pro ethics individu assmnt

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  • 8/7/2019 pro ethics individu assmnt



    Professional Engineering Practice

    Individual Assignment

    TITLE: Development of Indah Water Konsortium Sdn

    Bhd(IWK) as an engineering industry in Malaysia

    Name : MUSA BIN AYOB

    Matrix no : SX070791MMJ04

    LECTURER : Ir. Dr. Mohammad Pauzi Abdul Ghani


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    Profile Company

    1.0Background of Indah Water Konsortium(IWK) Sdn Bhd pg 1

    1.1 Corporate Structure pg 2

    1.2 Indah Water Konsortium mission and Visions pg 3

    2.0 Main text

    2.1 Indah Water Services pg 4

    2.2 Connected Service pg 5

    2.3 Individual Septic Tank pg 6

    2.4 Refurbishment pg 7


    2.6 Corporate Responsibilities pg 8

    2.7 Management Responsibilities pg 9

    2.8 Individual Responsibilities pg 9

    3.0 Green Technologies

    3.1 Introduction to green technology pg 10

    3.2 National Energy Balance pg 10

    3.3 Waste Water Treatment pg 11

    4.0 IWK Collaborative Research with University Technology of Malaysia

    4.1 Sewage Treatment Plants Treatment Process Performance pg12

    4.1.1 Determination Of Per Capita Load & Water Consumption In Sewage


    4.1.2 Inflow And Infiltration In Sewerage System

    4.1.3 Cost effective Upgrading Techniques of Oxidation Pond System

    4.1.4 Application Of Magnetic Technology In Assisting Sedimentation Of



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    5.0 Conclusion pg 14

    6.0 Reference pg 15



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    1.1 Background of Indah Water Konsortium(IWK) Sdn Bhd

    Indah Water Konsortium, a wholly-owned company of the Minister of Finance

    Incorporated, is Malaysia's national sewerage company which has been entrusted with the

    task of developing and maintaining a modern and efficient sewerage system for all


    In 1994, the Federal Government awarded the company the concession for nationwidesewerage services which prior to that, was under the responsibility of local authorities.

    Since then, Indah Water has taken over the sewerage services from local authorities in all

    areas except the States of Kelantan, Sabah, Sarawak and the Majlis Perbandaran Johor Bahru.

    A modern and efficient sewerage system is vital for the country so as to ensure that

    wastewater is treated before being discharged into our rivers. This will help preserve the

    country's waste resources, protect public health and provide a cleaner and safer environment.

    In June 2000, as testimony of the Government's seriousness in ensuring that a proper and

    efficient sewerage system will be successfully put in place and maintained, the Government,

    through the Minister of Finance Incorporated, took over the entire equity in Indah Water from

    its previous private owners.

    Indah Water is now well-positioned to undertake the vital task of ensuring that Malaysians

    today and in the future will be able to enjoy a clean and healthy environment through a

    proper and well-maintained sewerage system.


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    1.2 Corporate Structure


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    1.3 Indah Water Konsortium mission and Vision

    Mission : We are highly committed to providing efficient sewerage services to

    all customer besides striving towards developing the national

    sewerage system that will collectively contribute towards a

    sustainable and friendly environment.

    Visions : To be the most efficient environment caring sewerage company


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    2.0 Main Text

    2.1 Indah Water Services

    There are mainly two types of sewerage systems/services in Malaysia. The

    premises' sewerage systems are either connected to a public sewage treatment plant or

    have an individual septic tank.

    IWK is mainly responsible for operating and maintaining the public sewage

    treatment plants and network of underground sewerage pipelines.

    The services are rendered through the company's 18 Unit Offices/Customer

    Service Centres located throughout the country, except Johor Bahru, Kelantan, Sabah

    and Sarawak. Customers can also pay their Sewerage Services Bills at these centres.


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    2.2 Connected Service

    Connected sewerage service customers have sewage outlets that are directly linked to

    a sewage treatment plant via an underground network of sewer pipes. IWK is responsible for

    the operations and maintenance of all public sewage treatment plants. Public sewage

    treatment plants are plants which have been handed over to the Government (National Water

    Services Commission, Ministry of Energy, Green Technology & Water) by the Developer.

    (Picture of premises and connected sewerage service)


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    Premise with connected sewerage service/system has one rectangular metal cover,

    which is called an inspection chamber and usually located outside the premises compound

    either at the side, rear or front. In the inspection chamber are sewage outlets from the

    premises' toilets, bathrooms and kitchen that are connected to the public sewerage pipelines

    to the public sewage treatment plant. If there is any blockage, the checking and clearing of

    the blockage will be done via the inspection chamber.

