Programmatic landscape

Post on 23-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Programmatic landscape



A collaboration between R3 and RTBAsia to explore China’s Programmatic landscape, challenges and future.




rogrammatic advertising is the fastest growing form of digital advertising globally – and very much so in China. As the largest independent marketing consulting firm in China, we felt it important to clear the air.

We partnered with RTBAsia to produce this white paper.This report is designed to start a discussion on Programmatic, not resolve one.

Please come and connect with us.




There are several different definitions for programmatic out there, adding to the cloud of confusion around this relatively new way of media buying. It is important to cut through the buzzwords and tech jargon to understand exactly what programmat-ic is. On the most basic level, programmatic ad buying is the automated purchase of ad inventory in real time, based on audience rather than platform.


Traditionally, media is purchased based on the platform that the publisher offers. With programmatic ad buying, advertisers are able to target the specific audience they are trying to reach, using algorithms to optimize campaigns based on several factors garnered from real-time data.


Many people use term “real-time bidding” (RTB) interchangeably with programmatic, when in reality, RTB is only one type of programmatic buying. An RTB transaction takes place in milliseconds, beginning when a consumer clicks a website link and ending before the page even loads. Communication between the publishers’ ad servers and all the intermediaries (the DSPs, SSPs, and DMPs) happens in a fraction of a second and bids are placed to determine which ad will be displayed.

实际情况下,当“实时竞价”(RTB)仅有程序化购买一种类型时,许多人将术语 RTB 等同于程序化。一次 RTB 交易只需几毫秒,从消费者单击网站链接开始,甚至到网页加载前就结束。媒体的广告服务器与所有中介(DSP、SSP 和 DMP)之间的通信只需零点几秒,然后竞价来决定将会显示什么广告。

What is Programmatic Ad Buying?什么是程序化广告购买?



In addition to RTB, several different models and systems have arisen to make programmatic ad buying possible in today’s evolving digital marketing landscape. While programmatic in China shares many similarities with that in the West, it has also developed its own unique flavor since its birth in 2012.

除了 RTB,还出现了若干不同的模式和系统,在今天日新月异的数字营销生态环境中促进实现程序化广告购买。中国的程序化与西方的程序化具有诸多相似点。然而,从 2012 年诞生伊始,它便有了自己的特点。

Image source: Charlie Wang, ClickZ. 数据来源: Charlie Wang, ClickZ.

The programmatic ecosystem is still evolving in China, and unlike the more mature landscape of developed markets, it is still very fragmented, with a plethora of both buy- and sell-side ad tech solutions and marketplaces. This fragmentation is due in part to the rapid shift away from traditional advertising, as well as factors unique to China, such as the heavily regulated exchange of information and the restrictions placed on the media.


These factors have created a one-of-a-kind programmatic landscape. In order to enter the market and understand how those differences might affect a campaign strategy, it is important to examine the four major models of programmatic ad buy-ing.


China’s Programmatic Landscape 中国的程序化生态



Open Exchange 公开交易市场1

The open exchange is a marketplace containing the low-est tier of publisher inventory that is sold via real-time bidding (RTB) at a low floor price. Typically, this inventory comes from small or medium-sized publishers, as the major publishers in China have their own exchanges. In China, the biggest players on the open exchange are BES (Baidu Exchange Service), Tanx (Alibaba), GDT Adexchange (Tencent) and Doubleclick. They all con-nect to multiple DSPs and are flooded with inventory across small and medium publishers, making them very difficult to monitor. There are several reasons that big advertisers do not typically buy inventory on the open exchange, one being that the low quality inventory cre-ates a huge brand safety issue. The association with the smaller brands that typically buy ads on open exchang-es contributes to this issue.

