Politics in 1800's

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Politics in 1800's

Politics shaping the American Identity

By Desiree Klemenz

The Federalist Party

Beliefs/wants:• Gov. ruled by the “best people”• Powerful central gov.• Loose interpretation of Constitution• Gov. helping businesses• Tariff• National debt not states debts• Powerful central bank• Restricted free speech & press• Strong navy

Important Federalists• George Washington• Alexander Hamilton• John Jay• John Adams

George Washington

• Contributions as Pres.:• kept America out of war (Jay’s treaty &

neutrality Proc.)• Expanded the nation West• Created first political cabinet• Created Judiciary Act of 1789 • J.A. created: supreme court, federal district,

circuit court & office of attorney general • Two term presidency

John Jay

• Agreements of his treaty:• British leaves U.S. SOIL• British pay damages for captured American

ships• American’s pay British pre-Rev. War debts• Signed convention of 1800 with France• (treaty with France, they pay claims from

American Shippers)

Alexander Hamilton

• Made Gov. assume all state’s debts ( new state debt= 21.5 million)+ pay back all bonds( in full, with interest)

• Gave fed District of Potomac to Virginia (for a vote)• Created:• Bank of U.S. ( keep money circulating, print money in time of

need) • Tariff (tax on imports)• Excise tax (tax on few U.S goods)this created whiskey


John Adams• Contributions:• Kept up Washington’s peace mission• Created: the Navy, Marine corps, & 3 ship navy

grew• Sedition act= limited freedom of press+ speech• Alien act= harder to become citizen• Passed judiciary act of 1801 this let him appointMany fed. judges before he left office

Overall changes to American Identity• Less diversity• More fighting/more soldiers (Jay’s treaty +

neutrality Proc. Angered the French)• Results of Hamilton’s actions:• Strong gov. with huge debt. • New taxes + tariff (becoming more like Britain)• More people in jail for opinion’s or can’t pay taxes• Rich get richer • former slaves forced back into slavery• money prints stop

Republicansaka Democratic- Republicans

Beliefs/wants• Gov. ruled by many informed citizens• Weak gov. better state rights• Strict interpretation of constitution• Farming based economy• Very small navy• No national debt

Fathers of Republicanism • Thomas Jefferson• James Madison

Thomas Jefferson

• Created party in 1790• Wrote Dec. of ind.• Hamilton’s rival • Believed fed. were crossing constitution • Convinced stated to reclaim rights• “ I hold it that little rebellion now and then is a

good thing…. The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with blood of patriots and tyrants( zinn,pg95)

Thomas Jefferson as Pres.• Let victims of sedition act out of jail• Naturalization law of 1802= live in U.S. for 5 years to

become citizen, instead of 14• Got rid of excise tax , cost gov. a million$ a year in revenue• Federalism declared defiance of people’s wishes• New congress elected • Judiciary Act of 1789 declared unconstitutional • Embargo Act= stopped all foreign trade (replaced in1809)• Non-Intercourse Act= can trade with anyone except

France + Britain• Louisiana purchase = more land

Louisiana Purchase

James Madison

• Wrote bill of rights: gave fed. More supporters• Helped Jefferson create party and bring back

states rights• Involved in famous court case• Brought back embargo against Britain when

he was pres. , caused war of 1812 • During pres. He also took west Florida from Spain

Marbury vs. Madison• Adams appointed many judges at last min• Jefferson told Madison not to deliver their

commission• Madison didn’t and William Marbury sued• Court ruling: • Judiciary Act of 1789 declared unconstitutional • it gave supreme court a power that it was deniedin the constitution(the act of giving commission before you can be a judge) • It’s funny how the act was declared illegal yet

everything that was set up under it is not.

Overall changes to American Identity• More diversity in citizens• Less people in jail• Less rebellion and taxes• National debt increasing• Alliance's dissolved• Little money coming in (non at one point-

more people are poor and more classes are seeing some hardship)

• Adams stunt created Judicial review• Two party system gave them their democracy


• The American Pageant by D. Kennedy, L. Cohen, T. Bailey

• People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn

• Southern Planter Handout• Marbury vs. Madison (law class handout- case

study) • http://www.virginia.edu/pjm/biography1.htm