PGCE Post-Compulsory Education and Training · Post-Compulsory Education and Training ... KMc Using...

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PGCE Post-Compulsory Education and Training

Practice of Teaching Workbook and Assignment Brief September 2014

This workbook is to be used for the modules: Introduction to Education and Training Introduction to Education and Training for Adult Literacy and ESOL



Tutor: Karen McGrath Attwood Building Room 103 0121 331 7341 Assignment brief Module Aims

This module marks the beginning of your learning and teaching journey to become a professional teacher in the Post-Compulsory Education and Training (PCET) sector and wider context It has a dual focus: to begin to develop your practical teaching skills and to begin to develop your skills of reflection, analysis and evaluation. As such, it is closely related to the work you will be starting to undertake on your placement.

• apply the necessary commitment, confidence and flexibility to teach, train and work in

a PCET environment that is characterised by diversity, complexity and change

Learning outcomes

1. Analyse your teaching in relation to your subject specific skills using academic literature and the Professional /Minimum Core standards to inform your work

2. Critically evaluate an aspect of teaching in your subject specialism 3. Critically evaluate your roles and responsibilities and professional relationships within

your learning and teaching context. 4. Collate and organise appropriate documentary evidence to support your claim to

meet Professional and Minimum Core standards required at this stage.


The module is made up of face-to-face sessions, independent study, tutor directed tasks and (homework!!). All are of equal importance if you want to achieve professionalism in learning and teaching.

The sessions that make up this module will be highly participative and involve you in active and experiential learning. You will continue to make the essential links between theory and practice through tutor input, small and whole group discussions, short presentations, activities related to the chosen themes, analysis of ideas, concepts and experiences of yourself and others and through speaking and listening.

There is an expectation that you will take part in online discussions with peers via the forums on Moodle, our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and that you will undertake appropriate reading of a variety of media.



Produce a series of tasks related to professional practice (3000 words = 8 minutes equivalent). To be submitted as a video.

Harvard Referencing

The Library guide includes detailed information on referencing, including how to cite unpublished material, secondary sources and internet resources. The referencing system used on this course is the Harvard Method. To find out about this, follow this link and click on the pink post-it on the right of the icity screen: .

You can find out more about referencing in one of the sections on the Moodle page for Professional Development in Teaching Practice.

Full time

Assessment hand-in date: Monday 8th December 2014

Overview Date Content AM PM Thursday 9th Oct

Outstanding Teaching and Learning KMc

Using and Looking after your Voice

Monday 13th October

Introduction to The Practice of Teaching Workbook, the module and tasks KMc

Your teaching and learning philosophy KMc

Part time year 1

Assessment hand-in date: Monday 12th January 2015 Overview Date WB Monday 29th September

Introduction to The Practice of Teaching Workbook 1, the module and tasks. Roles and responsibilities KMc

Monday 6th October

Outstanding Teaching and Learning Your teaching and learning Philosophy KMc

Monday 17th November

Teaching and learning KMc

Monday Using and Looking after


24th November

your Voice

Part time year 1 ESOL/Literacy

Assessment hand-in date: Friday 16th January 2015 Overview

Date Monday 29th Sept

Introduction to The Practice of Teaching Workbook, the module and tasks. KMc

Friday 10th October

Outstanding Teaching and Learning & your teaching and learning philosophy KMc

Friday 7th November

Using and Looking after your Voice MF


Introduction to the Practice of Teaching Workbook Completion of the Practice of Teaching Workbook provides you with the opportunity to show how you have met the criteria for the Introduction to Education and Training module. The tasks are submitted via the videos, but will be developed over a number of weeks. Presentation of the video (3000 words equivalent is 8 minutes)

A. Your teaching and learning philosophy (500 words) B. A written reflection and analysis of your teaching so far. You will need to include an

analysis of the pedagogy you have begun to develop for teaching your specialist subject. (1000 words)

C. An analysis of your roles and responsibilities (500 words)

D. An analysis based on an observation of subject specialist lesson (500 words)

Appendices (to be handed in with you reference list)

• Sections A, B of the of the Skills Audit • You also need to demonstrate that you have make a start on section C of the of the

Skills Audit • lesson plan and rationale for observation 1 • all resources used in the lesson • completed observer feedback forms and post observation targets • your self evaluation of the lesson with targets for development