公开交易市场是一个包含通过实时竞价(RTB)以最低价购买的最低层媒体库存的交易市场。通常,库存来自中小规模的媒体,因为中国的主要媒体有自己的交易市场。中国公开交易市场最大的竞争者有 BES(百度流量交易服务)、Tanx(阿里巴巴)、GDT Adexchange(腾讯)和 DoubleClick。它们都与多个 DSP 相连,具有遍布中小媒体的海量库存,因此实施监控非常困难。大型广告主通常不购买公开交易市场的库存,有几大原因,其中一个原因是低质量库存会导致巨大的品牌安全问题。较小品牌通常购买公开交易市场的广告,从而更加降低了品牌在消费者心中的地位。

2The private marketplace, or PMP, is one step above the open exchange in the programmatic landscape. Only invited brands can take part in the auction, and the inventory is more premium than in the open exchange. That means that the floor price is higher, but still uses RTB to ensure that the highest bidder wins the impres-sion. In China, the major PMP players are Sina AdX and Youku AdX. The premium publishers have more leverage in China, and aim to be programmatic “one stop shops.” Their inventory is usually bundled with self-owned DSPs so only invited independent DSPs (usually those with large buying volume) have access to inventory in these private exchanges, although they will occasionally release unsold remnant inventory to the open exchanges as well.

私有交易市场或 PMP 比程序化生态中公开交易市场更进一步。仅有受邀品牌能在竞拍中占据位置,媒体库存及质量比公开交易市场更为优质。这意味着起始竞拍价更高,但依然使用 RTB 来确保出价最高的竞价者赢得曝光。在中国,主要 PMP 竞争者为新浪 AdX 和优酷 AdX。优选的媒体有更大的杠杆,瞄准程序化“一站式”服务,因此库存往往与自己的 DSP 捆绑在一起,仅有受邀的独立 DSP(通常是具有较大购买量的 DSP)可访问这些私有交易市场的库存,尽管它们偶尔会向公开交易市场发布未销售的冗余资源。

Private Marketplace私有交易市场



3The inventory sold using the preferred deal model is of even higher quality than that sold on the private marketplace and the open exchange; basically, it is the top layer of inventory not sold directly. Large advertisers will get the first look at this inventory before it released into a PMP. It is sold at a fixed CPM, but the volume is not guaranteed. This model is ideal for small to medium brands that want to buy high quality inventory but have no traffic goals. Due to the model’s non-guaranteed nature, it is also well-suited for big brands that want to maintain a minimum level of activity between major campaigns. In Western markets, preferred deal is usually executed via third party technology vendors, like Google’s PMP. However, Chinese publishers often bypass this step, endeavoring to offer the full programmatic stack.

使用首选交易模式的库存销售甚至比公开交易市场和私有交易市场的销售在质量上还要高;基本上,它是库存的顶层,不直接销售。大型广告主在库存向 PMP 发布前,具有优先查看权。以固定 CPM 销售,但成交量无法保证。该模式对需要购买优质库存、但无流量目标的中小品牌极为理想。由于该模式具有无保证的属性,因此对于想在主要广告活动之间维持最低活动水平的大品牌也十分适合。在西方市场,首选交易常通过谷歌的 PMP 等第三方技术供应商实施。然而,中国的媒体通常绕过这一步,进而提供全面的程序化服务。

Preferred deal首选交易

4At the top of the programmatic pyramid lies programmatic premium. This model encompasses premium inventory direct-ly purchased from the publisher at a higher fixed CPM and guaranteed volume. It carries the benefit of incremental reach without having to sacrifice the quality of the inventory. In China, there are several differentiating factors that make this mod-el unique. One is that China has plenty of manual labor and therefore doesn’t fully embrace the purely automated model. In China, greater emphasis is placed on the “premium” aspect, because maintaining a relationship with premium publishers remains very important.

