Presentation e-TB Manager

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Presentation e-TB Manager

Presentation E-TB

University of Rwanda School of Public health

Health management information systemAbdimalik Osman MSc Epidemiology

What is E-TB

A tool for online notification, case treatment, monitoring, follow-up, and patient transfers in and out of TB units

A system that allows for recording of clinical and laboratory results and provides data for treatment adherence and patient contact evaluation

A tool for monitoring medicine safety and efficacy at the patient level by tracking side effects of TB medicines reported and providing data on treatment outcomes

A database from which reports can be produced that can have an impact on future policy and NTP strategies and decisions

Electronic TB recording system with individual data

e-TB Manager is a web-based tool for managing all the information needed by national TB control programs.

It integrates data across all aspects of TB control, including information on suspects, patients, medicines, laboratory testing, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome

Rwanda has been used this program E-tb since January 2014

E-TB Functionalities

Treatment and case management: The e-TB Manager uses online notification and follow-up, records clinical and laboratory results, tracks patients transferring in and out, and provides data for treatment adherence and patient contacts evaluation. The Cases module of e-TB Manager, for example, allows NTP staff to closely monitor first-line TB or DR-TB case evolution from a status of TB suspect to a notified case until the final result of treatment.

Information and surveillance management: The e-TB Manager maps TB and MDR/XDR cases, epidemiological indicators, resistance panels, co-morbidities, previous treatment history, and treatment cohort results, providing surveillance reports and updated information with ready access online at central and peripheral levels.

Operational and clinical research: The tool provides easy methods for analyzing collected data and exporting data to other statistical programs.

Stock management: A stock management module is in development.

Implementation History of e‐TB

The first version of the tool was developed in partnership with the Hélio Fraga National TB Reference Center and the Brazilian Ministry of Health.

E‐TB Manager currently exists in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Ukrainian, and Chinese.

It has been applied East Africa ,Europe ,Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Southern Africa

Rwanda is one of them that has been applied E-Tb

How they use E-TB e-TB Manager is a computer application that can be used either

online via the Internet, on a local area network, or on a standalone computer.

The user of E-Tb system in Rwanda is from Health facility to the national level or Warehouse

Health facility they made date entry, case notification and management

In national level users E-tb their job is to analyses and report information

To use E-TB, the user must to be equipped

A computer (with Internet capabilities if e-TB Manager is to be synchronized with other computers in the country)

A network connection to the system (Internet access is required only if the system is based on an Internet server)

An HTML browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Mozilla FireFox)

E-TB information system

Input: financial resource, human resource and policy

Process: date entry and analyses, case notification and management

Output: information report to support decision making

Outcome: improved decision making, strengthened health system and improved health indicators

The benefits of E-TB

Easy online and real-time information sharing + data consolidation among different levels within one user-friendly platform

Ensures patient data confidentiality and database reliability through a central level validation process

Must of the time there is no date error or duplication Easy to use for date managers Less cost easy report or case notification Tracks patient transfers in and out of clinics Manages batch numbers and expiry dates of stocks at all levels Generates all standard stop Tb reports for Tb and MDR

The weakness E-TB in Rwanda

Internet connection Hardware requirements Human resources


Here are the major recommendation we propose To develop internet availability in all health facility To improve Hardware requirements because this

system requires computer To improve human recourses such training


We will would like to express special Thanks RBC who allowed us to observe this system and warm welcomed us

Thank you


RBC/ Tb division