volume 1”

communicates the precious and

priceless value/existence of

Black Women to the minds of

black men, the rights to be

treated with unwavering

respect and dignity in the

minds of black women and the

seeds of reverence to be sown

by the virtue of changing

perception one community at a


ISBN: 978-0-615-34398-3


Tina Kay has been chosen as

the face and spokesperson

for Life South Blood Bank.

She will travel the southeast

encouraging people to

donate blood and register for

the bone marrow registry.

See “Be The Match” for more


Tina continues to push her

book “TKay’s Inspirational:

Walking In Your Season and

will soon have a workbook

companion to go along with

her book. She hopes people

will start book clubs in their

homes, work, churches or

wherever with her book and

companion. Living with sickle

cell disease is no easy life but

she takes everyday in stride

hoping and trying to better

others lives. She is a motivational speaker as well as a spokesperson

for sickle cell disease and Life South. If you would like to have her

speak at your event please contact her at and

visit her website to purchase a book and soon a workbook.

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Marlas J. Sells is a Christian singer, writer,

and motivational speaker. She co-founded

Words of Inspiration Ministries along with

her husband, Robert T. Sells (aka The

Anointed Poet). She is also co-owner of

RobMar Publishing. She is currently

writing a book with her husband, entitled

“Not Denied,” which is her first novella.

Marlas serves as co-director of Wagfest

Inspirations, the inspirational division of

Wagfest/NIANAF, which provides a

networking platform and venues for

independent authors, artists and

entrepreneurs to introduce themselves and

their work to a nationwide audience and

market. Marlas sings with her husband at

many church events and conferences. She sits on the board of

Women of Hope Ministry at Living Hope Church in

Merrillville, Indiana and HIS Strength Ministries at Christ

Worship Center in Dolton, Illinois. She has 21 years

experience as a secretary in the legal field where she honed

her interpersonal and organizational skills as well as her

attention to details.

Working on her knowledge of graphic design, she…..

Read more by subscribing to our Printed issue or digital

PPM Interview with Christian Singer, Writer

and Motivational Speaker Marlas Sells!

PPM: Hello Marlas thank you so much for joining

us here at PPM. If you would, please tell us a

little about yourself. Who is Marlas?

MARLAS: "I was born and raised in Gary, Indiana and I am

the youngest of 5 children. I'm a writer, motivational speaker,

and singer. I oversee Words of Inspiration Ministries with my


PPM: At what point in time did you realize that teamwork and

supporting your husband's, Robert T. Sells (aka The Anointed

Poet), purpose was of importance?

MARLAS: "Immediately. I mean, there wasn't a single

moment that passed from the time he spoke the words to me of

the vision God gave to him. I immediately caught the fire of

the vision and then, amazingly, God showed me that there was

so much more to it than just the book. God expanded the

vision inside of me and it was like a floodgate had opened. So

I began to tell Robert what God was showing me and we both

were like, 'WOW!' just blown away. God is amazing."

PPM: How important do you feel it is to wait on God for a


MARLAS: "I think it's the most important thing you can do.

And I say that because of my own life and the things that I've

been through. I was married previously and it wasn't a 'God-

ordained' marriage, so it floundered until it finally failed. The

floundering was us, mostly me, trying to make it work, you

know, because the failure could have come long before it did,

but there's always that attempt at saving it. It's like trying to

Promoting Purpose Magazine 14

bail out a sinking ship with a bucket, even with all of

your efforts, the ship eventually sinks anyway.

But praise God for second chances. I'm a living

witness that you can be redeemed from the mistakes of

your past. We were both praying for a spouse and God

said 'here she is; here he is', it just clicked right away for us. I

mean as soon as we knew for sure, there was no stopping us

and no looking back. God placed Robert and me together and

we've been blessed beyond measure ever since."

PPM: Were there any sacrifices on your part to ensure the

ministry runs smoothly?

MARLAS: "Oh, gosh, yes! There have been days when I just

wanted to say 'look, I'm on the sofa, don't bother me.' But I

know that anything worth having is worth the work. All the

time, dedication, effort, energy and hard work that have gone

into the success of the ministry have been so worth it. It's been

a labor of love from day one".

PPM: We all have our own race to run individually; we all

have our own purpose. Besides being supportive, what would

you say Marlas' purpose as an individual is?

MARLAS: "It's so funny that you asked this question. I think

my purpose is to be a counselor. I'm constantly counseling

someone in this situation or the other, but I truly enjoy it and

there is never a time when someone calls me or emails me that

I don't set aside the time to talk to them or email them back,

because I understand the importance of when someone is

reaching out for help and being able to provide them with

some sort of comfort or that listening ear or that shoulder to

cry on, yet at the same time, also reassuring them through

prayer and scriptures”.

