Pink day 2010

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Pink day 2010

To honor all the FA Angels of our FAmily

Pink Bravery Day 2010

This was something that we started as a family in honour of our beautiful Jess, always an angel but now with her wings. It would appear that it has grown and many of our FAmily are doing the same, in honour of Jess and all the other FA angels

David McDowell

mmmmmmmmmmmm, the pink looks good; not sure about the legs though!!!!!!

Samantha McDowell

Never mind the "lady in red", this is the most beautiful lady in pink - Samantha; in honour of Jess

Ashleigh McDowell

Despite what Ash says, is she beautiful or what? Love you Ash.

Alex McDowell

There's cute, then there's Alex. Does he look good in pink or what?!?!

The McDowells

We all wore pink in memory of Jess, the timer was easy to programme on the camera but how difficult was it to get Alex to sit still for a photo. Jess is with us in this photo but we had to put a picture of her behind us because not everybody can see her spirit.

The Youngs

The lovely Young family in pink

The Flynns

WOW - the whole gang in pink

The Hannahs

The lovely Hannah FAmily - flying the pink flag!!

The Box-Kings

The Box-Kings show Ohio how to dress properly - pink is the new black. Love this photo.

The Miles’

The lovely Miles family down under (Oz); Molly doesn't seem too impressed but we are - remember Paul and Jasper, it takes a real man to wear pink.

The la Cour Rasmussens

Denmark goes pink

Donna Boggs

"Flying Free" Pink in honor of Jessica McDowell

Keri Doctor and Family

Even the dogs got in the spirt of FAmily Pink Day! Pink day was made in honor of the daughter of a family that lives in the UK. Jess passed away 2 years ago from complications after a Bone Marrow Transplant for Fanconi Anemia.

Emily Heath

Probably the pinkest we've seen and it matches......

Ellie McDonald

Wearing Pink at the Park!

Meg Sullivan

I wore my pink proudly today in honor of Jess!


Faith's in Pink for Bravery Day in honour of lil Jess. Our thoughts are with you David and Samantha, lots of love. Xx

Adam Wright

This was my mate Adam walking in the Lakes - love these socks (after they've been washed - lol).

The Cincotta-Eichenfields

Nancy and AJ flying the pink flag at Camp

And the Pink Just Keeps Flowing

To Honor Jess and All FA Angels

David and his boss Kim celebrating FAmily pink day!

To Honor Jess and All FA Angels

In remembrance of Jess - Matthew and all FA angels!

To Honor Jess and All FA Angels

To Honor Jess and All FA Angels

To Honor Jess and All FA Angels

To Honor Jess and All FA Angels

To Honor Jess and All FA Angels

To Honor Jess and All FA Angels

To Honor Jess and All FA Angels

To Honor Jess and All FA Angels

To Honor Jess and All FA Angels

To Honor Jess and All FA Angels

To Honor Jess and All FA Angels

There are many more who joined us in honoring all the FA Angels in our FAmily than appeared in the video.Thank you to all who wore Pink on August 1,2010. By doing so we demonstrated the strenght of our bonds and the commitment we have to one another. It is nice to know that we are never alone and that our FAmily members with wings are never forgotten.