Project Name :- Sector :- Project Code :- College Name:-

Post on 23-Jan-2016

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Project Name :- Sector :- Project Code :- College Name:-. Agenda. Objective Team Structure Focus Alignment Approach Implementation Sustainability. Objective. Explain what your primary objective is. Team Structure. Explain your team structure here with who did what. Focus. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Project Name :- Sector :- Project Code :- College Name:-

Project Name :-Sector :-Project Code :-College Name :-


• Objective• Team Structure• Focus• Alignment• Approach• Implementation• Sustainability


• Explain what your primary objective is

Team Structure

• Explain your team structure here with who did what


• Explain what was your focus during the whole project – this could be for example making sure you stayed within your budget or ensuring the objective was met or have maximum team participation/interaction


• Explain here what was your alignment to from amongst the sectors of Technology, Health, Environment, Education, Agriculture

• Explain here the social cause that is undertaken alongwith whether any work is already happening in that area.

• Explain here what will be the social impact of the project


• Explain here how did you go about the Idea Generation with details around Project background, answering questions like why ; approach on how you reached for this project

• Explain here if there is any Out of the Box thinking, Innovation in idea, approach & results

• Describe here your scope and limitations if any


• Explain your long term vision of the project• Showcase how you involved others(Society,

college, media, mentors, etc) into making your project successful

• Detailed road map of your project & how did you actually work according to road map


• Explain how we can utilize same idea in solving other social issues

• Showcase “learning from mistakes”• Do you have a planned business model –

showcase finance etc involved• How did you measure the results? How did

the result impact society

Rules• Duration

– PPT with pictures(if any) : 7 mins– Video/interactive session with audience/feedback/testimonials(if

any) : 2 mins– Q&A with judges : 2 mins– Scoring Time : 3 mins

• Every team member is expected to speak during the presentation(added marks)

• Preferred language of presentation : English• Dress Code : i2i T-shirts• Do not include the “tips”, “Rules” slides in your PPT(this is



General Guidelines

A good presentation is a “POPAT” presentation

So, what is a good

presentation ?

Seriously, a good presentation requires :• Purpose• Organization• Preparation• Audience• Time

Hahaha, Stop Joking ….

General Guidelines Cont.…

– You need to define your

purpose for giving the presentation

– Teach, Persuade, Prove, Review, Expository, Impress, Put to Sleep, Entertain?

– Often your goal is a high level overview, even for a technical presentation

– Don’t tell them everything you did, you’ll bore them

• Always have an outline• Tell them what you’re going to

tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you told them

• Hint: I am doing this for this presentation

• Problem then solution• Not just “data then solution” or

“solution then problem”

Purpose Organization• An unprepared presenter

loses the audience before even starting

• Practice makes perfect and builds confidence

• Arrive early, make sure everything is set up

• Dress appropriately• Better to dress up than

down• Slides should be done well

in advance


General Guidelines Cont…

– Be sure you know your audience well

– Tailor presentation to your audience

• Failure to do this is probably the biggest mistake people make

• You should never give the same presentation twice

– Are there multiple audiences?• If so, direct different slides to

different audiences

– Watch the audience for clues

• Be sure you know how much

time you have while preparing the presentation

• Not 5 minutes before you start

• It is better to end early than to go over

• Always have a watch or clock in view

• You’ll never have enough time to tell everything so stick to the most important

• Rule of thumb• At most 1 slide per minute of

presentation• Better to plan 2 minutes for each


Audience Time

Slide Do’s and Don’ts

Your comments should be more compelling than the slides

Do include 50% white spaceDo use formatting and color to emphasize (e.g.

POPAT)Do provide sources wherever necessaryDo chek yor speling for mestakes

– Typos instantly destroy credibility and conveys lack of preparation

Slide Do’s and Don’ts

× Don’t forget to add meaningful labels, titles, captions, etc. to graphs

× Don’t use light color text × Don’t include unrelated pictures× Don’t use difficult to read fonts× Don’t overuse animation : Makes it difficult and

annoying to navigatePerc










Percentage of People Needing Presentation Skills

Conclusion - It is important to learn presentation skills!

Slide Background

• Do use a light background• Preferably don’t use a dark background

– IF dark color back ground, -use lighter font color

Delivery Do’s and Don’ts

Don’t read or “parrot” the slides / information

Do plan pace breakers for longer presentations Do be passionate about the topic

– Have fun, this is your opportunity

Don’t forget to practice– Record yourself, tape yourself, or use a mirror– Reading through slides does not count as practice

If they need documentation, why give a presentation !

If your audience doesn’t know why your topic is important, you’ve lost them !

Do relax, use nerves to your advantage

Do use body language to help make a point– Purposeful movements

Do use appropriate posture– Don’t slouch– Sitting implies informality

Behavior Do’s and Don’ts

Avoid “Um .. um”Breathe deeply, pause as needed

Don’t speak too fast

55% of communication is visual (body language, eye contact) and 38% is vocal (pitch, speed, volume, tone of voice).

And only 7% is through actual words

Vocal Do’s and Don’ts

Do vary your voice/pitch as per requirement

• Do face audience more than slides– Don’t talk to the screen or wall

• Do memorize slide numbers for key slides• Do show enthusiasm through your words

Most people speak too soft, not too loud

Don’t speak in monotone

Use positive words more often

Do’s and Don’ts

Basic Principal :