Premium publishers are very cautious in opening up their in-ventory to DSPs, so the transaction takes on a mixed approach. The deal terms, price, and volume are specified offline, then an online system conducts the programmatic transaction.

programmatic premium程序化优选

程序化金字塔的顶端是程序化优选。该模式包括以较高固定 CPM 和有保证的成交量直接从媒体购买的优选库存。它具有逐步触及受众而不牺牲库存质量的优势。在中国,有若干差异化因素使该模式变得与众不同。其中一个因素是中国具有充足的劳动力,因此无需完全采用纯自动模式。特别是中国的“优选”库存,因为与优选媒体保持关系仍然十分重要。

优选媒体对于向 DSP 开放库存十分谨慎,因此交易会以混合模式实施。交易条件、价格和成交量在线下规定,而线上系统实施程序化交易。

Source: RTBAsia



here are several factors that contribute to the unique nature of programmatic advertising in China. The ecosystem as a whole is radically different, with the major players of the Western world like Facebook, Google, Youtube, and Yahoo basically not operating in China at all. In addition, the lack of good 3rd party data and the limitations on the freedom of information exchange lead to bigger transparency issues than are found in other markets.

有若干因素造成了中国程序化广告的特殊性。从整体来看,生态系统完全不同,Face-book、谷歌、Youtube 和雅虎等西方世界的主要竞争者基本在中国不开展相关业务。此外,欠缺优质第三方数据和对信息交换自由的限制造成的透明度问题比在其他市场发现的还要大。

Another major difference is the importance of business relationships in China. If an advertiser’s ad tech solution focuses primarily on premium inventory, they will need to build a good relationship with the publisher, as the top inventory won’t be released on the open exchange. Advertisers’ strategies also need to reflect the level at which technology, like mobile, for example, is developing in China, which is a few years behind the West.


China vs. the World 中国与世界

DSPANSDSP + 广告网络Perhaps the largest difference between the West and China is that, in China, “inventory neutrality” is not an issue for advertisers. Because of this, many DSPs operate their own ad networks - which traditionally purchase inventory from several publishers, bundle it and resell it at a higher cost - and mix these inventories into programmatic media selling to gain higher profit. This unique hybrid model began with desktop display inventory and has now become very popular among mobile DSPs. RTBAsia coined the term “DSPAN” to describe this model, a hybrid of DSP and ad networks. The issue with this model lies in the fact that once the DSP pur-chases inventory from the publisher and mixes it with the exchange inventory, it is no longer neutral. Naturally, the DSPAN prefers to sell its own inventory first, placing a lower priority on the publishers’ interests.

也许西方与中国最大的不同在于:在中国,“库存中立”对广告主不构成问题。因此,众多 DSP 运营着自己的广告网络。传统上,这些广告网络从若干媒体处购买库存,绑定后以更高的价格重新销售,然后将这些库存混入程序化广告销售,以谋求更高的收益。这种特有的混合模式源于桌面显示库存,目前在移动 DSP 中非常受欢迎。RTBAsia 使用术语 DSPAN 来形容这一模式,即 DSP 与广告网络的结合。该模式的问题主要集中在:一旦 DSP 从媒体处购买了库存,与交易库存混合后,就不再中立了。DSPAN 自然将首先销售自己的库存,而将媒体的利益放在次要地位。

One challenge of programmatic advertising in China is that the industry lags a few years behind other developed markets. Advertisers in China have been slow to change their mindset from “content buying” to “audience buying.” It has been difficult to make the change because many advertisers are accustomed to the cost-per-day system and being able to clearly see where the ad is placed. Since this is impossible with programmatic buying, many advertisers have been slow to adapt.


Another challenge is that China’s programmatic ecosystem remains incomplete. There are few 3rd party data management platforms and this poses significant issues, creating a fragmented market in which exchanges interact with a plethora of demand- and supply-side platforms. The confusing landscape makes fraud and transparency major issues that act as deterrents to the world’s top marketers en-gaging in programmatic buying in China due to concerns about brand safety.