PPM: What is Marlas and Robert Sells' next move?

MARLAS: "A laundry list of projects. Right now, we're

preparing for Robert to go back in studio to work on the

second CD. We're doing the wrap up on the novella that we're

Promoting Purpose Magazine 15

co-writing. It's pretty much done, but it needs some tweaking

and editing, things like that. Books 3 and 4 in the poetry series

are nearing the wrap up stage. There's also a Christmas project

that we're pulling ideas together on and possibly a music


PPM: We know it takes sleepless nights, long hours, traveling

and lots of sacrifice. What motivates you to make yourself


MARLAS:"The motivation for me is seeing the fruits of our

labors. This has truly been a labor of love from the beginning

for Robert and me. We're seeing how the ministry is touching

people and affecting lives and that's what it's all about.

Making a difference for someone else, helping others to

connect to God through the poetry and anything else we do.

When we get testimonies of how this poem affected someone,

or how something we said or did made a difference for

someone, that motivates you to want to do more. At least it

does for me. I love knowing that the simplest things we do can

make a tremendous impact on someone else. That's what

ministry, real ministry, is about."

PPM: What would you tell someone that has a dream to

become something but at this point they don‟t see any

progress and perhaps feel that it‟s just a dream and nothing


MARLAS: "I would tell them to follow their dream

no matter what, especially if the dream is tied to

their destiny. Everything else will fall into place

after that."

PPM: What do you do to relax?

MARLAS: "Sleep, mostly. LOL I can't say I do

anything in particular to relax, but spending time with my

husband, just being with him, relaxes me. Even if we're

working on something together, it's still relaxing to be with

Promoting Purpose Magazine 16

him. My favorite thing to do is put on my jammies, drink hot

chocolate and watch a movie together. Or sit on the deck with

a cup of coffee with him. My time with him is very relaxing

because we get to shut the world out and just be us. I love it. I

also find cooking relaxing. Since we're hardly ever home, I

don't get to cook much. So when I get the chance, I love to

make a nice home cooked meal for us. Being home and in my

surroundings relaxes me."

PPM: Where do you see yourself in the next year or so?

MARLAS: "That's a good question. I can definitely say

continuing to do all we can to keep the ministry going and

growing in the direction that God wants it to go. Maybe,

venturing out overseas. We've had several requests from

people to bring the ministry to England, Russia and Australia.

We're waiting on God.

PPM: We‟ve discovered you have a talented voice. At what

point in your life did you realize you wanted to minister to

others through your singing?

Read more by subscribing to our digital or printed issues of

Promoting Purpose Magazine!

Promoting Purpose Magazine 17

Hello Mr. Russel, Thank you so much for

joining us at PPM!

PPM: You are known for several things.

Your work as an author of “Proverbs 31: The

Virtuous Black Woman Volume 1”, as well as

being internationally known as a Music

Producer/Composer and Bassist/Concert


Russel: I’ve been very fortunate to have

garnered a level of recognition for my

work in both the music & literary fields.

For this I am very grateful unto GOD.

PPM: At what point in time did you realize

you had the gift of music, and when did you realize you can use it to

inspire and encourage others?

Russel: My first professional experiences began at the age of 12.

I was working/ performing as a Bassist in New York City. In

addition to my Dad’s 10-piece Latin Music Orchestra, I was also

performing/working with the biggest names in Latin music from

12 years old to about 17. People like Machito & His Orchestra,

Willie Colon, Hector Lavoe, Pappo Lucca, Rafael Cortijo (who

was the founder of El Gran Combo which could be compared to

the Earth, Wind & Fire of Latin music).

I also worked with a number of great Latin-Jazz Artists from the

age of 14. People like Hilton Ruiz, Jorge Dalto (musical director

for George Benson) Michel Camillo, Mongo Santamaria, etc; At

the age of 17 I went on tour with South African Jazz Trumpeter

& Activist Hugh Masakela and then on to Chaka Khan,

Harry Belafonte, Mary Wells, Dee Dee Bridgewater,

Wynton Marsalis, Sonny Rollins, etc; From these

incredible musical experiences I witnessed firsthand the

incredible healing and inspirational power of Music.

Promoting Purpose Magazine 18

PPM: Were there any obstacles at the

beginning, when you found out your talent and

how you were able to use them?

