Present Perfect

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Present Perfect


1. Complete the dialogues using the present perfect and just.

Example: It has just started to rain.

A. What’s happening in this programme?

B. I don’t know. It ________________________________ (start)

C. I _________________________________ (come) back from my holiday.

D. Did you have a good time?

E. Could I have a copy of Hello, please?

F. Sorry, but I ____________________________________ (sell) the last copy.

G. How’s Tom?

H. He’s very happy. He __________________________________ (finish) his exams.

I. I ___________________________________ (receive) a postcard from Andy.

J. Oh yes? What did he say?

K. Have you heard from Nancy recently?

L. Yes, she __________________________________ (move) to another town.

M. Have you still got the same car?

N. No, I ___________________________________ (buy) a new car.

O. Would you like something to eat?

P. No, thanks. I _________________________________ (have) lunch.

2. Make sentences using the present perfect with already or yet.

already: affirmative sentences;

yet: negative and interrogative ones.

1. I – not read - today’s newspaper.

2. you – decide - which one to buy?

3. I – explain – this to you three times

4. Their baby – start walking.

5. you – see - Mary?

6. the match – not finish.

7. we – have lunch.

8. He – not arrive.

9. My friends – not go on holiday.

10. She – leave home.

3. Complete the sentences in the present perfect with already and yet.

A. Let’s go to the new Goya exhibition at The Prado.

B. I ___________________________________ it. It’s very good. (see)

C. Don’t forget to tell Sam the good news.

D. I ______________________________ him and he was very happy. (tell)

E. What does Susan say in her letter?

F. I don’t know. I ________________________ it _________. I’ve been very busy. (read)

G. I enjoyed reading this novel by Julian Barnes. Is it his first novel?

H. No, he _________________________________ a lot of novels, but I think this is his best. (write)

I. Is that your mother’s new car?

J. Yes, it arrived last week, but she _________________________________ it _________________


4. Complete the conversation using the present perfect in the correct form.

1. Is it raining at the moment?

No, ___________________________________ (it/ just/ stop)

2. I can’t find my glasses. ____________________________________ (you / see) them?

3. Where’s your dictionary?

I don’t know. ________________________________ (it / disappear)

4. Let’s go and see Lions of Africa at the ABC cinema.

I’m afraid I _______________________________ (already / see) it.

5. Please, can I have my book back?

I’m sorry I _________________________________ it ___________(not finish / yet)

6. Are Stella and Mark at home?

No, they ____________________________ (go) out.

7. John looks thinner. ___________________________________ (he / lose) weight?

8. How many times ________________________________ (you / take) your driving test?

9. This music is new to me. I’m sure I _________________________________ (not / hear) it before.

5. Put in have/has been or have/has gone in the sentences.

A. I saw you in Gino’s restaurant last night.

B. No, it wasn’t me. I ________________ never __________________ there.

C. Tony and Sarah are on holiday? Where _________________________ they


D. To Hawaii, I think.

C. How many times ____________________ they __________________ there?

D. This is their third visit.

E. Can I have an orange, please?

F. We haven’t got any. I ______________________ not ____________________ to the shops today.

G. Where’s Susan?

H. She’s got a terrible headache and she _________________________ to bed.

I. (on the phone) Can I speak to Sally, please?

J. She’s out, I’m afraid. She ______________________________ to the cinema this evening.

I. Again? She __________________ already __________________ to the cinema twice this week.

6. Complete the conversation. Make questions with How long… + the present perfect.

A. Do you like London?

B. Yes, a lot.

A. How long have you lived here?

C. This is a really good party.

D. Yes, great.

C. _____________________________________________ here (you/ be)?

E. Does Julie enjoy her work?

F. Not very much. She thinks the bank is a bit boring.

E. _________________________________________ there? (she/work)

G. Are you Ok? You look a bit pale.

H. I’ve got a headache.

G. _______________________________________ it? (you/ have)

I. Did you know that Mike and Anne are going to get married next month?

J. ________________________________________ each other? (they/ know)

K. Today is Tony’s last day at work.

L. ________________________________ with his company? (he/ be)

K. All his working life, I think.