The Challenges of Programmatic in China中国程序化广告面临的挑战




As the buying and selling of ad inventory becomes more automated, there is less human oversight and more opportunities for fraud to gain a foothold. In terms of programmatic buying, the most common type of fraud is the use of a non-human bot that registers impressions or clicks on ads. In some cases, there is little incentive to detect and weed out this type of fraud because it allows the opera- tions team to buy a great deal of traffic very cheaply, and the publishers need to increase audience to insure a steady revenue stream. The issue with this is that advertisers think that they are meeting the KPIs for campaigns when, in fact, an actual human has never seen or clicked on their ad.

由于广告库存的买卖越来越自动 化,因此缺乏人为监管,给欺诈留下了更多机会。就程序化购买而言,最常见 的欺诈类型为非人类机器人注册广告的曝光或点击率。一些案例中,由于广告主允许运营 团队以极低的价格购买海量流量,媒体则需要增加受众来确保稳定的收益流,因此很少会去检测和根除这种类型的欺诈。该问题的存在是因为广告主认为他们达到了广告活动的 KPI 要求,即使真正的人类受众根本没有看到或点击他们的广告。

While no one knows for certain exactly what percentage of impressions are fraudulent, the esti-mates reach as high as 40%. The Association of National Advertisers (ANA) recently did a 60 day study to gauge the severity of fraud in 181 campaigns among 36 of their members, including JNJ, Walmart, and Kimberly-Clark. They found that bots accounted for 23% of video impressions and 11% of display ads, which they projected would account for $6.3 billion in losses in 2015 alone.

没有人知道欺诈性曝光的确切百分比,最高的估计达到 40%。美国广告主协会最近开展了为期 60 天的研究,检测 36 个成员(包括强生、沃尔玛和金佰利)投放的 181 个广告活动中欺诈的严重程度。他们发现机器人占到视频曝光的 23%,占到展示广告的 11%,预计 2015 一年,损失就高达 63 亿美元。 While fraud is a problem in all markets, the issue is particularly serious in China. The majority of email spam and fraudulent activity stems from China, and RTBAsia estimates that between 15% and 20% of China’s 10 billion daily impressions traded in ad exchanges are non-human. One reason for the problem lies in the fact that so many of Chinese computers are still running old ver-sions of Windows that are infected with malware and enabling the bots to run in the background whenever the computer is turned on.

欺诈是所有市场普遍存在的问题,而这一问题在中国尤为严重。垃圾邮件和欺诈行为主要来自中国,RTBAsia 估测中国每天 100 亿个曝光中,有 15% 至 20% 来自非人类交易。造成该问题的一个原因是,中国的许多计算机依然运行着老版本的 Windows 系统,这些系统感染了恶意软件,只要打开计算机,机器人就会在后台运行。

Another big contributor to China’s fraud problem is search crawlers, and the search engine landscape is more fragmented in China than in other markets. A considerable number of in-ternet users choose to install crowd-sourcing software to generate fake traffic for profit, or for boosting the traffic statistics of their own online shops or websites. RTBAsia estimate these computers are in the range of two to three million and many are home PCs. Traffic from these computers is a mix of real human activity and bot traffic, which is the most difficult type of fraud to screen in programmatic media buying.

在中国,造成欺诈问题的另一大因素是搜索爬虫,中国搜索引擎生态比其他市场更为碎片化。大量的互联网用户选择安装群体化软件,通过伪造流量来骗取利益,或者提升网上商店或网站的流量数据,RTBAsia 估计这些计算机有 200 万至 300 万台,其中多数为家用个人计算机。这些计算机的流量将真正的人类行为和机器人流程混合在一起,在程序化广告购买中,这是最难筛选的欺诈类型。

RTBAsia data shows that the level of non-human traffic activity in ad exchanges consistent-ly peaks around midnight. This is because, unlike humans, bots never sleep; in addition, computing resources and internet bandwidth see the least human traffic at midnight. It is highly recommended that if a DSP is not equipped with anti-fraud solutions, all programmatic campaigns that are not driven by strict audience targeting should be paused from 1:00 am to 7:00 am to avoid waste.