The Role of the Mentor Introduction Trainees on the post-compulsory teacher training course at Birmingham City University are required to undertake at least 150 hours of teaching across the year in a “placement” as well as attending sessions at the University. For part-time students this will be spread across two years. The mentor plays a vital role in this placement, supporting, advising and assessing the student. Specifically, the mentor performs the following tasks: Observation and Feedback During the placement, the mentor observes the trainee, completes a University Observation Form, and decides if the trainee is meeting the Professional Standards for the stage of the course. Training in completing this form and in matching performance to standards is given at Birmingham City University. After the lesson, the mentor and trainee discuss the lesson and set targets for the next observation. The regulatory body requires trainees’ teaching to be observed on at least eight occasions during their course (ten for ESOL/Literacy Language). Observations Although the majority of observations should normally be carried out when the trainee is teaching groups of students, one-to-one tuition/tutorials are part of many teachers’ responsibilities and so can, when appropriate, contribute to the observation schedule.

e: /mb/JH/PGCE PCET Practice of Teaching/ 2014 8

How to teach an Outstanding Lesson Promoting learning through effective teaching. Ask yourself… When planning the lesson have you…

• Provided a detailed and effective scheme of work and lesson plan appropriate for the learning needs of the group and the demands of the subject?

• Organised the room layout and resources to maximise learning opportunities?

• Planned for individual learning needs?

• Provided an appropriate pack for an observer – scheme, lesson plan, ILPs,

group/individual profiles, assignment records, evaluation of previous lessons in this scheme, to enable the observer to understand why you have chosen particular strategies etc. (Select as appropriate; do not overdo as this can be counter-productive)

At the start of the lesson do you…

• Take the register within the first few minutes and record and challenge lateness appropriately?

• Start with a re-cap of the previous lesson and involve learners in this to consolidate

and reinforce learning?

• Record clear learning objectives or outcomes of the lesson and share these with learners? (They should know what they are there for)

During the lesson do you…

• Vary teaching and learning activities to: o Hold learners’ interests o Meet a range of learning styles and abilities o Actively engage learners in the learning process

• Ensure that learners are given clear information and guidance throughout the lesson.

(Tell them if you want them to do something such as take notes)

• Show interest and enthusiasm for the subject and create a positive and constructive atmosphere for learning? (Your manner and approach will inspire or disengage learners)

• Ensure that the pace of activities is appropriate for:

o Subject level o Stage of course o Individual learning needs


• Manage different learning needs in the group? (Through extension activities, differentiated resources, structured group work activities, varied levels of support etc)

• Use appropriate teaching and learning resources – including ILT – effectively and

creatively to support and promote learning? (Remember, of all the senses, sight has the most impact on learning)

• Link learning content to previous learning and experience and use topical and

vocationally relevant examples to explain and clarify the lesson content?

• Use effective questioning skills and appropriate assessment activities to regularly review and check learning throughout the lesson? (All learners not just some)

• Ensure all learners are actively involved in the learning tasks and are working

productively and co-operatively on them?

• Provide clear feedback on progress – written or verbal (as appropriate) – within the lesson?

• Demonstrate highly effective communication and group management skills

appropriate to the age of the learners and level of the qualification?

• Ensure that all language, resources and learning approaches used, positively promote an inclusive learning atmosphere based on respect for difference and diversity? (see below)

Do you check…

• Language and terminology – in course material, in what you say and in what the learners do and say?

• Stereotypical attitudes – oral and written?

• Gender or racial bias in the organisation or balance of learner contribution?

• Breadth and appropriateness of assessment activities to ensure that they reflect a

diversity of approach to learning?

• The physical environment and how this might impact on learning?

• Access and support for learners available within your institution?


At the end of the lesson do you…

• Review aims/objectives/activities completed?

• Ask and check what learners have learnt? (Could use a learning diary for this)

• Check to see if any elements are still outstanding and need to be carried over to the next lesson?

• Ensure that any homework set is given out? (With written instructions where appropriate)

• End with a forward look to the next lesson so that learners can see the links and are

motivated to attend?

• Bring the lesson to a clear close? The role of the teacher is to promote learning .


PGCE PCET Rationale

Name: Time:

Venue: Full/Part time

Observed Session:

1: Describe the context of the teaching and explain the needs of your learners. Justify your reasons for the selection of the learning objectives. 2: List the qualities and constraints of the learning environment in which the session is to take place. 3: State why the selected teaching/learning methods/activities are appropriate to this session. How will you support and develop your learners’ English and Maths skills?


4: Which learning theories are relevant to this lesson? Why are they? 5: Explain how you will use technology in your lesson. 6: Explain how you will assess your students’ learning


7: What methods will you use to gain feedback from your learners in order to evaluate the success of the session? 8: Explain how you will address the targets set in your previous lesson observation.

Signature: Date:


PGCE PCET Lesson Plan


Year/Group: Professional & Minimum Core Standards

Context of Lesson: (Why are you teaching this element? How does it fit into the scheme of work?)