Russel: The obstacles I experienced were

due to my young age and the concerns of the

club owners and music festival promoters

that they could lose their liquor license were it either reported or

found out that a minor was performing/working in there

establishment(s). What was most often done was that the

members of the band would all stand in front of me while I was

placed in the back and sitting down performing in order for me

to be hid from view.

PPM: We notice by your website, and both social media and your

various web pages that you‟ve been doing a lot of traveling. How

important is spending time with your family during your down time?

Russel: Coincidentally, I am currently on the road right now

while doing this interview/article. When my Dad first placed the

four-string electric bass in my hands at my tender age of 12 years

old, he had me to study and practice the instrument 4 hours a

day everyday. He motivated me by prophesying that like my

brother Alex before me, this instrument will take me around the

world and enable me to see places that people dream about

visiting. His vision has come to pass in that as of this date I have

performed, toured and taught in 65 countries thus far.

A professional musician’s life garners these benefits and multiple

more simply by virtue of your chosen

occupation. Yet, one of the most regrettable

aspects of traveling and touring is that the

majority of the time you are not able to share

these experiences with your loved ones. With

the exception of calling home and sending post

cards, you are most often in these faraway

places alone and homesick for your family. It is

then vitally important when not traveling, to

Promoting Purpose Magazine 19

spend as much quality time with one’s family in order to

physically re-connect and spiritually replenish one’s self with the

strength, nurturing and love that only one’s family can give.

PPM: Do you receive a lot of spiritual support from others?

Russel: Yes.

PPM: Do you hold a ministry in a church? If so, what is it?

Russel: My home church in Los Angeles is West Angeles Church

of God in Christ lead by Bishop Charles Blake. My personal

ministry is one that has me sharing and ministering the gospel of

Jesus Christ wherever I perform as a soloist. Whether in the

prisons or in the Children’s Hospital performing for terminally

ill children. These two venues alone truly comprise a place where

the Word of GOD must be brought forth for the salvation of

souls in the prisons to the message of healing in the hospitals. I

am currently in partnership with West Angeles to produce a

theme song for Bishop Blake’s Save Africa’s Children Charity

Organization. Save Africa's Children (SAC) provides direct

support and care to orphans and vulnerable children affected by

HIV/AIDS, poverty and war throughout Sub-Saharan Africa and

the Caribbean. SAC partners with individuals, churches,

grassroots organizations, government and corporate

sectors, endeavoring to build a dynamic, diverse

movement to restore hope and a future for Africa's

children. Please visit and

donate to this more than worthy cause.

PPM: When writing your book, what mindset were you in

and what point did you want to get across with “Proverbs

31: The Virtuous Black Woman Vol. 1”?

Russel: God exacted a vision upon my Spirit, a charge

upon my soul and stimulated the thoughts of my mind to

meditate upon the “Virtuous Woman”. He rested upon

me a mission based on the Book of Proverbs Chapter 31

Promoting Purpose Magazine 20

to author a three volume series dedicated to uplifting,

encouraging, honoring & affirming the “Virtuous Woman”. The

first book in the series is dedicated to the “Virtuous Black

Woman” due to the fact that my first truly exemplified example

of a Virtuous Woman was set forth by my Mother Lurlean

Henrietta Fearon Blake. In this ethnically identifiable sequence, I

next chose to also honor the women of my family, my community

and the significant historical contribution of Black Women from

the time of antiquity in Mother Africa to the physical

dissemination of Black Women throughout the Americas, to the

biblically based significance of the last American Presidential

election which brought the historical precedent of elevating a

woman of African descent to the position of First Lady Of The

United States. Incidentally, my book was sent to Mrs. Obama as

a gift and I shortly thereafter received a correspondence from the

White House with her acknowledgement, gratitude and support

of my work. Praise GOD!!!

“If One Black Woman Is Thought To Be Expendable, Then

Every Black Woman’s Immeasurable Value Is Diminished In

The Eyes Of The World”. It is the prerogative of every duty

bound Black Man to rebuke, counteract and censure the thought

from every source it may originate from that Black Women are


Volume II of the Series will honor “Virtuous Women” of all

ethnic groups as virtuous women come in all races of humanity.

Volume 2 of the Series in addition to a separate motivational

book is now in production. Both of them will be published in the

first quarter of 2011.

PPM: Where does Russel see himself 2 years from now?

Russel: Continuing in the ministry of Christ in order to learn

and experience what growth GOD would have for me to purpose

my gifts and talents for the expansion of His Kingdom. I believe

in being a Artist who is creatively prolific. Thus my time I pray

then would be as it is now, in constant production and creation of

Promoting Purpose Magazine 21

works both musical and literary.