RTBAsia 数据显示广告交易中的非人类流量行为水平即使在午夜也维持在峰值。这是因为,与人类不同,机器人不需要睡觉。此外,在午夜,人类流量占据的计算资源和互联网带宽最低。我们强烈建议,如果 DSP 未配置反欺诈解决方案,所有不受严格受众定位驱动的程序化广告活动在凌晨 1 点到早晨 7 点停止运行,以避开垃圾流量。

The Challenges of Programmatic in China中国程序化广告面临的挑战



Transparency & Quality Data 透明度与优质数据

Transparency is another challenge for the programmatic industry in China. This issue plagues the industry in all markets, causing problems such as not knowing the placement or quality of im-pressions or if price has been marked up and sold for a larger profit margin. In China, one pecu-liar transparency issue is closely linked with another challenge to programmatic ad buying -- data. In the Chinese programmatic premium ad space, if premium inventory is purchased through a DSP, the DSP then gains access to that advertiser’s first party data. The DSP could then use this data in competitor campaigns that are buying through that DSP’s open exchange. This is proba-bly happening with alarming frequency, largely because of another challenge unique to China, a nearly complete lack of 3rd party DMPs.

透明度是中国程序化产业的另一项挑战。这个问题在所有市场都很普遍,造成了诸多问题,比如不清楚广告投放或曝光质量,不清楚价格是否被标高销售,以获取更大利润。在中国,一个特有的透明度问题与程序化广告购买的另一项挑战——数据紧密关联。在中国的程序化优选广告空间,如果优选库存通过某 DSP 被购买,那么该 DSP 就获得了广告主第一方数据的访问权。该数据可用于通过该 DSP 的公开交易市场购买的竞争对手的广告活动。事实上,发生这种可能的频率大得惊人,主要是因为中国特有的另一项挑战——几乎没有第三方 DMP。

There is certainly not a lack of actual data in China. The vast amount of consumer data that BAT (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent) has amassed is arguably more comprehensive than in the West, simply because of the sheer amount of consumer information available on these platforms. How-ever, an advertiser can only gain access to this data if they buy within the publishers’ own ecosys-tems, meaning there is no 3rd party DMP to consult. While these publishers might have fantastic data, because they don’t share it, it hasn’t translated to the industry at large.

当然,中国不缺少实际数据。BAT(百度、阿里巴巴和腾讯)积累的大量消费者数据可能比西方更为全面,只因为消费者信息在这些平台的绝对数量。然而,广告主只有在媒体自己的生态系统内购买后,才能获得访问权,也就是说无第三方 DMP 可咨询。尽管这些媒体也可能拥有海量数据,但因为他们不共享数据,所以数据也不会得到详尽解读。

These two issues are hindrances to the further development of programmatic in China, but some of the major players are already driving change. Tencent recently announced the development of their own third party DMP, and Alibaba’s CEO has pushed for the company’s investment in mobile data management, going so far as to assert that Alibaba aims to be a data company as well as an ecommerce giant. However, BAT needs to take it one step further in terms of data transparency. Brands don’t have unlimited resources to constantly run campaigns across every platform, so if the data from different publishers doesn’t “communicate,” it’s going to be difficult to know how to optimize campaigns.