Aim and learning objectives of the lesson:

Assessment Strategies: (How will you know if the learning has been successful? How will you measure this learning? Are there opportunities for peer assessment?) Assessment for Learning: Assessment of Learning:

Resources: (How will you use ICT? What other resources will you use?)

How will you address Equality and Diversity?

How will you differentiate?

Explain and justify your teaching and learning methods/activities:


Explain how you will develop learners’ English and Maths skills (Include specific reference to supporting learners’ language, literacy, numeracy and ICT skills as appropriate).

Plenary (How will you open/begin/conclude/summarise your lesson?)

Anticipated Problems/Solutions

Review of targets from previous observation: List:

Actions taken in this lesson to address these targets:


STRATEGY Stage and Timing

Learning and teaching activities

Learning objectives Resources and Equipment

Assessment of learning outcomes

Professional & Minimum Core Standards


PGCE PCET Post Observation Summary & Targets

Trainee Name: Mentor: Date of Observation/Discussion: Observation Number: Subject: Class Taught: Placement: PDT: List below the Professional/Minimum Core Standards being targeted during the lesson observation or review and guidance session: Professional Standards observed or discussed

Grade: Professional Standards observed or discussed


Minimum Core Standards observed or discussed:

Post Observation Feedback Part 1. Summary of achievement against previous targets.

Part 2. Observer feedback. Please also comment (in reference to the Professional Standards identified) on strengths and areas for development. Include explicit reference to trainee’s targets and use of strategies relating to developing learners’ skills in English and literacy, numeracy and Maths and ICT where appropriate.


Part 3. Targets for development (please comment in reference to the Professional Standards identified):

• Signed (Trainee): Date: Signed (Mentor): Signed (PDT): Joint Observation: �


PGCE PCET Trainee Self Evaluation

Name: Date:

Venue: Full/Part time


How you met the needs of your learners

The appropriateness and relevance of your learning outcomes


The appropriateness of your teaching and learning methods

The effectiveness of your resources /learning aids, particularly your use of ICT

The effectiveness of strategies you used to differentiate between learners. Provide specific examples, such as strategies used with specific students and why. How did these strategies challenge the more able learners? How did these strategies support the less able learners?


What were the outcomes?

The assessment of learners (including diversity & equality issues) How did you gather learner feedback to support your comments?

What targets were you set in your previous observation? How successful were you in addressing these targets?

Please give the name(s) of the person/people who observed this session. Name:………………………………………………………………………………. Role:………………………………………………………………………………… Name:………………………………………………………………………………. Role:…………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Completing the Tasks A. Your teaching and learning philosophy (500 words)

B. A written reflection and analysis of your teaching (1000 words) You will need to include an analysis of the pedagogy you have developed for teaching your specialist subject. Consider what has gone well in your teaching practice so far? Why has it? Why has not gone so well? Why? What have you learnt? C. An analysis of your Roles and Responsibilities (500) You may wish to consider the following:

• What does the term ‘professional’ imply? How do I ensure I maintain my professionalism?

• What meetings can/do I attend? (Team, curriculum, staff development etc.). How can/do I contribute to these meetings?

• What extra curricula activities can/do I get myself involved in? (open days, parents’ evening etc)

• What are my responsibilities as a member of staff regarding health and safety, equal opportunities etc? (self and students)

• What are my responsibilities as a member of staff regarding rules and regulations of learner attendance and punctuality? Why is this important?

• What is the structure of my institution? (e.g faculty, school based etc.) • What examples of networking can I provide?

N.B A list of your roles and responsibilities is not an analysis ! You could choose to look at 2 in detail and analyse these. D. An observation of a specialist teacher In the first instance you will be taking part in observing professional, subject specialist teachers then you will progress to teaching parts of a lesson with an experienced teacher. The parts of the lesson you might teach could be either:

• The beginning of the lesson – establishing ground rules with learners, introducing the aims and outcomes/objectives of the lesson, setting the scene for activities, questioning for prior knowledge etc.

• The middle part of the lesson – managing group(s) activities, assisting learners

during activities, keeping learners on task, motivating learners, assessing learners by questioning, embedding functional skills, checking for inclusivity etc.

• The end of the lesson – checking learners’ work, assessing the achievement of

outcomes/objectives, recapping the session, gathering feedback from learners etc. Ask if you can look at the resources available for your subject specialism. Experienced staff are willing to share but this sharing of good practice is not one way traffic. The university and staff at your placement expect you to devise, design and share your resources too.