PPM: What is one of your most memorable events as a concert





Promoting Purpose Magazine 22

Promoting Purpose Magazine 23

Promoting Purpose Magazine 24

We have sugar-coated

and patted the person

of man long enough. It

is high time to get our

house in order. It is

time to get up from off the

pews and get into the heart of

the people. Notwithstanding

there are many dedicated

Christians who are still

carrying the cross for Jesus

and have not made the Word

of God of none effect. It is

time for a revival, for the

harvest is plentiful and the

laborers are few.

The world is lost

and shuttered under a dark

cloud of mayhem and sin,

because the church has

succumb to the ways of the

world. The world sees no

difference, no love, no

sharing and no caring, only a

picture of pride, formality,

and self-righteousness.

Anything and

everything is being allowed

to take place in the house of

God. There was a time when

church membership was not

for one to gain a seat in

heaven or to have acceptable

status in society, but it was a

way of saying, “ I am here to

support” and be a light to the

wayward man/woman. The

way of Truth is gradually

being taking out of the

church and instead a throne is

being set up for the Evil

One„s presence. The Word

of God is being watered

down so not to offend

anyone, and there is a decline

in spiritual guidance and too

much playing church.

In times past

men/women held up the

blood stain banner. The

church was a place to come

together for prayer and to

gain strength from one

another. The mourning

benches also had their use,

and the banner stood for the

deity of Christ‟s shed blood.

There were no photos of man

on the walls, just a beautiful

cross symbolizing the price

that was paid at Calvary.

Although the

churches of years ago were

not mega churches, the

results of winning souls were

innumerable. So

innumerable that our nation

transpired upon one founded

upon God. Now we live in a

world where the name of

Jesus and the Holy Ghost is

an offense to those of elite


If you look around,

the sick and the shut in are at

walking distance from the

church doors, but they are left

to suffer alone while the

singing, dancing and shows

are being carried on in God„s

house. We must go to them

for they will not come to us.

Promoting Purpose Magazine 25

Many are without sufficient

clothing and sanitary supplies

as they look on at the fancy

cars strolling by, and

beautiful attires entering the

church house doors. The

poor children grow up

believing this is what church

is all about. Some desire to

be preachers when they grow

up, thinking this will

maintain them financially.

We have got to show them

the true Church.

There is nothing

wrong with having nice

things and looking decent.

Yet if this is what we display

Christianity to be all about,

then we have little to offer in

the way of God. Many of the

hurting do not know there is

suppose to be meat on the

table for them at these houses

of refuge. Some do not see

care packages on holidays

and on those days that their

stomachs growl from hunger.

Some have been turned away

because their names were not

written on a church‟s official

list (Members Only).

Yes, here in

America, our home sweet

home, are hungry children

and adults. In the cities as

well as rural areas, we are

now seeing the new faces of

homelessness. Children,

babies and women are now

more so victims of

homelessness. These people

cannot see Jesus when their

stomachs are empty. They

need to see the one who held

the little child in his arms, the

one who fed the people

before ministering the Word,

and the one who set free the

captive free and did not

condemn the adulterous


There must be a

difference displayed in the

church so that the hurting

will see the Love of God

through our actions and not

through our words and the

comforts of a four- walled

building. Many people do

not understand that the

Church is the body of Christ,

not a building made by man‟s

hands. The building (church)

is a place to assemble

together with the righteous,

to worship and to gain

strength for the mission at

hand. Assembling is also

done in many other areas and

buildings within the

community. For the church

and the community ought to

be one in itself.

The wounded are

not going to show up on the

doorsteps of the church, they

are afraid. They are in deep

valleys, in desert places,

along alleys and in places

many dare to go. Yet when

one is called by His name,

(Jesus), he equips them with

power to go out into a hurting

world and display his love

and forgiveness.

Promoting Purpose Magazine 26

In the bible the

Church came together, and

people‟s needs were met.

Not one was without. And the

men of God were sufficiently

equipped through the power

of the Holy Ghost to do the

tasks at hand.

Being that the

harvest is already upon us,

we must pray that the hearts

of men and women who

claim the name of Jesus be

changed, and will go into

these fields that are white

already to harvest.

Some things can

come only but by prayer and

fasting. God told us in his

Word that if my people who

are called by my name would

humble themselves and pray,

and seek his face, he will heal

their lands. We are in

desperate need of a healing

and of an awakening.

