Podcast_Social Media_“x-files”

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Podcast_Social Media_“x-files”

Social Media Podcast - “X-Files”

HOSTS: Melissa Apone Estephan Donado

Adam Kennedy Daniel Stilletti

THEME: Conspiracy Theories

# Episode Title Length of Episode Release date

1 “Mandela Effect” N/A TBA

In this episode, we will dive into controversial discourse about the Mandela Effect. We will incorporate real-world

occurrences with two celebrity guests; these guests will be: Donald Trump and his wife, Melania Trump. The only

question left to ask, is: Are you sure your memories are yours?

2 “JFK Assassination" N/A TBA

Lee Harvey Oswald was incarcerated as the gunman in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. As the investigation

developed, many theories pointed away from Oswald as the gunman. Using public opinion and FBI forensic

examiners, this epidote will build a new theory of its own.

3 “9/11, a False Flag Operation” N/A TBA

What are the real reasons behind the US led invasion of Iraq? Were the planes on 9/11 actually “hijacked?” And; does

jet fuel melt steel beams? Head conspirators on this theory will discuss their own research and present listeners with

hard evidence to back their claims.

4 "Illuminati" N/A TBA

In this episode, Alex Jones and Mark Dice will join our team to discuss their reasons proving the Illuminati exists;

along with a guest appearance from a former Illuminati member. Prepare yourselves.

5 “Moon Landing" N/A TBA

Did Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? Or was this an elaborate plan perpetrated by the US

government in order to establish dominance around the world for being the first country to the moon? Let’s find out.

6 “Area 51" N/A TBA

Reports of UFO sightings happen daily all around the world. With that being said, could extraterrstrials have made

contact? Area 51 is said to be home to UFOs and classified technology. In the episode, Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill will

give their insight on the conspiracy while a former employee of the compound shares his eye-witness experiences.

7 “Flat Earth” N/A TBA

In this episode, we expand on the research describing our planet as flat. This theory will help determine if our planet is

actually how our textbooks describe it.

8 “Celebrity Deaths” N/A TBA

As some of the most notable figures in the world die off, who's to say their deaths aren't orchestrated. Are Tupac and

Biggie still alive? And what do the police investigations truly refer to in the deaths of Michael Jackson and Prince?

9 “Global Warming" N/A TBA

This inconvenient truth is more inconvenient than it is truthful. Is Global Warming in full effect? Are sea levels

actually rising? What factual evidence points to these questions? And what does this tell humans about their existence

on Earth?

10 "Ghosts" N/A TBA

This episode, we will discuss our very own thoughts on ghosts; using real life stories. We will try and answer the age

old question: Are ghosts real? This episode will also have a devil’s advocate discussion to help see both sides of the


Article’s we should read to become more informed about both sides..