    However, in the case of bungalow houses, there are usually more than one inspection

    chambers depending on the number of toilets and kitchen in the house. If the house has 5

    toilets and one kitchen, there will be 6 inspection chambers located outside the premises

    compound instead of just one inspection chamber. More often than not, owners of bungalow

    houses tend to think that the inspection chambers are septic tanks. (Septic tanks are usually

    arranged in series and not located in various places outside the premises' compound)

    Another frequent confusion with this type of system is the differentiation between

    internal or private and public sewerage pipes. Many users are unaware of their ownership and

    responsibility to repair or replace broken pipes and remove clogged pipes between the

    inspection chamber and the public sewerage pipes or manhole at their own expense. IWK is

    mainly responsible for the maintenance of the public sewerage pipes.

    2.3 Individual Septic Tank

    Malaysia's most common form of sewerage system is the individual septic tank (IST).

    There are an estimated 1.2 million premises with individual septic tanks in the country.


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    Premises with a proper individual septic tank (Malaysian Standards - MS 1228) has 3 to 4

    rectangular metal covers and is usually located outside the premises compound either at the

    side, rear or front. The septic tank only provides partial treatment of the sewage that flows

    into it and needs to be desludged on a regular basis, approximately once in two years, to

    ensure that it functions efficiently. IWK provides this important and mandatory scheduled

    desludging service to government premises.

    Photograph of a typical individual septic tank built according to Malaysian Standards

    (MS 1228)

    2.4 Refurbishment

    One of Indah Water's vital services is refurbishment. The rehabilitation work on

    existing plants with same capacity and or treatment processes will enhance the effectiveness

    and efficiency of such plants in addition to improving the aesthetics. The process entails

    fairly-complex works ranging from civil engineering aspects of safety, security, cleanliness

    and aesthetics, to the highly-complex skilled mechanical and electrical serviceability of the

    plants. Currently, over 5,408 public sewage treatment plants and pump stations are

    undergoing total refurbishment.

    Refurbishment work involves the tidying up of treatment plants and pump stations

    with improved aesthetics and security; the repairing, replacing and testing of pumps, float

    switches and associated valves and pipeworks; the repairing, replacing and testing of

    treatment process equipment; the desludging of plants including holding tanks; the repairing,

    replacing and testing of High Voltage and Low Voltage electrical services including electrical

    wiring, control panels, lightning protection, etc; the sampling of effluents to ensure applicable

    environmental standards are met; and the inspection, repairing and/or replacement of critical

    sewer pipework.


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    It takes anywhere between three to 24 months to refurbish a plant.

    Assuming one plant is fully refurbished in a day, it would take over 14 years to refurbish all

    of Malaysia's public sewage treatment plants. However, Indah Water aims to complete all

    refurbishment on a priority basis within six years.


    Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd. Is comitted to safeguarding and improving its

    health and safety performance by coducting its undertaking in an organized and responsible

    manner through the adoption of a certifiable health and safety management system. We will

    endeavor to see that our activities, service and products do not harm employees, customers

    and member of the public who may be affected by our undertaking. We believe it is

    necessary to adopt sound management practices of which the integration of health and safety

    principle are of the highest priority.

    2.6 Corporate Responsibilities

    In undertaking its business activities it is the expressed policy of Indah Water

    Konsortium Sdn Bhd to:-

    Provide and maintain facilities, plant, equipment and system so as to ensure we operate a

    safe place of work with adequate welfare and first aid facilities;

    Establish effective communiation that enable employees and their representatives to

    participate in developing and promoting effective measures to ensure the highest

    standards of health and safety at work are maintained;

    Undertake to train and educate employees of the risk to which they may be exposed;

    To make avalaible to each and every employee appropriate safety and protective


    To prepare and review annual health and safety plans;

    To comply with all relevent occupational safety and health national law and regulation as

    a minimum, promoting performance standards that reflect best international practice;

    To develop, maintain and review emergency procedures in accordance with the

    requirement of law and the needs of relevent external egencies and local communities;


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    To ensure health and safety will be significant factor in the selection process of external

    suppliers or contractors;

    To continually improve the performance of the health and safety management system

    2.7 Management Responsibilities

    The overall responsibility for executing the policy rests with the director of Indah

    Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd.

    Each head of department or line manager will implement the policy and will allocate

    sufficient resources within their areas of responsibility.