Revivals were once

intended to win souls and to

awaken the concepts of The

Cross. It was to bring forth a

powerful change in

men/women through the

concepts of love. It started in

a community and spread

throughout towns, cities, and

states. The strength and

unity with other churches and

denominations brought forth

change. Revivals were once

held to win souls and not to

increase the church‟s yearly

financial status.

Deacons, pastors,

mothers and lay members of

the church took their places

and did not compromise the

way of The Cross. The young

women were guided in the

way of moral conduct. They

were taught how to care for

their children as well as for

their husbands or future

husbands. The young men

were taught how to provide

for their household and to be

leaders in the home as well as

taking their place in the

calling of God. Children

were guided with a stern and

loving hand. They were

taught to respect their elders

as well as themselves. It was

in the home as well as

Sunday school that the

children learned the love of

Jesus, the Lord‟s Prayer, and

the Ten Commandments.

The mothers of the

church wore white,

symbolizing holiness, and

they performed in the art of

nurturing. Their catering was

not to man, but to God.

Instead, we now have a

decrease in the true art of

worship and the house of

God has become a den of


Ruby Walker Owens,

inspirational writer and poet

Sweet Inspirations

Promoting Purpose Magazine 27

Promoting Purpose Magazine 28

Pastors Michael and Carolyn Byrd

are native Baltimoreans who now reside in

South Florida. Their marriage has a special distinction upon it and a

uniqueness that brings healing to whom ever comes into contact with

them. Their marriage was prophesied to be more than the joining

together of two persons, but a ministry ordained by God that His

hand would forever remain upon. You cannot enter their presence

without experiencing the love they have for each other and those

around them.

Together they have proven to be a beacon not only to their family,

two sons LaVar and Antonio, one daughter-in-law Ashley, three

grandsons KaRaun, Royel, Jeremiah, and their first princess due the

winter of 2011 whom they love and cherish dearly; but also to all

those whom they have counseled, both single and married, and their

church family. Senior Pastors of Love Alive Destiny Ministries, a

thriving ministry in Margate, Florida whose mission is to love one to

life that they may fulfill their God given purpose and walk into their


The Byrd‟s are loved and respected by many some of which are their

church family, their spiritual sons and daughters. Anyone that

touches their life has become empowered to come forth from

obscurity to walk in their God given purpose.

These pastors are nationally and internationally known

Promoting Purpose Magazine 29

for raising the bar for Godly marriage, thereby

setting a new standard for regaining the sanctity

of marriage through “God‟s way”. Known for

their special touch for personalizing wedding

vows for the many couples they have joined

together. They have united couples together in

holy matrimony from the sands of the ocean to

the most elaborate mansion. They continue to

be sought after; for they are pastors who have a

passion for marriage. With an uncanny ability

to attract other marriages to them many couples

have experienced everlasting change whereby

they bear witness that devastating cycles of destruction have been

broken after the Byrd‟s have ministered to them through the power of

the Holy Spirit.

Read more when you subscribe to our printed or

digital issue at

Digital 6 months subscriptions are only $7.50 1 month

printed issue $6.95; 5 months $27.80

Promoting Purpose Magazine 30

Why is it that we will stand around

and entertain mess, knowingly on

our jobs? Why is it that we invite

mess to stay in our homes? And we

even go so far as to give mess a

front row seat in our churches

everyday! We don‟t stand up for

what is right, true, and good. But

we will waste valuable precious

time on MESS! God said to the

people when you were doing well

(in the fruitful land in all its

bounty) you did not pay me any

mind. But the minute the crap load

of mess hits the fan there you go

falling on your knees & asking

others to pray for you. You only

ask where God is when all hell

breaks loose. God already

promised you a land full of all that you could ever imagine &

think of according to the power in us for those who love the

Lord & are called according to His purpose. We love to

entertain mess then when all fails and everything starts going

wrong we remember the Lord (Oh, God you know I love

you)...sounding like some love sick cheating fool who has

been found out!

It is funny that we as a people have written instinctively on

our hearts (by God) what is right but we choose to do what is

wrong & then have to pay the consequences. My brother

refers to this as going to the auto mechanic for a new motor or

an oil change & you are convinced that you only need a car

wash, only having to come back to the auto mechanic again

for the thing you came there for in the first place. We go to

God many times for the same thing & get to that place in

Promoting Purpose Magazine 31

prayer with God thinking I really want to keep doing what I

am doing, I just need God to get me out of this place right now

(A MESS). We know all about the changes needed & mess in

our lives better than anyone else. We know what corrections

need to be made but we go along with the “majority”, “the in

thing”, “what looks good”, “what sounds good”, & “what will

make us seem like we are good”; knowing it‟s a bunch of

MESS! Paul in Romans says that we need to take an honest

account of ourselves. What mess is in our lives that should

not be there? What is preventing harvest and goodness to

manifest itself in your life? The definition of insanity is

doing the same thing over & over again & expecting a

different result. Why is it that in our insanity & in our MESS

we will jeopardize generations of our lineage, placing them at

risk because of foolish mistakes & choices we made, OUR


Today, get rid of a stack of mess in your house, messy people

in your life, or the mess you are putting into your body.