上述两大问题阻碍着中国程序化的进一步发展,不过,其中的一些主要竞争者已经开始推动变革。腾讯最近宣布开发自己的第三方 DMP,而阿里巴巴的 CEO 也已经推动公司对移动数据管理的投资,宣称要让阿里巴巴成为数据公司和电子商务巨头。然而,BAT 需要在数据透明度方面再进一步。品牌没有无限的资源在每个平台都持续开展广告活动,因此,如果不同媒体的数据不“交流”,那么广告主就很难了解如何优化广告活动。



The traditional role of the agency as the intermediary between the advertiser and publisher has had to evolve with the rise of programmatic. Agencies, typically at the holding group level, have had to adapt to meet client demand for automated, audience-targeted solutions. Every major holding company currently has a trading desk operating inside China to help clients execute programmatic buys; however, the recent trend has been to move away from agency trading desks towards independently run desks, or working directly with DSPs for greater con-trol and transparency. One World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) study asserted that use of agency trading desks has declined 15% year-over-year while the use of independent trading desks has increased 30% from 8% over the same time period.

代理商作为广告主和媒体的中介这一传统角色随着程序化的兴起而发生转变。代理商通常处于控股集团层面,现在必须不断做出改变来满足客户对以受众为目标的自动化解决方案的需求。每家主要的控股公司目前都有可在中国运营的交易平台,从而帮助客户实施程序化购买。然而,最近的趋势从代理商交易平台转向单独运行的平台,或直接与 DSP 合作,谋求更大的控制和透明度。一项世界广告商联合会 (WFA) 研究表明,代理商交易平台的用量同比下降了 15%,而独立交易平台的用量同比从 8% 增加到 30%。

Where Do Agencies Fit In? 代理商路在何方?

Why might a marketer move away from an agency trading desk partner? One major issue is transparency. Advertisers are wary of what kind of inventory they are actually buying, and if their data are being used for competitor campaigns, as agency trading desks have operated in a largely opaque man-ner since their inception. Many marketers are unclear as to the actual cost of the media they are buying, because trading desks will often mark up costs or add management fees.


The challenges and issues that plague other programmatic players are the same for agency trading desks, including data issues, antiquated media buying habits, and rampant fraud. However, there are several areas in which the trading desks themselves need to change. There needs to be a greater call for transparency in regards to marked up media, rebates, and especially double paying. Several marketers have expressed concern that they are already paying the agency to manage their media buying and then paying again for the services of the agency trading desks.




What Does The the Future Hold?未来发展方向 Programmatic ad buying in China is poised to expand into new territories and increase dramatically in volume in the coming years. Programmatic has already started moving beyond static banner displays in more developed markets, and China is following suit, optimizing video, mobile, and TV.



Mobile programmatic display spends are predicted to grow dramatically in China in the coming years. According to iResearch, mobile programmatic spends rose 400% in 2014 to reach RMB390.3 million ($63.5 million). This figure is expected to more than double in both 2015 and 2016, before topping out at an estimated RMB3.83 billion ($623.2 million) in 2017. The increase in marketing spends on mobile pro-grammatic reflects another trend: mobile is also predicted to account for 75% of digital ad spends by 2019.

中国移动设备程序化显示的费 用预计在未来几年将显著增长。根据 iResearch 数据,移动程序 化在 2014 年的费用增长了 400%,达 3.903 亿人民币(6,350 万美 元)。这一数字预计在 2015 和 2016 年分别增长一倍以上。2017 年, 预计达到 38.3 亿人民币(6.232 亿美元)。移动程序化营销费用的增 长反映出另一个趋势:到 2018 年,移动设备将占数字广告费用的 75%。

There have been some significant developments in the Chinese mobile programmatic landscape, such as the buying platform for premium inventory rolled out by Airwave earlier this year. However, in order to reach the maturity level of the European and American markets, the issues of trans-parency and market fragmentation need to be addressed. Chinese consumers are spending an estimated one quarter of their days on their mobile devices; the potential for growth is there.

中国移动程序化生态已取得一些显著改善,例如,Airwave 今年初推出的优选库存购买平台。然而,要达到欧美市场的成熟水平,透明度和市场碎片化问题亟待解决。中国消费者预计每天花四分之一的时间在移动设备上,增长潜力可谓巨大。



television电视An agreed upon definition of what constitutes programmatic TV is hard to find, although most will agree that it involves using audi-ence data to further optimize ad placements, rather than relying upon the standard metric of TV show ratings to determine where to place an ad. The tech behind serving ads to individual house-holds in “traditional television” hasn’t fully evolved, but OTT television (over the top), which is delivered on the internet, can use internet programmatic tech to place ads.