    Each line manager in the company is responsible for ensuring that the activities and

    places of work under their control are safe and without risk to health. In so doing, they are

    expected to make regular reviews of the health and safety standards within their areas of


    2.8 Individual Responsibilities

    All employees are responsible for their own health and safety and that of fellow

    workers, customers and members of the public.

    They must co-operate with their superiors in all aspects of health and safety and

    maintain their place of work and all equipment in a safe and tidy condition. Employees must

    not interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health and safety. Every

    employee will be given the opportunity to make their views known on health and safety



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    3.0 Green Technologies

    3.1 Introduction to green technology

    Global environmental issues, such as climate change and deforestation, have emerged

    as new challenges to people throughtout the world. Many countries with aims to become a

    low-carbon society through green growth achieved via green technologies and green

    industries which enhance eco-efficiency while minimizing adverse environmental impacts.

    Green Technology is the development and application of products, equipment and

    systems used to conserve the natural environment and resources, which minimize and reduces

    the negative impact of human activities.

    Criteria of Green Tech products, equipments or systems:

    It minimizes the degradation of the environment;

    It has zero or low green house gas (GHG) emission;

    It is safe for use and promotes healthy and improved environment for all forms of life;

    It conserves the use of energy and natural resources; and

    It promotes the use of renewable resources.

    3.2 National Energy Balance

    National Energy Balance (NEB) is design to illustrate the energy supply and demand

    balance reflecting the Reference Energy System of the country. The energy balance is a

    presentation of the basic supply and demand data for all fuels in a manner, which shows the

    main fuels being separately distinguished and expressed in a common energy unit. Both of

    these characteristics will allow the comparison of contribution each fuel makes to theeconomy and their interrelationships through the conversion from one fuel to another. NEB

    was carried out to cover a broad area in energy disciplines such as supply and demand sector

    in this country based on the standard format recommended by the United Nations. NEB will

    present time series statistical data on the supply, transformation and demand of commercial

    energy sources as well as providing a comprehensive support for integrated energy planning.

    Data providers for the compilation of NEB consists of relevant government agencies, power

    utilities, independent power producers (IPPs), private oil companies, as well as the cement

    and iron and steel manufacturers.


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    3.3 Waste Water Treatment

    Industrial wastewater treatment covers the mechanisms and processes used to treat

    waters that have been contaminated in some way by anthropogenic industrial or commercial

    activities prior to its release into the environment or its re-use. Most industries produce some

    wet waste although recent trends in the developed world have been to minimize such

    production or recycle such waste within the production process. However, many industries

    remain dependent on processes that produce wastewaters.

    4.0 IWK Collaborative Research with University Technology of Malaysia

    4.1 Sewage Treatment Plants Treatment Process Performance

    4.1.1. Determination Of Per Capita Load & Water Consumption In Sewage Design


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    Determine the actual loading of various parameters in raw sewage e.g. BOD5, SS,

    COD, TKN, P, NH3 and oil and grease as well as determine the per capita loading and water

    consumption in sewerage systems by per capita organic loading, sewage generation quantity

    and study the strength of untreated sewage.

    Figure-notch weir installed at inlet of STP for flow measurement

    4.1.2 Inflow And Infiltration In Sewerage System

    Investigate the causes and associated relationship between the quantity of in flow and

    infiltration in the sewer system. The study shall also derive the relation of inflow and

    infiltration to the design peak flow. Verify infiltration rate and peak flow factor and

    determine whether they are acceptable for local conditions and to evaluate the flow


    Figure- Inflow and Infiltration In Sewerage System

    4.1.3 Cost effective Upgrading Techniques of Oxidation Pond System


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    Investigate and identify cost effective methods of oxidation ponds upgrading. The

    study proposed to install baffles to improve hydrodynamic flow in the oxidation pond. See

    below figure.

    4.1.4 Application Of Magnetic Technology In Assisting Sedimentation Of Sewage

    To study the feasibility of using magnetic technology in assisting sedimentation of

    suspended particles and to study the effect of magnetic fields to other physical parameters of

    sewage i.e. pH, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand

    (COD).see figure below.

    5.0 Conclusion


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    For development of iwk as an engineering industry in Malaysia, iwk had build one

    stop centre for sewage solution our niche technical capabilities and expertise for the domestic

    waste water sector include:

    Operation and maintenance

    Septage management and desludging of septic tanks.

    Sewage planning, certification and process design

    Technical audit, environmental assessment, hazard and operability HAZOP studies

    Project management consultancy services

    Development of sewerage standards and guidelines

    Customer relationship management, billings and collection of sewerage services


    Capacity building and research and development programs

    Public awareness and educational programs



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