An excerpt from “TKay‟sInspirationals: Walking In Your

Season” by Tina Kay Hughes

Promoting Purpose Magazine 32

This is an actual unedited note written on a scrap

of paper by a victim of spousal abuse. This is

how she was able to vent her emotions.

I think it’s about time for me to write it down. It’s

been years, and I am hurting. He looks so fine and he

even has a smile on his face. He sleeps on the couch and will not

sleep with me. It is one of his ways of getting revenge. It’s so

embarrassing, because the kids are witnessing this. Sometimes I fall

to the floor in a fetal position because I yearn for his love and

affection. I am so lonely. He watches the games on television and

never go to the children’s game. At least I thought he would love

them. They too are hurting. I just want him to take care of home. I

know I could do better, but I don’t know how. I don’t know how to

leave. Maybe I’ll forget the last verbal assault, the beatings and the

affairs. I can tell he’s sorry for what he has done, but he never says

“I’m sorry”. I’ll take the blame again this time, so that I may have

some peace. Maybe I am not a good woman or wife, but I try so hard

to be. The house is clean. I cook good meals for him. But he never

says so. The children are well taken care of, except they see mommy

go through. I don’t cheat behind his back with other men. Sometimes

I feel I am not good enough. I compare myself with every other

woman, because he does. I am not jealous of another’s look or

position; it’s just that I feel so inadequate. I just want to be loved

and needed. I try to look pretty for him, but he doesn’t notice. I try

nice perfume, but he never seem to smell them. He just looks the

other way. I try to talk to him and tell him how I feel, but it all comes

out wrong. It’s just starts a big argument, then he beats me again. I

just be standing up for myself and I want him to know how I feel.

Maybe I should just keep quiet. Sometimes I feel I am not good

enough. I would like to feel like a woman again. I know I am a

woman, but somewhere she is lost. Where is she? I am weary about

leaving, weary to stay. He is a stone within my heart, leaving my

mind in torment. Yes I will cry again. But this time maybe no one

will hear. Maybe it will be my last time.

According to The Health and Human Services Association, the Center for Disease and Treatment and the Department of Justice,“ On the average more than three women are murdered by their husbands or

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boyfriends every day, including school age girls. 1 out of 3 women around the world has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. 1 in 5 female high school students reports being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner. Abused girls are significantly more likely to get involved in other risky behaviors.

Some victims of abuse have an emotional attachment to the abuser. She may love him and hopes that the relationship will improve. She could have religious beliefs that it is wrong to leave her husband. She may be trying to keep the family together. Or she may be in denial and believes she is at fault and is the one that should change.

There are also victims who take the abuse because they grew up seeing their mother abused and the situation was a hush, hush. Fear can also keep a woman from leaving. The abuser may have threatened her life, threatened to take the children away or hurt a family member if she leaves.

Women who are immigrants or refugees fear deportation, so they keep the abuse silent. There could also be a language barrier that hinders them from getting out of an abusive situation. Some women because of their lifestyle and sexual preference are afraid to let their family members or co-workers know, because they fear more rejection and humiliation. Often these victims of abuse are afraid of losing everything dear to them and do not know how or have the courage to rebuild. The feeling of powerlessness and a damaged self esteem can cause a woman to feel she has no control of her situation. She feels she has no rights and no way to escape. If she is unemployed, her abuser uses this as a way to control her, often threatening to stop paying the bills or buying food for the household. If she has a job, the abuser may have complete control over her finances.

Women who are living far away from their family members are sometimes subject to abuse and no one around wants to get involved. Shelter may also be another problem. There may not be any room left at the shelters and she is on a long waiting list for adequate housing.

Even after the abuse is over, the problem of gaining employment, adequate housing and the emotional scars still remain.

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From the roots of these emotional and physical scars stems the growth of women abusing children as well as men. Their perception of men and their choice of partners is often a tainted one. Their damaged hearts causes them to choose the lesser.

Abused women and girls build walls around themselves, often keeping out a true love or trusted friend. As the saying goes, sometimes “hurting people hurt other people and even themselves”.