对程序化电视的定义很难有一个统一意见,尽管大多数会同意它涉及使用受众数据来进一步优化广告投放,而不是依赖收视率这一标准指标来确保如何投放广告。通过“传统电视”向个体家庭投放广告的技术还未发生根本变化,但互联网提供的 OTT 电视可利用互联网程序化技术来投放广告。

In China, the prevalence of OTT TV means that programmatic TV has the potential to grow exponentially in the near future. A recent report from the China Market Monitor Co. asserted that 70% of TV sets sold in 2014 were smart TVs, and that number is set to grow to 90% by the end of this year. Consumers are shifting their viewing behavior and traditional TV is taking a backseat to digital. Since cable TV network operators still deliver ads traditionally and will be slow to change, several Chinese companies are working with the TV hardware side to deliver ads programmatically while still complying with all regulations. Ad formats such as “power-on welcome screen” and “pre-roll before VOD or time-shift viewing” don’t interfere with network broadcasted ads in live stream.

在中国,OTT 电视的流行意味着程序化电视在不久的将来具有大幅增长的潜能。北京中怡康时代市场研究公司最近发布的一份报告认为:2014 年,70% 售出的电视为智能电视,而这一数字到今年底将增长到 90%。消费者正在改变着他们的观看行为,传统电视将让位于数字电视。由于有线电视网络运营商仍旧以传统方式推送广告,并且不乐于改变,数家中国公司与电视硬件方合作,在符合所有规定的前提下以程序化方式推送广告。“开机欢迎屏幕”和“前导广告或离时收视” 不会影响实况流中的网络广告。

The programmatic TV industry in China is still in its infancy. There are no cookies and no unified user account platforms with which to collect data for optimization, but that is rapidly changing, as was made evident by the addition to the the recent addition of several program-matic TV platforms recently added to RTBAsia’s ecosystem chart.

中国的程序化电视产业仍处于发端。尚无 cookie 和统一的用户账户平台收集用于优化的数据,但这种情况正在迅速改变,最近有数个程序化电视平台加入 RTBAsia 的生态系统图。

Digital Media Usage数字媒体使用率



Fraud Prevention and Brand Safety防止欺诈与品牌安全

In order to be truly successful and draw in more big advertisers from outside of China, the industry needs to deliver on better transparency and crack

down on fraud. Many advertisers have already begun taking steps to increase transparency, such as moving towards direct relationships with ad tech firms to cut out the opaque pro-cesses of agency trading desks, or moving all

digital buying in-house.



A solid technology foundation for fraud prevention and brand safety already exists within program-matic technology. Advertisers should check with their ad tech vendors to make use of every possible control available when engaging in programmatic media buying to make their budget more effective and protect their brand. This includes, such as using pre-bid anti-fraud solutions, ad placement level white lists and black lists, day parting, and the exclusion of excluding older versions of browsers.


About R3 & RTBAsia



ABOUT R3关于胜三

Originally from Australia, Greg spent the first 20 years of his career on the marketer and agency side, mostly in the APAC region. After working on both sides of the same coin, he identified an untapped opportunity in offering independent counsel to marketers - which led him to co-found R3. Greg’s brand experience spans many geographies and industries, delivering solutions for clients like Coca-Cola, Samsung, Visa, Johnson & Johnson and Microsoft across China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, Europe, and the United States. Greg is also co-author of the book, China CMO, Best Practices in Marketing Effectiveness and Efficien-cy in the Middle Kingdom.