• What subject specific resources are available in the Institution’s library? (make detailed notes as you tour the library)

• What subject specific resources are available in the University library? (make detailed notes as you tour the library)

The purpose of the Skills Audit is to give you the opportunity to identify your own development needs in terms of your subject specialism and the minimum core for numeracy, literacy and ICT. The Minimum Core establishes the skills and knowledge that a PCET lecturer should have in order to support the numeracy needs of their own learners.




Log sheet for recording teaching at your teaching p lacement

Date Time Subject or Course

Visiting Mentor or


Number of Hours


Date Time Subject or

Course Visiting

Mentor or Tutor

Number of Hours

This is a true and accurate account of my Practice of Teaching placement. The number of recorded teaching hours has reached or exceeded the minimum required. Trainee’s signature: …………………………………………………………Date:….. …… Mentor’s signature: …………………………………………………………Date:….. …… PDT’s signature: …………………………………………………………Date:….. ……


Learning Resources Essential reading: Cohen, L, Mannion, L & Morrison, K (2010) A Guide to Teaching Practice, 5th edition, London: Routledge (available as an e-book) Francis, M & Gould, J (2009) Achieving your PTLLS Award London: SAGE Publications Petty, G (2009) Teaching Today, 4th edition, Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Reece, I & Walker, S, edited by David Clues and Maureen Charlton (2006) Teaching, Training and Learning: A practical guide, 6th edition, Sunderland: Business Education Publishers Ltd Recommended reading: Wallace, S (2010) Achieving QTLS – The Lifelong Learning Sector Reflective Reader, Exeter: Learning Matters Crawley, J (2011) In at the Deep End. London: David Fulton Publishers. Ebooks: Jordan, A, Carlile, O & Stack, A (2008) Approaches to Learning: A Guide for Teachers Berkshire: McGraw-Hill Fairclough, M (2008) Supporting Learners in the Lifelong Learning Sector Berkshire: Open University Press Websites: Journals and other Publications: FE Now Times Educational Supplement Times Higher Educational Supplement The Journal of Teaching in Further and Higher Education Research in Post-compulsory Education


For Literacy ESOL Essential reading: Cohen, L, Mannion, L & Morrison, K (2004) A Guide to Teaching Practice, 5th edition, London: Routledge (also available as a e-book) Francis, M & Gould, J (2009) Achieving your PTLLS Award London: SAGE Publications Paton, A & Wilkins, M (2009) Teaching Adult ESOL –Principles and Practice, Berkshire: Open University Press (also available as a e-book) Petty, G (2009) Teaching Today, 4th edition, Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Wallace, S (2010) Achieving QTLS – The Lifelong Learning Sector Reflective Reader, Exeter: Learning Matters Wilson, L (2009) Practical Teaching - A Guide to PTLLS & DTLLS, Hampshire: Delmar Cengage Learning Recommended reading: Crawley, J (2011) In at the Deep End. London: David Fulton Publishers. (also available as a e-book) Pollard, A (2005) Reflective Teaching, 2nd edition, London: Continuum Sunderland: Business Education Publishers Scrivener, J (2005) Learning Teaching, 2nd edition, London: Heinemann ebooks Fairclough, M (2008) Supporting Learners in the Lifelong Learning Sector Berkshire: Open University Press Jordan, A. ,Carlile, O. & Stack, A. (2008) Approaches to Learning: A Guide for Teachers Berkshire: McGraw-Hill Martin-Jones, M & Jones, K (2000) Multilingual Literacies Reading and Writing Different Worlds Amsterdam:John Benjamins Publishing Company Websites: Journals and other Publications: ELT Journal FE Now The Journal of Teaching in Further and Higher Education Times Educational Supplement Times Higher Educational Supplement Research in Post-compulsory Education


Introduction to Education and Training Name:

Module Number: Fail Pass

Analyse your teaching in relation to your subject specific skills using academic literature and the Professional /Minimum Core standards to inform your work.

Critically evaluate an aspect of teaching in your subject specialism

Critically evaluate your roles and responsibilities within your learning and teaching context

Collate and organise appropriate documentary evidence to support your claim to meet Professional and Minimum Core standards required at this stage.

The total word count for this is 3000 words


Introduction to Education and Training in ESOL/Lite racy Name:

Module Number: Fail Pass

Analyse your teaching in relation to your subject specific skills using academic literature and the Professional /Minimum Core standards to inform your work.

Critically evaluate an aspect of teaching in your subject specialism

Critically evaluate your roles and responsibilities within your learning and teaching context

Collate and organise appropriate documentary evidence to support your claim to meet Professional and Minimum Core standards required at this stage.

The total word count for the e-portfolio is 3000 wo rds