It is love that makes a woman. We know God is love, but God made a woman for a man to stand by each other’s side, for support and strength. He is to love and cherish her as Christ loved the Church. Christ not only loved his children but he adorned them with beauty.

A woman is the weaker vessel, meaning she is like a flower, fragile, yet beautiful. She enhances her environment, and the aroma of her presence is to be the glory of her man. Only through gentle love and care can she blossom into real strength. If she has no earthly husband, God will adorn her in the spirit of his similitude, molding and creating in her a spirit of a virtuous and beautiful woman who fears the Lord. Maybe you are longing to be this kind of woman. God will renew your strength, your youthfulness, your confidence and bring longevity to your life. He will also give you peace in your present storm. There are still rocky roads ahead, but God will see you through. We don’t understand it all, why our sisters had to lose their lives or be imprisoned for life. We just have to know that man makes mistakes, but God never fails. We all have made mistakes and made wrong choices, but it is the learning from our mistakes that will make a difference. Resist fear, because fear will keep you bound. Have faith, be wise in your decisions and use available resources. Be an advocate for those who have none. Stand for the cause against all manner of abuse. Remember this one thing, the greatest of all your efforts will be relying upon God, for he will make a way out of no way.

By: Ruby Walker Owens, inspirational writer and poet

Sweet Inspirations

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Let your Day Begin~

“Break the Chain of Reaction”

By AdriennaDionna Turner, author of “The Day

Begins with Christ” & “Desire at Will”

Author Site: Dream4More Firm:

As a person who loves people dearly and sees the best in

everyone before they show their true character, it starts with a chain

of reaction. We have become who we are by what people spoke in

our lives, who they called us, or what we dreamed for and are willing

to do what it takes to get it. There are some journeys that seem

peaceful, as other journeys take you off the tracks. You want to get

off the track of your life path because of things that come your way—

heading for the worse, destruction. How do we get to this path of


After watching an uncanny movie called “Ink”, it taught a

life lesson that we have to break the chain of reaction. It takes links

to make a chain. In other words, a chain needs links that are attached

together to create a chain. So when we have a downward spiral, at

our breaking point, it takes a chain reaction that is based on our

reactions. Some of our make-ups are more emotional and loving than

others such as INTJ or INFJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Thinker/Feeler, and

Judging). Others can take the beating and care less about what it

takes to get where they want to be. Regardless of your personality

design, the chain of reaction starts with a weakness or shortcoming in

our lives that we leave untouched. We either are not forgiving

someone for what they‟ve done or we did to them or we are saying

slanderous and demeaning words about another person (gossiping,

lying, and so forth). We view our weakness instead of speaking

power in that situation. This weakness turns into a flaw. The flaw

causes us to feel guilty. This guilt leads to shame. Once shame sets

in, we compensate shame with pride and then vanity. After pride and

vanity, destruction becomes our fate. Therefore, something has to

stop the “flow”. Look at Lucifer, the angel in God‟s eye, who

Promoting Purpose Magazine 37

allowed pride to set in and lead to his destruction. We have to break

the chain of reaction.

WeaknessFlawGuiltShamePride and VanityDestruction

We can‟t always fight evil with our words, physical

strength, or even fight within. We can hunger for God and allow Him

to fight our battles for us. The enemy wants you to retaliate with our

demeaning, forceful words that kill the person‟s dreams, passion, or

destiny and feel worthless, meaningless and death follows. We have

to remove the dark clouds through prayer, meditation, reading and

learning God‟s Word, and seeking forgiveness when needed. We

have to fix and get to the root of the problem, then break the chain by

doing what the Word of God tells us. For example, greed takes

giving. Weakness takes knowing your strengths. Flaws take

knowledge and learning from other examples or experiences to your

life. Guilt takes apology and/or forgiveness to no longer hold that sin

on your chest that will later make you feel shameful. Remove the

shame before pride and vanity settles into your spirit. God loves you.

We all fall short of the glory of God. Confess, repent, and leave the

rest to Him. Remove pride by admitting it is God our Creator who

makes everything possible when it seems impossible, not “I”. Then,

vanity will not happen when we remove the “I” and admit it‟s “God”.

Now, we have broken the chains of reaction where our emotions

don‟t flare up and lead to our destruction.

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Promoting Purpose Magazine 39

Pastors Carolyn and Michael Byrd have

written a book to target those who are

considering marriage to learn the ins and

outs of such a commitment, and those

who are in an unhappy, unhealthy marriage that

are seeking help before it’s too late.

