PRODUCT TOUR. OUR OBJECTIVES Present an overview of OffenderWatch Get you started right away Provide...

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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Transcript of PRODUCT TOUR. OUR OBJECTIVES Present an overview of OffenderWatch Get you started right away Provide...



• Present an overview of OffenderWatch

• Get you started right away

• Provide continuous support

Why does law enforcement choose OffenderWatch?

• Watch Systems is the leader in sex offender management and community notification

• 10 years experience delivering solutions coast-to-coast

• World class support by people who know law enforcement

• Recommended by National Sheriff's Association

“We've sent out over 46,000 mailers and now have over 1,100 email subscribers. This is great considering we've only been fully operational for 5 months.

You've delivered as promised…

OffenderWatch has allowed my SORT Unit to shine and exceed legal requirements. “

Lt Mike Qualter,

Brevard County Sheriffs Office, Florida

Why does law enforcement choose OffenderWatch?

• OffenderWatch is used by over 1000 offices in 38 states

• Each implementation is a little different

• OffenderWatch adapts to support your state requirements and office procedures

Used by more agencies38 states, 7 state-wide, 2 tribes600 Sheriffs Offices400 Police Departments 50 million online maps displayed300,000 citizens subscribe for email alerts7 million email alerts sent6 million notification cards mailed


This tutorial covers: What is OffenderWatch? Getting Started Add an offender Search for an offender Edit an offender record Print a list of offenders Print an offender report Map offenders Print your state form Publish to the web Get support

What is OffenderWatch?

• An offender management tool– Easy-to-use

registration – Powerful searching

and reporting– Built-in mapping– Verification

management with calendar

– Safety buffer management

– Automatic web publishing

– Share data with other agencies

Other agencies

Online SearchYour


web serveradd/edit

web publish





safety buffers





Email alert

Postal Notice

What is OffenderWatch?

A community notification tool– Citizens access online

registry 24/7– Search neighborhood

or by offender name– See offender profiles,

photos, and maps– Register for proactive

email alerts – Send postal flyers

Online search

Your registry

Getting started

• You provide your initial data

• You approve the look of your web registry and notices

• We do the setup for you!– Hosted for you - no impact on IT resources– Your existing offender data is uploaded– Your web registry, email, and postal notices

have your logo, photos, and message – We set up your offense codes, web

publishing, verification cycles, safety buffer radius, and notification preferences

– Our geocoders make sure your offender, school, and citizen addresses will map

– Any state reports or interagency data sharing is set up for you

Getting started

• Download OffenderWatch from

• Install on your PC with a few clicks

• Call 888.WATCH12 or email for your password

• Our help desk staff makes sure you are successful

• Comprehensive user training is available

• You are up and running in 30 days!

Add an offender

• Your existing offenders are already loaded

• Add new offenders using the step-by-step wizard

• Most fields are optional

Add an offender

• Include photos and physical description

• Add any other data your department requires

Add an offender

• Use to guide the interview with offender

• Entry is quick and easy and helps reduce errors

Search for an offender

1. Select any tab

2. Use any combination of fields to narrow the search

3. Sort the results by clicking a column heading

4. Results summarized and color coded by status

Edit an offender record

1. Right click on an offender record and select “Edit Offender”

2. Select any tab

3. Enter any new information and click save

Print a list of offenders

1. After searching, select “Print List”

2. Print a list of offenders

3. Or print a thumbnail list

4. Select “Print Reports” to print offender reports for all on the list

Print an offender report

1. Right click to print an individual offender report

2. Or print your completed state offender report

Map offenders

1. After searching, map the list of offenders

2. Right click to map a single offender

Publish to the web

• Choose which records to automatically publish to the web

• Published fields are set by your state rules and agency preferences

• Eliminates duplicate entry and saves time

• Your website is always up to date

Get support


I need a password.

How do I send you my data?

This address won’t map…

We need to change the website…

How do I create safety buffers?

Can you walk me through verifications?

I need help sending a postal notification.

Call 888.WATCH12



I got an unexpected result when …

I got an error message when…


OffenderWatch• Installs quickly

• Is easy to use

• Saves your time

• Reduces errors

• Helps track compliance

• Keeps your website up to date

• Updates other agencies

• Has no impact on IT resources

• Gets information to citizens by web, email, or post cards

• Support ensures your success

Training Resources

Live TrainingContact support to arrange online

or live training for OffenderWatch

User TrainingDownload help documents and presentations at:


Download these tutorials :

Manage safety buffers

Notify the Community

Setting up OffenderWatch in 10 Steps

OffenderWatch Product Tour

Verifications Tutorial