Presentation Success: How to Measure the Success of a Presentation

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Presentation Success: How to Measure the Success of a Presentation. Q & A with public speaking champion, Akash Karia (founder of public speaking exercises, how to improve public speaking, public speaker, presentation training, speaking, presentation, public speaking lessons, presentation skills training, communication skills, free public speaking training, confident public speaking, art of public speaking effective public speaking skills, presentation skills, public speaking tips, tips for public speaking, effective presenting, effective public speaking, public speaking success, presentation success Author of 5 books on public speaking: Akash has written five books on public speaking. Recognized Public Speaking & Presentation Skills Expert. Akash has written and published over 100 articles on the art of public speaking and presenting. Graduate of the Dale Carnegie High Impact Presentations course (2011) Achieved the following certifications from Toastmasters International: Competent Leader award (2011) Competent Communication award (2011) Advanced Speaker Bronze award (2011) Advanced Speaker Silver award (2011) Advanced Speaker Gold award (2012) Go to for: presentation skills training, presentation training skills, training in presentation skills, training on presentation skills, course on public speaking, public speaking classes courses in public speaking, courses on public speaking, public speaking training public speaking training

Transcript of Presentation Success: How to Measure the Success of a Presentation

measuring the success of

your presentation Hi, my name is Akash and I’m a presentation skills coach and author of “Public

Speaking Secrets of the Champions”. In this mini eBook,

you will discover the two questions which will help you

determine the effectiveness of your presentation.

Akash Karia

How do you measure the success of a


There are two important questions you can ask to measure the success of your


First question: did you achieve the objective of your presentation?

The goal of a speech is to take audience members from Point A to Point B. It’s to

move them in some sort of way - maybe to move them emotionally and to inspire

them; or to move them intellectually and give them more knowledge and more

tools on a topic. So, if a speaker manages to meet his objective of moving his

audience from Point A to Point B, then it’s a successful speech. Or,as you put it,

it’s a commendable speech.

Second question: Will your audience remember your message 3 days

after you presentation?

Did you know that most presentations are forgotten within a couple of hours? A

successful speaker, however, leaves a lasting impact on his audience. As

speakers, we want to make sure that our impact lasts beyond the day of the


For example, let’s say you’re giving a sales presentation. Your objective is to

convince Mr. and Mrs. Jones to buy a car or insurance - or whatever the product

- from your company. Now, no matter how good your presentation, it’s unlikely

that Mr. and Mrs. Jones will enthusiastically hand over their credit card to you

at the end of your presentation. They’re going to need a couple of days to think

about it. What you want is for your presentation to be remembered at the time

when they are making a decision - when they are thinking about whether or not

to buy from you, you want your message, your presentation, to be remembered

and influence their decision to “YES! We’re going to buy from you.”

Same thing applies to interviews. You want the recruiter to remember you so

that when they’re making the decision about who to hire, you pop into their


So to summarize, the two most important questions any presenter should ask at

the end of a presentation - the questions which determine whether a

presentation was effective or not - are:

(1) Did I move my audience emotionally or intellectually from Point A to

Point B? Did I achieve my objective? and

(2) Will they remember my message 3 days after I speak?