Progressive era

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Progressive era


Reactions to Industrialism

The efforts of industrial workers in the late 1800s helped boost the American economy.

Yet factory owners often treated their workers poorly, imposing low wages,

long hours, and poor working conditions.

American industry relied on the labor of whole families, including children, who often worked longer hours than


Workers formed labor unions to improve working conditions and wages.

Collective Bargaining

Workers and employers attempt to work out agreements.

Failed negotiations led often to strikes and sometimes to violence.

Haymarket Riot

Progressive Reform

Progressives tackled a variety of problems.

They worked to:

improve living and working conditions in cities

clean up state and local government

advance the rights of women and minorities.

Jane Addams

cofounder of Hull House, Chicago

worked to fix up poor city neighborhoods

tried to improve tenement housing

designed sanitation and garbage collection

Fought against child labor


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Worked toward gaining rights and equality for African Americans

Women’s rights

Women still worked toward their right to vote.

Many social reforms

Many advantages and many disadvantages.