包贵革先生来自于澳大利亚,在职业生涯的前20年中,他分别以市场主及代理商的身份在亚太地区累积了丰富的经验。丰富的行业积累及双重角色间的转换换给了他全新的视觉来看待这个行业,他发现了这个行业中存在一个尚未开发的机会 —— 以独立顾问的角色给市场主提供咨询服务。带着对广告行业独到的洞察,包贵革先生作为联合创始人建立了胜三。他的丰富经验贯穿不同地区和行 业,从中国、香港、新加坡、澳大利亚、马来西亚、欧洲到美国,胜三为众多像可口可乐、三星、VISA、强生和微软等的跨国品牌及企业提供全面的解决方案。包贵革先生更将丰富的经历汇聚成书,著有《China CMO: Best Practices in Marketing Effectiveness and Efficiency in the Middle Kingdom》 等广受市场主关注的书籍。

You can follow Greg on Twitter Greg also maintains a blog on Campaign Asia

您可以在Twitter上关注与包贵革先生进行互动。另外,包贵革先生亦在 Campaign Asia 中设立了专栏博客

GREG PAULL – R3 Principal & Founder包贵革 - 胜三总裁兼创始人

Shu Fen was born and bred in Asia, with marketing and advertising experience of over 20 years on local, regional and global businesses.


Prior to R3, she spent time at Ogilvy Singapore, lead-ing Unilever, KFC, GSK and other major clients.


After six years starting M&C Saatchi in Singapore, leading the BMW Asia, Coca-Cola and SingTel ac-counts, she founded R3 in 2002 with business part-ner Greg Paull.

她曾经在新加坡尚思广告公司任职,并领导宝马公司的亚洲服务团队,可口可乐以及新加坡电信项目。随着业务的发展,六年之后她和商业伙伴Greg Paull于2002年共同建立了胜三。

Thirteen years later, she has led R3 on global assign-ments for Unilever, Singapore Airlines, Coca-Cola, JNJ and VISA.


ShuFen contributes actively to the industry through speaking and judging various industry awards, includ-ing the prestigious Cannes.


Most recently, she was chairman of the APAC market-ing effectiveness awards.


GOH SHU FEN – R3 Principal & Founder吴淑芬 - 胜三总裁兼创始人



Andy Fan is the co-founder and CEO of RTBAsia, a leading anti-fraud solution company that provides ser-vice to the online media buying industry in China. He is also the chief editor of, a technology media focusing on the development of programmatic advertising industry in China. He has over 10 years of management experience in iInternet technology companies in both general management and product development.

范秋华是 RTBAsia 的联合创始人兼 CEO。RTBAsia 是一家领先的反欺诈解决方案公司,向中国的在线广告购买产业提供服务。他同时也是 网站的主编,RTBChina.com则是一家关注中国程序化广告产业发展的技术媒体。范秋华具有 10 多年互联网技术公司的管理经验,擅长常规管理和产品开发。

Andy Fan – RTBAsia Co-Founder and CEO范秋华 - RTBAsia 联合创始人兼首席执行官

RTBAsia is a leading anti-fraud technology solution company in China, providing intelligence to advertising technology companies to improve their media buying quality. RTBAsia’s technology solution is independent of cookies, user identifiers and platforms and helps advertisers gain insights across all media buying channels, as well as assisting ad tech companies to proactively screen non-human traffic. RT-BAsia’s products and services include pre-bid solutions for DSPs and analytics for media buying agencies. RTBAsia also conducts programmatic media buying market-ing research in China via its media arm

RTBAsia 是一家中国领先的反欺诈技术解决方案公司,向广告技术公司提供信息,帮助他们改善广告购买质量。RTBAsia 技术解决方案不使用 cookie、用户标识符和平台,它帮助广告主了解所有广告购买渠道,同时帮助广告技术公司主动筛查非人类流量。RTBAsia 的产品和服务包括面向 DSP 的竞价前解决方案和面向广告购买代理商的分析。RTBAsia 还借助其媒体平台,在中国开展程序化广告购买营销研究。