As a single woman with plans for marriage, I see

concepts and scenarios from the Bible that gives

a brief explanation on a covenant vs. contract of

a marriage. However, what sticks in my memory

is how Boaz viewed Ruth--he did not focus on her

beauty or what she'd offered but her commitment

and covenant alongside with Naomi after the loss

of their husbands. She could have ran off and

found a new husband, but everything was lined

up in God's timing.

These God-given words are not preaching but teaching applications

where one can obtain the true significance of marriage as God views

it (covenant). I took my time with this book and saturated every word

and embraced every concept to see marriage for what God intended

it to be--more than a wedding ceremony and ring. I thank God for

this married couple and pastors for writing such a book for our day!

Dream 4 More Reviewer,

Adrienna Turner


Glory to God, our marriage has been

strengthened and empowered by the anointed,

dynamic, loving and extraordinary marriage ministry of Pastors

Michael & Carolyn Byrd. We have experienced firsthand the power

God has given them through Jesus to save, strengthen and equip

marriages via counseling, mentoring and attending their inspirational

and educational marriage retreats. Pastors‟ marriage ministry is the

epitome of becoming one in marriage and ministry.

-Herman Jones & LaTonya Bell-Jones-

Promoting Purpose Magazine 40

TheEssence of Win-Win


The Essence of Forming

Strategic Win-Win

Partnerships. Yes. I said

Partnerships. Contrary to

popular belief, forming a

partnership with someone

else in order to get what you

need to accomplish your

goals is not an admittance of

failure. It‟s not an indictment

of your capabilities. It‟s not

a smudge on your personal

abilities. It‟s not a

manipulative act (unless your

intentions are less than

honorable) and it‟s something

that should be and is being

done more and more.

Forming partnerships—true,

“win-win”, strategic

partnerships—is perhaps the

smartest and strongest thing

you can do.

As a leader, head of

household or business owner,

it‟s your responsibility to

make sure that problems are

solved, goals are met and

objectives are achieved. The

buck stops with you and your

need to explore every option

available to insure that you‟re

able to make things happen.

Forming a strategic “win-

win” partnership is an avenue

that many people find

themselves turning to more

and more these days. With

the seeming scarcity of

resources and an increase in

needs that we‟re faced with

in our communities, it‟s

imperative that we start

adopting a “cooperative and

collaborative approach”

instead of a “competitive”


What this means is that

instead of remaining an

island to yourself, you need

to take stock of what‟s

available and make an

informed decision to seek out

strategic “win-win”

partnerships that will help

you achieve your goals and

meet your objectives.

So just what’s involved in

creating a “win-win”?

Find out more about The

Essence of Win-Win

Partnerships in January issue

by : Keisha A. Rivers-Shorty,

President The KARS

Consulting Group, LT

Promoting Purpose Magazine 41

CEO/Writer/Graphic Designer Advisor/Writer

Sherrell Straker-Valdezloqui Rachel Moore


Damon Moore


From Left to Right

Tina Kay Hughes; Ruby Owens; Adrienna Turner; Shelby

Frederick; and Keisha Rivers

Promoting Purpose Magazine 42

Promoting Purpose Magazine wants to thank you for your

support in every way: prayers, encouragement, advertising,

subscribing and more. We are blessed to be a company both

digital and in print to accommodate those who enjoy online

viewing and those who love to have a hard copy. Although we

have just come into existence 3 months ago God is constantly

elevating us to a new level. We are ready for the new years and

understand that each day many are faced with difficult times,

whether or not it‟s from finances, job, children, spouse, other

family members or just the stress that we sometimes run into as

humans. Therefore my staff and I are constantly in prayer on

what to share in our monthly issues to ensure we can release the

spiritual tools and testimonies that are needed. If you have been

moved by God to share your anointed writing with PPM we

would love to have you on board as one of our contributing

writers. You may contact me by email at

sherrell@svpromotingpurpose.comto inquire about our

contributing writing positions. Please continue to pass the word

about Promoting Purpose Magazine. Remember PPM promotes

“What God Has Already Placed in Us”

Thank you for your love,

Sherrell Straker-Valdezloqui


Promoting Purpose Magazine 43

PPM and its Staff would like to wish everyone a blessed and safe

holiday. Thank you for all of your love, support, and other

contributions you have made to Promoting Purpose Magazine. Get

ready for our 2011 magazine in which we are out with the old and in

with the new. As always no matter what year we are in, God is

always the same loving and forgiving God. Our January issue is

going to be dynamic. Please don‟t forget to subscribe to our printed

magazine. 1 month is $6.95 and 3 months is $27.80.

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